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This has nothing to do with the vaccine. No matter how you feel about it, you should be terrified by the power grab going on.

I'm not worried about Covid, nor am I really worried about the vaccine (I just don't think I need it). I'm worried that we are setting a precedent of bureaucrats making our health decisions. We are allowing elected officials to grossly abuse emergency powers by legislating by decree.

It sickens me that some weak souls applaud this because they're skeerd.
This great hoax has really opened Pandora's box for sure. Those who have long dreamed of police state power suddenly fell into a way to get it with little or no push back. People lined up to do as they were told, rights mean nothing. Now that they saw just how easy it was to do they will not give up this new found power to control unless people get angry and vote them out of office in waves. Sadly does not look like that is going to happen. So all we can do is hang on and see where this ride lands I guess. :s0092:
To those who say that Covid is a big nothing, and just get in better shape and you'll be fine: My wife is sick in bed right now, tested positive. My wife is not fit and trim by any means, but she's not bad and we're not that old. It has sure hit her like a freight train.

She hasn't been out of bed except to the bathroom for over a week. She has eaten almost nothing for nearly a week, and I have to constantly bug her to drink water. We finally have a plan with the doctor to get her eating something again. She's never been this sick in her life. It's bad, really bad. Her oxygen levels are OK, so we're riding it out at home. The doctor said the hospitals are full and turning away anyone who's not having respiratory issues. It really offends me whenever I hear people say something along the lines of how it's only the sick and elderly who are dying, so they don't have to really worry. So, are people like my wife just supposed to die off, so what?

After careful consideration, we got vaccinated several months ago. It was our personal decision and seemed the best thing to do for our family. They're saying that the vaccines won't necessarily keep you from getting what's going around now (obviously), but are highly likely to moderate the symptoms. If that's true, I'm glad we got the shot. I'm worried as is, if she were any worse I don't know what would happen. I'm completely fine myself, as are the kids.

Like most of you all, I hate the politics around Covid. It's disgusting and shameful, all the posturing and dishonesty. I can't stand all the self-righteous progressives telling everyone what to do, "for your own good". But I won't let that BS get in the way of doing what I think is best for my family, and for us we determined that included the vaccine.

On the other hand, I'm still not a fan of forcing anyone else. My understanding now is that even vaccinated, you can still get it and can still transmit it, even without symptoms; the vaccine will simply help protect you personally from the worst of the symptoms. That being the case, how is forcing everyone to be vaccinated going to really help, other than freeing up hospital beds?
To those who say that Covid is a big nothing, and just get in better shape and you'll be fine: My wife is sick in bed right now, tested positive. My wife is not fit and trim by any means, but she's not bad and we're not that old. It has sure hit her like a freight train.

She hasn't been out of bed except to the bathroom for over a week. She has eaten almost nothing for nearly a week, and I have to constantly bug her to drink water. We finally have a plan with the doctor to get her eating something again. She's never been this sick in her life. It's bad, really bad. Her oxygen levels are OK, so we're riding it out at home. The doctor said the hospitals are full and turning away anyone who's not having respiratory issues. It really offends me whenever I hear people say something along the lines of how it's only the sick and elderly who are dying, so they don't have to really worry. So, are people like my wife just supposed to die off, so what?

After careful consideration, we got vaccinated several months ago. It was our personal decision and seemed the best thing to do for our family. They're saying that the vaccines won't necessarily keep you from getting what's going around now (obviously), but are highly likely to moderate the symptoms. If that's true, I'm glad we got the shot. I'm worried as is, if she were any worse I don't know what would happen. I'm completely fine myself, as are the kids.

Like most of you all, I hate the politics around Covid. It's disgusting and shameful, all the posturing and dishonesty. I can't stand all the self-righteous progressives telling everyone what to do, "for your own good". But I won't let that BS get in the way of doing what I think is best for my family, and for us we determined that included the vaccine.

On the other hand, I'm still not a fan of forcing anyone else. My understanding now is that even vaccinated, you can still get it and can still transmit it, even without symptoms; the vaccine will simply help protect you personally from the worst of the symptoms. That being the case, how is forcing everyone to be vaccinated going to really help, other than freeing up hospital beds?
If the Doctor you are seeing is not giving her therapeutics then I would seek another quick. The Vaccine is not really a vaccine as we normally think of it, it is also a therapeutic. There are a few that seem to work quite well for helping those who get hit hard deal with this. If they really just pretended like there is no such thing where you went, try another hospital. We are passing the stuff out in the ER and sending people home.
We didn't go to the ER. We went to urgent care last week since it was a Saturday. Her regular doctor is out of office right now, but they didn't want us there anyhow. We talked to a different dr there and he said to go to the ER if she developed respiratory symptoms, which she hasn't.

