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Some people only need to be told what the law is, some need to be slapped in the face so they wake up. As long as the gays stayed in the closet, everyone was content. When they started to come out of the closet, many many people got very very I'm not gay, been married to the same woman for 45 years, have 5 kids and 14 grandkids...just saying. There are still people out their that do not like the gays out of the closet, but they are learning that they can do nothing about it.

Same goes for blacks in the back of the bus. I know some people that still want blacks in the back of the bus, but they have learned to live with it.

If all we do is hide that we are fiirearms owners, and do not overtly assert our right to carry peacefully, we will have problems with the anti's and the sheep...and some elitist LEO's. When they finally realize that OC of firearms, both pistols and rifles, is totally legal, the BS will be behind us. That is one of the reasons I OC almost exclusively, and always have. I am proud of being a gun owner, I am proud of being able to protect myself and my family (an others if necessary) I have nothing to hide, and don't hide my carry (unless it is cold enough for a heavy coat)

The people, and LE need to learn to live with it. You need to stop worrying about teh anti's and actively work with and for your pro-gun politicians to remove the restrictions you live under.

Did you ever consider that maybe most people don't want a society where everyone is OC? Do we really want to go back to the days of the old west with people swaggering around carrying guns on their hips? The only reason to carry a weapon in day to day life is self defense. Just because you're carrying doesn't make you a LEO, it makes you capable of defending yourself in the unlikely event that lethal force is the only alternative you have left. Most LEOs go their entire careers without firing their weapons except at the range and they're the ones who get paid to look for trouble. The chances of the average citizen having to fire their weapon outside the range is much smaller.

We can all wax chivalrous with notions of being "sheepdogs" instead of sheep but the bottom line is CHL holders and OCers are not "sheepdogs" we're just armed sheep; no different than anyone else except that we can protect ourselves and our loved ones prior to the arrival of the real "sheepdogs". While that is a significant difference the point is that seeing people toting guns around unconcealed just reminds them that we live in a sometimes dangerous society and that's not something they want to be reminded of on a daily basis. Whether you agree with that mindset or not it exists and has existed for many generations. Calling people "sheep" and saying that "they need to learn to live with it" is the height of arrogance and smacks of hyperbole and sanctimony, neither of which are useful to the cause of supporting the 2nd Amendment. It provides more fodder for the gun grabbers to characterize us as mouth-breathing neanderthals just looking for the opportunity to go bonkers and shoot up a school or shopping mall.

I fully support the 2A and think that semi auto military style rifles are precisely what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the 2A. I'll be in Salem on the 8th and I'll be carrying but I also believe Teddy Roosevelt had the right idea when he said, "Speak softly and carry a big stick".
What a moron. This is the same type of thing that those morons did in Portland not long ago. Walking around with an AR15, while legal, may not be a good idea. With freedom comes responsibility and part of that responsibility, in my opinion, is to choose not to do things like this. If you want to make a statement, buy a t-shirt or carry a sign. Make it a positive. The news will always spin these things in a negative light, anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get a reality check.
No it isn't. The point for carrying a gun or rifle is to have a tool for killing close at hand. If you choose to use it only for self defense, then that's your choice. When I carry a gun or rifle, I'll do it for my own purposes, until the 2A is amended to state that it is merely for self defense.

Can you give me any legitimate reason that you need a "tool for killing" other than self-defense, or potentially hunting?

If you would shoot another person outside of self defense than you should in fact have your second amendment right stripped from you before you have the chance.

EDIT: I also agree with jimwsea. I could use a new AR on the governments dime.
Wow! Strong opinions! I personally would like to step into a time machine, go back 15-20yrs. Then track this moron down and conceal his AR for him!
The only other reason I can think of for having "a tool for killing close at hand," besides self-defense, is hunting. I hope that is the one you are talking about. And probably doesn't do any of us much good to describe guns in that way.

