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But then again, that was a while back when we didn't have to deal with the metro mindset and their feelings.
This speaks volumes.
Open carry supporters argue that exposure to guns worn peacefully, without a resulting mass shooting, will over time increase your tolerance and calm your fears.
Maybe so but the one idiot with the (insert long arm of choice) displays in an irresponsible manners sets the 'tolerance' meter back to zero. Ever heard "A whole lotta atta boys get wiped out by one 'Aw Sheeit'"
Best most intelligent post to date. Exactly right. I have gone in to corner stores for snacks when I was younger and hunting in my rural area. We walked everywhere in those days and it was not an uncommon practice to have a rifle or shotgun with you. That was not intended to be in your face as it is more often today. It was just things we did. I even carried mine to school and kept it in my locker til after school. That was roughly near your neck of the woods 3MTA3, and you know which school I mean. and the stores were the ones where that plaid or 711 is and the Wagner store at the Central pt rd Junction. Today it would get you shot or convicted of a crime. Sad damned world we have made now.
Or should I say allowed the leftist Scum to create ................:(


I would venture I am quite a bit younger than most of yall, I was in High School in the 80's, not the 60's. However even then it was an entirely different world. Granted it was a small town in Idaho but it was pretty normal to see rifles in the back windows of rigs at the High School. I took hunters safety at 10 years old through the scouts and the range where we shot our .22's was at the school bus yard where there was a 50 yard range set up. My dad had a really nice range set up on the farm with many dozen silhouettes ranging from 10-50 yards for the 22 range and 25-300 yards for the rifle range. It was three miles from the high school to the farm and it was pretty common for us to all pile in my truck at lunch and go out and shoot for 20 minutes and then head back to school, keeping our rifles in the truck without any thought. In my youth (late 80's early 90's) I open carried a lot. It never even occurred to me that someone might take an issue with it. I packed it into the bank, the 7/11 and everywhere else you would normally go. Hell I even once packed it into the regional FBI office not thinking and no one ever said a word. Until I left Idaho I pretty much always had a gun with me. There was some sort of a rifle or shotgun in every rig, often a pistol too and about 90% of the time one on my belt. I lived and worked on the farm. 90% of the reason why I always had a gun had nothing to do with self protection. We had guns in the trucks to shoot coyotes or to put an unlucky dog or cow out of its misery or even the rare chance you might run into a mountain lion We had shotguns because you never knew when you might get lucky and have pheasant, quail or sage grouse for dinner.

The last 15 years though I have lived in Seattle, I can tell you things are not quite the same here.
Segue, for Informed Ears Only!!!!

All other can drift away, change the channel, tune out, smoke Crack, whatever floats your boat...

Post #142, by IronMonster is what us Old Fogies are all about: speaking history, to young'uns!!!

America, is by definition, a Very Diverse Country, in Geography, in Cultural Issues, in every manner one can think of.

And as Stomper shows, in that next Post, ~he recognizes~ The "minimalism" in IM post. (No disrespect intended IronMonster, none at all)

IM, shows geographical differences, along with cultural differences, that only TIME can identify.

Example ~living, working on a farm~ how many reading this have done that? Or similar style living?

It can be 2015, but I will say, with no doubt, That I could walk Into Republic, Washington carrying whatever on my shoulder, anything on my hip, and not One Person will bat an eye.

I could not do that, on the same day, if I was in San Fransisco.

Sounds cut and dried, even if you do Not Know where Republic Washington is :confused:

Why do I take time to state such????

Because, there are Elders on this Website, who are Put Down, DAILY, by those who have a ~different view~ From His. I grew up in the Fifties, and Sixties, was in the Army, as A Volunteer, in 1968, that man I speak of, was already OUT of the Service! But we are Both VietNam Veterans.

Military Service, AKA another Culture don'cha know, is unlike anything else in America. I'm digressing a little...

Let me hit that year, 1968, close up.... I grew up in an Ag town, so guns, in Pick Ups, at High School, Common Practice, wait a Minute, This, In California!!!!

So, I liked all the Music of "My Generation" ... It was all I listened to, Except, when I was with my Parents. Oh, Two Parent Family, you know, marriage starts, then ends when one of them dies sort of marriage.

So I also listened to Benny Goodman, Frank, do I ~need~ To add Sinatra??? All the rest from that era...
My Point? Diversity, but on to 1968, and I am now in Fort Lewis, Washington... And about a month in... I start to hear... The Songs that were Already old, in California... So... I graduated Basic, went to AIT, in Georgia.... And Four Months Later... I here those Same "New" (in Tacoma/Seattle) Songs that were Old in California, in the Ag (Northern, Northern California, a Hundert Mile North of Sacramento North....)

Can you grok, GROK, deep in the Cirrhosis of your liver* GROK, what this point is???? (RIP, Sweetwater, where I got the depth of meaning, Cirrhosis of your Liver, he died with Thirty years Sobriety, and used that expression, to 10&12 year olds under his tutelage...) (GROK, to the best of my understanding means Deeply felt or understood)...