I asked her about therapeutics and she said they were only giving them to those with respiratory problems. The worst of it for her is digestive, and they told her to just stay home in bed and get plenty of fluids.
We didn't go to the ER. We went to urgent care last week since it was a Saturday. Her regular doctor is out of office right now, but they didn't want us there anyhow. We talked to a different dr there and he said to go to the ER if she developed respiratory symptoms, which she hasn't.

I asked her about therapeutics and she said they were only giving them to those with respiratory problems. The worst of it for her is digestive, and they told her to just stay home in bed and get plenty of fluids.
Sounds good then. She is doing fine if she can breath OK. As with any nasty bug she needs to make sure she does not get dehydrated. If she gets to where she can not keep fluids down they will have to put her on an IV. That stuff they make for kids, that's water with some electrolytes in it is grand for this. Can flavor it up with whatever works. If she has no appetite those meal replacement drinks work great. A few of them a day gives all she needs. If she can not keep them down then it's time to go back to the ER. If she can keep them down she just needs to drink a few. Lots of rest and ride it out. The people who die from this it's the ones who this turns into the lungs filling with fluid. The rest who get it bad it's like any other flu. You feel like crap but, if you can keep fluids in you just ride it out while the body fights it off.
There are plenty of people who are resistant to getting their children vaccinated too.

I don't get why vaccine proponents are so insistent that we force vaccines on those who don't want them.
Because they believe the false narrative that the big c is worse than any other flu bug and refuse to do any research of their own, instead they rely on government (which is ironic since the govs track record with the truth is abhorrent), "news" outlets and any media which supports their fear!😆 Less than 20 min of research will dig up hundreds of articles of jab death's, horrific side effects, exaggerated Numbers of hospital cases, death toll etc etc. This whole thing has been a joke since day 1 and it's keeping a multi billion dollar ad campaign from big pharma to remind us how awful this plandemic is. SMDH!

Sounds good then. She is doing fine if she can breath OK. As with any nasty bug she needs to make sure she does not get dehydrated. If she gets to where she can not keep fluids down they will have to put her on an IV. That stuff they make for kids, that's water with some electrolytes in it is grand for this. Can flavor it up with whatever works. If she has no appetite those meal replacement drinks work great. A few of them a day gives all she needs. If she can not keep them down then it's time to go back to the ER. If she can keep them down she just needs to drink a few. Lots of rest and ride it out. The people who die from this it's the ones who this turns into the lungs filling with fluid. The rest who get it bad it's like any other flu. You feel like crap but, if you can keep fluids in you just ride it out while the body fights it off.
I understand, and the fact that she's not having breathing trouble has been a huge relief. She likes those Bai drinks, so I've been pushing those at her. I bought Pedialyte but she didn't want to drink it. I bought Ensure but it caused the same problems as solid food. I finally got the doctor on the phone yesterday to tell her that she needs to eat something anyhow, despite the painful, explosive, embarrassing problems it caused. Just deal with that so the body can get a little nutrition and strength. Anyhow, enough of that, probably more than anybody wanted to know.

I don't mean to denigrate anyone who sees it differently. I have a LOT of family and close friends who see the vaccine much as most of you all do. Where my perspective is a little unique is that my position is not out of trust for the powers-that-be, but rather a bit of distrust for everyone, especially the reactionary hucksters who push fear of anything "establishment". I do believe that many of us here tend to be a bit reactionary; "If the left is for it then I'm against it".

I was raised in the '80s, and at that time my folks bought heavily into all kinds of stuff- patriot movement, alternative medicine, conspiracy theories, end of the world, etc.. Not that all of that stuff is wrong, mind you, but you've got to be real careful what you choose to believe and check it out for yourself. Those movements are full of hucksters and con artists out to milk whatever they can from the naive. This screwed-up mix of paranoia stunted my life for years, as I figured what's the point- we're all going to die anyhow. Somehow I got past all that and actually started my adult life, albeit a bit late. I learned that you can't automatically trust one side or the other, but you need to figure it out for yourself. It's not healthy to seek out information that only supports your side, and believe it with religious fervor because it supports your chosen views.

