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I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it was a personal dispute and not a random "mass shooting".

Send them back home to online school. They're not learning sh anyway. Not with the soft discipline there is now.
Fight between shooter and another student.
Saw the video (because of course students were recording and not intervening) - dunno if the shooter is the one that got his a$$ tooled or if he did the tooling. But it was a lopsided fight.

Seems like they already removed the vid. But you can find it out there. If he was the kid in the white sweatshirt, he got his truckus beat.
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Kid looks young for 18 and kind of on the 'smallish' side.

Possibly bullied while in school and decided to even the odds by bringing a gun.

I can relate to the bullied part as I was when I was in school - but never considered bringing a gun.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it was a personal dispute and not a random "mass shooting".

Send them back home to online school. They're not learning sh anyway. Not with the soft discipline there is now.

Fight between shooter and another student.
I thought that was supposed to be "mutual combat" now? Oh, no I guess that's Chicago only so far. :rolleyes:
I miss the old days when you'd either issue the a$$ whuppin' or take one yourself, then shake hands and move on with your life.

Kids today are so soft.
Maybe somebody should've been implementing safe storage...
Thats about right up there with (and would be about as effective) as a 'gun free zone' - which the school no doubt already is. Lets also keep in mind how easy it no doubt is for a teen like him to acquire a gun 'on the street'.

I'll bet some would shudder to find out how many gun are being carried by students on a daily basis.
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