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Boquist's lengthy response to me and others...

Ladies & Gentlemen:

You all contacted us with your negative thoughts on the suicide prevention bill modeled on a decades old Connecticut law that is credited with saving of lives. Likewise, multiple States have existing similar laws including Washington which passed by 70% before statewide voters. It is apparent you contacted me based on an Oregon Firearms Federation fundraising alert, or a fundraising email from the California gun dealer's dba Firearms Policy Coalition whose lobbyist is a contributor to Breitbart.

Unless you are verbally propagating suicide to your household members or threatening to murder them, the new law will not impact you at all. Likely, it will only impact less than a few hundred Oregonians a year.

However, if you are only interested in blindly funding OFF and FPC then please hit the delete key now.

Also, if you want to fire back rhetoric without reading further just remember your email is already a public record for which the federalists no doubt already possess at the NSA. All government emails at the Legislative level are stored in the 'cloud' by a third party thus not secure.

The purpose of SB 719 and SB 868 is suicide prevention. Oregon ranks 4th in the nation for suicides. Oregon is top of the list for military and veteran suicides. The leading death of young people is suicide. Every day 22 veterans commit suicide in the nation. I could write pages on this problem along with the total failure of two Presidents (R&D), and multiple Congresses (R&D), and our own State ignoring this fact along with their list of excuses. If you really care then look at the 20 plus floor documents at the link below outlining the problem we face in Oregon and America.

It is obvious very few of you read Kevin's or Phillip's link to the bill, and maybe none of you researched the Oregon Legislative Information System history, testimony, and hearing process of SB 868 which I sponsored after a decade of trying other solutions. I can honestly say I do not recall ANY of you ever offering a solution in the past decade as America abandoned it's veterans. This includes those of you who served too. Note, SB 719 a committee bill, passed the Oregon State Senate nearly three months ago, not last week. Most of the comments we received are factually incorrect thus below I will outline the facts plus provide you independent links to verify yourself:

Militia clause. The U.S. Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees in DC v. Heller very clearly established firearm ownership as an individual right with restrictions exactly contained in the suicide prevention bill. See link.

Due process. The U.S. Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees in Mathews v. Eldridge along with multiple other cases have established a due process requirement time line less than are contained in this suicide prevention bill. See link.

Ex parte. The U.S. Supreme Court dating back to the early 1800s to present have set out the ex parte requirements in cases such as Merryman, Milligan, and others. Ex parte is well established in criminal and civil law across America including Oregon. Plus the penalties for false allegations are larger than non-compliance as the goal is suicide prevention, not the fundraising rhetoric most of you failed to check out.

For the public record, ex parte, due process, and militia clause elements of SB 719, and SB 868 originally, were improved & narrowed based on written suggestions by the National Rifle Association along with others. We can email you OFF's and the NRA's correspondence. Read your NRA, OFF and FPC alerts carefully as they are competing for your donations by stating their propagandized positions very carefully as they know the law too.

Extreme risk protective orders designed to prevent suicide or harm are fully constitutional pursuant to the U.S. Supreme Court adjudications of the U.S. Constitution. ERPOs have been in place for decades in other States. Heller, Mathews, Milligan, and Merryman rulings are not one's you want to overturn if you cherish due process and your individual rights. The question is do you really support the U.S. Constitution or you want to pick & choose parts based on your own interpretation.

Several groups competing for dollars knowingly made numerous inaccuracies to get donations. Kitchen knives are not deadly weapons under any law in Oregon. Third party transfers were covered in depth at public hearings at the request of the same groups making wild claims in their alerts. Timelines for the judicial hearings processes were changed at the request of the same gun groups. As was the use of clear & convincing evidence before a judge not the normal weaker constitutional standards.

Mental health. SB 719 is a suicide prevention bill not a mental health adjudication intentionally to preserve an individual's 2nd Amendment rights. NRA, OFF and FPC know full well if a court makes a mental adjudication it is a permanent loss of gun rights under 18 USC 922(g)(4). Since SB 719 has multiple hearings and court options before a judge, such a mental health ruling would result in a No entry on line 11f on an ATF Form 4473 i.e. background check. For these reasons, the law specifically stated the process was not a mental health adjudication, and allows the respondent the choice if he or she wants to risk having such a mental health adjudication thus allowing them to seek help without a permanent loss of rights. See links.

