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"Those of us who discuss collapse are generally dismissed as doom-and-gloomers, the equivalent of people who watch dash-cam videos of vehicle crashes all day, reveling in disaster. Why would we spend so much effort discussing collapse if we didn't long for it?
Those dismissing us all as doom-and-gloomers hoping for collapse have it backward: yes, some long for collapse as a real-life disaster movie, but those discussing collapse in systems terms are trying to avoid it, not revel in it.
If the system is vulnerable beneath a surface stability, then the only way to avoid negative consequences is to understand those vulnerabilities / fragilities and work out systemic changes that reduce those risks.
It's not the analysis of vulnerabilities that causes collapse, it's refusing to look at vulnerabilities because to do so is considered negative. Why not be optimistic and just go with the consensus that the status quo is impervious to serious disruption? Can-do optimism is all that's needed to overcome any spot of bother."

Folks believe what they are manipulated to believe for the most part. Like guns, there are fools out there that say we buy our guns because we look forward to useing them on other people. People jump onto any band wagon they want to ride, thinking first is a lost art.
YEP! When we recently moved one of my own kids was kind of looking at me like I was odd. He was helping me hump a LOT of ammo that movers would not take. He finally mentioned it. I held up a box of 9. Said I paid $10 for this, it was selling for $50 the other day. I like to shoot weekly but not if I have to pay $50 a box. I said when your Mom and I shuffle off wait till next panic, they manage to start one every few years, and sell it. As for the guns, said I enjoy them, hope to NEVER again have to use them for anything other than fun but, I like having them just in case. Not sure if I totally assured him I do not keep a tinfoil hat under my pillow or not :D
Many of Wife's family I am sure talk about how strange I am when I am not there:s0092:. I figure if we have some kind of minor "collapse" and things get bad around them for a short time they will not think me such a strange fellow. In the meantime I really don't care what they think of it. If those who refuse to own a gun ever end up "victims" I am sure they will then take me up on the offer to learn to shoot. Nothing like closing the gate after your cow gets out and all but, human nature I guess.
I put those who fantasize about TEOTWAWKI in the same group as those who think of modern life as a hellhole and yearn for "the past" as a simpler, peaceful, gooder time than the present. To which I answer:

modern life sucks.jpeg
I put those who fantasize about TEOTWAWKI in the same group as those who think of modern life as a hellhole and yearn for "the past" as a simpler, peaceful, gooder time than the present. To which I answer:

View attachment 1078334
YEP. I have heard a few of native heritage spout that stuff. When you explain to them how those ancestors lived? They of course do NOT want to hear that. Put them in that situation for even a couple days and they would be screaming to come back. Even the "poor" here live better than royalty did a few centuries ago.
YEP! When we recently moved one of my own kids was kind of looking at me like I was odd. He was helping me hump a LOT of ammo that movers would not take. He finally mentioned it. I held up a box of 9. Said I paid $10 for this, it was selling for $50 the other day. I like to shoot weekly but not if I have to pay $50 a box. I said when your Mom and I shuffle off wait till next panic, they manage to start one every few years, and sell it. As for the guns, said I enjoy them, hope to NEVER again have to use them for anything other than fun but, I like having them just in case. Not sure if I totally assured him I do not keep a tinfoil hat under my pillow or not :D
Many of Wife's family I am sure talk about how strange I am when I am not there:s0092:. I figure if we have some kind of minor "collapse" and things get bad around them for a short time they will not think me such a strange fellow. In the meantime I really don't care what they think of it. If those who refuse to own a gun ever end up "victims" I am sure they will then take me up on the offer to learn to shoot. Nothing like closing the gate after your cow gets out and all but, human nature I guess.
If a man lives long enough and pays attention he can see the cycles of ups and downs. Gun prices tend to have two sets of values, collectibles and those you may not be able to buy soon:D . I know FFL guys that tried to guess the market but most expect things to happen too quickly.

