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My Monday morning column asks a direct, ticklish question and I'm looking for thoughtful answers.

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True confessions: Why do you carry a gun?

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But all of this skirts the initial question. Why do you carry a handgun?

· Have you personally ever been threatened with violence? Absolutely - the world is unfortunately not the warm and fuzzy place that some people manage to think it is.

· Are you the victim of a violent attack? Not recently. Been involed in a few minor dust-ups while packing, but didn't feel the need to produce a firearm. It's not always appropriate.

· Do you carry simply because it makes you feel macho? Seriously? Come on Dave, you wouldn't expect anyone to answer this one in the affirmative would you?

· Do you doubt the ability of police to protect you from crime? Absolutely. They cannot be held liable for not protecting the citizenry. At best, they will arrive in time to clean up the mess and take reports. "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

· If you carry openly, do you use a simple belt holster or wear your pistol in a tactical thigh rig? Simple holster.

· Do you make it a point to show people you carry a firearm, or do you feel it is none of their business if you are armed? Better to keep it concealed I'm thinking.

· Do you believe there should be no restrictions, few restrictions (i.e. jails, mental facilities, courtrooms, public buildings, public schools and/or hospitals) or widespread restrictions (including sports stadiums, taverns and cocktail lounges, restaurants, public parks) on where you can legally carry? I can see a few instances where restrictions might be reasonable, but very few. It wouldn't seem too bright to me to allow citizens to pack while visiting inmates at either a correctional or mental facility for instance. For the most part, "an armed society is a polite society."
- Why do you carry a handgun?
As it was said above and I think this is the reasoning for most folks. Better to have it and never need it then to need it and never have it.

· Have you personally ever been threatened with violence?
I have been threatened with violence, been assaulted and seen people assaulted. Unfortunately civilized society can be pretty uncivilized sometimes.

· Are you the victim of a violent attack?
over 10 years ago, but yes. Robbed at knifepoint and a few issues here and there which I certainly didn't initiate.

· Do you carry simply because it makes you feel macho?
The question itself I think it rather insulting and doesn't deserve an answer. You can do better.

· Do you doubt the ability of police to protect you from crime?
The police are more of a reactive service then a proactive one. I don't want to knock them, they do a great public service. But they cannot do a lot until a crime has been commited and by then it's too late. A lot of my discomfort does not stem from the police as much as our questionable court and prison systems.

· If you carry openly, do you use a simple belt holster or wear your pistol in a tactical thigh rig?
I do not carry openly. I feel less is more and a concealed weapon is the best approach.

· Do you make it a point to show people you carry a firearm, or do you feel it is none of their business if you are armed?
What am I, a kid? People don't need to know that I carry and showing people is more likely to cause more issues then not. There is no advantage to it and it's nobodies business.

· Do you believe there should be no restrictions, few restrictions (i.e. jails, mental facilities, courtrooms, public buildings, public schools and/or hospitals) or widespread restrictions (including sports stadiums, taverns and cocktail lounges, restaurants, public parks) on where you can legally carry?
It makes sense to restrict secure areas like jails and courtrooms. Unfortunately there is the potential for people to take advantage of a totally open system to do harm. But I don't think we need to be restricting common areas such as public parks and restaurants. I don't believe in feeding the vocal minority's paranoia.

Continue reading on True confessions: Why do you carry a gun? - Seattle gun rights | <broken link removed>
Having emerged out of an abusive childhood, I've been digging and clawing my way upward out of a psychological morass for over 35 adult years. I first became armed in the early 80's, viewing myself as a kind of survivalist preparing for nuclear war. Years later, I got rid of all those guns - not wanting to have that element in my life. Now, having been studying Peak Oil and civilization's imminent collapse, I decided to become armed again as the economy was collapsing in 2008. Our "leaders" have the existing economic paradigm cobbled together with so much chewing gum and duct tape that when it finally falls over, it's going to go "Boom!" Quite suddenly, there could be genuine hunger, desperation and lawlessness. I worry that there will be armed gangs stealing people's food, etc.

But amid all my concerns and rational, I remain absolutely convinced, from my own direct personal experience (alluded to above) that male rage plays a major role in the decisions of countless men to become armed. I see it in myself. I see it in the embarrassing image presented by "gun culture" in the country - all the hysteria surrounding the election of Obama, etc. No less a mind than Stephen Hawking said that the best reason for genetic engineering in humans would be for the elimination of male rage from our species. Male rage is everywhere. It's at the sporting events. It's in the bars. It's in our foreign policy. It's clearly visible in the gun stores. I've been dismayed by the presence of it smoldering away in my own heart and psychology for decades.