We, have a natural feeling to think our point in time is A, ~everywhere~ & B, is seen the Same. It is not even partially correct, A, or B.

Evidence call New York right now... Better yet, a friend, brother sister, in Afghanistan, it is not the time frame of mid Afternoon. And Culturally, WOOWSERS.

Back to IronMonster... He needed to Carry, "Pack" = Protection = Alive.

Yes, the same can be said, in Every West Coast City, or East Coast City, but not for IM's reasons, truth out, he packed to defend from Animals, as I did, 90% of the time. Ever need to put down a Charging FERAL DOG whose only thought is Food, And he is LOOKING @ YOU?????

I have, twice. And with the same 357, 4" Ruger, I stopped a mugging/robbery, in Progress... By only displaying my holstered Ruger.

We should All Take a minute, to consider, what Older Members can Teach us, about How Our Country Has Changed, in the Years they have LIVED. I am not speaking about my learnings, though I will be 65 in a couple of months. There are even Old members her, One Might not accept the Political Viewpoints they share...

But please consider what they have LIVED THROUGH. And then ask yourself... How does that Affect my understanding, that amount of living I have done, in comparison....

In my life, I felt Most Comfortable.... Around those whom I Knew, had gone through the Depression.... I grew up, knowing One WWI family friend, he was just slightly younger than Moses!!!! But on those Rare visits, I was in Awe.

I met my Great Uncle, "Happy", if he had another name, I never knew it... Uncle Happy, was an Open Range Cowboy, from Montana. At Four Plus years of age, He was the MOST IMPRESSIVE man I had ever met, wiped out the typical ~Dad = God~ Concept, I never saw Uncle Happy outside with out a "Five Gallon" Cowboy Hat on. I could not tell what color it originally was... Too much sweat & Blood on it.

Well, folks, I hope this little share was understood for what it was....

And thank you, IronMonster, for just the words for me to read, to write down a limited bit of history, to show how things are different when they are the same ...

philipINtheBoonDocks :)

edited for speLLen airs, an such!
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etrain said:
"Quite frankly, I deal with adults in my industry all the time that still act like they're in high school. It's remarkable to me that they can even function.

Reminds me of Shortly after My getting out of Military Service (ETS, for non military: End Termination Service) (Honorable Discharge)...
I was doing hard grunt labor, making Swimming Pools. The Two men who completed the three man team, were only One Year younger in age, so the only real difference: Military Service.

When we had "Out of Town" jobs, and moteled it, they would chase skirts, even though both were married, as I was. They also "drove the strip" like I did, in High School.

Both made more money than me, as they had More Training in the trade, but both came home broke, from such jobs, I brought home every penny that was OverTime, because... I did not ParTEEE.

Lange22250 said:
Anyone who says that %99 of any group are responsible has about %0 credibility because they obviously are either completely detached from the subject or lying.

Mbeef61 said:
Your rant is conflicting. If 99% are responsible, then why do you also say that gun owners need to act more civilly? I doubt this 1% can really have that great of an effect. But I agree I think there are a lot more than 1% of irresponsible gun owners. A lot more.

I combined these two, they say nearly the same thought.

My thought: be careful with Percentages, 87.937% of all of them are skewed one way or another, and 15.063 % are totally incorrect... (There are three kinds of people, those who can do Percentages, and those who can't)

Etrain said:
I see one BIG issue with your comment. That is that gun ownership is a right, a right guaranteed by the constitution and one that is not to be infringed...

I noticed but lost the post, where someone
wrote: Inalienable..... The Correct Word is: Unalienable, and this is One time where being a Word Nazi is Very important!!!!

BOTH mean, the same thing, Yes. One is Modern today's English, the Other is from the Bill of Rights.

My point here, is Quote Correctly, to always be Exact.

Mbeef said
Owning a weapon is not a right I don't care what you say. It is also a privilege.
No sir. Not Correct. Read the Federalist, and the Anti-Federalist Papers, they were the Foundation Arguments, published in most Newspapers, by "Anonymous" to provide the country with the ideals that our Statesmen were considering, in Making the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. FYI, in the case of the Second Amendment... It was the Anti-Federalist Arguments that Won the Peoples Mind Set, and indeed were the reasons of those Famous 27 words.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It was within The Declaration of Independence, that a definition was Given, about Rights, I quote that section here, verbatim,
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Also the felon thing. That wasn't what they were talking about when they made the second amendment but again we made the rule for the greater good. only people pissed at that rule were people under 21.

Sir, IMHO, you are again incorrect in your thought process.

In this time frame, present tense, we are a very litigation driven Society, because we have Allowed our Government to do our thinking for us, and we are the Worse for it, so. To compare our "felon thing" to their time frame is comparing Apples and Walnuts. Aye, they both come from trees...

