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I get one vote. I exercise it even though it seems a futile endeavor. I also express opinions.
Just ask anybody, am I right? Not in a million years.
i doubt this guy made it a point to get infected. on top of that, its easy to say keep him out but you would sing a different song if it were you. i dont see any valid reason for saying he has no right to return home for quality healthcare, that of which he is now required to pay for; that likely does not cover care in a foreign nation. although he died in the hospital, his return home was still the right decision for him.

it may make some logical sense to deny him entry to the US but it that is not an argument for and ethical decision. he is an american citizen and has a right to return home. only socialists would keep him out to protect everyone else. we live in a nation where the people pride themselves in being united, its even in the name.
Are you kidding? We live in a nation where the people are united and it is in the name? It's The United STATES Of America, not The United PEOPLES COLLECTIVE Of America. And were it me, I would be singing no different tune. I would never endanger myself or family in such a horrid way and I would never claim it is everyone else's obligation to die because I exercised my rights and freedoms. The degree in which you have skewed all things American is startling. We are a nation of free individuals, not a collective that answers for the choice of the individual.

Showing yourself to be so brainwashed as to completely misunderstand what Socialism is and what freedom and liberty are does not bode well for your insane arguments. Socialists believe that we all must die for someone else's choices(and don't forget, in this case someone else's LIES as well.). Americans believe that we are free. Free to travel to Liberia and free to get the diseases we know to be there. Just as my example of "hikers" in Iran. Why do you not argue to go to war for them? Do they not have this mythical "Right To Come Home"? Or does that right only apply where it is convenient? When will we go to war with Mexico for the Marine down there? Does the American that ACCIDENTALY crossed the Mexican border have the same rights as someone that PURPOSELY went to infected areas of Africa?
Once Ebola is widespread here will the Federal Government pass out hazmat suits to the protesters in Ferguson and St. Louis so they can keep "protesting" ? :rolleyes:

Politicians will be the only protected people thru this. The rest of us are expendables. Lets fight like the expendables. No Pun intended.

How do you deal with a "president" that wants to kill you.:mad:
I get one vote. I exercise it even though it seems a futile endeavor. I also express opinions.
Just ask anybody, am I right? Not in a million years.
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It is futile, but I vote as well. I will continue to vote, but this "lesser of two evils" garbage is getting old. I truly feel like our last chance was Ron Paul and we blew it. I don't care what his name is, we need someone to restore our nation, not continue a Socialist "progressive" movement. Someone that will look at the reality of serious problems, be they Ebola, a fake stock market, radical Islam or anything else rather than looking at the political advantages or disadvantages they present.

Authority figures keep telling us of the dangers of Ebola while doing nothing to stop it's movement. They tell us that it can only run rampant in 3rd world countries while setting us up to become a 3rd world country. Maybe Ebola will be what finally brings everything crashing down, allowing something good to be born from the ashes. Let Freedom Ring.
let me get this straight... if someone went up to your home while you were gone and block your entrance, you wouldnt claim a right to go inside?
Just to go along with your odd analogy, yes I would claim a right to go inside. However, if I left healthy, went to a place known to have a horrible infectious disease on my own volition, then returned home and found my wife, children, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. that shared my home barring me out to keep the illness that I knowingly brought home from killing them and their children I would then be forced to face the insanity of the choice I made.

Your different approaches don't work. As Americans we are free to do many things. Travelling to an Ebola soaked region is one of those freedoms. Contracting Ebola is one of those freedoms. Bringing it back to kill those of us smart enough to avoid West Africa is not one of those freedoms.

By the way, your home(by which I assume you mean property you own, rather than rent or have on loan from a bank until the mortgage is paid off in 23 years.) is completely and totally different than your nation of origin. What I mean is, if you go to the grocery store, get sick and come home to your door barred from your re-entry your example would make sense. The idea that the entire nation is "your home" is wild Occupy Wall St. nonsense and more Socialist propaganda.
let me get this straight... if someone went up to your home while you were gone and block your entrance, you wouldnt claim a right to go inside?

Simply if it will endanger the population by your actions then that population has the right to go into self defense mode.
Why is it you are so ready to let this disease run free here. I believe you are going to get steamrolled if you do that.
regardless of how benign you might think it is, it is a killer, and proving that daily in several parts of the world.
It should never have been brought here and the infected should have been treated where they contracted it or in a quarantine center where it should have been caught before being set onto our soil.
Those quarantine centers is how we defeated the serious contagious diseases that were brought here to begin with. Since they sto0ped them we have rampant TB, and other serious diseases like leprosy is back in the US again..
Chagas disease, dengue, and Chikungunya making their way to the U.S. as, "immigration may become a greater disease pipeline

Typical commentary and problems befalling this country is far beyond Ebola. Ebola is the current most evil disease being released here by this terrorist administration.

