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Perhaps they knew you were there and you were not welcome. Scare you away before you stumble into their grow site?
EVERYONE hunts in Dewatto.
I can't see why anyone would not be welcome.
One would be pretty stupid to have a grow operation in that area, when there's so many other spots one could do that, with much greater anonymity, than freakin' Dewatto.
Strange occurrance, but then again - Welcome to Kitsap County. ;)
Glad btownemail made it out to tell the story.

Found a dead woman in the snow by stepping on her, she had taken her own life the night before.
Also, found a deployed parachute and harness about 40 feet off the ground on Summerfeild ridge out side of Heppner, it was olive drab and had been there for a long time. No body this time though.
A few years ago my wife and I were out jeeping around and I pulled over to pee. Walked over the berm by the road and there was a cabin with a few out buildings and old cars. It was fall so the driveway was covered with leaves and I could tell no one had been in or out for a while. So I started peeing while admiring this cool place in the middle of nowhere. About half way through relieving myself I realized there was a guy sitting in one of the cars watching me. Then I realized there was a person leaning out of one of the out buildings looking at me and a woman standing in the front window of the cabin. While flipping and zipping I spotted a few people hanging in trees here and there and realized the first guy I seen in the car was wearing sunglasses in the rain in a fully shaded area... They were manicans, but by the time I figured that out I was already freaked out and jogging back to the jeep. Still gives me the willys when I think about

Ive also been in a couple houses that gave me the willys as soon as I walked in them. Later while cleaning them out we found pentagrams and weird dolls hanging from neuces and other markings that I dont know what they are called.

Me and my cousins were paintballing in the woods one time and while evading fire I ran and dove in a cat trap that seemed to be great cover except I landed in a pile of rotting deer guts and skins and bones. Not just one deers worth either. It must have been where a poachers dump spot was or something.
My wife and I were jeeping another time south of the Hills Creek area on switch backs and trails quite a ways out. Crawling in 4lo for the most part. Steep country. So steep that when I came up on a spot where elk had just crossed and tore up the trail I got out to investigate and could smell them but couldnt see them cause they had dropped off the mountain and disappeared out of sight. Anyway while I was trying to spot the herd I started hearing a noise/call that I had never heard before and never heard again after that day. It was a reasonably high pitched WOOOOoooooWEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I know this reads really Bare with me here.... So this sound was not real close but was interesting to me so I just hung out for a while looking for elk and hearing this call thing get a little closer and a little closer. Finally it creeped me out and I started up the trail again. Now keep in mind I have my wife with me and am on switch backs that if I lose control I will kill my wife and my jeep. The fastest I went was maybe 10mph but mostly 3-5mph. So we travel till we come up on rocks and stuff that seem freshly rolled down the hill onto the road. So when I get out to move a few of these basket ball sized rocks to the side I hear it again. WOOOOoooooWEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Like it wanted me to know it was there. Im not talking like a bird call. I was thinking it was a person the first time I heard it. The second location I heard it it could have still been a person but they would have had to be in great shape to out run me in my jeep in that terrain and have time to roll and throw all these rocks and stuff onto the road. The 3rd time was about the same time span. 15-20 minutes and then we came up on more crap that was rolled and thrown onto the road. Freshly done where you could easily see the difference in the moisture content in the disturbed dirt. Mostly big rocks but there were some partially rotted logs and some big broken limbs thrown in the piles and a few stumps and root wads. Along with WOOOOoooooWEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.This continued for about 2 hours till we got back on an actual well traveled gravel road. We were about 45 minutes to an hour from a well traveled road when it started. After the 3rd time I didnt get out of the jeep without my 12 gauge. I saw 5 deer that day. All nice bucks and I never went back to that area. What ever was playing with me that day wanted me to know it was there and I wasnt wanted there I Ive had a cougar stalk me and scream at me so close that I felt its breath on my neck and THAT didnt give me the heeby jeebies like the WOOOOoooooWEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Experience... The only attempt at an explanation anyone offered was my wise a$$ cousin and of course he said Big Foot. I dont know what it was but it seemed a little more aggressive than the legend of Sasquatch Ive heard...
Growing up in Northern Idaho in a super small town, we spent lots of time in the woods.

There is an area called West Dennis that in the 80's was still considered pretty remote. It bordered the Indian Reservation on one side and was NF and Private Logging Company land for the rest of it. We loved hunting elk and deer back there. My uncle pretty much raised me and this was his favorite spot in the world to go.

I walked one ridgeline and he and a friend walked in on a finger that branched into two ridgelines about 2 miles in. Plan was to meet back at the pickup in about 6-8 hours. I walked in about 2 miles and sat down to just listen and watch an area with my bino's for an hour or so. Well as most hunting trips turn into a big nap session for me, I decided to not change my MO and promptly fell asleep. I must have been out around 1.5 hours or so (later confirmed by the time). I woke up with every single nerve on HIGH ALERT. I sat there and calmed myself and then I noticed the smell. I can not even begin to describe it properly at this time, but it is NOT a normal smell of the woods. At this time I had killed or been part of harvesting every known animal in the Clearwater National Forest. We sustained our families on the game we harvested. I have spent countless hours in the woods both alone and in parties, by this time in my life (I was 17).

