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12 nuclear plants in the path. What could go wrong?...

Nuclear Power Plants At Risk Of Direct Hit By Hurricane Florence

Ask the Japanese.
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - Wikipedia

@Boboclown are you in a safe location or are you bugging out? Either way, stay safe over there, and let us know how it goes.

Good call on the third arm; why dual-wield when you can pack three. And imagine the juggling feats that could be done. ;)
@Boboclown are you in a safe location or are you bugging out? Either way, stay safe over there, and let us know how it goes.

Good call on the third arm; why dual-wield when you can pack three. And imagine the juggling feats that could be done. ;)
I'm prepared and standing my ground. The hurricane ain't gonna beat me, but its gonna let me catch fish out of my neighbor's yard!
But you'll be insane so they'll be Glocks.
Why not both? :s0092:
Are you in the direct path?
They said it is turning south, but I'm close enough to the coast it might hit my area. Remember, Hurricane Matthew flooded Fayetteville 2 years ago, as well as flooding the university I attended. They shut down priority mail for my zip code.

They said Raleigh SHOULD be safe, but I live farther south than Raleigh, and closer to the coast than Raleigh. So who knows. But I've been through a cat 5 typhoon while in Guam, so I'm preparing for worse.
Stay safe. I have been through a hurricane and I don't care to ever do it again.
I'll be safe. The crap that'll be sitting in the USPS distribution center will likely get destroyed. Cause they let my stuff sit there since Monday, more specifically 12:08 AM Monday.

So I'm ordering the stuff again.
My folks live in Pawleys Island SC, south of Myrtle Beach.

They had several plans. Stay over at friends around the corner (reinforced structure, including steel shutters), head out to family near Rome GA, or take a vacation down to Fla.

They're headed down to St Augustine ATM & will be meeting up with some friends there. Too many cousins and there own families headed to Rome, so they didn't want to impose.

Fingers crossed that it doesn't do too much damage, nor hurt folks, plus doesn't do anything too weird like do a loop-de-loop then head south. Hoping it remains a 3 then just loses its energy once it makes land fall, and then just rains a bit.

My folks have a good attitude about it though. Mom was joking that if the house does get flattened that they were thinking on downsizing anyways...she loves that house. So it was good to hear she wasn't fretting too much on the whole thing.
@Camelfilter That's rough, SC is gonna get hit harder than I am...

I'm in an area that'll be hit by that 3, just as it weakens. Two years ago the city next to me flooded. This year? They might flood again. I'm most likely gonna be good to go though, just no power and running water for a while most likely. If you guys don't hear from me, that'll be why.
@Camelfilter That's rough, SC is gonna get hit harder than I am...

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I'm in an area that'll be hit by that 3, just as it weakens. Two years ago the city next to me flooded. This year? They might flood again. I'm most likely gonna be good to go though, just no power and running water for a while most likely. If you guys don't hear from me, that'll be why.

Be safe all the same brother. I'm sure that you are prepared.

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