I can think of other reasons, I kind of like target shooting and just plinking. Hunting and self defense are not the only reason to own them.
That man is NOT responsible for the mental instability of others.

It's not his fault people over reacted.

(while as long as what he did was legal I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to...) other side of the fence in me says probably not the best way to express yourself.
That man is NOT responsible for the mental instability of others.

It's not his fault people over reacted.

(while as long as what he did was legal I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to...) other side of the fence in me says probably not the best way to express yourself.

There is another valid side of this,

The more people see that there are responsible people that CAN carry openly without shooting everything and everyone up the more people will see that possession and bearing is NOT the real issue.

Crazies with guns is the real issue.

FEAR drives the debate, guns are feared, that is what needs to be changed, the perception that a person with a gun is a bad person, a person carrying a gun is a person intent on evil acts. The perception is fed by our media and driven by our politicians who fear re-election and the money they get from the issue from people trying to drive the issue.

FEAR is the enemy, showing people that they have nothing to fear is the answer.....
I can think of other reasons, I kind of like target shooting and just plinking. Hunting and self defense are not the only reason to own them.

We aren't talking about owning, we are talking about carrying. Are you going to carry your .22 around town all day just in case you see something that you want to shoot at? The guy didn't carry his AR into the mall because he wanted to see if he could hit a cell phone at 50 yards.
I find it funny that every one on this forum is willing to use their Frist amendment right and speak their mind by letting folks know how they feel on a subject. Some even get heated if they do not agree with something but god for bid if someone utilizes their Second amendment right and open carries a rifle that individual becomes a worthless idiot, nuts and is hurting the Second amendment cause. Remember anti gun folks read these pages too so you represent the Second amendment in your attitudes as well and can hurt your cause more with words than actions..

A right not used is soon lost as seen by the negative opinions being posted. It may not be against the law but it is against political correctness!

I do not know Oregon law but in Idaho it is legal to open carry and is a part of our state Constitution. In the Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho area it is not uncommon to see some one with a rifle over their shoulder but I will admit it is more common to see someone with a hand gun on their hip or in a drop leg holster. I can not speak for all business but I have not heard of any major problems happening or any body freaking out over it.

The folks that I know personally that do carry openly and have been stopped by the cops are usually just asked what their up to, then the questioning goes into what they are carrying and why they chose it over something else. No big deal!

Maybe we are getting our rights taken away or at least abused is because no one has the balls to stand up for them cuz it might make waves. Maybe it is time we make some waves or better yet a full blown tsunami!

But then I have opened carried an AK and a hand gun more than once to keep in practice with the “Well Regulated” portion of the Second Amendment.
I find it funny that every one on this forum is willing to use their Frist amendment right and speak their mind by letting folks know how they feel on a subject. Some even get heated if they do not agree with something but god for bid if someone utilizes their Second amendment right and open carries a rifle that individual becomes a worthless idiot, nuts and is hurting the Second amendment cause. Remember anti gun folks read these pages too so you represent the Second amendment in your attitudes as well and can hurt your cause more with words than actions..

A right not used is soon lost as seen by the negative opinions being posted. It may not be against the law but it is against political correctness!

I do not know Oregon law but in Idaho it is legal to open carry and is a part of our state Constitution. In the Coeur d' Alene, Idaho area it is not uncommon to see some one with a rifle over their shoulder but I will admit it is more common to see someone with a hand gun on their hip or in a drop leg holster. I can not speak for all business but I have not heard of any major problems happening or any body freaking out over it.

The folks that I know personally that do carry openly and have been stopped by the cops are usually just asked what their up to, then the questioning goes into what they are carrying and why they chose it over something else. No big deal!

Maybe we are getting our rights taken away or at least abused is because no one has the balls to stand up for them cuz it might make waves. Maybe it is time we make some waves or better yet a full blown tsunami!

But then I have opened carried an AK and a hand gun more than once to keep in practice with the "Well Regulated" portion of the Second Amendment.

