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I'm working my bubblegum off these days covering for half of my staff who are out with active Covid cases. Ive had it and get my second shot next week. Some viruses mutate rapidly and need regular updates for their vaccines. Covid is one of them.
As far as I know, we are not yet sure of that. There is so very much about it we don't know. Theoretically as long as the spike protein is the same it should work. FWIW I had Covid and have been fully vaccinated. I can't think of a virus that requires yearly shots other than the flu and my understanding is that is because you are getting a shot for 2-4 strains out of hundreds, not that last years no longer works. Now, I could be wrong, but I hear so much misinformation that it bugs me. Covid has a few strains and I have not heard confirmation that any have mutated past the point of being effected by the vaccine. Also if I understand correctly the Covid vaccine is kind of unique in how it works.

There is a lot we don't know about it.
As far as I know, we are not yet sure of that. There is so very much about it we don't know. Theoretically as long as the spike protein is the same it should work. FWIW I had Covid and have been fully vaccinated. I can't think of a virus that requires yearly shots other than the flu and my understanding is that is because you are getting a shot for 2-4 strains out of hundreds, not that last years no longer works. Now, I could be wrong, but I hear so much misinformation that it bugs me. Covid has a few strains and I have not heard confirmation that any have mutated past the point of being effected by the vaccine. Also if I understand correctly the Covid vaccine is kind of unique in how it works.

There is a lot we don't know about it.
I'm thinking the Corona virus is going to end up like the flu with multiple variants and a yearly shot will be needed to keep up with new variants. Thanks anti vaxers. You're showing the man.
I'm thinking the Corona virus is going to end up like the flu with multiple variants and a yearly shot will be needed to keep up with new variants. Thanks anti vaxers. You're showing the man.
If this is the case, I don't think antivaxxers will be the culprit, but biology. (My opinion of antivaxxers is akin to flat earthers since vaccines hail from the late1700s.) If it is mutating that drastically, there is not much that will stop it. Thankfully, Ebola it is not. It sucks, but at least it is usually survivable like the flu.
Grain of salt obviously, but:

and his follow up (sorry for the wall of text)


What is an mRNA injection? 'Let's be very clear,' says scientist David Martin, 'This is not a vaccine!'

My previous article about the mRNA injections has gained a lot of traction across the Internet. As a result, it caught the attention of a few leftist trolls who tried to disparage the facts I presented. This despite the fact that the article was based on words straight from the mouth of the top scientist at Moderna, one of the two companies producing millions of doses of mRNA chemical agents to be shot into the arms of people worldwide.

You can always tell when you hit the target because that's when the trolls come out.

Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS News reporter turned media critic and author of the book Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship, offers this tip when reading or listening to the highly controlled mainstream media:

Be aware that the media use loaded words to steer you away from factual reports that do damage to the false narrative they are trying to feed into the public psyche.

They use words like "'Baseless,' 'Without evidence,' 'Debunked,' 'Conspiracy theory' to disparage competing narratives. This often means, according to Attkisson, that powerful interests don't want you to see or believe a particular study/report/news article and are trying to control the information. "It might well be factually correct," she warns. "Look into it."

This certainly describes the featured speakers in the video below who, despite their credentials as highly successful scientists, have had their video presentations scrubbed from YouTube, which is owned by Google.

These same disparaging tactics were revealed in another of my previous articles, titled 12 mind-control tactics used by globalist establishment elites to change the way Americans think.

Still, when a troll questions the facts in one of my articles, I don't ignore them. No, it makes me dig further to find an even more precise, air-tight way of stating what I already said, so as to make my articles more bullet proof.

So after one troll questioned the validity of the description I provided of mRNA injections, I tried to find a description of this treatment, from a credible source, that could explain in the most explicit detail, exactly what this injection is and does. I wanted a definition that not only offers precision but does it in a way that the average lay person can understand.

Remember, the vast majority of those getting this injection have done little to no research – they implicitly trust Big Pharma's word along with that of the mainstream media that it will be safe and effective.

I believe I have found the best definition from Dr. David Martin [see Martin's bio here] in a video he produced in late January with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Judy Mikovits. I watched it three times and each time was able to grasp a little more of what he said. I augmented what I heard with some of my own research and can confidently present it as truth.

The injections being supplied by Moderna and Pfizer are NOT VACCINES.

