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And that's where you've lost sight of the nation I swore to defend. No religion should be adopted, or shown preference. If you're talking Old Testament "morals," then I feel sorry for you in holding so
many contradictory beliefs. Your moral compass is pegged, and your beliefs have NO PLACE pushed upon another. It's sickening.
My guess is you have morals, and if that is true, where did they come Did you make them up, or sign on to the few you gleaned from others to help you get through life? Di you notice you just pushed your's on others in a not so subtle way?

If they come from you, then who are you to say those morals are correct?

What if another's morals believe rape is good because it feels good to them regardless of how that belief affects others?

What we have is humanity rejecting what is not allowed to be disussed on this forum. They reject it because it has laws, and morals, and an answer that requires accountabilty to The One they reject.

Let's be honest about it, humans cannot get along...we are rebellious and don't want anyone telling us what to do (shoving beliefs down others throats and all that)...nothing has changed since the beginning except for electricity and advanced knowledge.

The only thing happening today is deception by those who want to control the populace...nothing new, age old story. No worries though, another will come and him everyone will believe. The foundation is paved and the 'dont shove your morals down my throat crowd' are ripe for the is so obvious that is irritating most don't even notice it.
Porn teaches you a person is an object dehumanizing their identity. Video games desensitize you.


Those are absolutist statements, and no more than conjecture. They're not supported by research, and theyre not rules. They're just statements that people blindly believe because they seem sensible when you're bias against them. At BEST those statements project inadequacies, and at worst they spread lies. We shouldn't make asserions without tested evidence and falsifiable data.
I've repeatedly asked the question, "why so little regard for human life?" I've received many answers, but one consistent theme is, failure to make a real connection with other human beings. Pornography and video games are a poor substitute for real human relationships. If you take a kid who is a little bit on the spectrum, and already struggling with disempowerment, some unhealthy ideas can start to take root.

We need to stop overthinking things. We're not building a Falcon 9, we are raising kids. As parents most of our decisions are snap judgments made in the moment - you don't have time to research what is/isn't "scientifically" optimal. IMO all things being equal morals are not a bad guideline to parent by. Nobody is asking anyone to join in Bible Quizzing or recite Leviticus. But for Chrissake, what good can come from letting a kid watch porno? Their little brains are already a sloppy mess without putting anymore garbage in there.

It's well known in the mental health community that overstimulation causes all kinds of problems, like depression and anxiety. But people just love their internet, and nobody is willing to give an inch there. They would rather scapegoat the AR15.
BS on the porn and video games. Its parenting, lack of discipline at school, and the everyone is special mentality. I am young enough to have had my formative years at the dawn of mass in home internet and hot & cold running porn. My friends and I were also huge gamers - first person shooters were our favorite games to play. Guess what - none of us turned into school shooters.

I was not a church goer or bible reader as a kid, but I was raised with proper societal values, told NO regularly, and got my bubblegum beat enough, early enough, when I stepped over the line to stop such behavior. In school, we were not allowed cell phones, you did not disrespect teachers or staff, you didn't dare use profanity around adults, and the everyone gets a trophy mentality hadn't crept into schools here. I was also enrolled in a martial arts school at 9 years old, which reinforced proper ettiquette and respect, and following direction above all else. Failure to adhere to expected behaviors got your arns built up, really poor behaviour got you booted from class. At its core, these things taught that actions have consequences. THAT is what is lacking today.

Look at the typical profile of a school shooter, look at their parents and how they dealt with problems. Theres commonalities, but they come back to poor parenting, poor decision making on the parents part, and lack of proper treatment for mental illness at the early stages. Oregon's own Kip Kinkle - his parents couldn't figure out how to deal with his problems so they bought him some guns :eek: To repay them, he killed them before going to school and shooting more people. Bad parenting is at the core of every one of these kids. Its not porn, its not video games, its not TV. Thats the same exact argument the leftys use in blaming the gun.

We do not need to impose christianity as a 'solution' - people should come to God on their own, not have the government pushing it. Parents need to step up and be parents. Abdicating the responsibility to shape their childrens minds and behaviours don't do anyone a bit of good. Schools should primarily impart knowledge, and reinforce discipline that should begin at home, not try to teach discipline, or societal norms, while also trying to teach them thay 2x2 is 4 and not 22. The parents bear that burden.

Good parents don't let electronics raise their kids.
Some people have more tollerance to addictions than others.

What Serial Killers and Murderers think about Pornography

So crazy people like porn, and the crazier & more violent they are, the more violent they like their porn. Go figure. If you read those examples - rape and child molestation keep popping up. Neither of which are legal or accepted even among the 'sex worker' industry.

The underlying mental defects were already present. Even the author there concludes that casual viewers/consumers won't turn into serial killers. Addictive behavioral traits were present in each of the named individuals. These are symptomatic of deeper psychological problems. Pornogrophy was an outlet or trigger for these people, but not the cause of their problems. And most of that list consists of killers predating mass electronic distribution methods. Those were guys who had to go to seedy stores to get printed mags or video tapes or make their own.

If you look into their backgrounds you see abuse or neglect, or untreated mental illness in each.
BS on the porn and video games. Its parenting, lack of discipline at school, and the everyone is special mentality. I am young enough to have had my formative years at the dawn of mass in home internet and hot & cold running porn. My friends and I were also huge gamers - first person shooters were our favorite games to play. Guess what - none of us turned into school shooters
I have had guns since I was 8-yrs old and never harmed anything other than rabbits, squirrels and an occasional frog floating in the pond.

Video games were not around, but porn was. My dad used to put his playboy mags on my desk when he was done 'reading' them. I was only 13 yrs old. My 14 yr old grandson is running around here today and I cannot fathom the idea of doing the same thing to him.

I know the effect it had on my life, and it was not good or honorable.

So I'm curious who here would be happy or encouraging to a daughter becoming involved in the porn industry...if it is not harmful.

I've been shocked to read in the past some guys saying, 'yeah if thats what she wants I'd be cool with it'...
If I had a daughter, one of the values I would instill in her is individuality, along with self reliance, personal responsibility, and accepted behaviours, right & wrong. One thing I would not do is make her career choices, or push her into what I want. Had that happen to me, and it irritated the hell out of me. Would I be thrilled if my daughter was having sex for money? Probably not, but if she's doing it safely and legally its her decision. I wouldn't stop loving her or offering advice, but as an adult with free will, living in a mostly free country, its her choice.

I'd be more concerned about the free flowing drugs in some of those venues, than about her getting paid to have sex.

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