You should note the Legislature passed other expansions of mental health and suicide prevention elsewhere in the Session including expanded services, 24-hour preventions, and police training.

Elephants and rhinoceroses. The GOP's Platform link is below. Everything in SB 719 conforms to the intent and words of the Republican platform. Suggest those of you making RINO claims read your own party's positions. It is telling that 19 Oregon House Republicans voted against funding State veterans programs including veterans suicide prevention and mental health. Odder, it was three Democrat legislators who got back the full funding level of Measure 96 with the help of two Republican legislators. Likewise, multiple Republican Central Committees in Oregon have openly opposed local law enforcement and public safety. So much for veterans and law & order platform in Oregon or by the Republican Congress. Federalist Republicans oversee an abysmal Veterans Administration, failed on immigration reform, and after three years in power have done nothing on health care.

Let me remind all of you the United States is a representative republic not a parliamentary nation like Great Britain. America elect's representatives not party hacks to sit in parliament. State Senators represent all 128,000 citizens of their districts. I represent Senate District 12 not some other district elsewhere in the State. Republicans account for 34% of Senate District 12. And more than half of them want stricter gun laws that I will not support. Only 27% of Oregonians are Republicans. Again, more than half of these Republicans want stricter laws. Those of you making the above RINO claims need to access your own party affiliation as most of you have expressed non-Republican views and platform positions. A link to change parties is below.

In closing, unless you are verbally propagating suicide to your household members or threatening to murder them, the new law will not impact you at all. Of course, if you have five ex-wives, beat your children, and hate local law enforcement, you have bigger problems than this new law. But if you have a better suggestion for reducing suicide, especially amongst veterans, then please take the time to make some constructive suggestions.


Brian J. Boquist


Veterans & Emergency Prep

Oregon State Senate
Boquist's lengthy response to me and others...

Ladies & Gentlemen:

You all contacted us with your negative thoughts on the suicide prevention bill modeled on a decades old Connecticut law that is credited with saving of lives. Likewise, multiple States have existing similar laws including Washington which passed by 70% before statewide voters. It is apparent you contacted me based on an Oregon Firearms Federation fundraising alert, or a fundraising email from the California gun dealer's dba Firearms Policy Coalition whose lobbyist is a contributor to Breitbart.

Unless you are verbally propagating suicide to your household members or threatening to murder them, the new law will not impact you at all. Likely, it will only impact less than a few hundred Oregonians a year.

However, if you are only interested in blindly funding OFF and FPC then please hit the delete key now.

Also, if you want to fire back rhetoric without reading further just remember your email is already a public record for which the federalists no doubt already possess at the NSA. All government emails at the Legislative level are stored in the 'cloud' by a third party thus not secure.

The purpose of SB 719 and SB 868 is suicide prevention. Oregon ranks 4th in the nation for suicides. Oregon is top of the list for military and veteran suicides. The leading death of young people is suicide. Every day 22 veterans commit suicide in the nation. I could write pages on this problem along with the total failure of two Presidents (R&D), and multiple Congresses (R&D), and our own State ignoring this fact along with their list of excuses. If you really care then look at the 20 plus floor documents at the link below outlining the problem we face in Oregon and America.

It is obvious very few of you read Kevin's or Phillip's link to the bill, and maybe none of you researched the Oregon Legislative Information System history, testimony, and hearing process of SB 868 which I sponsored after a decade of trying other solutions. I can honestly say I do not recall ANY of you ever offering a solution in the past decade as America abandoned it's veterans. This includes those of you who served too. Note, SB 719 a committee bill, passed the Oregon State Senate nearly three months ago, not last week. Most of the comments we received are factually incorrect thus below I will outline the facts plus provide you independent links to verify yourself:

Militia clause. The U.S. Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees in DC v. Heller very clearly established firearm ownership as an individual right with restrictions exactly contained in the suicide prevention bill. See link.

Due process. The U.S. Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees in Mathews v. Eldridge along with multiple other cases have established a due process requirement time line less than are contained in this suicide prevention bill. See link.

