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Your right!...I guess we should start a thread on an anti gun website about all of the irresponsible gun owners. Same concept, what good comes from this thread other than getting everyone fired up about cops whether good or bad.

Just like bad irresponsible gun owners give us ALL a bad name. So why make is worse by talking about all the bad gun owners. It makes people who dont like guns, like them that much less.

Make no sense!........sincerely Mr. Wrong wrong wrong!

The big difference is that when a gun owner does something that is irresponsible and someone gets hurt or killed, who is the first to call foul? Not the anti-gunners. It is us, the other gun owners who do. We call for him or her to be held accountable to the fullest extent. Self policing within our own community that very often lines up with values everyone else holds.

I think that most cops ARE good, but when they close ranks around the bad apples and they are allowed to hide behind the thin blue line for any reason it gives them all a bad name. As RicInOr quoted "All it takes for evil to win, is for good men to do nothing.". For the public perception to be swung from 'cops are bad' to 'cops are good' THEY must be seen to be actively policing themselves. I have only met one cop in my life I would not trust to pour pıss out of a boot. The officers who worked with him were good decent men, but did little to nothing to reign him in, report him or go the extra mile to protect the public from this man. They were all complicit in his actions by not doing anything.
And Addicted is all for this type of behavior of bad cops towards law abiding citizens? The sad part is that if a citizen does fight back and kill a bad cop, ALL Hell will break loose and this citizen will be executed. It is just the way our Police state is operating, no justice for citizens, just comply or DIE!!!!
Maybe I overlooked it.
Fullerton Calif. cops killed a mentally sick, non-violent person. Reports are the two cops pistol whipped him, two of them in the beginning and that six cops worked him over, all the while he was screaming for his daddy. He died and Fullerton police dept. discharged the cops and police union is going to bat for them.
The two cops were prosecuted in court and the jury found them Not Guilty.
Find this whole thread sad......yes their are bad cops. Hope you all feel better about yourselve. Lots of good cops out there and this thread just helps give them a bad name.

There is a good cop thread have you posted anything displaying the good cops that you are talking about?
I understand all of that and am not defending bad cops or the cover up crap that happens. But I think my original point is being overlooked. What is going to come out of this thread? Other than people getting all puffed up about cops. For me, it just gets people riled up. This isnt a government sponsored site where they are taking into consideration our voice. I think too many people feed on the negatives of life......thats all you ever hear on the radio&tv. Scandals, war, bad cops, Nancy Pelosi, Hitler.......etc. enough already.

At this point I will bow out......enjoy! :s0131:
"What is going to come out of this thread? Other than people getting all puffed up about cops?"

No, perhaps people will understand that we do live in a police state and that cops are not their friends, are not there to protect and serve them, and they should avoid interaction with them or even worse dependence upon them on all levels.

In other words, they will no longer remain naive about the situation.

There is a difference between being negative and being a realist.
This sort of behavior is being tacitly encouraged by looking the other way with "investigation found no wrongdoing or the proper departmental procedures were followed" investigations, so when the civil disobedience increases no one will care when a few more "whacko" citizens are put down.

Brutus Out
The whole rattlesnake analogy is the perfect fit.

You don't have to hate a rattlesnake to understand its nature. All it knows is to strike out at you when you come within a certain distance.

Like cops, you give them a wide berth. Not that hard. You know it can mess you up. That is just the reality of the situation. Hate is not required.

No delusions about the rattlesnake being there to help you or guide you. It just does what it does.

I have two cop friends and I told them that, they laughed, and they agreed! They want to chew bubblegum and kick arse. They don't want to hold your frickin hand.

Edit/add - What do at least 50% of all these 'bad cops' stories have in common - the cop abuse victim called them or went out of their way to interact with them!! Dumb/naive/stupid!!!

Never ever call them, ever; avoid at all costs. If you have no choice but to be in the presence of one, shut up and look for a way to exit gracefully.

People have watched way too much in the way of TV shows that give the false impression/propaganda that cops are just there to help you as a willing servant. No! Wrong. You are the perceived enemy, always.
I am....and removed last was inappropriate on my part! Apologies to burt.

Wow, we thought you were going to bow out A? We here started this thread to realize that bad cops are ruthless and that there are some good cops out there, were just tryin to figure out how & what to do when we get a bad one. I believe it is a no win situation for citizens.

OK so maybe not the FBI -
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