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Here are a few honorable mentions:

- The "convincer." I made it from a double bit axe that lost its head and a 4x6 piece of scrap pressure treated wood. It's one of my favorite hammers. I use it to "convince" framing to be plumb and square, haha. Usually big lumber like deck frames or beams. One face is plain, the other has a piece of mudflap attached when I want to protect the finish. I soak the head in misc oil ever so often to keep it from splintering.

-Next one is an old garden edging tool. Works great for its intended purpose.

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Somewhat just for fun here.
What are some weapons / items you could use for home defense that ain't firearms...?

And yes I know that home defense is much more than firearms or weapons...
Again this is somewhat for fun , or for thinking outside of the box , so to speak.

Below are some of my options / choices.

Nothing better than a good dog!
They sure as hell make GREAT alarms even if they don't bite. Their sense of hearing and smell make them great for telling us if someone or something is close. Wife's hearing is getting bad. At night when I am working feels good knowing the fur alarms would raise hell if she was sleeping through the motion detectors telling her someone was poking around outside.
Blue light laser from TDU to burn a hole in their forehead then spray them down with a can of Inferno from cold steel so they wish they had been shot.
My father, age 96, with dementia had a sock with a bar of soap in tied with a knot at the top next to his bed. He may have been out of it but always believed in an "equalizer", as he called aids to a fight.

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