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Ok, here's one. When I was a kid, my dad's cousins kids were at my house. We were all about the same age, early teens. As the daughter comes walking towards me , I have my foot on a barbell I was using for weight lifting. She's still 20 feet from me when suddenly I had a vision... I don't know how else to describe it. I knew exactly what she was going to say, where she was going to stand and where she was going to move... as she started to speak, I joined in and said her part of the conversation word for word.... Really weird, and it's never happened like that again.

This one isn't so much weird as it is stupid. When my kids were smaller, we had a motorhome we traveled around in. One time, we stopped at this beach on the Washington coast inside the park right at the North Head lighthouse. It was fall, had been raining, there were no campers in the park, but my wife likes beaches, and this little crescent cove called "Waikiki Beach" is accessed via the Cape Disappointment state park. We drive in, pay the park fee, and drive down to an area near the cove. The kids and the wife pile out of the motor home and I start getting stuff ready to have a small campfire and roast some hot dogs. I go down on the sandy beach and dig a hole down to wet sand, get some dry wood and start to make a small fire. Things are just getting nice and ready for dogs, when the Ranger Dick and his buddy show up in their park fire truck with a hose reel, come down on the beach and proceed to alternately chew my backside and spray my modest 18" diameter fire down with about 50 gallons of water. They are basically yelling at me that I can't have a fire on the beach and didn't I see all the signs saying "NO FIRES" (after this incident, we drove all around the cove and there were NO signs ANYWHERE around the beach... apparently there was one one on a bulletin board by the bathrooms, but since I had my own portable bathroom, we hadn't gone there...but I digress)

Being an engineer, I like things to make sense. I politely asked why we couldn't have a fire on this beach, when right around the corner of the cove is miles of sand called the Long Beach Peninsula, where people routinely build 6 foot diameter fires 6 feet high and consume copious quantities of alcohol. The ranger then informed me that "this beach isn't like that beach.. we don't get a tide in here to put fires out in the sand and there is wood under the sand that I could have caught on fire which would smolder for days or weeks because there wouldn't be any water to put it out."

In my mind, I am thinking a) it takes 3 things to have a fire; a source of ignition, fuel, and AIR... just how much air do you think you get under the sand.... But that isn't the worst of it.... As Ranger Dick and his lackey are still chewing me out and still hosing down my now sodden lifeless fire pit, I am looking at them and 20 feet behind them is a pile of driftwood 20 feet wide and 10 feet high sitting just above the high tide line... I am in the process of saying "wow... since there is no tide here like there is on the rest of the coast, it must have been a real pain to go get all that driftwood out of the water and stack it along the high tide line like that behind you"..... half way through the sentence however, my wife elbowed me in the ribs and told me to shut up because the kids were watching and she didn't want them to not respect authority....

Personally, I think they had just gotten a fire truck and wanted to play with it.
I was at a restaurant in South Carolina and had ordered my meal and the waitress asked me what vegetable side dish I wanted with my meal. I asked her what the options were and she listed off several: fried okra, hush puppies, collard greens, baked beans or macaroni and cheese. As far as I knew, NONE of these were recognized as "vegetables" back in good old Washington State, but certainly not mac and cheese. Being ignorant, I exclaimed in amazement, "Macaroni and cheese is a VEGETABLE?"

She smile sweetly at my stupidity and said, "Shore nuff, hun. Whaddya think it was?" I was lost in amazement and had no response.

Who knew Mac and cheese was a veggie? If I had known this as a kid, I would have been willing to eat A LOT more vegetables!!
This one didn't happen to me personally, it is one my wife shared with me, but is worth retelling anyway.

My wife has been a nurse for 35 or so years at an undisclosed hospital. Over the years, she has seen some strange things she has shared with me and others that just plain cause you to doubt the intelligence of the species.
Working in the maternity floor, you get to see some pretty odd people having babies and sometimes they aren't just odd, they are downright dangerous to the health and welfare of the infant. Drug abuse partners having babies is never a good thing. After the birth of one of these scenarios, child protective services stepped in because the new parents were obviously incapable of caring for themselves let alone an infant. The baby daddy was outraged that they weren't going to be able to take the baby home to whatever flop house and was getting pretty loud and angry. He decides that the way to deal with the problem is to get the media involved, and wants to call the local TV station. This by the way was before the world of cell phones. He turns to my wife and says "I'm going to call the local TV station... how do you spell KATU?" My wife, being quick on her feet, furrowed her brow and said " gosh, I don't know.., you're going to have to look that one up"

I don't know what the final outcome was other than the media didn't get involved. It is pure speculation on my part, but I am guessing that this fellow, wherever he is today, is probably a Hillary supporter.
Back in 1976 or so when I was a student at U of O, people used to nude sunbathe along the river, where nobody could see them. I was riding my bike one day along there and decided to go down by the river and get some sun. My bike was a nice Peugeot PX-10 with silk sew-up tires, very high pressure. So I had the bike lying on the bank in the sun, and after a while I hear what sounds like a shot and a few stones rattle down the bank. I dove for cover, thinking "Some danged redneck across the river is getting his fun by shooting at naked hippies!" I grabbed my bike, ran up the bank to the bike trail and hopped on the bike. Didn't get far though; one of my tires was flat. The sun had heated the tire enough that at the high pressure I was running them, one blew out. That's what the "shot" was.