I watched my dad die last year (not literally, as he was several states away), because of my parents' deep seated distrust of the medical establishment. It was incredibly frustrating as I talked until I was blue in the face, trying to get them to go to a doctor besides their local naturopath, go see a cardiologist for obvious heart symptoms. When they finally did after a couple years of nagging, he refused to get the multiple bypass the doctor said he needed to save his life. Vitamins and natural therapy were all he needed, he said. Then came the cancer, and he wouldn't do what the doctor said. Doctors are just greedy money-grubbers, you know. He found a book about some guy who supposedly cured cancer 100 years ago, and the cure was suppressed by the greedy establishment, so he spent huge amounts of money with some quack "clinic" out of state, in the only state that even allowed them to operate, not under a medical license, but as some kind of ministry. Just more evidence of the establishment's greed and power, he figured.

My dad wasn't just some ignorant rube either; he was a very intelligent, educated man. He chose what he wanted to believe, and now he's gone. It was unbelievably painful, I felt so utterly powerless, to watch him go like that, when basic modern medicine could have easily given him him another decade.

Anyhow, to each their own, and we all believe whatever we want to believe. Please forgive me if I don't automatically believe that "the establishment" is wrong and evil, and anyone speaking against them is automatically right. I have some basic distrust of both sides. The only ones I really trust are our family doctors who we've come to know and trust, and we'll even research and try to understand what they tell us before buying into it. You can choose your beliefs and ideology all day long, but when the rubber meets the road and your kid's health is at stake, you better be sure.

Sorry for the long-winded rant. I don't mean to offend anyone with anything I said. It's just where I'm at on this subject, and I readily admit that I could be wrong. Sometimes you have to make a decision based on the best information you have, even knowing it could be wrong.
This great hoax has really opened Pandora's box for sure. Those who have long dreamed of police state power suddenly fell into a way to get it with little or no push back. People lined up to do as they were told, rights mean nothing. Now that they saw just how easy it was to do they will not give up this new found power to control unless people get angry and vote them out of office in waves. Sadly does not look like that is going to happen. So all we can do is hang on and see where this ride lands I guess. :s0092:
I'm genuinely curious, what do you think is a hoax? Do you think Covid is fake? If so, what do you attribute all these deaths to, and what do you attribute the millions of people who have been sick with it to? Is it all just an illusion created by the government to control us?
You can't be serious.

As a small child on a ventilator. What freedoms have you lost? You're posting, I assume you can drive wherever you want, go to stores and restaurants, and you can do as you please - same as you ever did.

I do not see any freedoms lost unless you think helping to work for the common good is onerous and no one is making you do that.
As a small child on a ventilator. What freedoms have you lost? You're posting, I assume you can drive wherever you want, go to stores and restaurants, and you can do as you please - same as you ever did.

I do not see any freedoms lost unless you think helping to work for the common good is onerous and no one is making you do that.
IDK about you but all my fav restaurants closed in the first wave
As a small child on a ventilator. What freedoms have you lost? You're posting, I assume you can drive wherever you want, go to stores and restaurants, and you can do as you please - same as you ever did.

I do not see any freedoms lost unless you think helping to work for the common good is onerous and no one is making you do that.

All the small business owners that were forced out of business by the govt probably feel like they lost some freedoms.

All the landlords that were forced by the govt to let others use their property for free probably feel like they lost some freedoms.

All the people that had to choose between putting a substance into their bodies or be lose their jobs probably feel like they lost some freedoms.

My kids/grandkids/great grandkids will probably feel like they lost some freedoms when they are having to pay for the massive redistribution of wealth AKA stimulus.
IDK about you but all my fav restaurants closed in the first wave
But they aren't closed now. If they are closed again it will be because of anti-vaxxers and whackadoodles spreading lies and causing more of rise in covid cases though. Moreover, anti-vaxxers will be the cause if any future mutations. As it has demonstrated, covid loves phenotypic plasticity, doncha know.
But they aren't closed now. If they are closed again it will be because of anti-vaxxers and whackadoodles spreading lies and causing more of rise in covid cases though. Moreover, anti-vaxxers will be the cause if any future mutations. As it has demonstrated, covid loves phenotypic plasticity, doncha know.

"What freedoms were lost"

"Well this, this and that"


Ok man. Great point
But they aren't closed now. If they are closed again it will be because of anti-vaxxers and whackadoodles spreading lies and causing more of rise in covid cases though. Moreover, anti-vaxxers will be the cause if any future mutations. As it has demonstrated, covid loves phenotypic plasticity, doncha know.
As I said, all my fav restaurants are closed--they all went broke when the AZ Gov shut all the non-essential businesses down

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