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I understand this is a particularly nasty strain of measles... Brought in by a vacationer or visitor, spreading like wildfire.

Not to derail the thread, but this is another argument for controlled immigration. My wife and our oldest went through a battery of vaccinations to come to the States. All immigrants should be subject to the same treatment. Visitors as well...

I thought we beat this stuff 40 or 50 years ago. Remember getting drilled when I was in grade school...
I have a friend that is an anti-vaxxer... it's hard to take. As a former Rotarian, I was saddened when the Rotary mission to eradicate polio throughout the world failed. That happened as a result of a very few backwards cultures. Now polio is making a comeback. And as bugs become more resistant, standby for trouble in the USA.
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The anti vaxers and the chem trail people fail to understand science or physics. They are a stones throw away from being flat-earthers.

I was astounded when my friend, a very intelligent professional, posted some garbage about chemtrails... what nutball thing won't these conspiracy lemmings go for???
Honest question: Do we need more quality control for manufacture of vaccines? I keep hearing about vaccine injuries, but I'm also hearing/reading that those are either hyped or related to other causes. Anybody know the real dope?
from 2004 to 2015 cdc says about 8 people died from measles.
the VARS system that the cdc uses to keep track of adverse events related to vaccines says
that during that same time span 108 people died from a reaction to the measles vaccine,
50 % being kids;
vaccines are great until it is your child that dies;
glaxo smith kline in an inter office memo even list autism as a side effect in some of their vaccines
but yes we anti vaxers are the cooks give it a freaking rest already.
I am definitely for vaccinations. I keep my kids and my animals (sometimes not sure which is which) up to date.
Flu shots though I stay away from after bad experiences in the military.
from 2004 to 2015 cdc says about 8 people died from measles.
the VARS system that the cdc uses to keep track of adverse events related to vaccines says
that during that same time span 108 people died from a reaction to the measles vaccine,
50 % being kids;
vaccines are great until it is your child that dies;
glaxo smith kline in an inter office memo even list autism as a side effect in some of their vaccines
but yes we anti vaxers are the cooks give it a freaking rest already.

You should look at rates (cases per million) instead is absolute numbers. That gives a better comparable. The rate of bad outcomes from contracting measles is higher than the rates of bad outcomes from getting the vaccination.

Not saying there aren't bad outsoles for vaccinations, just saying the rates of bad outcomes for vaccination is better than contracting measles.
see the problem is papa even that CDC report says last person to actually die of measles is in 2015
yet the The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national vaccine safety surveillance program co-sponsored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The purpose of VAERS is to detect possible signals of adverse events associated with vaccines. this is nation wide whole numbers

says that between 2004 and 2015
108 people died from a reaction to the measles vaccine,
50 % being kids;

the same cdc that says vaccines are safe

again, as long as it is not your loved one that dies.....
Is there a way to bring those slides in off the PDF? (Source =

What I find interesting is that one slide is saying that 600,000 deaths worldwide in the year 2000 due to measles, with over 20.5million lives saved 2000-2016 due to vaccination. Yet the info provided by saxon says 8 people died from measles (presumably in the US) during relatively the same time period. It seems to me that vaccination is doing a wonderful job! It's not perfect but do we really want to return to those high rates of death before measles vaccinations became prevalent? If 108 died that is bad, but how many will die w/o a working vaccination program?
the same cdc that says vaccines are safe

A constant mantra that I read. But looking at the data, I would still say "relatively safe"... compared to the risk of a worldwide measles epidemic. The same could be said for flu.

again, as long as it is not your loved one that dies.....

Yes, I get it. But is narrow view vs the big picture. IMO life is a risk. I had a duty to protect others from infection that might travel in my kid.

Question: Are vaccines more dangerous than they used to be? Is there a shoddy manufacturing problem that needs to be addressed?
I was astounded when my friend, a very intelligent professional, posted some garbage about chemtrails... what nutball thing won't these conspiracy lemmings go for???
Ive had a couple family and friends fall for it too. I always tell them to go to the Evergreen aviation museum. I had an incredible volunteer give my father and I an impromptu tour where she explained the physics of high altitude aircrafts. Laying out exactly what perceived chem trails are. I think a lot of people confuse low altitude chemical application and cloud harvesting (midwest) with what they see much higher in the sky.
from 2004 to 2015 cdc says about 8 people died from measles.
the VARS system that the cdc uses to keep track of adverse events related to vaccines says
that during that same time span 108 people died from a reaction to the measles vaccine,
50 % being kids;
vaccines are great until it is your child that dies;
glaxo smith kline in an inter office memo even list autism as a side effect in some of their vaccines
but yes we anti vaxers are the cooks give it a freaking rest already.

108 out of how many people that got vaccinated? I bet it's an extremely small percentage. Only 8 people (in the US I'm assuming) died because most people are vaccinated.
Sadly there are people who will fall for anything that some kook puts out. Never quite sure why. NOTHING is risk free. So if you have common sense you have to weigh risk on anything. I have zero doubt someone has had a bad reaction to vaccines. This is not even a drop in the bucket compared to the people who died before we all but wiped out these diseases. I remember when this got going good, the hoax. LONG before Algore invented the internet these people were spreading this by word of mouth and papers you would find scattered around. When it first started going good people could get away with it. Few being harmed as in this county the diseases were all but wiped out. Then we started importing people from the 3d world with no screening. Now all of a sudden kids started coming down with diseases many Doctors had never seen. I often have to see the parents who are told their child has some disease that had been wiped out and may die. All because they made the "informed choice" to not "risk" the vaccine. Every year I am all but forced to take a flue shot. I can opt out but they make it real hard. I am first in line to get the damn thing. To me it is amazing that people with an education fall for risking their child's life by not protecting them from stuff that is so easy to prevent. All because of something "they heard on the net". <shrug>
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I remember the topic of Ebola coming to our shores a few years back and the idiots on here and the creeping conspiracy theorists. As much as that was a non event this is real. We finally have 70 people out of millions in the Pacific northwest that have been identified with measles because some do not want to get vaccinated and hence something in this country that should have been eradicated is back. We asked for it as a society and its here. I feel sorry for the children due to the ignorance of thier parents. Those that refuse to get their children vaccinated to me are as bad as the ones who are caring the disease. It takes both for the virus to be successful. IMHO.

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