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Seems like my job is gonna go back to normal soon as we get one more new hire. The construction has already resumed not in full man power but near it for whats needed.

Guess they are taking initiative at least from whats been said by my boss. Don't know where the CCC task force they had back in feb/mar went but they've not updated the blogosphere company site since 3/23. Haven't seen or heard any new directives since when this all first kicked off in Feb.

Neither have I heard anything from the main company either for that matter.
"When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind. What Do You Do, Sir?"

Problem is....who do you trust to provide you with the FACTS?
Aloha, Mark
You have to love the media when they start flailing at about :59 when they are trying to spin something out of nothing and the docs shut them down.
The two doctors are losing money because people are deterred from using their clinic, so they are lying to make a buck. Or they are incompetent at statistics. Either way are relying on bad math. They claim that a 12% rate of infection among people tested for COVID19 means that 12% of all Californians have the disease. They make the false claim that they can tell the total infection rate in California based on the infection rate of people who have been tested. This is a skewed sample. Elementary statistics classes teach that you must take a random sample. "In Kern County, we've tested 5,213 people and we have 340 positive COVID cases. Well, that's 6.5% of the population, " said Erickson. "So if you look at California—these numbers are from yesterday—we have 33,865 COVID cases out of a total of 280,900 total tested; that's 12% of Californians were positive for COVID." "We've seen 1,227 deaths in the state of California with a possible incidents or prevalence of 4.7 million," said Erickson. "That means you have a 0.03% chance of dying from COVID-19 in the state of California."

New York state already has a higher fatality rate of COVID19 across its entire population even though fewer than 20% of the population has been infected. Their claimed 0.03% death rate is silly.

Two doctors show how to use numbers to make a bad situation infinitely worse
I shared this on FB and while some folks think they were beating me down with the TDS stick, I'm at the point, you don't have to like it or agree. Just another point of view.

In those old black & white pics in history books, it's easy to belive large groups of people could not be so easily lead. The message of follow the government under a president we hate and who is an idiot, is lost on me.

We continue to get body counts on CV19. Meanwhile, has no one had a heart attack, DUI crash, been shot...

If you believe there is a vast global conspiracy to wreck economies just to keep people indoors, you should use actual evidence of such a conspiracy.

"If we want to . . . [understand] the ways different countries have responded to the surging pandemic and how [it] has affected the health of the population, the best way is to count excess deaths," said David Leon, professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

Experts have warned of serious under-reporting of Covid-19 cases in residential facilities for the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to the virus. "Very few countries appear to be testing people in care homes, staff and residents, systematically," said Adelina Comas-Herrera, research fellow at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre of the London School of Economics. Even the much higher numbers of deaths in the pandemic suggested by excess mortality statistics are likely to be conservative, as lockdowns mean that "mortality from numerous conditions such as traffic accidents and occupational injuries possibly went down", said Markéta Pechholdová, assistant professor of demography at the University of Economics, Prague.

I hated those meetings. Everyone knew they were BS, but at least there were free donuts..

We were discussing this today. If dotGov pulled the biggest BS promulgated $hit$how in history by accident or on purpose, they will need to cover their mistake, and what better way than ease the shallow thinking, outraging social media emoters back into the work environment than to reward them with large amounts of cash as they are greased back into the workplace.
Hong Kong has the population of Washington State, less than 10% of the COVID cases, yet still shut down far more than anywhere in America. Shutting down is a crude, painful way of dealing with the fact that the there is too little testing to identify pre-symptomatic COVID cases. 'We can't let up': Hong Kong battles complacency amid new wave of Covid-19
Meanwhile in NYC:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo was asked about unemployment Monday, and spoke about the need for federal help.

"We're out of money now. We are now running a $10-15 billion deficit. We're out of money now," Cuomo said.

People DeAngelis spoke to want more answers from Cuomo and Gov. Phil Murphy, who Monday couldn't answer why the unemployment site went down Sunday, impacting people like Maria Matos.

I would hate to be there right now but it seems this is a similar issue thats going on in other states with UI sites having problems filing claims. As evident by our own thread here about helping with unemployment.
Hard truth is that as a Nation we've allowed our votes to be purchased for far too long...We've done it to ourselves.
If you believe there is a vast global conspiracy to wreck economies just to keep people indoors, you should use actual evidence of such a conspiracy.

