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You forget that they work for us we do not work for them. They are to represent us it not our job to wine and dine them.
I forget nothing........anything important requires work from many sides. This is no different. The cynicism you illustrate is only born from ignorance of the people and system. If you get involved, you would feel better about the individuals and process. There are many good guys trying to accomplish good things.....the others need to be admonished to the ash heap of history.
While not intended to offend anyone, If you choose to read the following, you lose the right to be offended.

In my opine
Access to guns, freedom of speech, right to life, own property or any other liberty we now enjoy, are all inexplicably tied at the hip with politicks. Politicks are the reason we have rights and freedoms and the reason they are currently barely limping along. Any honest and moral statesman will acknowledge that without citizen participation and oversight we are doomed to the wishes of a few. Separating any topic relating to our life or freedoms from view or discussion tends to generate narrow mindedness and complacency among many who are for whatever reason, unwilling to take control of their lives. Like it or not, the entire world is now part of all of our lives. Gone or dwindling fast are the rural pockets of yesterday with space, personal freedoms, and peace of mind to pursue our own lives as we envision it. Even if you find such a place it will not last even half a life time. It is called "Progress" by many I consider ignorant though "educated".
While finding and living in utopia may be admirable it isn't going to happen. I have many antidotal tales of good folk but complacent to their political surroundings losing property, savings or quality of life partially though their lack of involvement, and in aggregate, through lack of their immediate community involvement.
A reoccurring theme being; (paraphrased) "I'm not interested in that, just want to be left alone"
Well Me too!
Unfortunately, as I have learned, there are many who feel they know better and at all cost. Well versed in euphemisms like; "eminent domain" "for the good of the many" "the end justifies the means" "collateral damage" and will stop at nothing to ensure their vision of your life.

I am not endorsing every conversation be turned into a political rally, however knowing what's on everyone's mind (in real time) I consider invaluable in charting a course of involvement regardless of my innate lack of enthusiasm for that involvement.
When the conversation direction becomes tedious or too intense, I just move on, turn off the news, computer or walk away to find some other distraction. For now, I still have that choice. Fortunately for me, I have many distractions both work and pleasure, that do not involve electronics or politicks.
Doing nothing by the majority will ultimately leave all of us in dire times.
I have talked about many things while out shooting some times it has been about the new truck or a new rifle or even politics which many times turns discussion of rights. Those that I spend time with try to see how the world differs from how it was and where it is headed or guessing that as it effects us. In my opinion not discussing the elephant is not helping us solve the problem. The problem is that there are so many problems.
apologies if I misunderstood the OPs question. To clarify, political opinions don't matter to me on the range or out shooting with someone, I think most everyone is like that just go to any range and have fun and don't worry about discussing politics.

side note: I agree with the OP on the NRA membership as a requirement to join many of the private ranges, we shouldn't be forced to make a political statement to enjoy shooting. I get why they do it but me personally I would rather support OFF and GOA so where does that leave me... What about someone new to guns, I would hate to run them off and decrease their shooting exposure if they are uncertain about [forced] to join a political organization they may not prefer too.

I agree with every your every word. I do not agree with everything the NRA has done. They have sold us out in the past, and they are showing a willingness to sell us out again, but they are the 900lb gorilla and I would hate the think where we would be without them.

If you value the recognition of your natural rights, stand and be counted. In today's world, that requires money.