Just as I am considering WTF is up, 3 consecutive shots ring out roughly from the pickup parking area. This is our standard signal to return to the pickup as someone has something down or needs to leave (emergency, etc etc). I return with 2 consecutive shots into an old stump nearby to let everyone know where I am and that I am on my way. I am walking out and catch that smell twice more. Wind is the same as when I walked in, but I do realize swirling winds can do funny things with scents and humans have terrible sniffers. I did NOT smell it on the way in.

I get to the pickup to find a rifle trained on me, by my uncle. I am like WTF and then I notice, he is white as the background on this webboard! He taught me BRM and safety and even when I later went in the Army I have never been taught safety in a more paramount manner than my Uncle teaching me in my early days.

His buddy is in a kneeling position with his rifle to his shoulder pulling what I now realize is rear security. At the time I was like "what are these jokesters up to?" My uncle seeing it was me lowered his weapon and yelled for me to hustle. Now I am worried, here is one of the most accomplished mountian men I know freaking out. I break into a jog for the last 150 -200 yards and get to the pickup.

They barely wait for me to get there and they jump in stuffing me in the middle. Then I notice the pickup is running and they are both sitting with thier side arms drawn. My uncle drives like a mad man all the way out, slamming into a stump on the way and denting the hell out of the rear quarter of his pride and joy (1985 Dodge Pickup, hey everyone has a right to dream). They don't say a word except "Anything?" "Nope."

We get back to the hardball and the finally start to relax. By the time we get to my uncles they have relaxed enough to talk. We go out into his "shop" and stoke up the fire.

My uncle and his bud recount this portion of the story as follows.

They were walking in and just as they got to the branch in the finger they smell something, thinking it might be an elk they hunker down in a makeshift hide and wait. My uncles buddy was the first to see it, movement about 75 yards out and FAST movement. They think it is an elk moving downwind. My uncle decides to just chirp a cow call to see if it will stop. Not only does it stop, it stands up. It then starts screaming in what they describe as a distressed woman wailing. Now we have run dogs on bears and cougars so neither of these guys in unfamiliar with the sounds either of those animals makes. They are pretty freaked out they say, it just feels weird. The animal moves off into the woods and they decide it is best to just leave the area. As soon as they stand up to leave 50 yards on the OTHER side of them the brush explodes with sticks being smashed into trees, the wailing sounds from 2 seperate voices/animals. They say F that and start booking it out. As they round a corner on the skid road about 20 yards on the uphill side two very large rocks (they say neither of them could have picked up the rocks) get rolled forcefully onto the trail behind them. Then the wailing starts again 2 voices one on the uphill side one on the downhill side. Either the animals are matching their movement or there are a lot more of them than the original 2, because the brush is pretty thick in this area and it would be hard to match a guys pace on a skid trail while walking off trail in the woods.

They break into a pretty healthy jog, now. They get to the pickup clearing and immediately smell that smell again. My uncle decides to send off the 3 rounds in hopes of calling me back and hopefully to scare off whatever it is that is harassing them. He hears my two return shots and is happy to hear that I am only a couple miles away. They hunker down behind the doors of the pickup, scared to death. They smell the smell one more time and it is right before they spot me walking down my own skid trail to the pickup.

To this day neither my uncle nor his best friend will go back to West Dennis. I don't either by shear respect and awe for this story. These guys would not tell anyone else the story for fear of being called crazy, stupid, naive or worse liars. But I would put my reputation on my uncle without hesitation. Why would he willingly stop hunting his favorite spot that is full of game and beauty?

I never really could place that smell until I was in St. Louis with my two boys. We walked into the large primate exhibit they have and BOOM there it was. I am saying that I am so sure the smell I smelled was primate. Specifically it smelled like the Gorillas the most.

I don't know WTF any of that means, but it scared the crap out of 2 grown men and by defacto one teenager.

This is very similar to my experience! Holy cow! The smell especially! I never thought of it till I read this but The elk smell wasnt exactly something I had smelled before. I had linked it to the elk sign I saw there. Now that I think back It wasnt elk like I had ever smelled before. But I never smelled it again after my first encounter that day. Definitely a nasty urine/poop glandular release of some sort... Now I want to go to the zoo to smell the The rocks and stuff I experienced were movable by a man but could not have been thrown by a man. They were also just about the biggest things available in the area... I have goose bumps. And the sounds I heard did sound like a woman. Or a man being purposely high pitched. And yes it scared the crap out of me. My wife was creeped out just by the stuff in the road. She never heard the calls cause she stayed in the jeep. LOL she just kept asking what could do that? Thats so wierd, what could do that...
This is very similar to my experience! Holy cow! The smell especially! I never thought of it till I read this but The elk smell wasnt exactly something I had smelled before. I had linked it to the elk sign I saw there. Now that I think back It wasnt elk like I had ever smelled before. But I never smelled it again after my first encounter that day. Definitely a nasty urine/poop glandular release of some sort... Now I want to go to the zoo to smell the The rocks and stuff I experienced were movable by a man but could not have been thrown by a man. They were also just about the biggest things available in the area... I have goose bumps. And the sounds I heard did sound like a woman. Or a man being purposely high pitched. And yes it scared the crap out of me. My wife was creeped out just by the stuff in the road. She never heard the calls cause she stayed in the jeep. LOL she just kept asking what could do that? Thats so wierd, what could do that...