Ex parte. The U.S. Supreme Court dating back to the early 1800s to present have set out the ex parte requirements in cases such as Merryman, Milligan, and others. Ex parte is well established in criminal and civil law across America including Oregon. Plus the penalties for false allegations are larger than non-compliance as the goal is suicide prevention, not the fundraising rhetoric most of you failed to check out.

For the public record, ex parte, due process, and militia clause elements of SB 719, and SB 868 originally, were improved & narrowed based on written suggestions by the National Rifle Association along with others. We can email you OFF's and the NRA's correspondence. Read your NRA, OFF and FPC alerts carefully as they are competing for your donations by stating their propagandized positions very carefully as they know the law too.

Extreme risk protective orders designed to prevent suicide or harm are fully constitutional pursuant to the U.S. Supreme Court adjudications of the U.S. Constitution. ERPOs have been in place for decades in other States. Heller, Mathews, Milligan, and Merryman rulings are not one's you want to overturn if you cherish due process and your individual rights. The question is do you really support the U.S. Constitution or you want to pick & choose parts based on your own interpretation.

Several groups competing for dollars knowingly made numerous inaccuracies to get donations. Kitchen knives are not deadly weapons under any law in Oregon. Third party transfers were covered in depth at public hearings at the request of the same groups making wild claims in their alerts. Timelines for the judicial hearings processes were changed at the request of the same gun groups. As was the use of clear & convincing evidence before a judge not the normal weaker constitutional standards.

Mental health. SB 719 is a suicide prevention bill not a mental health adjudication intentionally to preserve an individual's 2nd Amendment rights. NRA, OFF and FPC know full well if a court makes a mental adjudication it is a permanent loss of gun rights under 18 USC 922(g)(4). Since SB 719 has multiple hearings and court options before a judge, such a mental health ruling would result in a No entry on line 11f on an ATF Form 4473 i.e. background check. For these reasons, the law specifically stated the process was not a mental health adjudication, and allows the respondent the choice if he or she wants to risk having such a mental health adjudication thus allowing them to seek help without a permanent loss of rights. See links.

You should note the Legislature passed other expansions of mental health and suicide prevention elsewhere in the Session including expanded services, 24-hour preventions, and police training.

Elephants and rhinoceroses. The GOP's Platform link is below. Everything in SB 719 conforms to the intent and words of the Republican platform. Suggest those of you making RINO claims read your own party's positions. It is telling that 19 Oregon House Republicans voted against funding State veterans programs including veterans suicide prevention and mental health. Odder, it was three Democrat legislators who got back the full funding level of Measure 96 with the help of two Republican legislators. Likewise, multiple Republican Central Committees in Oregon have openly opposed local law enforcement and public safety. So much for veterans and law & order platform in Oregon or by the Republican Congress. Federalist Republicans oversee an abysmal Veterans Administration, failed on immigration reform, and after three years in power have done nothing on health care.

Let me remind all of you the United States is a representative republic not a parliamentary nation like Great Britain. America elect's representatives not party hacks to sit in parliament. State Senators represent all 128,000 citizens of their districts. I represent Senate District 12 not some other district elsewhere in the State. Republicans account for 34% of Senate District 12. And more than half of them want stricter gun laws that I will not support. Only 27% of Oregonians are Republicans. Again, more than half of these Republicans want stricter laws. Those of you making the above RINO claims need to access your own party affiliation as most of you have expressed non-Republican views and platform positions. A link to change parties is below.

In closing, unless you are verbally propagating suicide to your household members or threatening to murder them, the new law will not impact you at all. Of course, if you have five ex-wives, beat your children, and hate local law enforcement, you have bigger problems than this new law. But if you have a better suggestion for reducing suicide, especially amongst veterans, then please take the time to make some constructive suggestions.


Brian J. Boquist


Veterans & Emergency Prep

Oregon State Senate
Why do I feel like I was just scolded by my parents after reading that.
Why do I feel like I was just scolded by my parents after reading that.

Well, when I read the stuff that comes from OFF it sounds like they want to get you all worked up.....

Read your NRA, OFF and FPC alerts carefully as they are competing for your donations by stating their propagandized positions very carefully as they know the law too.

