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I've had 5 chanced to shoot 5x5 plus size bulls this year and still got 5 months on my willamette elk tag, but its cow only lol. I stalked up on these 2 5x5 bulls yesterday, started from over a 1000 yards out and in the photo I'm 150 yards away , watched them for 15 minutes hoping some cows would come and hang out , no luck,

It was just about dark so I just slowly backed off not spooking them , checked this am at first light , no elk in sight . 20171109_163415.jpg 20171109_162512.jpg
Dang man, i'm sure a ton of people would die for that shot.
Me included. But that's how hunting usually works.
See bulls when you need a cow, see cows when you need a bull, and of course you always see deer in elk season and vis versa.
I tagged out on a forkie during archery season on a multi-season tag a couple years ago. Went grouse hunting during modern firearm season and ran into two blacktail bucks, a 3x4 and a 4x4 standing out in the open within an hour of each other.
I've had 5 chanced to shoot 5x5 plus size bulls this year and still got 5 months on my willamette elk tag, but its cow only lol. I stalked up on these 2 5x5 bulls yesterday, started from over a 1000 yards out and in the photo I'm 150 yards away , watched them for 15 minutes hoping some cows would come and hang out , no luck,

It was just about dark so I just slowly backed off not spooking them , checked this am at first light , no elk in sight .View attachment 404072 View attachment 404071
By the looks of it, you're on private land there. That would make it off limits to most anyway.
i cant believe those elk are in the willamette unit. CRAZY!!

Yep there are actually several small herds to medium sized herds within or crossing over into the willamette unit . unfortunately for the masses its 99.9% private grounds. I'm fortunate enough to be in management on a large farm and know alot of the local farmers gaining me some access .

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