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I hear they are going to screen incoming travelers . . .
The problem is that they won't be allowed screen anyone
from Africa. That would be PROFILING!?!?!?!?

You've already heard about Sgt. Michael Monning, who showed up at Urgent Care this morning with Ebola-like symptoms. Turn on CNN--a spox for the Dallas Fraternal Order of Police just told Erin Burnett that a second deputy who entered index patient Thomas E. Duncan's apartment when Monning did is reporting symptoms, as is a third LEO who drove Monning's unsterilized vehicle the day after Monning drove it
I hope this is a hysterical reaction or the cops just want some down time because if it is real healthy PPL are being infected at a very high rate/minor exposure threshold and something has changed in the virus

The second report of additional deputies may be a hoax
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They are screening by asking questions, WTF, they need to close entry to this country to anyone that comes from those regions, not ask dumb fing questions. That is Obums increased protection ?????????

This disease was never here and was brought here at government order. That is our government that brought it to us, You can damned well bet they have the finest protection from it, but everyone else is exposed to it here.
Does no one see the crime here, the subversive harmful actions of what has been done to us.

It should be mandatory that every person responsible to the top me made to work on the front lines of fighting this disease if they want to bring it to the rest of us they need to be willing to expose themselves first.

I am really angry over this. I do not want my friends and family exposed to this evil crap. AND they were not till it was brought here deliberately by an arrogant faction in our government..
They need to be held accountable for this to the extreme.

The public walks around with a dumb look and DUHHHH dribbling from their mouth instead of outrage ????? GOD help us all......................:s0107:
JRuby and Sam Kinard
This thread is about Ebola, it is very rude to carry on a flame fest that has nothing to do with Ebola here
If you want to be childish and petulant you are more than welcome to do so IN PRIVATEo_O
You must be someone much more important than us to exempt yourself from your own standards to play Moderator IN PUBLIC and turn someone else's thread into your own.

On the other hand, we did in fact hijack the thread and though your feelings seem to be much more hurt than the OP's, I apologize for that. "childish and petulant"? That's a laugh. I am compelled to defend what remains of America regardless of the title of the thread. All the same, if I post in this thread again, it will only be pertaining to Ebola.
Until this new Politico standard was set upon the US..............
When there were plagues, and epidemics, anyone trying to enter the US was placed in quarantine until the incubation period expired and then allowed to enter. The new politics have all but done away with any safety measures to protect the country and instead do all they can to allow harm to the country and its people. That is wrong and nothing can justify it. We must get back to country first and those coming in second. With zero exceptions, until there are no more risks of plagues and epidemics as evil as this Ebola is. Even losing one life because of absolute stupidity and possible unscrupulous intent is too many when it CAN be prevented.
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UPDATES – BREAKING: Possible #2 North Dallas Ebola Exposure (Evaluation Underway) – Patient 2 Is A Police Officer Who Was Inside Patient Zero Apartment – News Conference Scheduled For 3:30pm Central….
Posted on October 8, 2014 by sundance

Ebola scare in Frisco: Patient identified as deputy Marjorie Owens, Jason Whitely and Tanya Eiserer , WFAA 3:58 p.m. CDT October 8, 2014

Crews transported a patient exhibiting "signs and symptoms of Ebola" from a Frisco CareNow to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.

"Right now, there are more questions than answers about this case," said Wendell Watson, a spokesman with the hospital.
The patient was identified as Sgt. Michael Monnig, a deputy who accompanied county health officials Zachary Thompson and Christopher Perkins into the apartment where Thomas Eric Duncan stayed in Dallas.
View attachment 107067Sgt. Michael Monnig, a deputy who accompanied county health officials into the apartment where Thomas Eric Duncan stayed in Dallas.(Photo: WFAA)

The deputy was ordered to go inside the unit with officials to get a quarantine order signed. No one who went inside the unit that day wore protective gear.