Quote: From one of a million articles.

"Border Patrol Agent and Rio Grande Valley National BP Council vice president Chris Cabrera told ABC News that there is no real medical screening and agents are encountering illegal aliens with infections: 'We are starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections, we are starting to see different viruses…. It's contagious, we are transporting people to different parts of the state (Texas) and different parts of the country…. We are sending people everywhere. The average person doesn't know what's going on down here." [Navideh Forghani, "Undocumented Immigrants bringing diseases across border?" (Arizona), June 9, 2014]
Patrice Lynes, a nurse and organizer of the Murrieta, California blockade of buses transporting illegal aliens to the city, warns that the waves of illegals are going to create a "crisis for Americans. They are bringing polio, leprosy, venereal diseases, and tuberculosis, including the drug-resistant variety." She points out that, "Regular TB, and drug-resistant TB, both are airborne and both are highly contagious. The regular strain costs about $17,000 a year to treat. The drug-resistant strain may not be treatable, and [if it is] will cost upward of $100,000 a year to treat." And other tropical diseases are coming with the illegals, as well as swine flu, scabies, and lice. [Gina Loudon, "Nurse: Illegals' Baggage includes TB, leprosy, polio," Smart Life with Dr. Gina,, July 9, 2014]
Todd Starnes of FOX News reported that the Obama Administration is trying to keep this information from the public. As he related, "a government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. In spite of the threat, several former camp workers broke their confidentiality agreements and shared exclusive details with me about the dangerous conditions as the camp. They said taxpayers deserve to know about the contagious diseases and the risks the children pose to Americans." One eye-witness told him that "children in the camp had measles, scabies, chicken pox and strep throat, as well as mental and emotional issues." Lice were epidemic "but everything was kept 'hush-hush.'" A horrified nurse remarked, "We have so many kids coming in that there was no way to control all of the sickness—all this stuff coming into the country." [Todd Starnes, "Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest," Todd's American Dispatch,, July 2, 2014] "
Don't think this has not been thought of by enemies of the US.

