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I was reading the text yesterday. What a crock!

Basically all the gun controllers wet dreams all rolled into one.

- Assault weapon ban
- PMF ban
- Bump stock/FRT or similar ban
- Restrict firearms to 10 round FIXED mags
- Gun buy back
- Registry

The endorsement page is all the "who's who" in the gun controller world. Also included was the blue haired whackjob out of NM that recently ruled the "health emergency" order to suspend all 2A rights outside of the home perfectly legal.

Pretty much DOA though. Introduced through the senate... so it would have to pass the filibuster... and even if it did, Johnson would never allow it to be introduced in the House.

We all know total confiscation and repeal of the 2A is their ultimate goal, but at least this shows us what's up next on their incremental pushes towards that end.

The only real addition though seems to be that instead of just a standard capacity mag ban they are going after all detachable mags, too.

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