Same way with the world, folks try to anticipate a crash but never look deep enough at the causes to judge when it's happening. It's happening now like a frog boil and I doubt anyone wants the outcome except the elite. Its my opinion the elite in history has murdered people in every generation with wars and famin. Reset may be our turn in the barrel.
There are those people who look forward to a world-ending situation. Just as there are people who drive fast to the scene of a house fire so they can watch it burn and see people scurry around. They thrill on it. Because they enjoy and look forward to catastrophy. It's a mental illness.
It's not the analysis of vulnerabilities that causes collapse, it's refusing to look at vulnerabilities because to do so is considered negative.
this reminds of a recent 'medical advancement' show on Alzheimers I was watching. After a bit of summarizing global community experience over the last few hundred years, and reviewing various treatment-and-results, the narrator had a insightful comment. Layering of various MRI/CT debris throughout the brain has been regarded as the results of Alzheimers for generations now. His studies has suggested it's the very cause of the problem, the result of abnormal brain nutrient mobilization which deprives normal neurological tissue from functioning. Seems to me to be a Big Deal, just as our OP above suggests in analyzing social disorders.
There are those people who look forward to a world-ending situation. Just as there are people who drive fast to the scene of a house fire so they can watch it burn and see people scurry around. They thrill on it. Because they enjoy and look forward to catastrophy. It's a mental illness.
Joking aside IMO it can be real (sick) desire but usually is one of three things. Idle talk: they're just flapping their jaw, maybe to get a rise. Or a hollowness inside: nothing really means anything and they're desperate for meaning. Or anxiety: feeling so on edge that *something* has to happen to relieve it, and that something is the big kaboom.
Thing about a crash is there is no way to stop it and only hope you will live through it. The crash is very close now with major crime wave and 10+% inflation, a potus that doesn't care if he loses an election as long as he gets his policy in place.
I'd say it revolves around a fantasy of going from being a nobody, to leading your own commando squad of vigilantes handing out justice (as needed) to those all around you, while living on your $9M compound. . .
I doubt there is a nine million dollar compound. If the person had that much they would likely not be feeling like a nobody, and would have an interest in a stable world. But yes it is a fantasy of a status change.
It's the crash after inflation has robbeded us all that will hurt the worst. A depression that last decades.
Yes, that $9 mil compound could deflate seriously in a Depression scenario, no doubt. I never think much about whatever paper value my home and property may have. Because whatever that number is, I still need a place to live. That is the value of it to me, it's utility as housing. Whatever I paid for it initially 34 years ago was fair value at the time; whatever it would sell for now would be fair value of the moment, considering the significant shrinkage of buying power of today's dollar. But that can all change. We saw a taste of it in 2008.

The financial history of the United States has been typified by booms and busts. Only in recent times have the powers that be found ways to stymy these trends with unorthidox financial manipulation. Finance and government are both deep in uncharted waters; the consequences are unknowable. One thing I've noticed, the average people I know and talk to don't seem bothered by any of it. An imminent crash has been predicted for years now and it hasn't materialized, which in my view has contributed to most people's lack of concern. I'm not so confident.
I like being able to use toilet paper and easily buy toilet paper in a society that makes it, ships it, and stocks it for me to buy at a low price. I want to avoid situations that would negatively impact that.
So, on a bit of a lark, I read a book that discusses the contemporary cultural aspects of the zombie craze that was or is common here in the States. It is entitled The Zombies are Coming: The Realities of the Zombie Apocalypse in American Culture, by Kelly J. Baker (Blue Crow Books, 2020):

It was, frankly, a mixed bag and left more questions than answers. Be that as it may, it did tackle a topic that has been common in the preparedness community for some time now: those that seem to or come right out and state an actual desire to experience the end of human civilization as we know it. One such entry from the aforementioned texts covers this phenomenon:

Before we can get to the reality of zombies and their doomsdays, we have to consider the American fascination and attachment to the apocalypses more generally. The continuing desire for the world to end, both past and present, is not going away any time soon. It's time to consider the apocalypse, the people who want it to happen, and the stakes for all of us in the hope for doomsday of any kind.​
Now, obviously, part of her befuddlement is due to the zombie scenario being completely within the realm of fiction. (Curiously, though a religious studies Phd, the author only made passing references to apocalyptic literature and tradition in history. A deeper comparison could have been fascinating, but I digress.) There are, however, real events that could be civilization destroying or even the end our species' existence altogether. Such examples are a large impact event, a nuclear exchange between two or more major powers, a large scale ecological disaster, an unstoppable contagion, et al.


  • Have you encountered individuals holding to such views?
  • If so, what conclusions did you come to with respect to reasons for their curious outlook?
  • More broadly what does it say, if anything, about our culture at large?
  • Do you see this phenomenon having any impact on your preparations? And, closely related, how it could affect the likely outcomes of a major disaster?
  • Other thoughts?
Thanks for sharing.
The American and most of the world's culture is SICK. I am not just talking about 'pop culture' which I know LESS about now @ 71 years old than I did casually in my teenage years and as a young lady in my 20's and 30's and on.

I only saw a clip of the zombie (?) boob tube show about The Walking Dead (Name?) on a YOU TUBE link that a man posted for me on another gun forum a LONG time ago. I only watched part of it and it was DISGUSTING, violent, bloody from what I saw on the link,, etc. I TURNED IT OFF.

I have seen THE ROAD movie if that is the right name. Father and son traveling away from their home.

I saw the German Shepherd movie with the man in NY where some virus kills off most people.

I have seen only a FEW of those types of movies in my lifetime.

My husband did buy the marked down disc set of Jericho or some title like that. We saw it, I barely remember it all now, and we donated it to our library. There was another odd short series on dvd but it did not have to do with the end of the world. People lived OFF GRID and it was on some southern mountain in the USA. We donated that too.

I have met some people offline and online who SALIVATED for this garbage just like the R and D neo cons SALIVATE for more wars ala PNAC. Uh huh.

Same S - Different Day!

I believe that the HARD CORE ones that I met or knew casually online and offline were whacked out in their thinking.

NO offense.

STUFF that they should have been planning for and TAKING CARE OF ASAP on a personal or professional level or on ALL LEVELS of their lives were NOT completed or even paid attention to - worked on and some other CRAPOLA was. I mean it was like their PRIORITIES IN LIFE were just effed up.