I carry a gun probably half the time and I wonder why I do that. I justify it by saying that I'm preparing myself for the future when being armed might be much more truly necessary than it is now. I have a steel lock box full of my valuables (other guns) in my house. if there should ever be a forced home invasion in my peaceful, suburban home, I'd want to be ready. Presently, there might be a greater likelihood of getting struck by lightning. So I remain perplexed as to why my fixation on guns. Maybe the same obsession happens to people who collect coins or butterflies or model trains, but why do I own about twenty guns? Heck, it was only by self restraint that I didn't buy another one this weekend. I remain convinced that there is something burning away in my subconscious that informs this behavior - something based on fear and rage and the wounding I received in my childhood and from our dysfunctional society generally.
I was tracking ya just fine through the end of your 1st paragraph - then ya went a little sideways on me. You take your meds, I'll keep my "male rage" (otherwise known as "survivial instinct") thanks. And a great big "no thank you" to the genetic engineering. There is no telling where that kind of tinkering will end up. Not a good deal for most of humanity I'm pretty sure.
Dave, I appreciate your columns and writing a lot. Thanks.

I'm licensed to carry, but don't. For me it's really about the idea that an armed population is the most important check and balance to a potentially voracious and power grabbing government. The 2nd amendment is THE amendment which gives the other amendments teeth. For myself, I think we have a good political system, with mostly good balance, and an armed, educated and involved citizenry is a good part of that. I don't think that protection or hunting are in the same league of importance for being able to carry or own any weapon although I'm fine with both. That's my opinion, of course, I'm most likely in the minority in this thinking. I want my neighbors to be armed and it's strictly for political freedom. Frankly, the bottom line is that I trust the people I know more than any (and all) representative and the government.

Which explains why I was outside running around the neighborhood at 4am this very morning in my skinny man briefs with only a telephone and no weapon of any kind after an attempted break in. He came down my neighbors driveway and I didn't see his face, it could have been my neighbor for all I knew. I followed this hemorrhoid down the block till I was out of cordless range, didn't want to have him run as I'd already made the 911 connection. The first police....person...happened to get there fairly quick. "She" was kind enough to not snicker nor even note my near naked state with a raised eyebrow. (THANKS SISTER, I OWE YOU!) Eventually 4 police cars arrived, and by then I had a robe on. Didn't need a gun and had I had one, I don't believe it would have changed how I conducted myself. The hemorrhoid walked to the end of the block, pulled a bike out of the bushes he'd stashed and took off.

Went back to bed, my wife was still fast asleep, and it might have taken me 3 min to drop back off myself. Figured there was zero chance of any issues inside my home at that time. This am, I saw that the hemorrhoid had moved the hose caddy stand right under a high window in the kitchen and was most likely evaluating entering our home. In which case, had he come into my home with my family fast asleep, we would have had a much different ballgame and a possible bad bad ending for him. I was thinking about taking this up with the dog this am, on how I heard something that she slept through, but I suspect she'd be in denial. LOL!

On these hot days, sadly have to keep all the first floor windows shut. Fortunately the low ones were shut and locked. It's almost enough to make you get an AC unit. Sigh, we've gotten by for 25 years in this house without wasting all the power that one would suck far.

Take care all!

(commence johnson as weapon jokes now :s0114:)
For me it's really about the idea that an armed population is the most important check and balance to a potentially voracious and power grabbing government.

Most people don't understand that is why you have the 2nd. It wasn't given to us to for self-defense or all the other reasons. The founding fathers knew that government would be full of greedy liars that would take, take, take, lie, lie, lie, kill, oppress, and bend you over - and they do.

That is why your ability to have a gun is a liberty/permission and not really a right. A right cannot be taken away with the stroke of a pen.
On the lighter side - why do I carry a gun? because most cops are far to heavy to carry around for an hour let alone all day. Also I find it hard to conceal a cop, especially in the summer unless they are working undercover and dressed appropriately for the situation.

On the serious side - Why do I carry a handgun? first I'll say that I would rather be alive and have to stand trial for defending the lives of my family, my self, or even a stranger who's life is in danger, than to assume the victim mentality and buy into the entire "the government will take care of me" idea only to wonder where those cops were while recuperating for a month is the ICU or worse.
One of the reinforcements for carrying was an incident where I was in a convenience store getting a soda and a gang fight broke out and about a dozen gang rivals started beating the snot out of each other both inside and in front of the store. At one point one of the gang bangers yelled "I'm gonna get my gat" and ran out of the store. While the threat never came to pass and they scattered before the police arrived, what if he had come back and started shooting?

Have I personally been threatened with violence? of course, I think most have been at some point, weather its someone who thinks you stole "their" parking space or some homeless individual who is pissed that I didn't fork over some cash when they asked for it, etc.