But you can not make Apple Cider from Walnuts, nor enjoy the meat of the Walnut from an Apple. See how easy that was???

The same goes for the 21 year old "age", it means nothing today, but then... Why then, many of our Statesmen, of the Constitution Creation time: many already had a Master Degree.

They Were MEN (and Women) at Before 21... 21 was like our population in their Thirties!!! (Consider the current view: the 50's are the Old 40's, by Females...)
Likewise if they made a rule where you had to be tested, JUST TAKE AND PASS THE TEST, or do what needs to be done to comply. Only people it effects are people who cannot comply.

And my question then would be, "Why do I need to take a Test, as I have a Right to do something"???? (Not to mention, Long before you were born, I was Already Very Proficient in my (Now) over Fifty Years of being a Shootist)

And that's not me so I could careless.

And that sir, is why we have Elder Folks, so you can learn more better... You Should Care. Up to this point in this thread, that is the #1 worst statement/opinion that I have read.

It is why I started reading this, for a few of us Old Fogies were commenting to ourselves (back behind the forum, where we can smoke and chew & Spit.. Be ourselves) about some of the Insanity being posted... And so I post this to place a few thoughts in front of the Younger Population here:

"Pass another Law, infringing the Unalienable Rights, and it is Just One More Nail in the Coffin to bury the Second Amendment in" (I said that... You can quote me, or just say Anonymous said that, I need no glory for the simple thought it is)

(And Your Post should read ~care less~, a space between the TWO words)

philipism for the day... Understand what you write, before you Stand Under it.
Last Edited:
A short addition, because On an iPad, editing is:

1. Difficult, minimum.

2. Not allowed, after Five minutes.


I want those I quoted to understand, I have no bad feelings about you, it is just... Well, I seem to have Forgotten More of the constitution than what I read some here think they Know!!!!

IOW, Tarnation, it makes an old fogie, go to
And Re Read it, just to make Sure of "I can not believe ~Anyone thinks that~" about our Constitution ... It is Good to refresh myself, in what I learned, In The Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade... >>> Twelfth Grade...

Edit in 1964------>1968

Quick show if hands, when were the first Articles* written??? * Articles, the Original Name of the First Ten Amendments...

How many Original Articles were there????

Why did those numbers Differ, How did they differ????

That Last One is really interesting when you read specifics On the 2Amendment!!!!

philip, OK, I am off my soap box. Throwing vegetables, please note, I am shy on Tomatoes right now.... And I need to make a big batch of SourKraut, so Cabbage, Please!!!! :rolleyes:
Ahem... "I could care less".... So you do care to some extent, but could actually care less than you do? Or is it hat you COULDN'T care less, as in you are at the bottom of your lack of concern, empathy, and/or apathy?

Yeah, some of us SHOULD have to pass a test, but I'm thinking it's not on firearms competency.... You sir, do misunderestimate who you be talkin' to. :rolleyes:
IronMonster asked:

Wait..... What?

I r o n M o n s t e r, I w i l l W r i t e S L O W, so you can catch up...

Now, the Party of the First Part, Said Party being Stomper, stated to the Party of the Second Part, that Party being IronMonster, a certain Level, or Enumerations, so to Speak, hencewith, Ahem.

"He said, she said, He Said, SHE SAID....."

Now does that make it more Plainer, or Planer, or even Plain???

Because, I can go on, about this, just ask... The Party of the First Part, Huh, thumper... Err Stomper, I can say more on about of this topic which was.... Oh LOOK, A Butterfly!!!!!! :D

I just thought I would finish the night off by saying, I just read the Entire Four Thousand TwentySeven Letters, formed into Words, on and about this thread. :p

To do so, I ended Up Using the Ignore Button, three times.

(IronMonster, since I R reading your post, it twere not youSir, or You,Sir, darn, I done run outta Gramatically Correctness...

But as I was telling my Great Uncle Happy, that I mentioned above, I would rather be UnGrammatically Korrect, Oncet, than Politically Korrect, Twicet. Ayup.

philipism for the night, if'n your spellEN a werd and HalfEN troubles, do bee Creatiffe. :rolleyes:
You know, the title of this thread may be correct! We seem to have gone all silly!:p

I'm too DAMNED old and a touch grouchy to be considered "silly". It's called '"illustrating the absurd by being absurd" (BTW- one of my favorites).

It's akin to when a young kid is throwing a tantrum and the adult on scene turns around and does the same thing in front of the screaming kid. 9 times out of 10 the kid stops what they're doing and watches in amazement (I've even done it to perfect stranger's kids in stores.... Priceless).

It worked EVERY time with my kids (when they were just sprouts) when we we're out in public, but at home behind closed doors they'd just get more pi$$ed at me.... so that's a win-win in my books. :p

Now, shaddup and pull my finger. o_O

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