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I am considering picking up a factory new Shield Plus chambered in 30 Super Carry $230 after rebate. I would only want to make this purchase if I could install and run the gun with my Shield 1.0 or 2.0 slides on the 30 Super Carry frame. If anybody here has a Shield Plus in 30 Super Carry and a Shield 1.0 or 2.0 slide in 9mm or 40 can you check for compatibility. Interweb claims say this might work, I am skeptical.
I messaged a seller on ebay who sells a lot of shield plus parts and he believes the Shield plus frames are the same.

New message from: freestone_armory (14,952 iconShootYllw_25x25.gif )

Yes, the 30sc and 9mm frames and frame internals are identical.

Freestone Armory

It looks like I am either going to add a new 30 super carry or a used Springfield xd40 to my collection by Wednesday.


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