Treat weaponized Ebola 'as nuclear attack'
Ebola is a deadly contagious disease that never got much attention in the past because it was confined to small villages in sub-Saharan Africa. Ebola would break out, kill off a remote village and then disappear into some latent host, often for years or decades, only to break out again in another remote spot.
Because Ebola is so deadly, it rarely was spread from village to village since no one survived long enough to make the journey.
Transportation has changed all that. Paving the Kinshasa highway and other roads into the interior of Africa has allowed people infected with this disease to travel rapidly to coastal cities. In the current outbreak, Ebola has, for the first time in history, become worldwide due to air transportation of people who contracted the disease in areas of the outbreak, and then flew.
Several weeks ago, I stated that the disease would not be a problem for America if we controlled transportation into the country. In other words, I suggested that we stop anyone from entering the United States whose travel originated in areas of Africa affected by the outbreak of Ebola.
This seemed a simple and obvious measure given the nature of this deadly disease. Sadly, our government failed to do this. Ironically, we are cautious about bringing potentially infected plants or animals into our country, but don't seem to think deadly human diseases deserve the same scrutiny.
And although we were quick to recommend avoiding travel to SARS infected areas, and prohibited passengers with fever from boarding planes in China, we seem to be applying a totally different standard to Africans. Up to this point the CDC and State Department have only issued travel "advisories," and the information at the State Department website is tragically comical.
It advises travelers about insurance aspects of traveling to Ebola areas, sounding more like your local travel agent rather than representatives of a government agency presumably tasked with protecting its citizens.
"The cost for a medical evacuation is very expensive," it explains. "We encourage U.S. citizens traveling to Ebola-affected countries to purchase travel insurance that includes medical evacuation for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)."
Sadly, I am not making this up.
Simple transportation limitations would have prevented "case zero" in Dallas. But now the Ebola genie is out of the bottle, and probably loosed in America. And it almost could not have been a worse scenario – the patient was not just from an endemic area, but had actually carried a sick Ebola patient to a hospital in Liberia for treatment.
That patient and her whole family died of the disease before or during the time "case zero" boarded an airplane. He changed planes several times through several major worldwide hubs before arriving in Dallas. In Dallas he became deathly ill, exposing children and adults in his family, and who knows how many else in the area of his domicile.
He vomited in the parking lot en route to the hospital, and an aerial photo of the family's apartment complex shows a man without protective gear cleaning the patient's vomit from the street using a power washer..
At the hospital he probably sat in a waiting room, signed in with a clerk – did he nervously chew on the pen while filling out forms? – and after examination was sent home.
He did tell the screener of his recent trip from Liberia, but that information did not make it to the medical care providers. (I cannot help but wonder if that was an effect of the Electronic Medical Record nightmare.)
After his nephew contacted the CDC, the patient was isolated and treated, but died anyway. And now we are holding our collective breath to see how many others pop up with the disease. Because people become sick variably after exposure (by reports 2-10 days) who knows when or if he became infectious along his travel route?
As bad as this all sounds, it is probably going to get even worse. Now ISIS has declared it will wage "Ebola jihad" against America by purposely infecting people, then flying them into our country. They certainly have the capacity to do this, and to do it without being detected.
And these "Ebola jihadists" could be from Amsterdam or London or Madrid, thus eliminating our ability to do screening by point of origin. Multiple sick Ebola patients on multiple airlines will expose thousands and thousands of fellow airline travelers – most of whom will not get the disease but the sheer numbers of contacts will exceed the ability of our medical system to identify and track them.
As we have more real Ebola cases of very sick people keep in mind that there are only four true bio-containment specialized facilities for Ebola patients in the United States. Once that capacity is reached other patients will be treated in less rigorous hospital environments by less experienced people not familiar with handling of highly infectious material.
What should we do? First and foremost, the American people are not fooled by reassuring pronouncements by the CDC. Sadly, most doctors – even epidemiologists – don't consider bioweapons a reality, and don't think like military strategists. It is time to discuss this outbreak frankly as a real medical emergency – not to cause panic, nor to curtail basic civil liberties – but to admit the devastating potential of Ebola, and our lack of perfect knowledge as to the degree of danger to the nation and its citizens.
At some point we need to quit worrying about harming the travel and cruise economy and tell people to stop flying to and from Africa. We should halt all flights from areas of outbreak. We should screen all foreign incoming passengers for temperature at the very least, and do better intake screening from all overseas travel. If this begins to get away from us, i.e. there are unexplained cases in multiple areas consistent with the jihadist scenario, then all air travelers should be screened, and air flight may need to be curtailed for the time it takes to track sources and let the disease burn itself out.
I'm not sanguine about flying in the near future until the true nature of this problem has become manifest. Ultimately, as I have said in lectures on bioterrorism, biologic agents are a cheap alternative to nuclear destruction.
Ebola – if used as a weapon – should be treated with the same respect as a nuclear attack on our nation, and it may become necessary to actually take appropriate military action to neutralize the threat.
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Until this disease is eliminated 0r a 100% cure found, the borders of every country should require a quarantine on ANYONE wishing to cross them BASED on the maximum incubation time of the Ebola Virus, + one day.
It would not stop the earth from rotating but it sure would keep a lot of people from contracting this hideous disease. It would save possibly millions of lives.
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Way things are headed it won't be long before Americans are not allowed to travel. Today we have our first transmission of obola in the USA.
Way things are headed it won't be long before Americans are not allowed to travel. Today we have our first transmission of obola in the USA.
I have an early December appointment in Portland. While I'm not cancelling it just yet, I will not go to a metropolitan area if this keeps going. Though the prospect is frightening, I think we are finally seeing the move being made to crush our Liberties. The same government that tells us to fear Islam completely also tells us that a Muslim life is worth more than an American life. For example, Herr Holder & Co. are doing their best to be sure that they protect radical Islam on their way out. I'm curious, if Nazi Skinheads were the ones strapping bombs to themselves would their "rights" be protected, or would every person at the airport with a shaved head, combat boots and suspenders be pulled out of line and cavity searched? I believe the same is happening with Ebola. We can't keep out people born in Africa that gain "citizenship", but as soon as it hits American soil, we can definitely put a military lockdown on our country, effectively erasing the government's requirement to at least consider our rights.

