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I personally have seen 2 different ones several years apart back in the 70's. One, over Mingus Mountain that overlooks Camp Verde, AZ, and the other was at Senneca Lake in the NE of Arizona at the top of the Salt River Canyon a few miles before you enter the canyon itself. The 1st occurrence was by far the most spectacular site I've ever seen and lasted for about 20 seconds. I was fishing late night on the river for catfish until early morning about 3:00 am and were walking to the place we were staying at and we were standing in the yard finishing off our beers and gazing aimlessly at the sky when all of the sudden it happened. It came out of the night sky and looked like a ball of flame, ie; a meteor. But when we thought it would crash into the top of the Mountain, it stopped dead on a dime and turned into a giant ball glowing blue and red and just hovered there above the mountain. We were totally tripped out by this needless to say, and then it shot over to our left, which we estimated to be about 30 miles and hovered there glowing blue and red. It's speed in which it did that was a blink of the eye, ( which we didn't ), and stayed there for about 5 seconds before shooting back to the right back over the top of the mountain, where it was originally, and pulsed blue and red again for about 5 seconds and then it shot straight up into the sky and was gone in a blink of an eye. We all looked at each other went f___________ck! Did we just see a UFO? And we 3 all came up with conclusion...Weather Balloon! Lol!
The 2nd time I saw one, I was fishing at Scennca Lake with 3 buddies of mine and we camped on the earthen dam at one end of the lake. That night we were laying around our fire on our sleeping bags, when we all noticed a bright white light moving along parallel along the top of a near by mesa that we could see in the distance. We thought it was some kind of vehicle driving along a road on the top of the mesa. It continued right off the mesa and in a straight line and never blinked on/off as an airplane would, just a bright white light moving through the sky. And shot straight up into the sky and was gone in a flash! We all just looked at one another in awe at what we had just seen and of course we talked about it for a while before we went to sleep.
Since those 2 times, I have been always looking up at night, but have not seen once since. I was a believer since then and have always been, was called crazy a few times in the years following, but since the government has now come out with the truth and are now very interested in this phenomenon, I feel somewhat vindicated.
I will preface this account by saying I have never been a believer in alien space craft or extraterrestrial life forms. However, using the literal meaning of UFO, unidentified flying object, there was one occassion that did leave me wondering.

I was sitting on my deck one night about 10pm looking across the Willamette Valley to the west. I saw 3 orange-red lights in the sky moving from north to south in a loose triangular formation. They appeared to be above the far west side of the valley. They were not aircraft navigation lights as they were solid rather than blinking. They did not appear to be on a single aircraft as they varied in distance and direction from each other as they moved south. They did not appear to be moving particularly fast. I watched them for a few minutes and one of them suddenly disappeared. It didn't "zip off" in any particular direction, it was more like it just dimmed out. The remaining 2 continued in a southerly direction at the same speed for a few moments and then also disappeared. I have no explanation for what I saw and have never seen anything like it before or since.
Sort of. I did see one once, actually, several, and was able to capture it/them. Would be embarrassed to say what occurred, but since I started I will anyway. Plan to be disappointed, and not thrilled like I was at the time. This story in no way compares to the fishing at night ones upthread, which are very fascinating. This is droll and disappointing in the end.

@30+ years back, after climbing for the day I headed out to my secret spot where there are 3 of the best natural hot tubs I've ever had the pleasure to experience, right next to a waterfall that salmon literally jump up. Back then headlamps were bulky costly affairs, and I rarely ever had one on hand. Now, with LED's it's a whole 'nother world, but back then, rarely had one.

The hike from the car to the hot tub spot was about a mile through the woods, and as part of being an idiot and not carrying a headlamp, I also rarely checked the moon. That's led to some major anguish at times over the years, but I never did learn to preplan well, although I'm getting better. It was later than normal when I left the car, but I've slept out in the woods with only the clothes I've had on since I was a kid and never feared for myself. Done it many times and although you don't sleep well, just snap off some fir branches for the ground if you can't find anything better and cover your top with some more: tuck yer arms in so your pits are snug and eventually the long cold uncomfortable night will end.

The relaxation and exhaustion of the day made for a super mellow soak I didn't want to end. The rythmatic pounding of the waterfall in the otherwise total silence was fantastic. The difference in temp between the cool air that was approaching with nightime vs the perfect soak ever make me reluctant to end the day and leave the warmth for the cold. I've walked in the dark before and can navigate in the woods just fine. In this case in particular it was an easy trail. Dark was full on when I figured I needed to hightail it, got my naked body out in the dark to get dressed, kicked my self for not bringing a towel (a night out in wet clothes is something I'd yet to experience and didn't want to at that time) and realized it was darker than I'd expected. It was a no moon night.