NRA sustaining member
SAF life member
OFF member
I forget nothing........anything important requires work from many sides. This is no different. The cynicism you illustrate is only born from ignorance of the people and system. If you get involved, you would feel better about the individuals and process. There are many good guys trying to accomplish good things.....the others need to be admonished to the ash heap of history.
I should not have to wine and dine anyone at my or ranch to get y opinion heard
To me that is the problem with politics and that is having to grease palms in order to be heard.
I really don't get the impression that this forum forces anyone to discuss or be involved in politics. The mods have done a great job of providing places to discuss politics for those that choose to go there, and they have also been first rate at moving threads to the political section when warranted. It's available when you want it, and no one is forced to go there against their will. The fact that there are active political discussions does not make this a political forum. A quick look at the forum areas and topics within those, shows me that the forum is in fact about 99% NON-political.
I should not have to wine and dine anyone at my or ranch to get y opinion heard
To me that is the problem with politics and that is having to grease palms in order to be heard.
The Supreme Court has ruled that money=speech.........that being can't complain to your buddies and wife and expect politicians to hear you. Free speech does not mean that anyone has to listen. Your words need to be presented and directed in places it will be heard. Have you ever attended a party meeting or political event in your area? They would be more than happy to welcome you in and listen to you. No money required.
The Supreme Court has ruled that money=speech.........that being can't complain to your buddies and wife and expect politicians to hear you. Free speech does not mean that anyone has to listen. Your words need to be presented and directed in places it will be heard. Have you ever attended a party meeting or political event in your area? They would be more than happy to welcome you in and listen to you. No money required.
I typically attend the open houses when they come to town or scappoose and you get the same political answer. They come to town with thier minds made up when given a question you get a b.s. answer.
I know I may be in the minority here, but I personally don't think guns and politics should mix in polite company (this is brought about by the hilarious Socialist Rifle Association thread). I choose not to support the NRA due to their right wing stance and constant meddling in non-firearm-related political issues, and the Redneck Revolt and Socialist Rifle Association type groups seem like they're just trolling to me.

I understand that any firearm related group will have inevitable political undertones due to the constant politicizing of gun ownership, gun control, etc., but are there any organizations that just focus on the sport of shooting guns and doing it well? Preferably that are recognized by urban indoor ranges who often require an NRA membership to join?

I just want to shoot guns and get better at shooting guns, not try to change the world.

Political reasons why you want to be apolitical? Wouldn't it be easier to simply ignore that which you disagree with? Telling gun owners why you think the NRA sucks is a great way to make friends on a firearm forum.
I get the OP's position. A while back I joined an off-roaders group and had a lot of fun, until they wanted me to work with them in convincing the US forest service that we should have access to the forests just as everyone else. I also was into a hunters group but didn't like that they took a stand against people that always tried to infringe on our rights, then abilities to continue hunting public lands, they also wanted me to be part of a group working to stop our governor from arbitrarily creating "monuments" out of long term hunting areas. Then there was that pesky local neighborhood association that banded together to talk with the Oregon water resource commission to keep them from taking taxes from those of us that had personal wells on our property, great idea, I liked the fact that I had paid for my own well and it's upkeep and agreed I shouldn't have to pay the state to use it, but I didn't feel it should be a political matter.
Unfortunately, all those groups act as though they should only be fighting against the people that are actively infringing on our access instead of just being apolitical. So, I quit them all. I still use the off-road trails and hunt the land I always have, I still don't have to pay the Oregon water resource commission a tax to use my own well. And I kept myself politically neutral the whole time.
I typically attend the open houses when they come to town or scappoose and you get the same political answer. They come to town with thier minds made up when given a question you get a b.s. answer.
That's why we need pro gun groups with political clout who can affect elections. Unfortunately, Bloomberg has Oregon sewn up
Democrats and Republicans (and Whigs and Federalists, for that matter) used to all be pro-gun, back when guns were just considered a tool. It is only the Left, who want total control of the world, who are against gun rights.

As soon as the Left is excised from the Democrat party, and the Democrat party goes back to being filled with rights-loving liberals like they used to be...THAT is when I'll stop inserting politics into so many conversations.

Until then, I know from experience that the Left wants to kill us. I can't ignore politics when one side wants me (a freedom-loving rights-oriented gun owner) DEAD.
:s0104: oh heck no I don't want a group hug:s0142:but I have been watching and reading some as to the direction of the thread. So I ask before this turns to :s0036: and the :s0045: starts are we having fun yet?:s0139:

I found the other icons:s0033:
Democrats and Republicans (and Whigs and Federalists, for that matter) used to all be pro-gun, back when guns were just considered a tool. It is only the Left, who want total control of the world, who are against gun rights.