No potable water or water filters or SPARE Rx eyeglasses or FILL IN THE BLANKS but we have enough guns and ammunition for a third world army! LOL Plus they want WAR and for the S to hit the fan! Cra cra people.

NO offense.

They were MENTALLY ILL in some cases, NO offense, and they were downright DEPRESSING TO BE AROUND.

Gee, would it be because they were depressed or making themselves SICK and depressed while they thought of this crapola 24/7?! Uh huh.

Gosh, who would have thunk it!

Some of those people were not just NORMAL prepared people for some weather related, financial situations, riot crapola, etc.

Some of them were medium to hard core preppers who were SICK in my opinion because they had NO JOY in their lives or appreciated the GOOD THINGS in life even though we live in a SICKO SOCIETY.

The GLASS was always half EMPTY to them instead of half FULL too!

A lot of them are loners or they only hang around with their KIND of people who are ONLY into THEIR hobbies or professional line of work too.

They do not socialize, now or in the past, or never did with other people who may have different opinions or come from other parts of the country or another state that they put down or even from other parts of the world. They are ISOLATED in their own little world or they have TUNNEL VISION big time!

Some of them were religious (NOT mainstream but off shoot belief systems in many cases but NOT in all cases.) and some of them were NOT religious and hard core atheists not just agnostics. They literally hated any talk or to be around people who had light or medium belief systems. A LOT of those people are OUT there and while they want discussions about THEIR subject matters - they do not want or allow it in other subject matters.

Those people are offline and online big time!

The ones who say religious comments like, "Come ___!", are just as sick mentally in MY opinion as the ones who have zero belief systems. I saw that on a forum years ago.

NONE of those movies, books or hard to light so called 'preppers' have any impact on MY normal outlook and normal for ME prepared planning.

I was raised to be prepared for weather related emergencies YEAR round, buy on sale, make some things for yourself and home, build or fix things if you can at a reasonable cost, personal responsibility in ALL areas of your life BIG TIME, live on a budget and within your means, save up for things, garden, sew, etc.

INFLATION and all of the BIG and crazy .gov spending long before Crazy Land and Senile Land Trump/Biden is a KILLER now to the middle class and those who only rely on X amount of worthless dollars. It was BAD when Bushie 2 and SHOOTER DICK (Ugh!) expanded ALL of the .gov agencies and their PNAC wars - policies. It was BAD with LBJ and his Great Society - vomit time and more there.

Either way, the BANKERS and the FEDERAL RESERVE (Inflation, deflation, whatever!) along with the ONES who are out to destroy this country some more with BS SHUTDOWNS (Virus and more FEAR MONGERING 24/7.) should scare the POOP out of people more than all of the ZOMBIE garbage and other crapola that many of those END OF THE WORLD lovers want and salivate for.

The MASS MEDIA, the R and L politicians, Fauci and his ILK, REAL TIME INFLATION, DEFLATION, more fear mongering non stop is what is going to KILL this country some more.

It may BOTHER some people only a small amount because THEIR JOB is protected or in a special classification and they don't see it. Tunnel vision or because they deem themselves SPECIAL with what the H we have seen in the last few years.

This 24/7 MASS MEDIA talk - brainwashing - propaganda - fear mongering VIRUS SALAMI (One big Psyop and more just like Q and Q Anon salami.) has screwed up many companies, small and large, all kinds of businesses, people from all walks of life, all ages, etc.

Gee, I wonder how many 'preps' were ruined in the latest floods out west and in the HORRIFIC tornadoes and high wind damages and deaths where ALL OF THEM were destroyed totally?

And the poor people who DIED and ones who were injured? That is a concern and should be to most sane and normal people.

Several other states got hit but the MASS MEDIA is not covering or hardly talking about it at all.

MY conclusion is that PEOPLE can believe, think, plan or not plan, prepare a lot or a little, etc. for ANY TYPE of emergency or THING in life that they CHOOSE to do as an individual.

My conclusion is that some people are strange and ARE whacked out in their thinking aka mentally ill when they want the world to END in some big S hit the fan deal/mess.

Now there ARE people who were or are dying of a chronic disease or something like cancer and THEY DO PRAY that their pain will end since they do BELIEVE and have FAITH in their Maker and in heaven.

Those people usually only have a couple of months, weeks, days or hours LEFT TO LIVE on earth even if they are totally ALERT and with it mentally while being on some Rx pain meds.

Those people are NOT, not and not like the ones who pray for some END OF THE WORLD CRAPOLA I mentioned here or elsewhere in person - OFFLINE or online.

There are those people who look forward to a world-ending situation. Just as there are people who drive fast to the scene of a house fire so they can watch it burn and see people scurry around. They thrill on it. Because they enjoy and look forward to catastrophy. It's a mental illness.
This x 1,000!

IT is a mental illness.

Old Lady Cate
I like being able to use toilet paper and easily buy toilet paper in a society that makes it, ships it, and stocks it for me to buy at a low price. I want to avoid situations that would negatively impact that.

I just did some more work in the big closet aka the pantry.

I rotated some paper goods, other items and food.

My husband has one more trip to make for some of our donations.

Take care.


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