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New thread on exerciseing.

I am generally more motivated when having to be held accountable for my actions (or inaction in this case) and did very well exercising when I had a buddy who lived close and our schedules and stamina were similar (a very rare thing to find as I get older).

A lot of us have/had desk or driving jobs that require long hours and include zero physical work, but we would like to be in better shape then we are. Or maybe you've had an illness or injury to recover from and need some encouragement...

Being one that fits in both of the above categories, I thought it might be nice to start a thread similar to the (What did you do to prep today?) thread.

Share what you have done to improve your health, be it exercise, new diet or whatever.
Sold a big tile saw today so I had to pull it out and set it up to show and then help load the thing so I think my lifting for the day is done:D

I HATE walking, but my dogs love it so we are going walking this afternoon around the block a few times and see where thier and my fitness level is for a baseline.

They are little dogs and I'm really out of shape so I think we may be on par to start with lol.
knock off a piece b4 going to bed. start the day with another slice. don't take a shower in the morn. whistle while you work.
Good idea for a thread Joe. I've been meaning to get more active for months now. I don't know what I'll be doing, but maybe reading this will help encourage me to get moving.
The trick to enjoying a walk is much like enjoying the woods when hunting.

Enjoy the sun in your face. Or the wind. The cold or the heat.
Understand this is the natural world. And trust your body can deal with it.
Feel it. You are part of it. You are made for it!
Not the computer and TV inside of your house. You should crave it. Not be repelled.

You may not see an Elk or bobcat.
But you will see Trees, birds, insects and other animals.
All interesting. And there distraction will help you use your imagination. And purge stress.
Notice them. Look for them!

Taking a walk has less to do with moving your legs.
And more to do with interpreting and being part of the world around you.
And if you can't slow down and do this. Then what is the point?

To go to work? Make money? Get drunk on the weekend?
Did not get outside to walk today but I did walk up and down the flight of stairs in our house a dozen times.

Jumped on the scale for the first time in a few months and found I've gained 15 lbs over the holidays:(. 260 now and shooting for 220 with some more muscle then I have now.
I bought a gun, filled out the paperwork, excellent job on the thumb print card, patiently waited from 36 to approved for about 25 mins of conversation and pacing, went to the bank, bought lunch for the wife and I, came home, explained to the wife why I needed another gun, (1500 calories) played with the 9 month old grandson till mom come to get him, now I'm typing and drinking Jameson. That's a full day.
Usually I do a few morning mug lifts while newspaper wrestling, but lately
I've been thinking about starting the "Daly Collig Studant Workowt".

1- attempt to raise my consciousness above my knees...twice.
2- 60 minute nap.
3- watch some porn.
4- 10 reps of "work avoidence sofa dives...feel the burn.
5- shadow"pamphlet dodging", do 3 "save the whales" and 12 "Hillarys"

6- wait in line for coffee...stand for up to 10 minutes straight.
7- walk for 10 minutes (optional...IF I want to excercise my white privilige)
8- take a 45 minute "safe space" nap.
9- run from all logic, reason, and responsibility.
10- if within driving distance go to Costco and walk from cart to cart and fill up on free samples for lunch.
Last Edited:
Shot the APQ for my Dept @ TRI-CO shooting range. Droppin behind the cover, runnin the 870's same old quals Ive been doin for 16 yrs! The wifey and I have started doing YRG yoga 3x a week. Google it if you think its "your momma's yoga"!
I apologize Joe13, didn't mean to belittle or derail your thread, cause you are right, I need to get of my butt and start riding the bike I bought, really kinda waiting for better weather, good excuse huh. If I don't start doing something soon, I'll have to go diving at the lake to retrieve all the guns at the bottom from the boating accident so I can sell them to pay for my medical bills.
A lot of people say getting exercise is a mental thing.
But for me I found that my body drove my mind.

Walking got my body's chemicals going.
And my mind is bathed in those chemicals. So I'm not surprised It was easy to keep exercising.

Just think what your normal blood psi and heart rate is.
Now think of what it is when you exercising?
This is what a body should experience. It's what it takes to push the blood to every capillary and cell. And what it takes to pull out all the waist from those cells.

It's what your endocrine system needs to function. And for your metabolism to work at a normal rate.

People often say they can't exercise because there in too bad of shape.
But the truth is there in bad shape because they don't exercise.

Not selling anything here. I'm just a guy that was on deaths door. And came back.

I would like to here from anyone who has walked for 45 minutes a day. For a year.
And hasn't had a dramatic health change for the better.
My hubby got me a Garmin Vivofit II with a heart monitor thingy...I did feel inspired for a few weeks...:s0004: I also purchased a 3 month trial YMCA membership for my 17 y/o son, (who will be joining the Marines soon), and my daughter and I. We made it through January without quitting, :s0132: and still manage to go at least twice a week...with a goal of 3 times. I only use it to lift weights, hoping to stave off the loss of bone density lurking at the middle age mark for women...:s0001:

I have definitely lost a couple of pounds I couldn't' shake off with a low carb diet only, and I 'think' I feel a little more energetic, although lots of other aches are cropping up in my joints lately...

I am the same way with wanting to go with someone, which is why I take my does work!! :eek: My daughter, especially, makes sure we go on our 'exercise' nights...:s0026::s0114:

Good thread, Joe13--very inspiring!! :D
Went to gym, did Dead Lifts. My current max (1 rep that's all I can do) is equal to my body weight.
Did Lat Pull downs, on a machine.

I mentioned somewhere I am following Mark Rippetoe this year
This video has links to others of his
He has books and a blog.

I also use a step counter. Unless I specifically set out to walk, I am at 5k steps / day.
About half of recommended levels.
I get about 4k steps in a half hour-ish walk. Which if the weather is OK I can do on my lunch.
(office clothes limit what I can do)

It's about 9:30 and I have been at my desk for about an hour and a half.
I anticipate about 10 hours of sitting today.

Sunday I anticipate 4 hours of standing on gravel, while shooting. Then lots of couch sitting.

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