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Did you watch the entire video?
Pretty bold statement calling them liars...especially when their interviewers asked them about people like you who get all twisted up when the thing you have committed to is not panning out. your link:
Daily Kos (/koʊs/ KOHSS)[2] is a group blog and internet forum focused on center-left politics, the Democratic Party[3][4] and center-left liberalAmerican politics.

Do you understand what a random sample is, and why it is important?

ACEP-AAEM Joint Statement on Physician Misinformation
The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public's health.

Last Edited:
Do you understand what a random sample is, and why it is important?

ACEP-AAEM Joint Statement on Physician Misinformation
The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public's health.

Thank you for ignoring my very specific question. And yes I know what a random sample is. I spent my entire career problem solving and doing the maths...and don't need lecturing from someone who posts the thoughts of others.
Thank you for ignoring my very specific question. And yes I know what a random sample is. I spent my entire career problem solving and doing the maths...and don't need lecturing from someone who posts the thoughts of others.
The fact that the media has been lying has been so well seen that no one is still in the dark unless they really choose to be. As in they know but they desperately want the fraud to be true. It's just a means to an end. It's been so well exposed that bothering to try to argue with anyone who see's this and still wants to pretend they do not "get it", is a waste of your time. You may as well try to convince someone like Chuck S. we all should have universal CC rights. Just never going to happen. :cool:
A drive today with Wifey up The Gorge to do some target shooting. I ran 20 of my home rolled, with different powder weights, rounds through the Garand. They ran beautiful! Less recoil with H4895, and I believe they were more accurate than the PPU 150 grain FMJs that I purchased for the brass to make these. I dunno, it's hard for me to see the red dot on the target with MY eyes. The point of the post.....Seeing the entire Columbia River with NO boats. It's springer season, yet all the ramps are closed and the river is closed. The wide open park near the mouth of the Sandy is closed. All that wide OPEN SPACE where distancing would be NO PROBLEM, but it's all closed! The park at Cascade Locks is CLOSED! With a sign threatening an up-to $1250.00 ticket for going into a park! Bradford Island with all it's bank where people could easily keep a distance from others! It's getting sickening that our overlords will not open some places up and let the grown adults be responsible for their own GD safety!

They have closed "The Great Outdoors" for Christ's sake! And of you still yammering about "Social Distancing" being kept as "The Law" need to keep your own selves locked away and the hell away from me. You're clearly not smart enough to be out and about on your own. I'm a mature man and capable of keeping my own distance from people.

"Where's the Tylenol".
A drive today with Wifey up The Gorge to do some target shooting. I ran 20 of my home rolled, with different powder weights, rounds through the Garand. They ran beautiful! Less recoil with H4895, and I believe they were more accurate than the PPU 150 grain FMJs that I purchased for the brass to make these. I dunno, it's hard for me to see the red dot on the target with MY eyes. The point of the post.....Seeing the entire Columbia River with NO boats. It's springer season, yet all the ramps are closed and the river is closed. The wide open park near the mouth of the Sandy is closed. All that wide OPEN SPACE where distancing would be NO PROBLEM, but it's all closed! The park at Cascade Locks is CLOSED! With a sign threatening an up-to $1250.00 ticket for going into a park! Bradford Island with all it's bank where people could easily keep a distance from others! It's getting sickening that our overlords will not open some places up and let the grown adults be responsible for their own GD safety!

They have closed "The Great Outdoors" for Christ's sake! And of you still yammering about "Social Distancing" being kept as "The Law" need to keep your own selves locked away and the hell away from me. You're clearly not smart enough to be out and about on your own. I'm a mature man and capable of keeping my own distance from people.

"Where's the Tylenol".

I put up the like due to the Garand, no the rest:(. Sound like fun. My range is "hoping" the 5th:mad:
As for the rest you just do not understand "science". Everyone who knows anything about science knows it's safe to use the subway's, buss lines, trains, and buy pot. Who in their right mind would go out in the middle of an ocean or river and fish? You know as soon as you put out a line the Rona runs up the line and into you so you can kill everyone in a 20 square mile area. Just ask the experts they know better. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
A drive today with Wifey up The Gorge to do some target shooting. I ran 20 of my home rolled, with different powder weights, rounds through the Garand. They ran beautiful! Less recoil with H4895, and I believe they were more accurate than the PPU 150 grain FMJs that I purchased for the brass to make these. I dunno, it's hard for me to see the red dot on the target with MY eyes. The point of the post.....Seeing the entire Columbia River with NO boats. It's springer season, yet all the ramps are closed and the river is closed. The wide open park near the mouth of the Sandy is closed. All that wide OPEN SPACE where distancing would be NO PROBLEM, but it's all closed! The park at Cascade Locks is CLOSED! With a sign threatening an up-to $1250.00 ticket for going into a park! Bradford Island with all it's bank where people could easily keep a distance from others! It's getting sickening that our overlords will not open some places up and let the grown adults be responsible for their own GD safety!