Are you the victim of a violent attack? other than the occasional "dust up" back in school not really, other than being shot at for most likely wandering too close to someones grow operation in the national forest while out hiking.

Do I doubt that the police will protect me from crime? Yes - as posted above, the courts have even upheld that the police are not required to protect citizens. After being told to come to the police station if I wanted to file a report when I ran some guys off who tried to steal the starter and battery out of my car and then being handed a form to fill out and drop in a mail slot when I was done I kinda gave up on them preventing much. Also, after shooting a PPC match for a few years and seeing how the local SWAT team performed when they showed up for match I'm not sure I would trust their handgun skills to be used if the target was anywhere near me.

If you carry openly do you use a belt holster or tactical...
Why advertise that you are carrying? why broadcast to others that you can defend yourself and give up the element of surprise?

Do I carry because it makes you feel macho? I'm amazed you would ask such a question - but the answer is no.

Do I make it a point to show people I carry a firearm or feel it is none of their business?
Once again - why advertise that you carry? There clearly isn't any advantage to broadcasting that you carry and plenty of downside.

Do I believe there should be no, few, or widespread restrictions on where you can legally carry? Few restrictions. I have no problem with restricting carry in courtrooms, mental facilities and jails/prisons, due to the risks involved though I don't agree with restricting in most public buildings, schools or hospitals.
Why do you carry a handgun? Because if I choose to use the privledge I can.......

· Have you personally ever been threatened with violence? yes

· Are you the victim of a violent attack? yes

· Do you carry simply because it makes you feel macho? No, but see people who thinks it does........

· Do you doubt the ability of police to protect you from crime? I doubt the ability of all police...............

· If you carry openly, do you use a simple belt holster or wear your pistol in a tactical thigh rig? Don't open carry.

· Do you make it a point to show people you carry a firearm, or do you feel it is none of their business if you are armed?I don't show anybody anything......

· Do you believe there should be no restrictions, few restrictions (i.e. jails, mental facilities, courtrooms, public buildings, public schools and/or hospitals) or widespread restrictions (including sports stadiums, taverns and cocktail lounges, restaurants, public parks) on where you can legally carry? No, all business are private and can make rules as they see fit....... They don't firearms in their building that is there right......... WA you cannot carry in a bar anyway.

Carrying is a privledge and can be taken away at almost anytime if you break the law....... You have to take a test, you have to have a background check, you have to be fingerprinted, and there are rules for it just like a DL. Get caught driving under the influence and loose your DL and CCP and therefore it is a privledge because you can still own guns and just not cc them...........

Continue reading on True confessions: Why do you carry a gun? - Seattle gun rights | <broken link removed>
I carry because I dont know for fact if I ever will need to use a gun - but I know this, if I did not carry and something happened to my wife and or a family member and I was unable to protect them or myself - I would have to live with that the rest of my life. I do not want to hurt others, I do not want me or my own to be hurt either. It is not about being macho it is about living a long healty life. There are some things more valuable than my life and I will choose what those things are - i will not be told what those things are, I will choose wisely - hopefully, I hope that day never comes.

James Ruby
In 1990 I was attacked & beaten by 3 men, after that of course they robbed me. I called the police for assistance and was treated rudely & humiliated instead. I armed myself & I haven't been mugged or beaten since. Doesn't have to cost a lot and it works fast.
Most people don't understand that is why you have the 2nd. It wasn't given to us to for self-defense or all the other reasons. The founding fathers knew that government would be full of greedy liars that would take, take, take, lie, lie, lie, kill, oppress, and bend you over - and they do.
You should post your answer in the "jokes" section. It fits there better.
Most people don't understand that is why you have the 2nd. It wasn't given to us to for self-defense or all the other reasons. The founding fathers knew that government would be full of greedy liars that would take, take, take, lie, lie, lie, kill, oppress, and bend you over - and they do.

That is why your ability to have a gun is a liberty/permission and not really a right. A right cannot be taken away with the stroke of a pen.

This might help: The rights enumerated by the constitution (bill of rights) were NOT granted by the founding fathers. They were listed there as an acknowledgement of pre-existing RIGHTS endowed to all men by their creator. I can see how it is easy to be confused on the issue, because there are parasites running the planet with a vested interest in making and keeping humanity ignorant. They are perfectly happy to have people believe that the second amendment is a privelege, and that their permission is required to exercise it. I assure you that this is not the case. The parasites know it, we know it, and a head-on collision over this issue is inevitable. But I am guessing that you know all this already, and are just a little tongue-in-cheek here.
Dave... when you said... Do you carry simply because it makes you feel macho? would you also have ment, Do you carry because you can???? ( not necessarily needing to but just because)


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