"If we want to . . . [understand] the ways different countries have responded to the surging pandemic and how [it] has affected the health of the population, the best way is to count excess deaths," said David Leon, professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

Experts have warned of serious under-reporting of Covid-19 cases in residential facilities for the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to the virus. "Very few countries appear to be testing people in care homes, staff and residents, systematically," said Adelina Comas-Herrera, research fellow at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre of the London School of Economics. Even the much higher numbers of deaths in the pandemic suggested by excess mortality statistics are likely to be conservative, as lockdowns mean that "mortality from numerous conditions such as traffic accidents and occupational injuries possibly went down", said Markéta Pechholdová, assistant professor of demography at the University of Economics, Prague.

This reply is off track from my quote you used.

In those old black & white pics in history books, it's easy to believe large groups of people could not be so easily lead. The message of follow the government under a president we hate and who is an idiot, is lost on me.

I'm talking about people who say Trump, who is the leader of this country, yet they label him an idiot. Then these same people say, we must follow the policies set by the government...which they just said is lead by an idiot. This is the easily lead crowd. My opinion. Take it for what you will.

Part 2. I said: We continue to get body counts on CV19. Meanwhile, has no one had a heart attack, DUI crash, been shot...
I just had a healthy 40 something year old friend pass Thursday. He desert raced buggies for years in Az. He came down with an illness outside of CV19 and quickly passed. I just saw a post of him on FB within 2 weeks. People are staying away from the hospital because of CV19 fears and being told outright by hospitals, to stay away if it's not an emergency. I have had the conversations with the hospitals myself. If you don't have a fever above X, stay home. If you aren't having this specific cough, stay home. If you aren't dying this minute, stay home.

None of my post had anything to do with what experts in Europe reported or testing in care homes or statistics or any of what you said. So, this is not an angry rebuttal but it is to say, hey, that's not what I said.
LOL, no you were out of money $10 - $15 billion ago. Politicians. :rolleyes:

Wondering how long before they show up outside his ivory tower with fork and knife wearing dinner bibs and got a rope of drool down to the floor with those hungry eyes. (no not the song haha)
The two doctors are losing money because people are deterred from using their clinic, so they are lying to make a buck. Or they are incompetent at statistics. Either way are relying on bad math. They claim that a 12% rate of infection among people tested for COVID19 means that 12% of all Californians have the disease. They make the false claim that they can tell the total infection rate in California based on the infection rate of people who have been tested. This is a skewed sample. Elementary statistics classes teach that you must take a random sample. "In Kern County, we've tested 5,213 people and we have 340 positive COVID cases. Well, that's 6.5% of the population, " said Erickson. "So if you look at California—these numbers are from yesterday—we have 33,865 COVID cases out of a total of 280,900 total tested; that's 12% of Californians were positive for COVID." "We've seen 1,227 deaths in the state of California with a possible incidents or prevalence of 4.7 million," said Erickson. "That means you have a 0.03% chance of dying from COVID-19 in the state of California."

New York state already has a higher fatality rate of COVID19 across its entire population even though fewer than 20% of the population has been infected. Their claimed 0.03% death rate is silly.

Two doctors show how to use numbers to make a bad situation infinitely worse
Copied from your article:

Right now in New York City, 0.15% of the total population is already dead from COVID-19. Not 0.15% of those with symptoms. Not 0.15% of those infected. 0.15% of everybody in New York City. Is dead. Right now. Because of this disease.

0.03% death rate huh?

I'm sure that will be waived away by those who will say it's because all deaths are being counted as cv-19, you know, for the money.
I think other versions of this were posted on the COVID 19 thread, but they did not include the important first 30 seconds (before the actual interview started) or the last few minutes that are included on this one:

These two had to know what this was going to do yet they did it anyway. Of course now the media is making them out to be everything wrong with anything. Sadly the facts are no longer even debatable. Anyone who is still trying to cover for what has been done knows they were duped and they want, desperately want, the lies to be true so they are gone. No facts will ever get past them now. Look at this woman who claims Biden attacked her. Is she making it up? Who knows but, look how the same media promoting this hoax is treating her compared to the woman who went after the last SCOTUS pick? That is as much fact as you can possibly find. The same people are telling anyone who will listen this is not a hoax, as they openly lie daily. So at this point those who believe them only do so because they want to believe them. They are like trying to show facts to a rabid anti gun person, it's a waste of time. <shrug> Sadly this has shown those who crave control over the masses just how easy it is to do, and they are taking notice.
New York state already has a higher fatality rate of COVID19 across its entire population even though fewer than 20% of the population has been infected. Their claimed 0.03% death rate is silly.

