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Enjoy him as you may,
Please do us a favor and dissect his presentation and point out all of the fallacy, would you? And the fact that 'paid liars' (attorneys) used this tactic to sway a court holds zero concern for those who get how things work.

For the record, I was a Fox loyalist until the last year or two when they started employing the likes of Donna Brazile and company, at which point it became clear that they were going left, to the infuriation of the majority of their viewers. The buck was obviously better from the left so that's where their network ran.

I have since banned Fox from my personal viewership and stopped DVR'ing even Tucker and Hannity after years of doing so. The ONLY Fox show I'll DVR is Mark Levin on Sunday nights.

I posted this because Tucker is clearly outlining the state of affairs RIGHT NOW. We are in trouble.

If you don't get that then you are in even deeper trouble, but I don't have time to try to change that.

Good luck--
Please do us a favor and dissect his presentation and point out all of the fallacy, would you? And the fact that 'paid liars' (attorneys) used this tactic to sway a court holds zero concern for those who get how things work.

Good luck--

I don't have time for that, I just posted what Fox stated about Tucker's show. If you want to treat his show as a news program... well then, as I said before, enjoy him as you may.

You're sure quick to decide what I should do, but I'm not telling you to change a thing :s0005:
So... kinda like attacking the message because you didn't like the messenger?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Unless it's digital.
Who's rights are you taking away when you tell a legitimate business what kind of content it must host? On this site there is censorship and is controlled by the management. The site has that right and should do what is best for the site. I feel other business's have this same right.
Are these private companies Platforms or publishers?
there are specific rights and specific responsibilities for each type of company and they are exclusive for all other business. Somehow many of these companies are acting as both.
Section 230 specifically conciders these providers as platforms (i.e. telephone service and Post office) but they are acting like publishers (newspapers and chatrooms) by censuring speech they do not like.
using your logic, phone companies couldcreate a program to listen to your conversation and kill the connection if they dont like what you are saying. they clearly can not do that, and as a reward as such they are not held responsible for misuse.
a publisher however is liable for misuse but they have the benefit of being able to actively censure.
using your logic, phone companies couldcreate a program to listen to your conversation and kill the connection if they dont like what you are saying. they clearly can not do that, and as a reward as such they are not held responsible for misuse.
a publisher however is liable for misuse but they have the benefit of being able to actively censure.


Good points.

That's what I'm on the fence on, maybe it has to be one or the other? If it's acting like a publisher, then sec203 would have to go, but I don't think that's the right play for the public interest.

But it's a good point, if they don't want the responsibility of the content, then maybe they need to allow it all... Still, you'd wonder if even in that model, there'd still be a line that you couldn't cross... defining that becomes the next debate.

Good points.

That's what I'm on the fence on, maybe it has to be one or the other? If it's acting like a publisher, then sec203 would have to go, but I don't think that's the right play for the public interest.

But it's a good point, if they don't want the responsibility of the content, then maybe they need to allow it all... Still, you'd wonder if even in that model, there'd still be a line that you couldn't cross... defining that becomes the next debate.
exactly. there needs to be clear distinction of their rights and responsibilities. section 230 was written in the 1990s and was a part of a large bill made to protect internet providers from lawsuit. most of the law was struck down by the Supreme Court but they left section 230 alone thinking the critters that made the law would fix the legislation they created but they never did, they just let it stand as it is with no provision for todays social media.
Can we please end modern day social media and go back to what we had when AOL launched?

Simple forums, Chatrooms and IM. All we needed EVER!!! Why did we leave it, I want to go back!
Do you remember these classic sounds of the Internet? | GMA Digital - YouTube

CRT's, dial up, windows 98 and XP. the SOUL of classic clacky keyboards with PS2 connection, the over size mice. Being hype to just go online and explore random things. Where did we go so wrong.....I cannot be the only one of the millennial era who misses older simpler times. Nobody ever got offended by the internet and we all just laughed at everything.

Methinks....that some of us have forgotten how long it took to download.....PORN.:s0001: Not to mention how all fuzzy the picture was.

Aloha, Mark
Methinks....that some of us have forgotten how long it took to download.....PORN.:s0001: Not to mention how all fuzzy the picture was.

Aloha, Mark


These jokers are aching for people to ask for regulations, so that they can then "help" write the new rules. Don't fall for it. Net neutrality SOUNDS great, but North Korea isn't really a Democratic Republic either. Names can mislead.