They have closed "The Great Outdoors" for Christ's sake! And of you still yammering about "Social Distancing" being kept as "The Law" need to keep your own selves locked away and the hell away from me. You're clearly not smart enough to be out and about on your own. I'm a mature man and capable of keeping my own distance from people.

"Where's the Tylenol".
The rivers open to fishing ( Oregon) but not salmon or steel head. Maybe get a nice squawfish :p
These two had to know what this was going to do yet they did it anyway. Of course now the media is making them out to be everything wrong with anything. Sadly the facts are no longer even debatable. Anyone who is still trying to cover for what has been done knows they were duped and they want, desperately want, the lies to be true so they are gone.

You knew this was coming. More than these 2 are coming forth with the same message. You knew that MSM will do everything they can to discredit them and the others that are coming forth with basically the same message. It is amazing that people still get their news from these lying sons of botches in MSM, spoon feed and believing whatever they are fed.

The covid is bigger than the general election , or was designed to disrupt that election. MSM with their proven liberal media bias only has the covid to poke at Trump about right now, since senile Joe Biden can even put a sentence together to perv on women right. Coverage of the primaries and elections is not even close to the news than covid is. Biden is a mark, a tool, a buffoon who will get his azz kicked eventually.

People are clearly dividing in a national way into the covid and non believers. MSM will perpetuate this division since it is one more thing to divide the country over.

At the state level, Korrupt Kate is getting her liberal azz handed to her on her Twitter page. The comments are easily 99% against anything she says and every one is calling her out. A few will try and defend her, but they get whacked pretty good after they do.

The covid was Phase One of this sh*t show. But I know that these government patsies have got more than they can possible handle with everything that is going on. I fully expect some high level catastrophic failure of the State of Oregons financial situation after these covid charade is over with. It is inevitable given the numbers of unemployed, the states failure to provide the UI assistance needed, and the loss of tax revenues.

Now Kate is dumb as they come, and I am sure she did not surround herself with people smarter than her like most good business people do, so the expectation that she has some actuaries, accountants, advisors and economists giving her sage advice is not happening. If she did, somebody would have to ask her it she is out of her fing mind.

The only people who have jobs are government jobs, there has been about zero layoffs of government drones. The government employees of about every shape and form are really kicking up this stay home, social distancing thing both on social media, print media, and broadcast media. They all seem to be in lock step on this. Eventually people will tire of this sh*t drivel because the people don't have jobs or unemployment insurance are not going to relate to some government drone telling them something.
You knew this was coming. More than these 2 are coming forth with the same message. You knew that MSM will do everything they can to discredit them and the others that are coming forth with basically the same message. It is amazing that people still get their news from these lying sons of botches in MSM, spoon feed and believing whatever they are fed.

The covid is bigger than the general election , or was designed to disrupt that election. MSM with their proven liberal media bias only has the covid to poke at Trump about right now, since senile Joe Biden can even put a sentence together to perv on women right. Coverage of the primaries and elections is not even close to the news than covid is. Biden is a mark, a tool, a buffoon who will get his azz kicked eventually.

People are clearly dividing in a national way into the covid and non believers. MSM will perpetuate this division since it is one more thing to divide the country over.

At the state level, Korrupt Kate is getting her liberal azz handed to her on her Twitter page. The comments are easily 99% against anything she says and every one is calling her out. A few will try and defend her, but they get whacked pretty good after they do.

The covid was Phase One of this sh*t show. But I know that these government patsies have got more than they can possible handle with everything that is going on. I fully expect some high level catastrophic failure of the State of Oregons financial situation after these covid charade is over with. It is inevitable given the numbers of unemployed, the states failure to provide the UI assistance needed, and the loss of tax revenues.

Now Kate is dumb as they come, and I am sure she did not surround herself with people smarter than her like most good business people do, so the expectation that she has some actuaries, accountants, advisors and economists giving her sage advice is not happening. If she did, somebody would have to ask her it she is out of her fing mind.

The only people who have jobs are government jobs, there has been about zero layoffs of government drones. The government employees of about every shape and form are really kicking up this stay home, social distancing thing both on social media, print media, and broadcast media. They all seem to be in lock step on this. Eventually people will tire of this sh*t drivel because the people don't have jobs or unemployment insurance are not going to relate to some government drone telling them something.
Yep there will be more, already is but, just as with these two big tech is working overtime to silence them. I am sure most people like Kate and my guy Jay, probably believed the original tale of mass death. They of course know full well now this is not true but, again the ends justifies the means to them. Gaining control is worth any and all death to them. There is a huge spike in things like suicide. This will get worse and they do not care. It's all about control. Win at all cost. A lot of them are of course really pissed now because they hoped to make this last longer and are now desperate to make it take longer. I watch a lot of different "news" and MSN is FAR from alone. CNN, and the big 3 networks are doing the exact same thing. They run Pelosie lying daily and will NEVER show her tape of herself saying the exact opposite things weeks ago. They pretend like it never happened. This next election will tell us if we really have any chance to remain a free people. Will be interesting to watch come November. Look at the economy we had just a couple months ago? Many working today had never in their working life seen this kind of winning. Now the big news tells them it never happened with a strait face. If voters chose to allow this, yet another scam to be pulled on them, well we get what we deserve.
"End the Quarantine, open the State"

