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I have not been around for a while since retiring and moving to Florida from the West Linn area and am wondering if bump stocks were legal in Oregon? I know the BATF has reclassified them as Auto so at some point they will be illegal.

I believe they will be illegal to own, trade, transfer, etc in Florida as of Oct 1st. So I suppose the price will be going through the roof for a few months. The recent school shooting in the Ft Lauderdale, FL has all the politicians competing for face time on the media and offering new gun bills to outlaw this and that features on the EVIL BLACK rifles. Our Gov and Legislature is still conservative and not very responsive to the emotional shrills that has Oregon in turmoil. I hope at some point conservatives on both sides of the political spectrum in Oregon will prevail and bring some balance back to your state.

Appears the so called Progressives (Socialists/Communists) are in control.
Speaking only for myself, the fact that legislation banning bumpstocks is on the horizon makes them next to worthless.
They are indeed legal in Oregon presently. Washington has banned them. The ATF has not, as of this writing, changed their original ruling on them, but the Department of Justice has taken steps towards reclassifying them.

What would become of their legal status would be after the state bans them or the feds reclassifies them is difficult to say. If they go the way of the Akins Accelerator, one could lose their investment, because owners of those had to disable them:

Court documents showed the agency required all customers who purchased an Akins Accelerator to remove the spring, rendering the device inoperable.
I imagine they will be illegal to assemble and Parts from a machine gun.....but not illegal to own. I could be wrong.....but that is how the fed controls other parts for a class III weapon ie Parts kits. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.
Speaking only for myself, the fact that legislation banning bumpstocks is on the horizon makes them next to worthless.
Yes, I agree but will go further a state that they were worthless to begin with! The only thing they did was burn up ammo faster and made accurate fire next to impossible.
Yes, I agree but will go further a state that they were worthless to begin with! The only thing they did was burn up ammo faster and made accurate fire next to impossible.
Amen. I think most often these were an impulse buy for people who really can't afford that type of careless fun. I mean if I had the funds to do mag dumps whenever, I'd probably have the funds for a rdias or something of the sort.

To each their own.
Yes, I agree but will go further a state that they were worthless to begin with! The only thing they did was burn up ammo faster and made accurate fire next to impossible.

Yes, I have shared that with some of my liberal friends that reside in Portland. But they are not gun savvy and think bump stocks turn every gun into a full auto machine gun that is deadly accurate.
Well crap then.
Our Uncle paid for my Rock and Roll fun many years ago and that included a 35+K run of M-16A1, in one afternoon. As an NRA RSO I've been seeing a number of people just burning through magazine after magazine without any consideration or concern as to what they might or might not be hitting. I wasn't raised that way. Even on that 35+K day I was actually firing a a target with each shot. Most of the targets didn't go down with a single hit because they were setup for the .308 round so multiple hits were necessary. Just more proof of the lacking in power of the M-16A1.
I imagine they will be illegal to assemble and Parts from a machine gun.....but not illegal to own. I could be wrong.....but that is how the fed controls other parts for a class III weapon ie Parts kits. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.
Sort of... If its a registered full auto FCG then you can use it, course those were pre-86. How it works for this? Dunno, guess they may grandfather some in if they ban them.
Washington State has uneque law making machine/select fire gun parts illegal to possess or own. I don't know about any other states with that kind of law but there may be. I am sure ownership of the part unassembled or not will be illegal there.
I have not been around for a while since retiring and moving to Florida from the West Linn area and am wondering if bump stocks were legal in Oregon? I know the BATF has reclassified them as Auto so at some point they will be illegal.

I believe they will be illegal to own, trade, transfer, etc in Florida as of Oct 1st. So I suppose the price will be going through the roof for a few months. The recent school shooting in the Ft Lauderdale, FL has all the politicians competing for face time on the media and offering new gun bills to outlaw this and that features on the EVIL BLACK rifles. Our Gov and Legislature is still conservative and not very responsive to the emotional shrills that has Oregon in turmoil. I hope at some point conservatives on both sides of the political spectrum in Oregon will prevail and bring some balance back to your state.

Appears the so called Progressives (Socialists/Communists) are in control.

I think you pretty much have it nailed. For some reason legislators are focused on taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens and somehow think that will make them safer against madmen. Where is the outrage that the coward slipped through the cracks when he was as obvious as a flare at night? Where is the commitment to improving the system? Where is the drive to hold the Sheriff, FBI, and school policy accountable for their blatant failure?

If liberals made a Western movie the settlers would go to the fort after the Indians attacked only to have their arms taken and and then lectured about cultural appropriation and sensitivity and then sent back out to face the Indians. That's how I see the political landscape today.
I think you pretty much have it nailed. For some reason legislators are focused on taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens and somehow think that will make them safer against madmen. Where is the outrage that the coward slipped through the cracks when he was as obvious as a flare at night? Where is the commitment to improving the system? Where is the drive to hold the Sheriff, FBI, and school policy accountable for their blatant failure?

If liberals made a Western movie the settlers would go to the fort after the Indians attacked only to have their arms taken and and then lectured about cultural appropriation and sensitivity and then sent back out to face the Indians. That's how I see the political landscape today.
Ask yourself why this plays so well to the uneducated American Populace;
Don't blame the FBI for failure to respond.
Don't blame BCSO for not going in.
Blame the NRA and it's members of killing children.
Blame the gun.
Don't blame the shooter.
Ask yourself why this plays so well to the uneducated American Populace;
Don't blame the FBI for failure to respond.
Don't blame BCSO for not going in.
Blame the NRA and it's members of killing children.
Blame the gun.
Don't blame the shooter.

What we are seeing in Florida, is I suppose similar to what you are now experiencing in the NW and CA. Lots of big money pushed by Bloomberg, Soros, Steyer (sp) and a few others to turn on the propaganda machine and use a shooting opportunity to advance an agenda. It has nothing to do with truth, logic or common sense. Saul Alinsky tactics, that seem to work with the uninformed public. Pretty sad.
What we are seeing in Florida, is I suppose similar to what you are now experiencing in the NW and CA. Lots of big money pushed by Bloomberg, Soros, Steyer (sp) and a few others to turn on the propaganda machine and use a shooting opportunity to advance an agenda. It has nothing to do with truth, logic or common sense. Saul Alinsky tactics, that seem to work with the uninformed public. Pretty sad.

It's human instinct that while we value freedom we value nothing more than the safety of our children. The Soros/Bloomberg et al campaign is using that instinct to further their political agenda - per Alinsky as noted.

We need to start exposing the real dangers to our children. Yes, guns are used in shootings - that's by definition, but who is really responsible for putting our children at risk:
  • The people who create and defend the use of gun free zones
  • The people who won't let us discipline children
  • The people who foster low self esteem by not letting children fail, learn, try again and succeed. Participation trophies undermine self esteem.
  • The people who then medicate these children instead of addressing the problem.
  • The people who won't report dangerous behavior from "protected class" students to the police so it won't keep them out of college or prevent them from getting jobs

This is what our gun free zone schools look like to these psychopaths, the ones created by the social policies of the left - all perportedly intended to make them safer:

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