This is not so far fetched. Many people don't agree with the Sasquatch idea, but I won't rule it out!
This is very similar to my experience! Holy cow! The smell especially! I never thought of it till I read this but The elk smell wasnt exactly something I had smelled before. I had linked it to the elk sign I saw there. Now that I think back It wasnt elk like I had ever smelled before. But I never smelled it again after my first encounter that day. Definitely a nasty urine/poop glandular release of some sort... Now I want to go to the zoo to smell the The rocks and stuff I experienced were movable by a man but could not have been thrown by a man. They were also just about the biggest things available in the area... I have goose bumps. And the sounds I heard did sound like a woman. Or a man being purposely high pitched. And yes it scared the crap out of me. My wife was creeped out just by the stuff in the road. She never heard the calls cause she stayed in the jeep. LOL she just kept asking what could do that? Thats so wierd, what could do that...

I've never had such an encounter, though I find them very interesting. Just a quick google search and I found this page, any of these sounds like what you heard?

Bigfoot Sounds, Bigfoot Audio Recordings, Sasquatch Sounds, Bigfoot Recordings, Bigfoot Vocalizations
some of those sounds sound like a cyote to me .
I hate to admit it but when I ran hounds and they
jumped on a cyote the bubblegum yote would sound off like that.
I have bin in thewoods alote and have heard things I couldnt explain
but Bigfoot no way ! with all the loggers hikers shake rats in the woods with there
game Cameras and so on we would no by now.
As a timber faller I came upon some "caveman" footprints a few years back.I didn't get pictures till the next day after someone had made a cast of them.I learned to keep it down 'cause everyone just laughs.

Heck,I don't know.I guess I didn't actually see what made 'em.
Some of those clips do sound like yotes. But I have to say the second recording down thats described as "whooing" sounds hauntingly like half of what I heard. Imagine that a little longer with a WHEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee at the end. WHOOOoooooWHEEEEeeeeeeeeeee. Almost like it had to have lips to make the "we" sound. I feel like a dumb *** talking about this now... FYI. But it really did happen. I dont know what it was. Heck it could have been a ghost or Sasquatch or a North American Ape for all I know. What I do know is it was playing with me. It wasnt coincidence. And it knew it would get shot if it pushed its

I grew up in the woods. My Grandpa and Uncle were fallers. My Dad and other Uncle were log truck drivers. I live in the woods now.
Theres not much out here that I havent seen or at least heard enough about to be able to identify it if I ran across it. From what I know, what I experienced that day was BF or something of the I laugh at myself every time I think that. But if someone told me my story, I would raise my eye browes and laugh and say it sounded like a fricken Sasquatch...
I know for sure what I heard that day was not a coyote.
Ya know there are plenty of them thar tarheels and such livin' in the northwest.And I'm sure some hav been here for generations.
Honestly ,there could have been some families that were a little closer than most and had some children that were different than most.
That would explain why there aren't any real photos or real evidence of a sasquatch. Maybe just some hairy ,overgrown kid that has plenty of hiding places.
For all we know,some "Universal Soldier" got loose and lives in the woods.
I have bin in thewoods alote and have heard things I couldnt explain
but Bigfoot no way ! with all the loggers hikers shake rats in the woods with there
game Cameras and so on we would no by now.

you say with Loggers, hikers and game cameras, HHMMMM, the lack of attention to things around people truly amaze me. something can happen right in front of a person and they will be oblivious, even if you point it out. Loggers have to pay attention to what they are doing and may not see a creature because they are rigging or some other task that takes thier attention. just because you have a hiker, does not mean they are experienced woodsmen. people bring up the argument that we would have found bones or a body. How many times have you ran across the bones or body of "overpopulated" creatures, such as Cougar or bear? Not very often, I would bet...
HHMMMM, the lack of attention to things around people truly amaze me. [/QUOTE]

So true. One of the best places to hide is right out in the open. I sat on my porch talking with my wife and staring at a black bear 150 yards away for probably an hour one evening. I was just starting to think to myself that it was late June and everything was growing. So I shouldnt be spotting new stumps, they should be disappearing into the growing brush. About the same time that thought crossed my mind the bear stood up, turned around and disappeared into the brush.
All I am saying is that there is somebody in the woods all the time eather for work or fun the woods are full of peaple .
I just think something would have turned up by now I no guys who scout all the time for Deer and Elk and no a couple guys who trap
Pine Martin and cats in the winter eather buy using a snow cat or snowmobile and let me tell you a good trapper is very in tune with whats around him.
and yes I have found bones in the woods of Deer and Elk . I guess peaple are going to beleave what they want. just think if they could prove it they would shut things down
like they did for the spotted owl. :]

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