Reading some crap email I get from my, so-called, rep. Barbara Smith Warner. You know the ones? I just scan them because she is one of "Them". The term "Summer of Covid" is used. These so-called reps aren't going to be letting up. And an article in WW I scanned briefly stating that the city of potland will be closing some streets in NE potland to non-essential traffic so pedestrians are free to roam without vehicles bothering them.

I wouldn't think some of the best writers of "Future World" novels could come up with the garbage these so-called "Representatives" of the people are!
As a paramedic in Portland - let's keep it shut down just a wee bit longer k thanks. Wearing a P100 6+ hours a day and washing myself with bleach throughout the day is getting old.
As a paramedic in Portland - let's keep it shut down just a wee bit longer k thanks. Wearing a P100 6+ hours a day and washing myself with bleach throughout the day is getting old.

Thank you for what you do. But people need to get the hell off MY back and let me take care of my own distancing. I'm a grown arsed man!
As a paramedic in Portland - let's keep it shut down just a wee bit longer k thanks. Wearing a P100 6+ hours a day and washing myself with bleach throughout the day is getting old.
So keep it shut down until/if a vaccine becomes ready?

Appreciate your service but we can't further implode our economy. Allow the healthy to live their lives, practice physical distancing, then have the medically challenged to stay home if they feel inclined. We as a society can help the few but nobody wants to see what a 30% unemployment rate will do to this Country.
We need some sort of "soft grand opening". If the flood gates just get lifted it's going to be chaos. I don't have all the answers but what I do know is that the precautions all of the medical directors have put forth and the quick acting of shutting Oregon down and the amazing adherence of the Oregonian people are what have made the state so successful in curbing this mess. Oregon - 100 deaths. New York - 12,000 deaths. We are winning this race, and I just would hate to see us start to fall behind.
We need some sort of "soft grand opening". If the flood gates just get lifted it's going to be chaos. I don't have all the answers but what I do know is that the precautions all of the medical directors have put forth and the quick acting of shutting Oregon down and the amazing adherence of the Oregonian people are what have made the state so successful in curbing this mess. Oregon - 100 deaths. New York - 12,000 deaths. We are winning this race, and I just would hate to see us start to fall behind.
Well you guys don't have a city with that kind of population density, didn't leave a massive subway system open but with fewer cars, didn't send sick older folks to nursing homes instead of the ER, and didn't refuse to resuscitate people who might or might not be infected, so of course you did way better.
More proof of what many of us knew from the beginning regardless of all the stat throwers and dire link posters...

We need some sort of "soft grand opening". If the flood gates just get lifted it's going to be chaos. I don't have all the answers but what I do know is that the precautions all of the medical directors have put forth and the quick acting of shutting Oregon down and the amazing adherence of the Oregonian people are what have made the state so successful in curbing this mess. Oregon - 100 deaths. New York - 12,000 deaths. We are winning this race, and I just would hate to see us start to fall behind.

First off, nobody here suggested that we just say "GO", and everything is open as it was three months ago.

It looks like you're in Oregon City. That's great, lovely place. I have a question, for who-ever, no one in particular. Will our fuhrer, K brown, and the likes of Ted Wheeler, and minions, jump right back on the "Maximum Population Density" bus in cities in the state of Oregon when things get more back to normal? When a virus comes back to the cities where people are stacked in like cord wood, I'll be gone by then to a less crowded place and protecting my space from city dwellers that voted in the likes of fuhrer brown, ted wheeler and minions.
More proof of what many of us knew from the beginning regardless of all the stat throwers and dire link posters...

Sadly no one who is still falling for this hoax will ever hear any of this. The facts are way beyond any kind of debate. All the people supporting this know full well what's going on. They want the ends, don't care how many are hurt and die in the means. They want top down control and most of them really think it will work this time, even though it never has. When they get what they want and it blows up in their face they will blame someone else for what they asked for.
I agree that it's long past time to get back to work/business. Son and I went to the range again yesterday and had a good time. May go again tomorrow.

I have a very uneasy feeling about the fallout from this 'feel-good' shutdown on our economy, both short-term and long-term. Too many people speak of the re-opening as if it were a switch that when turned on everything immediately goes back to the way it was pre-covid.
I hope I'm wrong.
The REAL affect of covid19.


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