Right off the bat, like a blind man with no cane, as I left the pools I was not on the trail, but stepping onto unstable rocks and near walking into trees. This went on for about 10 min, and I was wondering which way the trail was and considering trying to make it back to the hot springs and spend the night in the water, but choose to continue. There, right in front of me and down a bit, was a small phosphorous being, hovering. It was not a firefly of which I've seen many, but a small round globlual hoovering in one spot. As I looked, there were a few more, hovering motionless in the air. I'd never seen anything like it, all thoughts of making the car was forgotten and I focused on this...and I reached out for it/them.

My fingers touched the being and dirt at the same time, which confused me a bit. (there was no drugs or alcohol in this story but I admit to being tired). I recoiled at the soft squish of the phosphorescence thing and stood there in wonderment. Dirt? There should be no dirt. Then probed with my fingers again and I finally realized I was standing in front of a steep hill. With my new perspective, I realized the being was laying on the dirt. I dropped to my knees and started seeing more of them. As the first one I gathered didn't hurt me, I took care not to hurt it and started gathering my new buddies up in earnest. Once I had a handful, I started crawling, with my new phosphorous buddies out front to show me where the heck the trail was. I crawled around for quite some time, but once I found the trail (and the crawling part was not fun at all), I carefully place my new buddies back on the forest floor and was able to navigate back to the car in the total darkness by reaching out and touching trees, occasionally dropping down and feeling for the trail indentation to stay oriented.

So they were unidentified at first, and they appeared to be flying to me (seriously), until I learned they were some grub laying on the forest floor. I learned later that I'd likely hit that point in some insects life where they'd transitioned from one form to another. I've been back many times, (with headlights), and try to see if I can find them again, but I've never seen them since and to me they remain somewhat unidentified, but not unexplained.
August 2000.
My house in Salem, looking east over the Willamette valley, had a five mountain view, from Jeff to Rainier.
Summer nights can be spectacular as the sun sets, turning the peaks a magnificent orange/red.
My ex and I and two neighbors are enjoying drinks and view on our upper deck when I notice a light heading north along the western slope of the Cascades.
I've watched commercial jets overhead hundreds of times, and this thing was traveling easily 4x that speed.
The women are chatting about the kids, and on the periphery, I can see Andy, my neighbor, staring at it too. Without taking my eyes off the light, I ask, "are you seeing this?" He responds, "yeah - that thing is bookin'!"
It passes over what I know to be the Santiam canyon / Highway 22, and less than a second later, makes a 90° turn and heads east, rising slightly to go over the Cascades. There was no arc to this turn, it was a dead, right angle.
A few seconds later, it disappears from view.
Almost simultaneously, Andy and I both exclaim, "Whoa!". The women pause, ask us what's up. We tell them, they retort, "men..."
I honestly have no idea what I saw, but it was either 1988 or 89, maybe 10:00pm on my way back to Eugene on I5. It was warm out, so it must have been late spring or summer. It was somewhere between Albany & Eugene that I saw strange lights in the sky to the East. What I was seeing was so weird looking that I actually pulled over to the shoulder, and got out of my car to watch.

I'd say the lights were probably a mile or so distant from the freeway, traveling slowly in the sky in a roughly northeasterly trajectory. Whatever I saw had no discernable form, but the lights were like a mass of sparkles that flickered, and left a trail behind it. The sparkles didn't fall to the ground as if it was an aircraft on fire or something. They trailed off behind, and then just winked out so to speak. It traveled in a straight line, and there was no sound whatsoever apart from the cars passing by. I must have stood there for at least five minutes watching this before I gave up trying to figure what I had just witnessed.
I honestly have no idea what I saw, but it was either 1988 or 89, maybe 10:00pm on my way back to Eugene on I5. It was warm out, so it must have been late spring or summer. It was somewhere between Albany & Eugene that I saw strange lights in the sky to the East. What I was seeing was so weird looking that I actually pulled over to the shoulder, and got out of my car to watch.

I'd say the lights were probably a mile or so distant from the freeway, traveling slowly in the sky in a roughly northeasterly trajectory. Whatever I saw had no discernable form, but the lights were like a mass of sparkles that flickered, and left a trail behind it. The sparkles didn't fall to the ground as if it was an aircraft on fire or something. They trailed off behind, and then just winked out so to speak. It traveled in a straight line, and there was no sound whatsoever apart from the cars passing by. I must have stood there for at least five minutes watching this before I gave up trying to figure what I had just witnessed.
Sounds a lot like a satellite breaking up on re-entry into the atmosphere.
Negative. What I saw was traveling so slow through the night sky that I initially thought it might have been a Goodyear blimp with its light show going on. It was was less than a thousand feet altitude, and like I said, I watched this thing for a good five minutes before taking off again.

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