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Read this too. That's F'd up, but I would blame our officials for sending those service members to a place any idiot would know would be contaminated. I hope they all get millions

They sent the guys in on the word of the people in charge, and instead they should have verified beforehand.
They sent the guys in on the word of the people in charge, and instead they should have verified beforehand.
Then we'll agree to disagree. Blaming the enlisted people who obtain and analyze the samples is just plain wrong. There is absolutely no way that the people onboard were unaware of the radiological conditions. Those who have no technical knowledge of radioactivity are crying up a storm, but they don't have a clue about what goes on.

Sorry, the story simply doesn't pass the sniff test. You can blame the sailors all you want, and call them part of the "big mean government conspiracy" but it doesn't hold water.
Then we'll agree to disagree. Blaming the enlisted people who obtain and analyze the samples is just plain wrong. There is absolutely no way that the people onboard were unaware of the radiological conditions. Those who have no technical knowledge of radioactivity are crying up a storm, but they don't have a clue about what goes on.

Sorry, the story simply doesn't pass the sniff test. You can blame the sailors all you want, and call them part of the "big mean government conspiracy" but it doesn't hold water.

Boy did you miss the point.
I said they went on the word of those that were in charge in Japan.
They got out once they found out it was hot. They were told all the radiation was in the plume.
The fault lies with those at the plant in Japan for covering up the severity of the leakage of radiation.
The military pretty much trains the enlistees to pretty much follow orders with out thought. I worked with a guy that took place in the atomic testing where they lit off an atomic bomb and the soldiers were in a trench with their hands covering their eye,s he said the light was so bright they could see through their hands like viewing an xray. He would be off of work for a while while some cancer would get cut out from his body,it happend often over the years untill he never came back to work. He was a great person.
I think that those who are asserting that the Navy didn't know what they were getting into are wrong, and that allegations of a cover-up by the US are out of line. A nuclear powered aircraft carrier has the resources and skilled personnel available to determine radiological conditions. To assert that they covered up what they knew is an allegation that all involved were complicit.

Saying that a US carrier relies on others to define the radiological conditions is again false. They make they determination themselves. In fact, at that time, TEPCO no longer had the resources to make an accurate determination and everyone involved knew it. It was, and is the responsibility of the carrier crew to determine those conditions. To say that the crew had no idea what they were getting into is a false assertion. For them to not know is absurd. Suing TEPCO at this juncture is saying that US Naval personnel were complicit in a cover-up. That's the core of the lawsuit. For those saying that the US had no idea, they are again implying that everyone aboard the Reagan was complicit. I don't believe it for a second. That's my point about the story having missing pieces. It just doesn't make sense.
I think that those who are asserting that the Navy didn't know what they were getting into are wrong, and that allegations of a cover-up by the US are out of line. A nuclear powered aircraft carrier has the resources and skilled personnel available to determine radiological conditions. To assert that they covered up what they knew is an allegation that all involved were complicit.

Saying that a US carrier relies on others to define the radiological conditions is again false. They make they determination themselves. In fact, at that time, TEPCO no longer had the resources to make an accurate determination and everyone involved knew it. It was, and is the responsibility of the carrier crew to determine those conditions. To say that the crew had no idea what they were getting into is a false assertion. For them to not know is absurd. Suing TEPCO at this juncture is saying that US Naval personnel were complicit in a cover-up. That's the core of the lawsuit. For those saying that the US had no idea, they are again implying that everyone aboard the Reagan was complicit. I don't believe it for a second. That's my point about the story having missing pieces. It just doesn't make sense.

Then why don't you explain to us why over 50 people on that ship developed tumors and radiation overdoses....... Are you saying that they were exposed onboard the ship???
A bit too much coincidence after spending all that time aiding the Japanese. Which scenario are you trying to say it was ? Either way it is bad and someone will pay the price. 50+ exposures is not a common occurrence without some explanation. Simple logical sequence tells us Fukushima is the source.
Sorry Burt, gotta call you on BS this time. "The government" doesn't take air and water samples on a Navy ship. They're real flesh and blood enlisted men and women. The nukes are well educated and trained. The ELTs (Engineering Lab Technicians) take the samples and do the analysis. Radiation is so simple to detect, especially on a nuclear powered ship, that it would be impossible for them to not know the radiological conditions around them.