As soon as the Left is excised from the Democrat party, and the Democrat party goes back to being filled with rights-loving liberals like they used to be...THAT is when I'll stop inserting politics into so many conversations.

Until then, I know from experience that the Left wants to kill us. I can't ignore politics when one side wants me (a freedom-loving rights-oriented gun owner) DEAD.

I had a angry white liberal female tell me that old men like me were what prevented them from changing the country and we needed to die.
This is why guns can never be apolitical:

Every Communist must grasp the truth, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party. Yet, having guns, we can create Party organizations, as witness the powerful Party organizations which the Eighth Route Army has created in northern China. We can also create cadres, create schools, create culture, create mass movements. Everything in Yenan has been created by having guns. All things grow out of the barrel of a gun. According to the Marxist theory of the state, the army is the chief component of state power. Whoever wants to seize and retain state power must have a strong army. Some people ridicule us as advocates of the "omnipotence of war". Yes, we are advocates of the omnipotence of revolutionary war; that is good, not bad, it is Marxist. The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We shall create a democratic republic. Experience in the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only by the power of the gun that the working class and the labouring masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landlords; in this sense we may say that only with guns can the whole world be transformed. We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.

Mao Zedong
While this is forum is a haven for gun owners and contains a wealth of knowledge from some amazing people, apolitical it is not. That does not mean that people are allowed to bash on others openly, and you will be chased out of town with pitchforks for being a liberal. However, the vast majority of people on here are conservative, and it is not like anyone is trying to hide it.

As a blanket statement, voting liberal will not support the second amendment. A lot regulars on this forum have shooting as their main hobby, and they vote for the party that won't infringe on that right.


And I don't think one exists. Calguns would probably be the closest thing.
Now just to :s0149: I dont' think it's uncommon for people to not want to hear something they don't like. They want to do something but don't want to be exposed to thinking that is contrary to their lifestyle. Heck there is a lot out there I don't want to hear or see but thing is in my opinion it's life and you shouldn't hide from it or it will bite you on the but every time. We are not :s0050: that need a safe space from the world. We are adults that should face the problems and try to make a better world and leave a better world when we are gone.

Its' really good to know what others think so you can adjust your own lifestyle as you deem important. A safe space is probably so far from safe as can be as its like an ostrich with its head in the sand. Personally I like to know what's in the mind of the fellow next to me that's training with his gun, to assume he has good intentions is putting your head in the sand. I bet the Vegas shooter was a political and not a soul talked to him out shooting.
I know I may be in the minority here, but I personally don't think guns and politics should mix in polite company (this is brought about by the hilarious Socialist Rifle Association thread). I choose not to support the NRA due to their right wing stance and constant meddling in non-firearm-related political issues, and the Redneck Revolt and Socialist Rifle Association type groups seem like they're just trolling to me.

I understand that any firearm related group will have inevitable political undertones due to the constant politicizing of gun ownership, gun control, etc., but are there any organizations that just focus on the sport of shooting guns and doing it well? Preferably that are recognized by urban indoor ranges who often require an NRA membership to join?

I just want to shoot guns and get better at shooting guns, not try to change the world.

Unfortunately no, it can't happen. One side of the political theater has waged war against the 2a.
Just think about it, it's better to be political and speak to the fellow next to you on the firing line so you know what he thinks with a gun in his hands. Look at the past mass shootings, where did the shooters learn to shoot? Was it a good old boy that believed in diversity and taght the Islamic radical how to shoot fifty people? Did the leftist that shot the Scalise group learn to shoot on his own? Did the Cali crew that murdered 14 get their shooting skills by themselves?

I really want to know the politics of those who go armed and I will tell anyone who ask where I stand, it's with the 2nd amendment. It' the only tool you have to fight back.

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