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Imagine if your android phone listened to you (huh, already does) during your phone calls and decides to drop you because something you said during a call? Imagine if apple did it? How about your Alexa enabled TV? Your google Home controlling your lights? Siri just giving you directions right? You unlock your phone with your face or finger print?

How about if they all bundled it up for the government on the side?

This already happens en masse my friend. The philosophical difference to your hypothetical and what's happening is the difference between passive and active communication.

Your passive communications are listened to, the sounds around you are listened to, they are whittled down to the basic data points needed to sell you things.

Likes> Guns, ammo, online shopping, pastries
Dislikes> Hippies, fanny packs, beards
Owns> Home, car, etc
Watches> News, comedy, etc..

I could keep going, but I've seen under that curtain first hand. Lookup the fun stories, like Target sending baby coupons to a home with a teenage girl who lives with Mom and Dad who recently told friends she's pregnant.

There are actually some pretty significant safeguards in place with the big companies to ensure that your USERX12304990876523 identity is never segmented into a marketing pool small enough to actually identify your person. The companies do not want to attach your actual name to this data, it means nothing to them and the optics of that would erode the user base and the data pool they need to function.

But, at least in my opinion, you'll never get to a point where passive communication is "policed"... you know why? They don't want you to proactively lobby against this model. It make no difference to google if you are a passive revolutionist, they'll just try to sell you a nice Balaclava and make sure that Dick's, Sportmans and everyone else know that USERX12304990876523 might be interested in one.

Active communications are going to continue to be policed when you go against the majority. It's a free market, and the money follows the largest user pools.

There's a ton of room for the smaller user bases to get commercial competitors for the same services, but ultimately, the new suitor will do the exact same thing.
Don't know if it's them or the interweb Gods, but been all day:

Unfortunately, we're down for a bit due to some technical issues, but rest assured we'll be back up and running soon!

In the meantime, we suggest getting some well-deserved range time in!

If you have an urgent question, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or call 866-582-4867
That's a neat idea, almost sounds like a market where businesses are free to refuse service to customers that don't follow their rules without the government forcing anything on them and in turn, the consumers get to decide what businesses they support with their dollars! ;)
Corporations acting as editor don't get editorial immunity.

If Facebook wants to be The Washington Post they should have to abide by the same laws.
Boycott everything run, owned, by anti 2a and Biden supporters. My Netflix and Amazon prime are gone, bunch more likely to go.if I have to figure out what internet, phone providers are not owned or run by these aholes. Might be sending smoke signals to communicate.

I killed my Netfux and Amazon Slime/Video earlier. Trying to get enough family/friends to move to MeWe that I can delete my Facefuk acct. Killing my YouTube subscription. Get my news now from instead of But I hear you on the smoke signals... not sure what we can do about that!!!
I killed my Netfux and Amazon Slime/Video earlier. Trying to get enough family/friends to move to MeWe that I can delete my Facefuk acct.
I dropped(1) Flitter and TwitFace a long time ago. I don't see the use of the thing myself. People need to just nut up and leave. As for Amazon, I don't like what they've done but I don't see it as being in the same league.

(1) Deactivated my actual FB account, and never use Twitter. I have multiple accounts due to software I developed at various times needing to be tested against their APIs at the time, but those accounts are not "used" for anything like what people normally use them for.
I dropped(1) Flitter and TwitFace a long time ago. I don't see the use of the thing myself.

(1) Deactivated my actual FB account, and never use Twitter. I have multiple accounts due to software I developed at various times needing to be tested against their APIs at the time, but those accounts are not "used" for anything like what people normally use them for.

Yeah. I was never a Twit, but I support Parler for those that like that kind of thing. I noticed that Dinesh was there, and Rep Nunes... those might have been good to follow.

I would never have been on FB at all had not my family and friends dropped emailing in favor of posting there. For awhile it was a great source to see pics of my grandkids in Arkansas. And catch up with high school friends. That's who I'm trying to get to go over to MeWe... If they don't, my contact with them becomes much harder. Gotta have peeps in my life and I hate phone convos or texting.
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I would never have been on FB at all had not my family and friends
My sister talked me into joining FB when it first became a thing, a long time ago. As an InfoSec professional I lasted about 10 weeks (?) before dropping out, pictures of nieces or not. It's a large security risk and an enormous privacy vampire.
I'm not saying that we should. But I fear that before it's over, we'll need or get perhaps (Cough, cough...) a system like that of VN, Thailand, etc... There are probably more countries that have it but I can't actually say what other countries. Because, I haven't actually been there and tried that, in other countries. Rrrright......I should have/could have probably mentioned .....CHINA. But I haven't been there. So maybe, someone else could comment.