With everything that has happened in recent history, how can anyone think this isn't controlled? With all the crazy things we were aware of a year ago, if someone would have told us 10/12/13 that we would have Ebola on American soil, planes would disappear from the sky and Radical Islam would have what is basically a recognized state(and they call our borders racist) and that a plane would be shot down in The Ukraine just to force a war with Russia, we would have called them crazy. Yet, here we are. I wonder what 10/12/15 will look like and I wonder how many people will still refuse to see it for what it is, trying their damnedest to keep up with the Jones' or Kardashian'. Heady times, indeed.

Just for the sake of how far we've gone, it is now a known fact that aborted babies from Canada were used as fuel to heat hospitals in The UK and power homes in Oregon. Not only that, but they knew what it was and only stopped once it was reported in the news. I have no interest in arguing abortion, but the idea that fetuses would be incinerated for fuel sounds like something straight out of a horror movie. If that isn't representative of where we are, I don't know what is.
The CDC is claiming an unspecified "protocol error". They are so convinced that the protocol they are using is 100% effective they are unable to accept there could be another reason that the disease has spread.

Here in Oregon we are comforted by the fact that since we do not have any direct flights from Africa there is no chance of it coming here. That was sarcasm. Fortunately our MD Governor is more worried about getting reelected and surviving stories about the lobbyist he sleeps with than being an advocate for his Citizen's health. That was also sarcasm.
The CDC is claiming an unspecified "protocol error". They are so convinced that the protocol they are using is 100% effective they are unable to accept there could be another reason that the disease has spread.

Here in Oregon we are comforted by the fact that since we do not have any direct flights from Africa there is no chance of it coming here. That was sarcasm. Fortunately our MD Governor is more worried about getting reelected and surviving stories about the lobbyist he sleeps with than being an advocate for his Citizen's health. That was also sarcasm.
I guess our Governor will need to fly to Texas to tell them that since Duncan' plane stopped in Brussels, no one died and no Ebola is in America. That was easy. But hey, we are talking about a guy who's "First Lady" has admitted(only after being caught red handed, of course) to defrauding our government and immigration laws by marrying a Sudanese man for $5,000. She's really sorry and can't stop sobbing though, so I guess she has had her punishment. More sarcasm.
Second case of Ebola just reported, health care worker who treated Thomas Duncan, the first Ebola patient. Even with all the protective clothing and gear, a breach of protocol resulted in the health care worker becoming infected. Now, they are doing a search for all the people the 2nd infected person came in contact with. I am sure this disease will spread like a wildfire until we stop all flights from the infected West African countries.. Sorry, but this is the only means of containing this deadly and contagious disease.
I truly feel like our last chance was Ron Paul and we blew it. I don't care what his name is, we need someone to restore our nation, not continue a Socialist "progressive" movement.

Our current situation is way beyond the curative efforts of one man or a combined idealogy of a small group of patriots. The corruption of our government is so entrenched and common place that is will take some type of catastrophic failure of our current system and economy before any type of change will happen.

Maybe not in my lifetime, but certainly in the next 30 years or less.
Our current situation is way beyond the curative efforts of one man or a combined idealogy of a small group of patriots. The corruption of our government is so entrenched and common place that is will take some type of catastrophic failure of our current system and economy before any type of change will happen.

Maybe not in my lifetime, but certainly in the next 30 years or less.
My God, Man! It's as though you are reading my thoughts! I have completely given into the fact that the only way to get back to something good, decent and honorable is to pull it from the ashes. This ship must in fact sink in order for it to be salvaged. My only point is that if a President could get us at least pointed in the direction of decency and back to a Constitutional Republic(no matter how many people tell you it is a Democracy. Fortunately the Founders understood the insanity of mob rule.) it was Ron Paul. Not that it would matter anyway, but what potential candidate has any true interest in the rules of the country? Ted Cruz? I would say that is as close as we have right now. Even if Ron Paul was elected and did attempt to write wrongs and get us out of the mess we are in, I'm sure he would just have ended up in a plane crash or massive heart attack. The corruption and the money involved are too massive. Maybe if we simply didn't allow Senators/Congressmen to receive ANY money or "consulting job" in ANY industry that they sit on an oversight committee for. It is absolutely disgusting and I couldn't agree with you more. If Ron Paul couldn't have helped, what will Chris Christie, Mitt Romney or Hillary Clinton do for us in '16? I wonder if we'll even get there. Maybe Ebola will be the fire from which the Pheonix rises. Maybe Ebola will be the cause for the government to take complete control. Maybe Ebola will just be a Y2K type joke if it runs it's course and doesn't kill us all. If nothing else, it's very interesting at the least.

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