Ya know what? I can legally walk through a crowded shopping mall wearing nothing but a yellow spandex speedo too but that doesn't mean it's a good idea and trust's not. Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean that it's the "right" thing to do. Walking into a store with an AR slung over your shoulder is covered by your 2nd Amendment rights just like standing on the street corner in a large city wearing white robes and a pointy hood is covered by the 1st Amendment. Neither are particularly good ideas.
Ya know what? I can legally walk through a crowded shopping mall wearing nothing but a yellow spandex speedo too but that doesn't mean it's a good idea and trust's not. Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean that it's the "right" thing to do. Walking into a store with an AR slung over your shoulder is covered by your 2nd Amendment rights just like standing on the street corner in a large city wearing white robes and a pointy hood is covered by the 1st Amendment. Neither are particularly good ideas.

Anyone else sense a troll?
According to manufacturing reports, there is slightly less than 4 million AR's in circulation in the US of A.

I am surprised that this does not happen more often. Guess the majority of gun owners ARE sensible people, after all.

Errm.. you mean cowards.
We keep backing further and further into out little corneres because big brother, the media and sheeple tell us to.
The reason ourn rights are even in jeopardy is because most of the gun owners are cowards and keep backing down.
Not wanting to OC for this reason or that.. Or ostracize fellow gun owners because they only choose OC and exercising their second amendment rights.

All you anti OCer folks on here have unknowingly gobbled up that garbage the politicians and media has spoon fed you.

I'll admit, If I see a fella OCing it catches my eye..BUT, I'll usually go right on up to him and shake his hand and look him right in the eyes as I thank him for being a responsible firearm owner and exercising his or her 2A rights and if he feels the need, he can holler for me if he needs another to stand by his or her side as he or her catches flack from you secret shame gun owners and crazy anti-2A lefties.

Secret shame gun owners are just as bad as the gun grabbers and THOSE are the folks I see as being irresponsible firearm owners because you all continue to perpetuate the stigma of fear (hoplophobia) and violence that the antis LOVE to tack onto our firearms.
What a moron. This is the same type of thing that those morons did in Portland not long ago. Walking around with an AR15, while legal, may not be a good idea. With freedom comes responsibility and part of that responsibility, in my opinion, is to choose not to do things like this. If you want to make a statement, buy a t-shirt or carry a sign. Make it a positive. The news will always spin these things in a negative light, anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get a reality check.
Weakness, cowardice and passiveness gets folks no where.
Oh lets just make a sign with some glitter.. yeah that'll do it bob.
Again.. secret shame gun owners like this ^^ are to blame as well as the media and politicians.
I can think of other reasons, I kind of like target shooting and just plinking. Hunting and self defense are not the only reason to own them.

Hey you know, why do you need that military assault weapon just to shoot at targets? An air gun will do you just fine for that. That's all you really need....

...or so I've been told by several gun-ban supporters. "All you need is a shotgun, a revolver, maybe an air rifle."
Weakness, cowardice and passiveness gets folks no where.
Oh lets just make a sign with some glitter.. yeah that'll do it bob.
Again.. secret shame gun owners like this ^^ are to blame as well as the media and politicians.

Errm.. you mean cowards.
We keep backing further and further into out little corneres because big brother, the media and sheeple tell us to.
The reason ourn rights are even in jeopardy is because most of the gun owners are cowards and keep backing down.
Not wanting to OC for this reason or that.. Or ostracize fellow gun owners because they only choose OC and exercising their second amendment rights.

All you anti OCer folks on here have unknowingly gobbled up that garbage the politicians and media has spoon fed you.

I'll admit, If I see a fella OCing it catches my eye..BUT, I'll usually go right on up to him and shake his hand and look him right in the eyes as I thank him for being a responsible firearm owner and exercising his or her 2A rights and if he feels the need, he can holler for me if he needs another to stand by his or her side as he or her catches flack from you secret shame gun owners and crazy anti-2A lefties.