Sitting on top of a tank that was hit with DU rounds, I'd do it in a New York minute. I've personally handled DU many times. My signature is also on many dozens of shipments of DU penetrator parts, pieces and targets.

There are reasons to be cautious and skeptical, but we need to balance what is real against that which is not.

I would not be so quick to call BS here. Depleted Uranium (DU) is very toxic and the dust/debris left by its use as munitions creates a health hazard in a wide area around its point of contact.

Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

seems to me to support Burt.

The use of DU in munitions is controversial because of questions about potential long-term health effects.[5][6] Normal functioning of the kidney, brain, liver, heart, and numerous other systems can be affected by uranium exposure, because uranium is a toxic metal.[7] It is only weakly radioactive because of its long radioactive half-life (4.468 billion years for uranium-238, 700 million years for uranium-235). The biological half-life (the average time it takes for the human body to eliminate half the amount in the body) for uranium is about 15 days.[8] The aerosol or spallation frangible powder produced during impact and combustion of depleted uranium munitions can potentially contaminate wide areas around the impact sites, leading to possible inhalation by human beings.[9]
DU is poisonous the environmental peace lover raged!

I replied, So, it poisons the environment where it is shot.
Shot at Iraqi occupation opposition armor, Taliban fighters, Al Queda.
Bad guys shooting at my nephew (3rd Armored Div), my friends (1st Marine Div)
Bad guys fomenting slavery and death to all who oppose them.
My concern for their environment? Lower then the dust under their sandals.

Every year without fail Portland intelligencia mourn the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I don't. My uncle was a fresh (1945) 2nd Lt (Army) among a shipload (thousands) of 2nd Lts enroute to Japan to replace the leadership expected to die in the first week of the invasion of Japan. He didn't know of the BOMB till long after their convoy returned to San Francisco. He and the other officers were told they weren't expected to last more than a few days after hitting the beach. Does he regret those bombs? What kind of stupid woke up to ask that question?

About Fukushima, Chernobyl
Belongs to a private company, in a foreign land.
Applied modern principles of risk management (gambling) and lost.
Miles and miles and miles of poisoned land, water. Multiple countries impacted.
A nice woman at my church grew up near Chernobyl. Her contribution to a solution is to never bear a child, so that her radation damage will not pass.

Former Soviet sub base Murmansk. Imagine the radioactive trash in that place.

Enlightened intelligencia, vomiting self-imposed angst and guilt, demanding that everyone else within their reach own it also!
What a bunch of sickos.
A very well spoken argument for someone who has obviously never been in the military...

The reason that I'm so adamant about the Navy knowing what they were up to, is that I served in the Navy and was also an Engineering Laboratory Technician (ELT). I was one of those that took radiation surveys and analyzed reactor coolant samples. I do understand mistakes, and I do understand that individuals can cause errors. But the assertion some are making is that, either all the nuclear trained sailors on the USS Reagan ignored the radiation readings and sample results, or that they all conspired to cover up the readings. That's just wrong.

Look, I'm not saying that TEPCO is innocent, I'm just saying that we can't blame overexposures on them when the Navy knew what they were getting into. These aren't innocent bystanders accidentally stepping in something. They are professionals with extensive training and experience in radiological decontamination techniques. TEPCO simply didn't have the resources any more when it came to ocean monitoring, so it was up to those entering the area to determine conditions, and a US nuclear powered aircraft has those capabilities. Not that TEPCO doesn't own the event and releases, just that once it's happened, anyone else has to be aware of what they're getting in to. To call this a government conspiracy is baloney. That's why I'm saying something is wrong with the story about the cancers. The Reagan had all of the monitoring equipment as well as the experience to minimize exposure to their people. I'd have to see some legitimacy concerning the cancers before I buy into this.
The reason that I'm so adamant about the Navy knowing what they were up to, is that I served in the Navy and was also an Engineering Laboratory Technician (ELT). I was one of those that took radiation surveys and analyzed reactor coolant samples. I do understand mistakes, and I do understand that individuals can cause errors. But the assertion some are making is that, either all the nuclear trained sailors on the USS Reagan ignored the radiation readings and sample results, or that they all conspired to cover up the readings. That's just wrong.