Two doctors show how to use numbers to make a bad situation infinitely worse
As of just now NY has lost .00259 of their population to deaths reported as Covid. Damn math and facts are rough alright. Of course when the media can just make up anything they want, many will latch onto it <shrug>
So far according the mainstream news NY is only losing .00259% on the population. Since these numbers come from the same people who if I see them on TV and their mouth is moving I know they are lying, I doubt it's this bad. Still this is what they are reporting, as they call the two Doctors fraudsters. If this was not so pathetic it would be quite funny.
Open the country!

I spoke to a close friend in my former state - Great Lakes region. Boonies - farm/lake country. The man is like a nephew to me, a Veteran, drives long distance as a truck driver now, farms a bit, and lives across farm fields from my former house that I built with my late husband.

His wife's family or most of them live in NY. Upstate and in Long Island.

New York:

They (.Gov and the medical industrial complex.) ARE listing deaths and illnesses with NO testing, long term lung issues that had NOTHING to do with Covid and/or OTHER underlying conditions as a COVID DEATH OR COVID.

That is NOT new news. IT has been going on and I have been following it on and off. I am NOT saying that this is in every single case but it is TRUE. PLUS check out the PAYMENTS MADE on how things are written down for treatment or DEATHS. Various amounts differ. Fact not fiction. IT is not some conspiracy theory on the medical PAYMENTS to the caregivers, the hospitals, the nursing homes, etc.

His New York relatives on his wife's side - large family update: One of his relatives died. That person was older and sick with other issues. One very OLD MIL in her 80's or early 90's (?) supposedly has IT now and is in a nursing home. Another relative supposedly has IT now - I do not know if that man is HOME or was taken to the hospital. I forgot to ASK him that question.

My old friend's wife talks to her relatives and old friends a LOT. He lived in NY when he was in the Army for a time frame including being @ Ground Zero in NY when we were attacked. He was in the Army and, later on, in the Army NG - retired.

He has not been able to go for his check ups at the VA hospital for some more follow ups from a surgery some time ago. But he is fine for now and told me not to worry about him. I love him like a nephew and my late husband and I were always PROUD OF HIM too.

When I spoke to him the other day, he was in NC but usually he is in the Midwest part of the country. He said that ALL of this was handled wrong and quite frankly - I DO believe that THIS ENTIRE SITUATION was handled wrong by many governors, many states, and the U.S. Government.

I do not want to get into a ____ match and I have some other opinions that some people may or may NOT agree with me a little bit or a lot.


MANY, many businesses could have STAYED OPEN and worked around this entire thing. That IS my opinion now.

In the beginning - I believed and trusted most of what was stated in ALL of my reading, seeing and listening plus throw in many transcripts and so forth.

My opinion. NO problem if you do not agree with me.

Follow the money, connect the dots, do your own research and always wonder just who IS giving out the facts and WHY do so many of the SO CALLED FACTS and statistics (LOL) differ and throw in TONS more to all of your questions.

God bless America. We need it.


Old Lady Cate
This reply is off track from my quote you used.

In those old black & white pics in history books, it's easy to believe large groups of people could not be so easily lead. The message of follow the government under a president we hate and who is an idiot, is lost on me.

I'm talking about people who say Trump, who is the leader of this country, yet they label him an idiot. Then these same people say, we must follow the policies set by the government...which they just said is lead by an idiot. This is the easily lead crowd. My opinion. Take it for what you will.

Part 2. I said: We continue to get body counts on CV19. Meanwhile, has no one had a heart attack, DUI crash, been shot...
I just had a healthy 40 something year old friend pass Thursday. He desert raced buggies for years in Az. He came down with an illness outside of CV19 and quickly passed. I just saw a post of him on FB within 2 weeks. People are staying away from the hospital because of CV19 fears and being told outright by hospitals, to stay away if it's not an emergency. I have had the conversations with the hospitals myself. If you don't have a fever above X, stay home. If you aren't having this specific cough, stay home. If you aren't dying this minute, stay home.