According to Christopher Dyer, with the Dallas County Sheriff's Association, Monnig said he was feeling sick to his stomach before his visit to the clinic. Dyer expressed concern for Monnig and his family.

Frisco Mayor Maher Maso said "risk is minimal" from the new potential Ebola case. Frisco Fire Chief Mark Piland said the patient was transported because he had "a few" symptoms that matched those in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, but not all of the symptoms.

It will take up to 48 hours to get test results back to determine if Monnig tests positive for the Ebola virus.

The CareNow is located in the 300 block of Main Street. Patients were held inside the clinic as crews at the scene examined staff and others inside the building, but they have since been released.

<broken link removed>

"The patient claims to have had contact with the Dallas 'patient zero,'" according to a statement from Dana Baird-Hanks, a spokeswoman with the city of Frisco.

Health officials said the transportation of the patient was done out of an abundance of caution.

"We are being very cautious and are in contact with the health department to ensure we follow proper protocol," said Vicki Johns, with CareNow. "Our concern is for the safety and well being of everyone in our clinic."

News 8's Jason Whitely spoke to Chuck Moreno, who had gone into the CareNow facility with his 15-year-old son to get a flu shot Wednesday. Moreno said he saw a patient, whose skin was flushed and who was hunched over but walking, enter the clinic with his wife.

Within minutes, police and fire units surrounded the facility, taped off a gray SUV, and isolated other patients at the facility.
Moreno asked a CareNow employee if it was related to Ebola, and he said the employee nodded her head "yes."

Moreno said he and his son quarantined themselves into an examination room, put on surgical masks they found in the room and sprayed disinfectant on themselves. Moreno said staff told them he and his son couldn't leave the clinic and would be transferred to a major medical center, but he was unsure which one at the time.

Outside the building, people in hazardous material suits readied an ambulance for transport of the patient.

Now just think about this. He contracted by just entering the mans apartment or home and now think about an infected person or many infected people going from department store, grocery store, handling goods and stair, and escalator rails, and food areas, and all the people that will come behind them. Also think about your next mail order item and being packed by some infected person that just sneezed into your carton before he or she closed and sealed it.
This will spread as the flu does and any other disease, and it will come home to roost on every person in this country.
It is already an issue ! It crosses to animals and very capable of becoming airborne and extremely deadly. If you believe this is just like a simple flu, then go and assist the people handling these patients and expose yourself.
Pretending it is not deadly and serious from a thousand miles or more away does not hold water.
Put your actions where your mouth is and then maybe people will listen.
I don't want it here with my family in my neighborhood.
Most of the people I spoke to at the VA hosp and a few from OHSU disagree with you also and are upset about it being brought to the US and felt it should have been treated in the country it was contracted in. And definitely do not like our military being deliberately exposed to it as is being done now, because they know it will be brought to their front door.

i dont recall saying its not deadly. its still not going to be any serious problem here. i also dont care how people feel about the people coming home who have been infected. it would be ethically wrong to bar them from returning to the place they live. its also not the first time our military has been deployed to assist with an epidemic.
i dont recall saying its not deadly. its still not going to be any serious problem here. i also dont care how people feel about the people coming home who have been infected. it would be ethically wrong to bar them from returning to the place they live. its also not the first time our military has been deployed to assist with an epidemic.
When an individual makes a conscious decision to get themselves infected in a place known to be disease ridden, it is not unethical to keep it from those of us smart enough to stay home. Also, when you say that this isn't the first time our military has been deployed to assist with an epidemic, you may as well say that if someone raped you once, they are perfectly within their rights to do it again.