Several groups competing for dollars knowingly made numerous inaccuracies to get donations. Kitchen knives are not deadly weapons under any law in Oregon. Third party transfers were covered in depth at public hearings at the request of the same groups making wild claims in their alerts. Timelines for the judicial hearings processes were changed at the request of the same gun groups. As was the use of clear & convincing evidence before a judge not the normal weaker constitutional standards.

I got so I can't even read what OFF sends me any more.

When you have a bunch of firearms owners parroting some of this? Somebody ought to be scolded maybe.

I still don't agree with the new law, and see it as just a little more infringement. Seems to me they could save MANY more lives by putting all that effort into getting people to pay attention when they drive!
Since he can't prevent suicides, he spins himself into a frenzy and attacks anything and everything around him. Feels that he has to do "something". Even though his "something" has no long term effect, he feels better about himself while condemning others. It's the same old argument of "if you don't have a solution either, then you must pay".
Wow, that could probably be misconstrued as, "I know what's best for you idiots so STFU". No surprise there. What a dick!
First off, he totally avoided

Boquist said:
Ex parte. The U.S. Supreme Court dating back to the early 1800s to present have set out the ex parte requirements in cases such as Merryman, Milligan, and others. Ex parte is well established in criminal and civil law across America including Oregon. Plus the penalties for false allegations are larger than non-compliance as the goal is suicide prevention, not the fundraising rhetoric most of you failed to check out.

Let's take a look at this statement.......

So if a respondant violates the SB 719...

[B]SB 719[/B] said:
(1) A person commits a Class A misdemeanor if:
(a) The person knowingly possesses a deadly weapon; and
(b) The person is prohibited from possessing deadly weapons pursuant to an extreme risk protection order:
(A) Issued after notice and a hearing under section 3 of this 2017 Act;
(B) Confirmed by operation of law after the person failed to request a hearing under section 2 (9) of this 2017 Act; or
(C) Renewed under section 5 of this 2017 Act.
(2) A person convicted under subsection (1) of this section shall be prohibited from having in the person's custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing or receiving, or attempting to purchase or receive, any firearms for a five-year period beginning when the extreme risk protection order expires or is terminated, or the judgment of conviction is entered, whichever occurs later.

and if a "Petitioner" files a false claim......

[B]SB 719[/B] said:
SECTION 8(3) A person who files a petition for any extreme risk protection order under sections 1 to 8 of this 2017 Act with the intent to harass the respondent, or knowing that the information in the petition is false, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

So, which penalties is "larger"......? Um, Yeah........... LIAR!

Boquist said:
In closing, unless you are verbally propagating suicide to your household members or threatening to murder them, the new law will not impact you at all.

If that's the case, then why is this in the bill and why didn't he address it ........?

[B]SB 719[/B] said:
SECTION 2(4) In determining whether to issue an extreme risk protection order, the court shall consider the following:
(g) Evidence of an acquisition or attempted acquisition within the previous 180 days by the respondent of a deadly weapon;

All in all, he's full of bubblegume and just trying to justify his reason for taking Bloomberg's money.

Why do I feel like I was just scolded by my parents after reading that.

Shame on you, peon, for questioning your betters over something so trivial as your ability to defend yourself, and attacks thereon. WE are the law givers, YOU must accept our droppings with joy and gratitude.

State Senators represent all 128,000 citizens of their districts.

What, all the communists, fascists, libertarians, conservatives, liberals, anarchists and all the rest, all at the same time? That's quite a trick - or the word "represent" does not actually mean anything. I suspect the latter. Thanks for the bombast, though.
Last Edited:
I'm cool with this so long as somebody has the right to refute and defend themself in a court of law before being restricted from access to firearms. It cannot ever be issued as tho a warrant and be a justifiable law in our country (or anywhere).

I also believe in controlled suicide and the acceptance of it...

It's horrible to have to walk in on a loved one who has done this. Even a landlord finding somebody only once the smell was noticeable would be terrifying. If somebody really wants to commit suicide, all efforts should be put forth to assist them towards the best ends. Suicide could possibly be their best end and ends their suffering.

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