Like Patriot Act?

Seriously, you should actually read the legislation. Cliff notes:

"With net neutrality, ISPs may not intentionally block, slow down, or charge money for specific online content. Without net neutrality, ISPs may prioritize certain types of traffic, meter others, or potentially block traffic from specific services, while charging consumers for various tiers of service."

Anyway, I won't clutter up this thread further.
Read Post#33

Then imagine that what happened there, could also happen here.

Aloha, Mark

PS....a little more insight might/could be gained by reading this thread (it also mentions
Parler Banned .. Gun Forums Next? | Northwest Firearms - Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming Gun Owners
got it, thank you...
But they didnt explain what happened there. My guess is the host didnt want to associate business anymore with a gun forum dedicated to a specific rifle in light of current events.

I stumbled upon this article today. It suggests that AR15 forum was promoting violence as the reason it got booted.

Washingtonexaminer said:
"In response to content complaints on the website, our team investigated and discovered content on the site that both promotes and encourages violence. As a result, we informed the site yesterday that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another registrar, as they have violated our terms of service," GoDaddy told the Washington Examiner.
Boycott everything run, owned, by anti 2a and Biden supporters. My Netflix and Amazon prime are gone, bunch more likely to go.if I have to figure out what internet, phone providers are not owned or run by these aholes. Might be sending smoke signals to communicate.
I mentioned to our IT guy today at work that we might want to go to our own server (right we have the Amazon Cloud) because I could see Amazon screwing over companies that are Conservative and use their cloud services....
When the socialist mob gives you lemons, make lemonade from it. This could be a blessing in disguise. Any site that is canceled by the likes of Amazon, Apple or Google should be able to get up and running on hardware that is not affiliated with any of those companies. At that point they will lose control and will only be able to do hacking type attacks. Liberty loving Americans were already fleeing Twitter and Facebook and record numbers for sites that don't censor with the excuse that it violates their communist standards.
When the socialist mob gives you lemons, make lemonade from it. This could be a blessing in disguise. Any site that is canceled by the likes of Amazon, Apple or Google should be able to get up and running on hardware that is not affiliated with any of those companies. At that point they will lose control and will only be able to do hacking type attacks. Liberty loving Americans were already fleeing Twitter and Facebook and record numbers for sites that don't censor with the excuse that it violates their communist standards.

That's a neat idea, almost sounds like a market where businesses are free to refuse service to customers that don't follow their rules without the government forcing anything on them and in turn, the consumers get to decide what businesses they support with their dollars! ;)
Imagine if your android phone listened to you (huh, already does) during your phone calls and decides to drop you because something you said during a call? Imagine if apple did it? How about your Alexa enabled TV? Your google Home controlling your lights? Siri just giving you directions right? You unlock your phone with your face or finger print?

How about if they all bundled it up for the government on the side?

Interesting the warm embrace of all this constantly online devices spying on us, listening to every word who are now making decisions of censoring vast amounts of people because a few of them did not say the correct pre-determined speech.

If you realize it is time to go dark, its already to late
We don't have any information about this aside from their notice on Facebook saying that GoDaddy shut them down. Seems they're back up on the normal domain now.

I guess I better start making arrangements in the event this happens to us...
You should create a presence on MeWe so you can make announcements if need be.
We have met the enemy and they is us. Another site I belong to had a bit of a to-go when someone (not me, I only saw it after the lock down) posted one of the Hitler parodies (Hitler goes nutz over how bad Glocks feel, why he can't get good food, etc.) and some idiot started whining about how their Romani Gypsy relatives barely made it out of Europe, blah, blah, blah, and making Biden (oops! Sorry, Hitler) look like an idiot and laughing at him, was BAD, BAD, BAD! So the mod who has a hard-on for the guy who started the thread, killed it. Getting exposed, the mod brought it back, attacked the poster, other mods joined in, and finally killed the thread again after pulling (and just as often reposting) posts.

I've been temp banned for telling people to go read 1918 and 1919 Life (or Look, which ever came out before the other) magazine and look at the letters to the ed column in the 1942-1943 issues. Telling people to go to official US gov't web sites to see what they really say was a real NO-NO too! Just what are these mods/people so afraid of? If it isn't the openly communist sites attacking "us", it is "our own".

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