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Firearm Confiscation Program
Feds begin search for vendors to operate firearm confiscation program.
OTTAWA – The federal government has begun searching for vendors interested in managing their impending firearms confiscation program just weeks after the Trudeau Liberals' gun legislation became law.....
No guns, eh? A skate blade dipped in Kokanee makes a fine weapon I hear.
Dear Canadians

Hiya! It's your friendly pro gun neighbors to the south. The Americans.

I understand you have a bit of a problem going on with your government. Seems the progressively more restrictive gun control that they crammed down your throats...and swore that it wouldn't lead to confiscation...has now lead to confiscation. Boy, who saw that coming?

Anyway, I'd like to suggest you look to our own founding fathers for guidance on how to handle this situation, as they...once up on time...had a similar situation with a tyrannical authoritarian king, who tried to confiscate their guns back on April 19th, 1775. The king sent his jack booted thugs to confiscate their weapons. Our founders shot them in the face.

If they're coming to take your's time to start using your guns.

Do NOT let them disarm you. Nothing good happens after that. You can study history if you need any confirmation of this.

We'll be praying for you!





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