No, it is not anyone else's responsibility to contract a disease that someone else crossed an ocean to get to and it is not the responsibility of our military to be involved at all. When Americans travel to North Korea or Iran and get put into horrible prisons, we don't go to war to free them because of an "ethical" obligation to those that willingly travel to the worst places on Earth and then decide to come home. Such is an individual that travels to an Ebola ridden country. I have no interest in killing innocent people so that others can feel PC. Anyone publicly stating an ethical obligation is owed to these people acting on their own volition(and in the case of Duncan, LYING about where they were as well) should be the ones forced to house them until their quarantine is up. I'm sure that would be like all the people signing the petition to bring illegals to their town, then turning tail when being asked "So, how many can you house?". It's great to be a humanitarian when you demand that others make the sacrifice in the name of "ethics".
i doubt this guy made it a point to get infected. on top of that, its easy to say keep him out but you would sing a different song if it were you. i dont see any valid reason for saying he has no right to return home for quality healthcare, that of which he is now required to pay for; that likely does not cover care in a foreign nation. although he died in the hospital, his return home was still the right decision for him.

it may make some logical sense to deny him entry to the US but it that is not an argument for and ethical decision. he is an american citizen and has a right to return home. only socialists would keep him out to protect everyone else. we live in a nation where the people pride themselves in being united, its even in the name.
Now just think about this. He contracted by just entering the mans apartment or home and now think about an infected person or many infected people going from department store, grocery store, handling goods and stair, and escalator rails, and food areas, and all the people that will come behind them. Also think about your next mail order item and being packed by some infected person that just sneezed into your carton before he or she closed and sealed it.:eek:
This will spread as the flu does and any other disease, and it will come home to roost on every person in this country.
And just when I'm expecting a bunch of parts from Brownells and Midway!:(

Sgt Monning might have preceded the civilian officials into that Apartment. Touched the door knob, then touched his face.:eek: So, what does a person do? Wash your hands, don't touch your face!

My car has Clorox sanitizing wipes, roll of plastic trash bags, vinyl gloves, dust masks.
I carry Quick-Clot (active at DRRC).
Make it your second nature to plan for the worst and hope for the best.
So, dogs can be carriers, but not get Ebola.
I suppose that means other pets and animals can also....
I saw a photo in Time magazine, of a dead victim, with her mother about 20 or so feet away, and the thought came to me, what about flies???

If a fly landed on a victim, got bodily fluids on itself, then flew over to someone, landed on them, and passed infected material onto them, then that person brushed the fly off, getting infected material on their hands then rubbed their face, eyes, etc. I wonder what the chances of the person becoming infected themselves is?

How far can flies fly, anyway, and how long does the virus live not being in a host?

. . . oh wait, carry on :eek:
That is true but the emperor is inviting it in with open arms . . .


One might even conclude that there is a hidden agenda. They haven't managed to disarm us so far, and we are the biggest holdout against joining the NWO.. is this my handle in action? Maneuver warfare? Can't disarm em, use bio weapons?
Why yes he did as does every president does with the military if there is a need of their service. What so new about that?

There is utterly no need that we assist those people over there, and sending them in is an act of overt treason which endangers us ALL
We must get back to total quarantine of anyone coming from any country where that disease is known to be. If they choose to go there then they should expect to be held in quarantine through the 2 week or what every the incubation time is, until it is determined without a doubt that they do not have Ebola.
That is the way it used to be and it needs to return to that standard. When people came here through Ellis island that was one thing that was screened for. Infectious disease. Since our government decided to just open up every crack in the border for illegals to slither through there is little protection from bringing disease here again.
We even have leper colonies here again now.

This Ebola warrants as strong of protection as can be done without exception.
If someone decides to travel while it is epidemic, then they must also abide by quarantine when returning, to protect others inside our country.
It is pretty damned selfish not to ! It is also pretty destructive and subversive to not require that minimum standard.

Anyone wanting to expose others to this hideous disease, should be exposed to it themselves .:mad::mad::mad:

It makes zero sense to fight terrorism around the world to protect citizens here if you are just going to bring a different form of terrorism to the US that has the potential to kill Millions upon millions of people. That is just absolute insanity and could only be advocated by a different form of terrorist !
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