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High Standard R-100 22lr, and kinda my dad. . . he bought it when he thought the people that killed Sharon Tate might be after him next (not totally implausible, before they figured out the Manson thing there was some speculation the mob was involved and my dad had dealings with some of the folks close to Tate) Anyway, my mom got in the divorce and about 4 years later the idiot that became my stepdad took us out shooting.

high standard R-100.jpg
I started shooting around age 5 I'm almost sure it would have been dads Winchester model 55 semi auto single shot .22. But 62 years ago is a little fuzzy.
The first gun I ever shot was a single-shot .22 bolt-action rifle at Camp Baldwin on Mt. Hood when I was about 12. Couldn't tell you the brand....if I had to guess probably Remington or Winchester? I made Marksman, Pro Marksman, Marksman 1st Class, and Sharpshooter that week.

Later when I was 20 I shot my first handgun as an Explorer Scout, a VPD-issued Sig Sauer P226. Heaviest trigger pull of any firearm I've ever shot. Later that year, I shot a Glock 17 at the Washington State Explorer Academy and placed 2nd in Range out of 168 other Scouts. That started my love for Glock.

I've always been proud of my accuracy. I need a new pair of glasses though before I get back to serious range work. These eyes are not what they used to be lol.
The first gun I ever shot was a single-shot .22 bolt-action rifle at Camp Baldwin on Mt. Hood when I was about 12. Couldn't tell you the brand....if I had to guess probably Remington or Winchester? I made Marksman, Pro Marksman, Marksman 1st Class, and Sharpshooter that week.

Later when I was 20 I shot my first handgun as an Explorer Scout, a VPD-issued Sig Sauer P226. Heaviest trigger pull of any firearm I've ever shot. Later that year, I shot a Glock 17 at the Washington State Explorer Academy and placed 2nd in Range out of 168 other Scouts. That started my love for Glock.

I've always been proud of my accuracy. I need a new pair of glasses though before I get back to serious range work. These eyes are not what they used to be lol.
So. You used to be able learn to shoot in Scouting. These days all you can do is get molested. Man things have sure gone to crap.
The 1898 is a single shot bolt action .22
The 1890 is a slide action .22
Thanks for the correction, thinking back it also had 1902 on it, maybe the year of manufacture. What was most distinctive was the cartridge 22 wrf, it looked alot like todays 22 magnum. The fist time I fired it was on my grandparents ranch, they shot everything in it 22 short, 22 long and long rifle and 22wrf, the 22 short and others were loaded one at a time. The last time I shot it was when I was 12 years old at South Coast Gun Club in 1957, they gave me 2 free boxes of 22 wrf loaded sometime in the previous century
Deer hunting in the early 60's with my dad, I was 6 years old. End of the hunt he let me shoot his 1920 Savage 99 in 250-3000. I will never forget that moment in time. Lost my dad 8 tears later, still have his lead laser today in my safe. He took A LOT of deer with that rifle in his time here.
Who can remember back that far? I think it was when I reached over and pulled the trigger of the .22 rifle my mother was holding at her side while talking to a neighbor about shooting a snake. :eek: (no one was injured)
Needless to say, that rifle soon disappeared and there were no more firearms in the family until my late teens when I was able to purchase my own. :(
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The first firearms I did shoot was my dad's Remington 725 in .270.
I was 4 years old.
In those days, we had a bouy out in the canal. I think it was supposed to denote the end of the property, but it blew away in the windstorm that sunk 1/2 the bridge.
Anyway, it had a big eye bolt that went through the center of it and seagulls used to like sit on top of it.
In those days, you could shoot a seagull and not go to that was my target.
That gun had a Bushnell 3-9X on it and he taught me how to set the cross hairs on the bird. I was too small to get the eye relief correct, so all I usually had to see through was this little hole in the middle of the eye piece.
Suffice to say, I missed more often than I hit, but I remember one time I got so close the bird literally $h!t when he took off.
Kinda funny.
A Ruger Mark 1 22 pistol when i was six years old. I remember walking down to the hay field with my uncle. He is gone and I have that pistol in my safe. I am it's care taker it will be gifted to another family member some day.
That's funny ruger mark 1 was the first one I shot as a young kid and I thought it was boring. Loved the looks of it though. The other one was a DA .22 revolver that I thought was really fun.

Later on I bought a ruger mark x twice. Each time I shot one mag, thought it was boring and put it away. After the second time and not being shot for 10 years I sold it. I'm still tempted to buy the mark iv anniversary due to the "Luger" looks. But that would be repeating the same mistake (for me I mean) for the third time. I love .22 pistols but that one I find boring for some reason. Love the looks though, especially 6"? tapered barrel stainless.
That's funny ruger mark 1 was the first one I shot as a young kid and I thought it was boring. Loved the looks of it though. The other one was a DA .22 revolver that I thought was really fun.

Later on I bought a ruger mark x twice. Each time I shot one mag, thought it was boring and put it away. After the second time and not being shot for 10 years I sold it. I'm still tempted to buy the mark iv anniversary due to the "Luger" looks. But that would be repeating the same mistake (for me I mean) for the third time. I love .22 pistols but that one I find boring for some reason.
I have the Ruger Standard I shot as a kid and a twin to it that I bought for fun. I find them to be as much fun as any 22 handgun to shoot. It's just that I pretty much find them all boring. I prefer centerfire handguns almost all of the time.
I have the Ruger Standard I shot as a kid and a twin to it that I bought for fun. I find them to be as much fun as any 22 handgun to shoot. It's just that I pretty much find them all boring. I prefer centerfire handguns almost all of the time.
Yea I hear you re centerfire and .22. One thing about .22 though is suppressed subsonics you can shoot most anywhere. I have turned down some pretty amazing deals on .22s simply due to no threaded barrel. Ever since getting a .22 suppressor I haven't bought any .22s without a threaded barrel with one exception which was a 16" revolver (it has a stock now). Threaded barrel is an absolute must for me for .22. For me I don't like to use my limited real range time on .22s
I don't remember the first guns I shot, over 13 years ago; some hunting rifle and a pump 12-gauge.

The first gun I purchased is a Henry survival rifle. I wanted something I could take into the woods, and it was in a James Bond film. It's still my favorite gun I own, and even with iron sights it's the one I'm best with.


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