Secret shame gun owners are just as bad as the gun grabbers and THOSE are the folks I see as being irresponsible firearm owners because you all continue to perpetuate the stigma of fear (hoplophobia) and violence that the antis LOVE to tack onto our firearms.

You want to label everyone a coward who's smart enough to realize that carrying an AR into a department store is a stupid idea...fine go for it. You still can't come up with 1 legitimate reason to do it. That's because there isn't one and "because it's my right" isn't a reason it's an excuse and there are all kinds of excuses for stupidity but none of them are legitimate.

Tell me something do you think our soldiers carry their M4s to the PX outside of a war zone? That answer is no...they don't. Why? Because it's not necessary and it's not the right thing to do. Most of them don't even carry a sidearm if they've been issued one.

I fully support and believe in the 2nd Amendment, owning a military style semi auto, learning how to use it and practicing with it. Chances are we'll never have to fire it in anger but if we do we should be able to do it proficiently. There's still no reason to wander around in public with it just for the hell of it. It has nothing to do with bravery or a lack thereof it has to do with good judgement. There is a law that covers bad's called Darwin's Law of natural selection.
How about you grow a pair and tell me why you think I'm a troll instead of this passive aggressive crap? Do you need to rely on others for your opinion or can you form one all by yourself?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Welcome to the internet.

I honestly can't tell you why I wrote that, I believe it had something to do with some earlier posts of yours in a few other threads that I was reading (then again it was 2:45am-and no I don't use that as an excuse.).

I do thank you for telling me I have the inability to make up my own mind, I'll make sure to post polls next time I need to decide what to do.

I hear Idaho is nice these days.. III may need somebody to protect their wall.
Did you ever consider that maybe most people don't want a society where everyone is OC? Do we really want to go back to the days of the old west with people swaggering around carrying guns on their hips? The only reason to carry a weapon in day to day life is self defense. Just because you're carrying doesn't make you a LEO, it makes you capable of defending yourself in the unlikely event that lethal force is the only alternative you have left. Most LEOs go their entire careers without firing their weapons except at the range and they're the ones who get paid to look for trouble. The chances of the average citizen having to fire their weapon outside the range is much smaller.

We can all wax chivalrous with notions of being "sheepdogs" instead of sheep but the bottom line is CHL holders and OCers are not "sheepdogs" we're just armed sheep; no different than anyone else except that we can protect ourselves and our loved ones prior to the arrival of the real "sheepdogs". While that is a significant difference the point is that seeing people toting guns around unconcealed just reminds them that we live in a sometimes dangerous society and that's not something they want to be reminded of on a daily basis. Whether you agree with that mindset or not it exists and has existed for many generations. Calling people "sheep" and saying that "they need to learn to live with it" is the height of arrogance and smacks of hyperbole and sanctimony, neither of which are useful to the cause of supporting the 2nd Amendment. It provides more fodder for the gun grabbers to characterize us as mouth-breathing neanderthals just looking for the opportunity to go bonkers and shoot up a school or shopping mall.

I fully support the 2A and think that semi auto military style rifles are precisely what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the 2A. I'll be in Salem on the 8th and I'll be carrying but I also believe Teddy Roosevelt had the right idea when he said, "Speak softly and carry a big stick".

You watch too many movies...I open carry anytime it is not so cold I must wear a coat. I don't "swager" down the street. I am an old retired businessman, I am no cop, never tried or wanted to be a cop.

Talking about cops, most of the open carry their gets out of joint because they do. There is absolutely no reason that a private citizen cannot do the same. Criminals hide their weapons because they want the "element of surprise" when they go to use them illegally. The FBI did a study that confirmed that, people with criminal intent never carry their arms openly, and rarely use a holster.

So, who would you rather emulate...the cops? or the robbers?

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