According to Dr. Martin, these manufacturers had to disguise their treatments as vaccines in order to fit them under the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts U.S. Supreme Court case, a ruling that has been interpreted [some say misinterpreted] as a license for states to mandate vaccines during health emergencies.
With that background, listen to Dr. Martin explain the rest. Below is a word-for-word transcription of most, not all, of what he has to say in the above video [italics are mine added for emphasis].
"Let's make sure we're clear on something. Let's stipulate that this is not a vaccine. We need to be very clear that they are using the term vaccine to sneak this thing in under public health exemptions. This is not a vaccine. This is an mRNA, packaged in a fat envelope, delivered to a cell. This is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine. Vaccines are actually a legally defined term. And they're a legally defined term under public health law. They're a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards, and a vaccine specifically has to stimulate, both an immunity within the person receiving it but it also has to disrupt transmission. And that's not what this is. They have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand going into the cell is not to stop transmission. It is a treatment. But if, it was discussed as a treatment it would not get the sympathetic ear of the public health authorities because then people would say well what other treatments are there?
"The use of the term vaccine is unconscionable for both the legal definition of it, but also because it actually is the sucker punch to open and free discourse, because by saying 'vaccine' you dump it into a thing where you could be anti or pro 'the therapy,' but if you actually talked about it as a therapy, and remember, and people forget this, Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company for cancer, not a vaccine manufacturer for SARS-COV2. If we said we're going to give people prophylactic therapy for the cancer they don't have, you'd be laughed out of a room, because that's a stupid idea. That's exactly what this is. This is a mechanical device in the form of a very small packet of technology that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen-manufacturing site.
"And I refuse to stipulate in any conversations that this is in fact a vaccine issue. The only reason why the term is being used was to abuse the 1905 Jacobson case that has been misrepresented since it was written. And if we were honest with this we would actually call it what it is. It is a chemical pathogen device that is actually meant to unleash a chemically pathogen production action within a cell. It is a medical device, not a drug, because it meets the CDRH [Center for Devices and Radiological Health] definition of a medical device. It is not a living system, it is not a biologic system [as it would be if it were a vaccine]. It is a physical technology. It happens to just come in the size of a molecular package.
"So we need to be really clear on making sure we don't fall for their game, because their game is if we talk about it as a vaccine then we're going to get into a vaccine conversation. But this is not, by their own admission, a vaccine. As a result it must be clear to everyone listening that we will not fall for this failed definition, just like we won't fall for their industrial-chemical definition of health, because both of them are functionally flawed and are an explicit violation of the legal construct that is being exploited.
"I get frustrated when I hear activists and lawyers and everybody else say, 'we're going to fight the vaccine.' If you stipulate that it's a vaccine you've already lost the battle. It is not a vaccine.
"It is made to make you sick. 80 percent of the people who get the virus are asymptomatic, meaning they have no symptoms at all. 80 percent of the people who get this injection have a clinical adverse event. You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response. In other words, nothing about this is going to stop you from transmitting anything. This is about getting you sick, and having your own cells being the thing that get you sick."
another grain of salt:

A video shared on social media has claimed that the mRNA coronavirus vaccine is not actually a vaccine, but a "device" designed to make people sick. This is false.

The video, which has been viewed more than 11,000 times on YouTube, can be seen (here).

In it a man referred to as "Dr David Martin", who has been linked to previous misinformation about the pandemic (here , here) is seen speaking on a video call.

In the clip, Martin claims that the vaccine is not actually a vaccine, but a "medical device" that makes people sick.

"This is not a vaccine. This is a mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator" (timecode – 00:19), Martin says.

"You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response, in other words nothing about this is going to stop you from transmitting anything. This is about getting you sick and having your own cells be the thing that gets you sick" (timecode – 5:20).

While there are different types of vaccine, they broadly have the same definition.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines a vaccine as a product that stimulates the immune system into producing immunity to a disease, and protects the person from that disease (here).

This is how mRNA coronavirus vaccines work, but in a different way than has been seen before.

While earlier vaccinations used a weakened or inactivated form of a virus, mRNA vaccines instruct cells to make a specific protein to trigger an immune response (here).

These vaccines have been found to prevent symptomatic and severe effects of COVID-19 (here).

Research is ongoing to determine whether the vaccines have an effect on transmission.

However, data analysis in a pre-published study by the Israeli Health Ministry and Pfizer Inc, which is not yet peer reviewed, found the Pfizer mRNA vaccine reduces infection, including in asymptomatic cases, by 89.4% and in symptomatic cases by 93.7% (here).

Reuters has debunked false claims about vaccine safety (here) and (here).


False. mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are designed to induce an immune response and to protect a person against the disease.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here.
another grain of salt:

A video shared on social media has claimed that the mRNA coronavirus vaccine is not actually a vaccine, but a "device" designed to make people sick. This is false.

The video, which has been viewed more than 11,000 times on YouTube, can be seen (here).

In it a man referred to as "Dr David Martin", who has been linked to previous misinformation about the pandemic (here , here) is seen speaking on a video call.

In the clip, Martin claims that the vaccine is not actually a vaccine, but a "medical device" that makes people sick.

"This is not a vaccine. This is a mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator" (timecode – 00:19), Martin says.

"You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response, in other words nothing about this is going to stop you from transmitting anything. This is about getting you sick and having your own cells be the thing that gets you sick" (timecode – 5:20).

While there are different types of vaccine, they broadly have the same definition.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines a vaccine as a product that stimulates the immune system into producing immunity to a disease, and protects the person from that disease (here).

This is how mRNA coronavirus vaccines work, but in a different way than has been seen before.

While earlier vaccinations used a weakened or inactivated form of a virus, mRNA vaccines instruct cells to make a specific protein to trigger an immune response (here).

These vaccines have been found to prevent symptomatic and severe effects of COVID-19 (here).

Research is ongoing to determine whether the vaccines have an effect on transmission.

However, data analysis in a pre-published study by the Israeli Health Ministry and Pfizer Inc, which is not yet peer reviewed, found the Pfizer mRNA vaccine reduces infection, including in asymptomatic cases, by 89.4% and in symptomatic cases by 93.7% (here).

Reuters has debunked false claims about vaccine safety (here) and (here).


False. mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are designed to induce an immune response and to protect a person against the disease.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here.

Someone likes typing.
Someone likes typing.

Many in this thread appear to be using this keyboard:

I'm no doctor or scientist, but last I checked once vaccinated, that's it?

Immunization - one (or multiple) and done.
Vaccination - whatever cadence to create risk reduction against the current threat.
Fauci is a damn fool who is habitual flip flopper. Look at Texas, they got rid of their mandates and the requirement to wear a mask. Yet their covid cases are not going up, they are trending down! same with Florida. However, Oregon with stricter restrictions is seeing its cases go up rapidly, same with the other states with similar restrictions, cases going up. So! One might conclude, the restrictions may actually help spread it.

I work in health care and I have seen first hand the benefit of the "vaccine", a colleague with a multitude of health problems caught china virus a week after her second dose. By all means, with her poor health, she should be dead, or at least in the ICU hooked up to a ventilator fighting for her life, but other than feeling like crap, she is coping at home and already recovering. Another gentlemen who did not have the vaccine and who did not have any underlying health problems spent two weeks in the ICU, came damn near close to death.

If you don't want to get the vaccine, that is your choice. The good news is, the rest of us who did, are protected from those of you that did not. If you get covid, I wish the best for you, and hope you don't end up like the unlucky few. Hell of a thing to gamble on.
Fauci is a damn fool who is habitual flip flopper. Look at Texas, they got rid of their mandates and the requirement to wear a mask. Yet their covid cases are not going up, they are trending down! same with Florida. However, Oregon with stricter restrictions is seeing its cases go up rapidly, same with the other states with similar restrictions, cases going up. So! One might conclude, the restrictions may actually help spread it.

I work in health care and I have seen first hand the benefit of the "vaccine", a colleague with a multitude of health problems caught china virus a week after her second dose. By all means, with her poor health, she should be dead, or at least in the ICU hooked up to a ventilator fighting for her life, but other than feeling like crap, she is coping at home and already recovering. Another gentlemen who did not have the vaccine and who did not have any underlying health problems spent two weeks in the ICU, came damn near close to death.

If you don't want to get the vaccine, that is your choice. The good news is, the rest of us who did, are protected from those of you that did not. If you get covid, I wish the best for you, and hope you don't end up like the unlucky few. Hell of a thing to gamble on.
some of it is random chance. Most people who get Covid end up okay. It sucks. Been there, had it, and had the vaccine. I am actually an ideal pt for covid to go bad. Bad asthma, overweight, autoimmune disorders. It sucked, but Swine flu was way worse on me. I had a coworker who had a life threatening reaction to dose one of the vaccine. It is something in the VIS that is a contraindication, but that only helps if you know you have the contraindicating condition before you get the shot. We all gamble either way. Life isn't safe and we all die.

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