Another time I was riding back from a trip to Texas. I was staying with two women friends of mine and we were in southern Colorado. One, Kathy, was driving (her little Datsun sedan) and I was in the back seat smooching with Peggy. Then we fell asleep. Trouble was, Kathy eventually fell asleep too.

I noticed this because all road noise ceased. The tires were no longer in contact with the ground. Strange how the lack of a sound can wake a person up. Anyway Kathy wakes up and shouts, "You guys!" I hooked my toes under the front seat (a pre-seatbelt car) and pressed down on Peggy for all I was worth; I figured we were going to at least roll. Finally we hit the ground again, and stopped.

We were in a cow pasture, with cows there. Didn't hit any. The road bed was about 10 feet above and behind us. There were skid marks in the pasture for quite a distance. Both rear hubcaps popped off from the impact; we picked those up. There were house-sized boulders all along the road at that point, didn't hit any of those either. I maneuvered the car back up the bank and onto the highway again, and we drove on. I wondered what the rancher would think happened in his pasture.
A while back we owned a hay farm in Wyoming, about 150 irrigated acres. It was flood irrigated, first water was let into (mostly concrete) ditches, a temporary dam set up, and the water would run out of notches in the concrete and onto the field. One field had the ditch running through the sagebrush, so one morning I set the dam and then walked along the ditch as it was filling up, pulling the weeds and leaves out of the notches so the water would flow. I reached under a big sagebrush and pulled a pile out. As I pulled it out I noticed I was holding onto a snake. So I let go and looked at it. My first tendency is to play with snakes and handle them as I grew up where there were just grass snakes and garter snakes. Hmmm, this one had a triangular head. And there were diamond patterns down its back. And there is that little rattle on the end of the tail.

It just sat there looking at me. It was early in the morning and cool, so I guess it was sluggish. I went to get my camera but when I got back it was gone. My neighbor rolled his eyes when I told him; he said I should have whacked it with my shovel.
A very beautiful Asian gal comes over to my table and asks in flawless German , with a Berlin accent no less , what I want to order.

I used to have a German girlfriend. I was over there in 1978 or so visiting and we were out taking a train to Munich IIRC. Anyway we were on the train playing a little game trying to identify whether people were German or not, just by looking at them. A nicely dressed "black" woman comes on, and we just laughed and said there's a foreigner. Then she talks to her companion in perfect bayerisch dialect according to my friend... :) Must have grown up there...

Another time I was with another woman friend I had known for a few years, down in Nice, France. I told her that as far as I could tell, there was no such thing as a fat French woman. She thought I must be wrong, I said no, I've never seen one (I was there for a year, working). We noticed some fat women on the beach but they were speaking German or Italian. Finally a heavy-set woman at the beach walks by, speaking French. My companion said, "Ah hah!

Half an hour later we are walking back, and saw this same woman in the parking lot. Her car had a Belgian license plate. :)
I had a old cowboy for a neighbor in Wyoming who had a lot of amazing stories to tell. I'd go over there and chew the fat over breakfast and coffee. Anyway one day he told me that he was looking for a series of books that he knew about, but no matter what bookstore he went in he could never find any. He said he used to know the author, back in Colorado.

I said why don't you search the Internet. He had just gotten a laptop, his first, but he had no clue. He wasn't even familiar with keyboards or typewriters. Watching him "hunt and peck" was waiting 10 or 15 seconds for each character. He may have been unfamiliar with that, but he was renowned for his knowledge of things like long-horn cattle and ranching generally. For him going out to kill an elk was no big deal. But he wasn't much on computers, so in never occurred to him to search the internet. Search engine, what's that?

Anyway he told me his friend, the author's name, Ralph Moody. And the books were the "Little Britches" series:,aps,422

You could have picked my jaw off the table. I had been homeschooling my son, and we LOVED the Little Britches series. This series for boys, is exactly what the "Little House on the Prairie" series is for girls, when you are homeschooling. Old John telling me he was a friend of Ralph Moody, when John was a kid, was like telling me he knew Laura Ingalls Wilder, who wrote "Little House".

He was very happy when I ordered him the full series off Amazon.