Look, I'm not saying that TEPCO is innocent, I'm just saying that we can't blame overexposures on them when the Navy knew what they were getting into. These aren't innocent bystanders accidentally stepping in something. They are professionals with extensive training and experience in radiological decontamination techniques. TEPCO simply didn't have the resources any more when it came to ocean monitoring, so it was up to those entering the area to determine conditions, and a US nuclear powered aircraft has those capabilities. Not that TEPCO doesn't own the event and releases, just that once it's happened, anyone else has to be aware of what they're getting in to. To call this a government conspiracy is baloney. That's why I'm saying something is wrong with the story about the cancers. The Reagan had all of the monitoring equipment as well as the experience to minimize exposure to their people. I'd have to see some legitimacy concerning the cancers before I buy into this.

Try at least reading the first 2 paragraphs.......
DU is poisonous the environmental peace lover raged!

I replied, So, it poisons the environment where it is shot.... What a bunch of sickos.

What you seem to overlook is that the planet is an ecosystem. Dump radioactive waste in one location and eventually it will get into the water, the air and be distributed around the entire globe. Ever see a sand storm, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, dust devil, ... ? Those DU shells create dust in the immediate area of the target for sure. Natures forces then begin to distribute that dust. It is in the ecosystem. Eventually it will get into the food chain. It cannot be avoided. The fish in the Bikini lagoon still contain radioisotopes (as of 1970). Since we are talking half life periods into the hundred and thousands of years I suspect the fish there still contain radioisotopes. I do not think you are excluded from the global ecosystem.
What you seem to overlook is that the planet is an ecosystem. Dump radioactive waste in one location and eventually it will get into the water, the air and be distributed around the entire globe. Ever see a sand storm, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, dust devil, ... ? Those DU shells create dust in the immediate area of the target for sure. Natures forces then begin to distribute that dust. It is in the ecosystem. Eventually it will get into the food chain. It cannot be avoided. The fish in the Bikini lagoon still contain radioisotopes (as of 1970). Since we are talking half life periods into the hundred and thousands of years I suspect the fish there still contain radioisotopes. I do not think you are excluded from the global ecosystem.
There's a lot I don't know. I do know that...
The horses have left the barn, Gini is out of the bottle
I know the AF Col responsible for the attempted cleanup of Bikini Atoll in the '50s.
I know a woman who is poisoned by the Chernobyl Reactor #4
I know quite a bit about radiological monitoring.
I have read "On thermonuclear war" by Herman Kahn.

So, Hook
Besides liberal political activism, what are you doing to clean up the environment?
Own a car?
Own a gun?
Use electricity?
Live in a house?
Support Solar panels? Maybe you can go to Denver and clean-up the Solar Panel factory that went bankrupt after laundering a butt-load of Obama Stimulus $$
Are you above us ditch-digging knuckle-dragging hicks?
Enlightened intelligencia, vomiting self-imposed angst and guilt, demanding that everyone else within their reach own it also!
What a sicko.
There's a lot I don't know. I do know that...
The horses have left the barn, Gini is out of the bottle
I know the AF Col responsible for the attempted cleanup of Bikini Atoll in the '50s.
I know a woman who is poisoned by the Chernobyl Reactor #4
I know quite a bit about radiological monitoring.
I have read "On thermonuclear war" by Herman Kahn.

So, Hook
Besides liberal political activism, what are you doing to clean up the environment?
Own a car?
Own a gun?
Use electricity?
Live in a house?
Support Solar panels? Maybe you can go to Denver and clean-up the Solar Panel factory that went bankrupt after laundering a butt-load of Obama Stimulus $$
Are you above us ditch-digging knuckle-dragging hicks?
Enlightened intelligencia, vomiting self-imposed angst and guilt, demanding that everyone else within their reach own it also!
What a sicko.

hmmmmm .... by any chance were you abused as a child ?

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