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My idea here is to post accused and or convicted bad actors amongst the LE community. Increasingly we are seeing over the top behavior.. I'll start out with a case that reminds me of the Cali HWY Patrolman in the 1970s who kidnapped, raped and murdered a 19 year old co-ed on a traffic stop

Cops: On Duty Officer Raped Young Woman On Squad Car

Did he go back and murder her after she reported the rape?
No former cop from California should ever be hired in another state. They have all been programed anti gun, anti civil rights and to be judge, jury and executioner. Especially LAPD and LA county sheriffs dept.
No former cop from California should ever be hired in another state. They have all been programed anti gun, anti civil rights and to be judge, jury and executioner. Especially LAPD and LA county sheriffs dept.

I knew a guy (as a teenager) who later became a CA HWY Patrolman. I pity anyone who got pulled over by that perv
The Associated Press reports that the city of Deming, New Mexico, where David Eckert was pulled over for a rolling stop last January, and nearby Hidalgo County have agreed to settle a civil rights lawsuit he filed after cops from those two jurisdictions forced him to undergo a humiliating exploration of his digestive tract. The city and county will pay Eckert $1.6 million, which amounts to $200,000 for each of the increasingly intrusive searches performed on Eckert at Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City: two X-rays, two digital probes of his ****, three enemas, and a colonoscopy, none of which discovered the slightest trace of the drugs that police claim to have thought he was hiding inside himself. Eckert, whose case was first noted here by Brian Doherty, also sued various Deming and Hidalgo County police officers; the hospital, which billed him more than $6,000 for these indignities; and two physicians, Robert Wilcox and Okay Odocha, who executed the elaborate assault under the cover of medicine.

Victim of Dog-Authorized Anal Assault Receives $1.6 Million Settlement - Hit & Run :
I've been thinking about the "retired copper" incident.
I think he forgot that he was not retired and could shoot whoever he pleased with no consequences . . .

Homero looks like he may have an IQ approaching 60 but it is unlikely. These are the type of people you want to invite out to your home or business?


More abuse - the first guy filming got pursued into his home, arse kicked, camera taken - this guy also filming appears scared, hiding - as he should be. Twelve, count them 12!!! cars to enforce a tow away, non resisting objector, flipped and choked from behind.

How long till someone steps into the street to confront this tyranny with a battle rifle? They had best bring more cops with pistols in that case
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Cops Arrest Professors Who Called 911 Over Medical Emergency: Gothamist

" Peltomaa had a bad reaction to medication he was taking (he had undergone open-heart surgery a few days earlier). LaFont called 911, telling them they needed an ambulance "
"she found her husband inexplicably against a wall being handcuffed." <--- That's the guy who's had the reaction to the medication

The cop then arrested the wife

"I don't think I can forgive what they did," Peltomaa said. "I am continuously terrified I am going to meet this officer."
I've been thinking about the "retired copper" incident.
I think he forgot that he was not retired and could shoot whoever he pleased with no consequences . . .


I think that like a lot of other cops, he has PTSD and should not be walking around with a gun. I heard what's good for the veteran is good for the popo
Find this whole thread sad......yes their are bad cops. Hope you all feel better about yourselve. Lots of good cops out there and this thread just helps give them a bad name.
@ Addicted comment 179
I agree with Sheldon (commend 180)

All it takes for evil to win, is for good men to do nothing.

I believe LEOs can be stereo-typed in to several categories.
1 - Cops. Some large percent to do their best every day in the face of crap, lack of training and low pay.
2 - Donut eaters. Don't respond to a call unless it is sensational or there is overtime in it.
AKA Retired on the Job.
3 - Gang. These are the cops who wear colors, have hand signals, code phrases. And otherwise act with impunity. These are the real bad guys - the ones we need to fear.
4 - Wanna bes. These guys so want to be tati-cool, or accepted, they do bad stuff to try and fit in.

Why would I think this.
1. Katherine Johnson. Gang cops bust some num-nuts who says he gets drugs from a little old lady. Maybe. They bust in, she has her pistol cause you know someone is busting into her apartment. They murder her. Then (maybe) they get some druggy to say they got drugs from her. Even though the neighborhood all knows this grandmother and no one would ever say a bad word against her. But they need to justify their actions. Then there is Philadelphia, Chicago, NYC, NJ, LA, PDX...
2. Innocence Project. 300+ taken off death row. I used to be for death penalty until I started in with this organization. Until and unless the police and prosecutors get the death penalty for putting an innocent person on death row, I stand strongly opposed to the Death Penalty. (except for assassination of certain people - those specifically mentioned in the constitution, foreign equivalents while in the USA)
The Innocence Project - Home
3. Wanna-bes. Those who have murdered family pets in front of children. Or, as a few posts above cover - "we don't have time for this"
4. SWAT. I don't want to see a cop hurt ever. But SWAT is evil. When you have a really tacti-cool hammer, then everything looks like a glass you need to smash. SWAT for serving warrants to offenders with no record of violence? There was no violence until you showed up, which brings us to the,
5. War On. War on anything / everything. Has to end. You see those bumper stickers - End this Needless War / Endless War. The militarization of police is a mistake, needs to end. You can't do community policing from inside a car - much less the inside of a tank.

When you hear of an officer, deputy, agent, constable doing something good and notable, please post that - we have like 3 Good Cop threads. For all those honorable cops who go out everyday without thanks - I thank you. I stand by my thought that you need a day for recognition - I say September 11th.
Your right!...I guess we should start a thread on an anti gun website about all of the irresponsible gun owners. Same concept, what good comes from this thread other than getting everyone fired up about cops whether good or bad.

Just like bad irresponsible gun owners give us ALL a bad name. So why make is worse by talking about all the bad gun owners. It makes people who dont like guns, like them that much less.

Make no sense!........sincerely Mr. Wrong wrong wrong!

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