None of my post had anything to do with what experts in Europe reported or testing in care homes or statistics or any of what you said. So, this is not an angry rebuttal but it is to say, hey, that's not what I said.

Condolences on the loss of your friend.

Take care.

Blessings to you and your family.

Old Lady Cate
It's already too late, the fundamental changes have taken place. Entertainment, tourism, travel, are all going to be hit hard for a very long time. Movie theaters, casinos, concerts, are going to either diminish in numbers or fail outright. Airlines, aircraft manufacturers are going to do the same. Many small businesses that operate on a narrow margin are going to shut down permanently. Because the government has been shoveling money at unprecedented levels inflation is going to go through the roof.

buckle up buttercup, that's only the tip of the iceberg.
The two doctors are losing money because people are deterred from using their clinic, so they are lying to make a buck. Or they are incompetent at statistics. Either way are relying on bad math. They claim that a 12% rate of infection among people tested for COVID19 means that 12% of all Californians have the disease. They make the false claim that they can tell the total infection rate in California based on the infection rate of people who have been tested. This is a skewed sample. Elementary statistics classes teach that you must take a random sample. "In Kern County, we've tested 5,213 people and we have 340 positive COVID cases. Well, that's 6.5% of the population, " said Erickson. "So if you look at California—these numbers are from yesterday—we have 33,865 COVID cases out of a total of 280,900 total tested; that's 12% of Californians were positive for COVID." "We've seen 1,227 deaths in the state of California with a possible incidents or prevalence of 4.7 million," said Erickson. "That means you have a 0.03% chance of dying from COVID-19 in the state of California."

New York state already has a higher fatality rate of COVID19 across its entire population even though fewer than 20% of the population has been infected. Their claimed 0.03% death rate is silly.

Two doctors show how to use numbers to make a bad situation infinitely worse
Did you watch the entire video?
Pretty bold statement calling them liars...especially when their interviewers asked them about people like you who get all twisted up when the thing you have committed to is not panning out. your link:
Daily Kos (/koʊs/ KOHSS)[2] is a group blog and internet forum focused on center-left politics, the Democratic Party[3][4] and center-left liberalAmerican politics.
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It's already too late, the fundamental changes have taken place. Entertainment, tourism, travel, are all going to be hit hard for a very long time. Movie theaters, casinos, concerts, are going to either diminish in numbers or fail outright. Airlines, aircraft manufacturers are going to do the same. Many small businesses that operate on a narrow margin are going to shut down permanently. Because the government has been shoveling money at unprecedented levels inflation is going to go through the roof.

buckle up buttercup, that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Actually I do agree with you that it is TOO LATE now in 99% of the cases that you have mentioned.

I did not watch the videos here. I may watch them later on.

I came to my conclusion about a lot of this COVID STUFF about one month after all of the shutdowns started in various states. My doubts only increased when I studied the issue some more.

Plus when it came to the shutdowns - MOST OF THE PLACES could have remained OPEN with limitations put on the specific businesses, the employees, etc. I thought that from the beginning too. WORK it out some other way. Oh well.

I blame the states, the governors, the local towns/cities/counties AND the U.S. Government!

There is a BIG hoopla here where Montana said one thing recently (Our governor.) and my county IF not others are NOT going along with the MT suggestions. Plus the governor made some suggestions that I DO NOT AGREE WITH when it comes to what HE ALLOWS. LOL

PLUS they are allowing some things/places TO OPEN and NOT allowing some other things/places to open which makes NO sense at all. NO logic but what do you expect from some so called leaders?!

Another thing, in my former state when I spoke to D. (POSTED above.), he said that the small LOCAL fair (Fair Board.) which attracts people from all over the country not just the state or county have decided that they will NOT have a FAIR IN LATE or in the MIDDLE of AUGUST 2020 and that they MAY have one in 2021. He is not positive about the COUNTY FAIR now and what they will end up doing. That LOCAL FAIR has been in operation for 75 years and it is NOT until August but they ALREADY DECIDED THIS now or before this time frame due to the COVID deal.

This is nuts!


Crazy land for sure.

Typos and added more.
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