BTW, this series is highly recommended, even for adults. Gives a nice flavor of America back in the early 1900's. Can you imagine a people too ashamed to take private charity, never mind a government entitlement?
The case of the haunted restroom......

Christmas day, 2003. The wife and I were spending a few days on Corregidor Island, exploring the old fortress. We were about to leave a place called Battery Way, when we both decided to make a last minute pit stop before getting back into the Jeepney. (You always take advantage of a real restroom there..those dam monkeys in the bushes bite !)

I was just about to finish my duties when I here this guy from inside yell "outta here"... I am usually a pretty easy going guy, but was I kind of pizzed off that somebody had the nerve to say that to me in my present position. When finished, I made it a point to check the other stall to show this upstart what he could kiss...You guessed it, I was alone in there.

I met my wife who was already outside waiting for me. Back in the Jeepney, I asked her who the arse was that came out of my side of the restroom before me. With a strange look on her face, she said nobody came out. She then proceeded to tell me about the toilet that kept flushing next to her without anyone in there.
Dude....what kind of treachery do you have to commit while alive to end up haunting a restroom in the afterlife? Watch...that's what will happen to me.... if you hear a voice that says "bring me some hunting magazines" take pity on me and just do it;)
I saw a real live UFO once.

Yep, I was sober and I am convinced there is no rational explanation.

I had stepped outside my house late one night, 2AM? (about 25 years ago) in Twin Falls Idaho. This thing rolled over the top of the house, literally. Kind of long football shape spinning on its long axis. It was huge, like a mile long and low. I could clearly see individual lights and the surface of the thing. It was completely silent, took maybe 20 seconds to pass over. When it was directly over me it took up most of the sky.

This was not like some far off light that "could" be something. It was right there, you could see it, see details.

There is no sensible, rational explanation for it. Something I would never believe if I had not been standing under it. I have never heard of anything else described similarly.

I dont know what it was, but it defiantly freaked me out. Ive watched the sky pretty close ever sense and never seen anything "unexplained"

Not something I talk about because it just sounds nuts, but it really happened.
I saw something exactly like that in '66 or '67. I was 11-12 years old walking home on a rural road with no street lights when this thing passed over me. Lights all over it, some blinking, completely silent and was blotting out a huge portion of the sky. I ran home terrified and told everybody I'd seen a UFO and took quite a bit of ribbing about it. Next day the paper and the evening news said that it was a stage of one of the Apollo rockets, headed for splash down in the Pacific. Not as weird as a UFO but it was still pretty cool to have seen something like that.
35 years ago I was hitchhiking back to Portland from Los Angeles and became stuck on an I-5 on ramp for a couple of hours in 100* heat out on the north end of Sacramento.

Nobody would pick me up as the State Police were camped out on the ramp, so I walked back to a truck stop and flagged down a ride with a guy that was heading downtown.
He had a beater van with no AC and it kinda resembled the one in the Scooby Doo cartoons.

Anyway, as were traveling down the county hwy, he starts to tell me about an event that happened to him in this same area last summer.
As he starts to tell his story, he reaches down below his seat and pulls out a multi colored half round rubber like ring and stretches it around his head. It had green, red, yellow and blue segments. It had that cloudy opaque look of gummy bear candy.

He starts describing to me how an Angel come streaking through the air from the South just as three other Angels streaked in from the other compass points and then shot straight up into the clear blue sky.
As I eyeballed this loon with the tight rubber band encircling his head, I voiced my disbelief about whether he had really seen four Angels ascend to Heaven way out in the boonies.
He looked at me kinda funny and said "It wasn't no Angels from heaven, it was The Blue Angles practicing their maneuvers."

He then told me that the easiest way out of Sacramento was to take a Greyhound to the next town and after checking out the bus schedules which didn't have a ride north until later that evening, he offered to take me to his house and hang out with Granny and some friends.

As I walked into his real dark house, I saw the Granny he was talking about sitting in a rocking chair with four young people listening to her tell a story.
As my eyes grew accustomed to the dark, I saw that everyone had that rubber ring stretched around their heads. She was preaching about some sort of cosmic revelation she had had last night and the group of teenagers were just mesmerized with her story.

They offered me some homemade cookies and lemonade, which I quietly declined.
Three hours later, he drove me to the bus station and he then offered me one of those rubber head rings, along with a promise that if I wore it, a force greater then anything on earth would enlighten me.

I've never met anyone as strange as those folks.
Back in the mid 70's my mother was trying desperately to get out of her marriage with my POS father. He was a drinker, druggie, skrewed around, and horribly abusive to my mother. She came up with a plan to go to her parents and see if they could put us up in a motel a couple of counties away, or if they could arrange for us to stay with relatives in Seattle so she could start divorce proceedings.

