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I went to the web site and clicked "Yes" to see what happens. I see that the web site then forwarded to So apparently, you as a person who openly admits to having voted for Joe Biden, opposes firearms dealers from promoting links to Joe Biden's web site where he pushes anti-rights policies.

Between the two of us we have nothing in common except participation on this web site. You are part of a larger group of the population that accuses the other half of society of being white supremacists, bigots, racists, and homophobes. That 35,000 rounds of .22 LR, 9mm and .45 ACP isn't going to do you much good when you try to start herding "white supremacists", "bigots", "racists", and "homophobes" on trains. We know what you are, we know what your plans are and we are going to fight back. You might be able to fire off a few rounds before you discover that Democrats aren't the only ones with firearms and ammo.

spot on! hope he has help to shoot all that ammo when his "side" decides to turns on him. i am guessing after stating his position he wont have many from here that will.
"The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them." ― Vladimir Ilich Lenin
Lesson - don't sell rope (or ammo) to Communists when they are planning to hang (or shoot you) you.
Ahhh... "I love the 2nd Amendment, BUT,... I don't think the sheeple should be allowed to own/shoot/have whatever I don't like", cop-out. Sort of like the "Donald was the ONLY president who didn't get us in a war in the last 50 years, fought FOR America, eighteen minutes after being sworn in had the NY Times publish a paper he was going to be impeached, exposed the DC swamp ....BUT, he didn't spend ALL his time doing what I wanted done, so Orange Man bad!" Wonderful, just wonderful.

I am uncertain as to the direction of your meaning, sir.

The BOR was put in place to restrict Government acts, not the actions or liberty of citizens.

As I stated in a post above-
The fact that " The British are coming " to seize privately owned cannon, powder, and shot seems to have been lost somewhere.

George Santayana was correct.

Meaning that there should be no restriction on privately owned and maintained arms, and those who fail to learn the lessons of history...........
This was posted on the Twitter earlier.. it pretty much concretely proves exactly what gun owners accomplished by Riden With Biden. It also refutes those who conflate the idea that one can support the Bill of rights and a leftist agenda.

This was posted on the Twitter earlier.. it pretty much concretely proves exactly what gun owners accomplished by Riden With Biden. It also refutes those who conflate the idea that one can support the Bill of rights and a leftist agenda.

View attachment 826692
His level of Gravitas isn't high enough to force enough reps and senators to support that. They like getting reelected $$$. Remember that the next time you support term limits.
While I appreciate the sentiment, I question the wisdom of that position.

The precedent it sets is not a good look and will be hell to pay when the other team starts doing it.

The democrats already have. People who supported trump are being fired for supporting trump.
i.e. Gina Carano who was fired from star wars series for tweets supporting trump and republicans
The democrats already have. People who supported trump are being fired for supporting trump.
i.e. Gina Carano who was fired from star wars series for tweets supporting trump and republicans
Yeah, who knew that an actress in Hollywood would get ostracized and fired for comparing the plight of Republicans to that of the Jews in the Holocaust. Thats just mean.

FWIW Ive been fired for saying stuff that was less insipid..
I am uncertain as to the direction of your meaning, sir.

The BOR was put in place to restrict Government acts, not the actions or liberty of citizens.

As I stated in a post above-
The fact that " The British are coming " to seize privately owned cannon, powder, and shot seems to have been lost somewhere.

George Santayana was correct.

Meaning that there should be no restriction on privately owned and maintained arms, and those who fail to learn the lessons of history...........

Sorry I didn't make it obvious enough. We don't have to worry about "communists" selling us out/over-running us (well, yes, we do, but "we have met the enemy and they is us" - Pogo) when "we" (collectively) have "our" (allegedly) "own" (sort of) side selling "us" (again collectively) out (literally). Look at any "pro-gun" (sort of) thread here and read the "I am a 2nd Amendment 'supporter', BUT... I don't like this gun, that gun, we need to restrict the people's right to do what I don"t like, like the idea of honest citizens being able to keep and bear arms, honest citizens feeling free to go where they want, when they want and how they want, and criminals being afraid the victims they prey might be armed, so we need more laws that infringe on honest, law-abiding citizens rights, and do nothing about crime, but only help criminals." So on, and so forth.

Seriously, go look at the threads here on this site (or any "pro-gun" site) that are (allegedly) pro-gun/pro-American and are filled with "I support the 2nd Am. BUT..." posts. Count them. Then look at how many support the Constitution and BOR, period,. No waffling, no "however...", no "in my opinion...", no "but..." and count them. Then come back and tell me if your count is the same as mine. Then tell me we are not SOL.
Yeah, who knew that an actress in Hollywood would get ostracized and fired for comparing the plight of Republicans to that of the Jews in the Holocaust. Thats just mean.

FWIW Ive been fired for saying stuff that was less insipid..

The guy who plays the Mandalorian (same show) posted a picture comparing Jews behind barbed wire to kids in detention centers on the border behind holding cell bars. He's still employed, and is very proud liberal. James Gunn posts pedophile like statements on twitter and is still employed by Disney. He's a very proud liberal. What Gina posted wasn't even remotely inappropriate. Let's have some perspective here because any argument that ignores the tremendous bias against conservatives is just ignoring reality.
1) "If I could dream, it would be that only people who aren't on welfare could vote. It seems like a conflict of interests to be getting a handout from the government and be able to vote for more, or for the people promising more."
My wife and I are "on" Social Security and Medicare. Do we get to vote?

In this dream world, there wouldn't be social security. It's a government run Ponzi scheme and I'd much rather have my own money to use and invest as I see fit rather than pay into a system that I am not guaranteed to be able to use.

Simply put, the government shouldn't be involved in charity whatsoever. If they are taking it out of my pocket to give to someone else without my consent, that's theft.
Thread closed.

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We are a single-issue organization, focused solely on bringing people together in support of the 2nd Amendment. Religious and political content is inherently divisive, working against the very goals of our organization. This includes news-related content that our staff believes may cause division. This rule applies to the site in its entirety, including the Off Topic section.

It is important to note that firearm-related political content is not prohibited. However, clear attempts to fabricate this relation may be considered a rule violation.

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