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Sniper is a often over used word.
Looks like someone shot someone in the crowd...does that make the shooter a sniper...?
To some folks , I guess so.
I really don't think it matters to the person who was shot.
Not to be too nit picky...but just 'cause someone has deployed "snipers"...doesn't mean that the shot in the first video , was indeed done by a "sniper".
Many folks are deployed , into a combat zone , without ever firing a shot.
All we know is that a shot was fired and filmed.

Also to honest here... I really don't care much either way...Just was trying to make a point , that isn't all that important , in the big scheme of things....
Not to be too nit picky...but just 'cause someone has deployed "snipers"...doesn't mean that the shot in the first video , was indeed done by a "sniper".
Many folks are deployed , into a combat zone , without ever firing a shot.
All we know is that a shot was fired and filmed.

Also to honest here... I really don't care much either way...Just was trying to make a point , that isn't all that important , in the big scheme of things....

Couldn't it technically be a sniper even if someones in a undisclosed location taking pot shots with even a handgun (proficient as all hell that is)

I know by designation in the MIL side its a actual role with a competent team (spotter/sniper) and usually means a high powered rifle. Still though, this is a bit crazy.

Yup thats definitely a Sniper team employed tactically. Wonder if their using the French Foreign Legion in this.
Not to be too nit picky...but just 'cause someone has deployed "snipers"...doesn't mean that the shot in the first video , was indeed done by a "sniper".
Many folks are deployed , into a combat zone , without ever firing a shot.
All we know is that a shot was fired and filmed.
That's a big 10-4 Andy, all speculation, "if" it was the Gov. that took the shot (if it was a shot) it sure won't quell the violence ................
@E4mafia ...

I really shouldn't have answered in the first place....
I just get tired of seeing the term Sniper tossed about....Having done this "job" in the Army while on deployment in two different combat just gets old to me seeing "sniper" plaster all over the place when someone shoots a rifle....
Edit to add :
To me a "Sniper" is someone who is shooting from fixed position , usually hidden , at intentional targets , precisely.
Note this is not to be confused with a murderer who shoots others this same way...he is a murderer...not a sniper.
@E4mafia ...

I really shouldn't have answered in the first place....
I just get tired of seeing the term Sniper tossed about....Having done this "job" in the Army while on deployment in two different combat just gets old to me seeing "sniper" plaster all over the place when someone shoots a rifle....
Edit to add :
To me a "Sniper" is someone who is shooting from fixed position , usually hidden , at intentional targets , precisely.
Note this is not to be confused with a murderer who shoots others this same way...he is a murderer...not a sniper.

I know exactly what you mean, its like the journalists who call everything an AK47 in the rifle department and every pistol is a glock.

To the LEFT. Any rifle with a scope on it = "sniper rifle". Rrrright. So then, your hunting rifle with a scope on it?

Well it needs to be banned. See how that works?o_O

Aloha, Mark

To the LEFT. Any rifle with a scope on it = "sniper rifle". Rrrright. So then, your hunting rifle with a scope on it?

Well it needs to be banned. See how that works?o_O

Aloha, Mark
Surprised they didnt do that way back in the 60s when JFK was murdered by supposedly a scoped Carcano "sniper" rifle:rolleyes: or when the Beltway Duo did the murders from their vehicle...
You can count on it. It's on their agenda. It sort of follows like....

-- by Martin Nimbler (with my additions for firearms)

First they came for the Socialists Bump Fire Stocks, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist had no Bump Fire Stocks.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists Semi-automatic firearms, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist had no Semi-automatic firearms.

Then they came for the Jews shotguns, rifles and revolvers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew did not own a shotgun, rifle or revolver.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me real weapons left to put up a fight with.

Aloha, Mark
You can count on it. It's on their agenda. It sort of follows like....

Aloha, Mark
Yeah I can see them doing that. Just was surprised that they didn't do so earlier
Then again... quite possibly theres a mental disconnect between ordinary hunting rifles with ordinary "high power" cartridges and "scary black military ""weapons"" firing what amounts to a varmint round :rolleyes:

Objectively... handguns and shotguns are used in far more crimes than rifles of all types, but you don't hear the likes of Feinstein and Pelosi pushing to ban all handguns right now do you? Its always been the AR15s and AK styled and ""assault"" rifles that just happens to be semiautomatic and takes standard issue magazine sizes...
Incremental creep. They go with what they can get away with. Then, there is always MORE.

Not to mention.....that there are some gun owners that will try to appease them. Trying to make deals with them.

I knew a Police Capt. that said that he was willing to let them have the ARs. As long as they wouldn't touch his lever action rifle.

"What The Fudd?"

Aloha, Mark
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A .22LR with subs or CCI standard velocity out of a suppressed bolt rifle would be more effective.

The masses would have no clue they are being targeted until they start coughing up blood and people dropping randomly. That would be setting fear in the masses. No report, no sound and no clue where it's coming from.
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I've actually asked this question to some people.. and I always find their responses interesting.
"Why do the Police need semiautomatic rifles?"

They almost always say "because of criminals" :rolleyes:
I follow up with this... such fun to see them try to justify banning semiautomatics after this.. :rolleyes:
"Does a citizen have the same right to protect themselves from criminals that the Police does?"
Easiest to see where they stand. If they say yes, then they're the ones trying to do mental gymnastics to justify banning semiautomatics.. if they say no then I know not to discuss with them further, because a person who believes that only the police have the right to protect themselves from criminals, is a very dangerous person indeed.
I know exactly what you mean, its like the journalists who call everything an AK47 in the rifle department and every pistol is a glock.
Come on, that's so last century! The correct new approved journalistic terms are: a "high powered AR15 assault rifle" no one outside the military should own, and "fully semiautomatic handgun with high capacity magazine".
Please also remember to tag such descriptives with 1-3 reference mass shootings of your choice. ;)

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