WTF is he talking about?

Well, some Americans (cough, cough....) it appears....... won't be satisfied until the Internet is controlled (to the extent like in those countries).

So then.....
Have you noticed when traveling there? You fly into the airport and your phone doesn't work?

So, get your passport information recorded and you can buy the chip and service.

You get monitored by the Govt.
Say something bad or try to access some Anti-Govt site (mind you that they have decided, which is which).

STOP, Stop,'s THEIR COUNTRY. They (the RULERS: KING, Dictators, etc....) can make their own rules. Opposition shall be crushed.

Rrrrrright.....Who has the guns?

Get back on the subject.....
Rrrrrright......some people would like Americans to be more like subjects of the Govt. (Cough, cough.....) I'll be nice and just call it a "political disagreement of ideas".

Aloha, Mark for China.....I believe Serpenza (on YouTube) has said much about "internet freedom in China". Yup, he has experienced Chinese Freedom while living/working/vlogging in CHINA. But then......speaking negative about China (the CCP) will get you into trouble. It's of little doubt that the CCP's influence is everywhere (including in the USA). Rrrrright.....A Harmonious Society requires that the people be of one mind and obey their Govt. (as they would their Father).

Hint: Harmonious Society.
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No one thinks China's internet is good lol. At least in my circles.

When our VP goes, I make him take a burner phone and leave his company issued device at home. Clean laptop with no files/data, he hates the hassle, but it's worth it.
Sorry (about post #148).....
Perhaps, Serpenza is biased with his views? Rrrrright.....because he use to be so Pro-China.

So do you have anything else?

Perhaps America/Americans too......needs their own version of the Fifty Cent Army? Why? It appears that the BIG TECH GUYS are doing such a good job already. Oh.....but think about the employment numbers? Rrrrright....

Fact Checkers are needed. Min. $15 an hour and benefits


No one thinks China's internet is good lol.

*Billions would probably disagree. Or at least the CCP says so (on behalf of their citizens). LOL.

*Sorry....didn't run that by a "Fact Checker" prior to posting. 2019 population according to Siri is something like 1.4 B.

Aloha, Mark

It's SerpentZA not Sepenza
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Have you been tested for Covid? LOL

I'm waiting for the vaccine.


Aloha, Mark
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Too much politics in this thread. If GoDaddy wrongfully removed then they can sue if they'd like for breach of contract, but is a steaming pile of putrid puke, so I think moving to a proper registrar is the right option. I ditched them five years ago, and suggest that anyone with them do the same, irrespective of first amendment issues (which don't exist in the private sphere).

Also, y'all need to spend less time on social media
Too much politics in this thread. If GoDaddy wrongfully removed then they can sue if they'd like for breach of contract, but is a steaming pile of putrid puke, so I think moving to a proper registrar is the right option. I ditched them five years ago, and suggest that anyone with them do the same, irrespective of first amendment issues (which don't exist in the private sphere).

Also, y'all need to spend less time on social media

This doesn't count does it!?

And 110% agree with godaddy.
Too much politics in this thread. If GoDaddy wrongfully removed then they can sue if they'd like for breach of contract, but is a steaming pile of putrid puke, so I think moving to a proper registrar is the right option. I ditched them five years ago, and suggest that anyone with them do the same, irrespective of first amendment issues (which don't exist in the private sphere).

Also, y'all need to spend less time on social media
Clearly Vice isn't fans of the "FAR RIGHT ECHOCHAMBER PARLER" :rolleyes:

But Peter makes some good points:

"The Pirate Bay, the most censored website in the world, started by kids, run by people with problems with alcohol, drugs and money, still is up after almost two decades,"

"The most ironic thing is that The Pirate Bay's enemies include not just the US government but also many European and the Russian one," he said.

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