She mistakenly ran the plan by a girlfriend of hers, who unknown to my mother was having an affair with my father at the time. Well you can probably guess what happened.

That night my mother woke alone in the middle of the night (as usual because my father was off getting loaded her "friend") and saw a half a man (she could only see him from the waist up) hovering over her holding a hunting knife. She said it looked solid, literally like half a person was suspended above her. She screamed and the apparition disappeared.

Two days later`she told the story to her "friend". She promptly freaked out, and confessed that she was having an affair with my father and that she had told him of my mothers plans. She said that was he so pissed that he called this scumbag druggie friend of his and offered him $1500 bucks and a quarter ounce of speed (guaranteed he had neither) if he would break into the house, and slit both our throats and make it looked like a botched robbery attempt. He accepted and they made plans for the following weekend, since my father was going to be out of town. The guy my mother described - fit this guy to a T - right down to the moles on his face, the scar on his cheek and the color of his eyes.

Thankfully the day after the guy accepted my fathers offer, he drove his car into semi on I-5:oops::oops::oops: and we were spared.

Now for more Twilight Zone craziness - my mother confronted my father, he confessed to everything, and she didn't divorce him~:eek:

At the time she was full tilt crazy into that 70s hippy dippy Jesus movement, and everybody was hardcore into forgiveness and repentance. She demanded he go to Church, and of course he agreed and played along - after all, it beat the hell out of being in prison. He was a good boy for about two months and then it was back to the same old bubblegum. Thankfully my mother found the courage and a way to finally get us both out a year and a half later.

That's my double dose of the twilight zone.
You could have picked my jaw off the table. I had been homeschooling my son, and we LOVED the Little Britches series. This series for boys, is exactly what the "Little House on the Prairie" series is for girls, when you are homeschooling. Old John telling me he was a friend of Ralph Moody, when John was a kid, was like telling me he knew Laura Ingalls Wilder, who wrote "Little House".

He was very happy when I ordered him the full series off Amazon.

BTW, this series is highly recommended, even for adults. Gives a nice flavor of America back in the early 1900's. Can you imagine a people too ashamed to take private charity, never mind a government entitlement?

My wife is related to Laura Ingalls Wilder.....
So the second year that warehouser opened its land in Molalla to vehicles about 8-9 years ago after being closed to public vehicles for over 20 year and at that time it was a reasonable fee under $200 per vehicle, I and my brother in law were driving along the side of a grassy hill up above it looked there was looked to be what could be caves. up ahead about a hundreds yards or so it went back into the thick forest. I saw something very large and tall move swiftly across the road. At first I thought it was a deer jumping across the road but as mind began to process it i realized that it was black and tall and really big but really fast . Too tall to be a bear to dark to be a deer jumping. As I drove by where I saw it cross I got the heebee jeebees so I did not get out to take a look as I normally would if I though it was something familiar.

The weird thing is I was telling my friend about this he used to hunt up there several years ago. He had this funny grin on his face and he told me the exact same thing happened to him back then but he never told me of it because he thought I would laugh at him and call him crazy.
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I had a old cowboy for a neighbor in Wyoming who had a lot of amazing stories to tell. I'd go over there and chew the fat over breakfast and coffee. Anyway one day he told me that he was looking for a series of books that he knew about, but no matter what bookstore he went in he could never find any. He said he used to know the author, back in Colorado.

I said why don't you search the Internet. He had just gotten a laptop, his first, but he had no clue. He wasn't even familiar with keyboards or typewriters. Watching him "hunt and peck" was waiting 10 or 15 seconds for each character. He may have been unfamiliar with that, but he was renowned for his knowledge of things like long-horn cattle and ranching generally. For him going out to kill an elk was no big deal. But he wasn't much on computers, so in never occurred to him to search the internet. Search engine, what's that?

Anyway he told me his friend, the author's name, Ralph Moody. And the books were the "Little Britches" series:,aps,422

You could have picked my jaw off the table. I had been homeschooling my son, and we LOVED the Little Britches series. This series for boys, is exactly what the "Little House on the Prairie" series is for girls, when you are homeschooling. Old John telling me he was a friend of Ralph Moody, when John was a kid, was like telling me he knew Laura Ingalls Wilder, who wrote "Little House".

He was very happy when I ordered him the full series off Amazon.

BTW, this series is highly recommended, even for adults. Gives a nice flavor of America back in the early 1900's. Can you imagine a people too ashamed to take private charity, never mind a government entitlement?

I loved that book.
Soon after the new walmart opened we went shopping the night before Halloween. A cold clear night. Walking to the store a fellow says look at that. We look up and there is a set of lights about 50 yards by 200 yards about 300 yards or so up. No sound of any kind just a long rectangle of 10 lights, 4 to a side and 1 at each end gliding along.

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