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BBC is British Broadcasting Co correct? Somehow it really bothers me when a news media GIANT blathers biased crap like this. Portraying it to be a "Nightmare" for the democrats if a conservative judge were appointed to take Ginsberg's place? WTH? BBC should stay the hell across the pond and feed their biased garbage to the Brits and the rest of the GD socialists countries over there! :mad:
BBC is British Broadcasting Co correct? Somehow it really bothers me when a news media GIANT blathers biased crap like this. Portraying it to be a "Nightmare" for the democrats if a conservative judge were appointed to take Ginsberg's place? WTH? BBC should stay the hell across the pond and feed their biased garbage to the Brits and the rest of the GD socialists countries over there! :mad:
Actually the BBC is correct. It will be a nightmare for the democrats if another conservative judge is confirmed.

They didn't say it would be a nightmare for the country just for the democrats.:D
Actually the BBC is correct. It will be a nightmare for the democrats if another conservative judge is confirmed.

They didn't say it would be a nightmare for the country just for the democrats.:D

My point is, it's not the medias job to tell me how people will feel about anything. Their job is to report what happened, is happening or what might happen. A nightmare is losing your job, losing your house and living on the street. A right leaning SCOTUS is not a nightmare in any sense of the word.

After more thought...I could be considered center, or even left leaning on some things and right leaning on others. But I would believe a right leaning SCOTUS would be best for the country because of the willingness of the Conservative party to go slow and careful, rather than full retard like the rabid liberals in Oregon do and leaving the public to pay for their lack of foresight. Literally $$$$$$$$
lk ginsburg.jpg
My point is, it's not the medias job to tell me how people will feel about anything.

I agree with you! Most of what passes for news these days is actually editorial. Give me the facts and I'll make up my mind about what it means to me!
Trump should nominate Killary Klingon for the next SCOTUS seat. That way, the FBI can THOROUGHLY investigate her, find 1,000 reasons to disqualify, and then the Senate can take the findings and begin prosecuting :D

Just saying :D...

PS... I borrowed the above idea from another site...
I support a right leaning SCOTUS I do not support a stacked conservative SCOTUS. To me none of the SCOTUS should have a political affiliation. They should be doing what's best for the country not supporting political goals. I know keep dreaming.
I support a right leaning SCOTUS I do not support a stacked conservative SCOTUS. To me none of the SCOTUS should have a political affiliation. They should be doing what's best for the country not supporting political goals. I know keep dreaming.

That's the problem, the ACTIVIST judges that do what they THINK is best for the country, rather than the strict interpretation of the Constitution as written.
My point is, it's not the medias job to tell me how people will feel about anything. Their job is to report what happened, is happening or what might happen. A nightmare is losing your job, losing your house and living on the street. A right leaning SCOTUS is not a nightmare in any sense of the word.

After more thought...I could be considered center, or even left leaning on some things and right leaning on others. But I would believe a right leaning SCOTUS would be best for the country because of the willingness of the Conservative party to go slow and careful, rather than full retard like the rabid liberals in Oregon do and leaving the public to pay for their lack of foresight. Literally $$$$$$$$
That's the problem, the ACTIVIST judges that do what they THINK is best for the country, rather than the strict interpretation of the Constitution as written.
Even Trump doesnt believe that or he would let Congress determine our immigration policy as stated in the 14th. It is up to Congress not the president who is allowed to migrate to our country.
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg goes down"

Well that's something horrific that's gonna be near impossible to get out of my mind.
My point is, it's not the medias job to tell me how people will feel about anything. Their job is to report what happened, is happening or what might happen. A nightmare is losing your job, losing your house and living on the street. A right leaning SCOTUS is not a nightmare in any sense of the word.

After more thought...I could be considered center, or even left leaning on some things and right leaning on others. But I would believe a right leaning SCOTUS would be best for the country because of the willingness of the Conservative party to go slow and careful, rather than full retard like the rabid liberals in Oregon do and leaving the public to pay for their lack of foresight. Literally $$$$$$$$

I read news from the BBC and the Economist because what you ascribe to "telling us what to think/feel" I see as analysis. And, they are a helluva lot more astute and unbiased than most outlets here. Most of the rubbish on this side of Atlantic consists of T Heads squawking about the sky falling.

You would be the 3rd or 4th person I've heard that from. I disagree, but it is interesting if you look at it through a filter of the "2040" agenda.
I read news from the BBC and the Economist because what you ascribe to "telling us what to think/feel" I see as analysis. And, they are a helluva lot more astute and unbiased than most outlets here. Most of the rubbish on this side of Atlantic consists of T Heads squawking about the sky falling.

I watch so little news, I guess any news sets me off any more. I am glad though that members here wade through the crap and put it out for discussion. Also, the written word is much easier on the blood pressure than the talking heads on the tube.
I reserve the right to wish ill upon anyone I feel like wishing ill on. I hope she falls down the stairs and breaks her neck. Then I will celebrate her death. Petty, huh?
She is back to work, but obviously is suffering from some type of either auto-immune condition or serious bone/joint degradation issues. You don't just fall down and keep breaking your ribs. And, for an 85 year old woman to take a blow like that she is going to have serious health problems and significant long-term chronic pain. This is like the third time this has happened to her. She obviously is in very poor health and her days are numbered. We can only pray she becomes incapacitated or incapable of continuing with her job in the next two years and not after 2020 when a worst anti-Constitution judge takes her place with the blessing of the possible nutjob Antifa backed Democrat President.
I'm not going to be doing much @ 80+ years old. How and why we let politicians go past certain ages is beyond me.

This is only one example of one political person who is well into their lost marbles ages still running an office.

At this point they are literally living of the desire of power only, that or small children's soles.

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