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Has anybody changed their food shopping habits recently. I am switching gears from firearm spending to shopping for food deals again. Wife gave me a loan to pay off my credit card balance so it's cash only purchases from here on out. I might stock up on a few non-perishable items. If you find a good deal or inexpensive place to get groceries please share. I will post deals when I find them. I may be cutting back on meat products for a bit, if I can keep losing weight on more cheap plant based foods.
Has anyone here shopped at this place, if so what are prices and selection like.

Freddy's has great deal on boneless pork loin. .99 a lb. It's hard to find protein that cheap during these times. I picked up my limit of 5 packs.
It's been a few months since I posted this. I am wondering if everybody is still holding to their existing patterns of eating?
Same types of food buying. My husband does the grocery shopping but we discuss our dinners/meals ahead of time.

He does almost all of the cooking. I do not trust my hands, especially my LEFT one, with heavy soup or stew pots or a BIG batch of pasta. He LIKES to cook and I let him since he enjoys it! I do not enjoy cooking even if I cooked a LOT for 30 plus years for my late husband. My late husband did NOT cook.

We shop at:

WINCO since one opened up here.

Costco for some things still.

LOCAL FARM for fresh veggies and fruit.

Walmart for some items that WINCO and Costco do not sell.

One other LOCAL place for some other items if need be but they were always HIGHER IN PRICE so we watched it there.

Many of our LOCAL stores including the LOCAL MEAT MARKET CLOSED UP due to the 'flu' crapola. OLD, small and large FAMILY OWNED BUSINESSES from a to z.

IT was and IS a shame on what happened to so many of our LOCAL FAMILY OWNED BUSINESSES! That goes for MT ones and other ones all across this country!

Take care.

I bought hulled hemp seeds (unbeatable nutritional value), pumpkin seeds, coconut nectar (better and more nutritious than refined sugar), lemon powder, and a couple of other extracts for baking and drinks.

All considered superfoods. All organic. All large quantities to get the absolute best prices out there.

I might try to re-sell some on this forum to recoup some funds and share the loot with the nwf family here.
Stay tuned...
Winco has Werner hot pepperoni and teriyaki sticks for .69 cents each. They are going to quit carrying the Werner brand. I picked up about 32 of them.

A neighbor told me yesterday about a friend of his that sent a slaughtered steer in to be turned into cuts and ground products. His son picked up the finished product and it cost almost $5.00/pound! Either the butcher is profiteering, or there are so few options left for processing your own beef that the going price has gone through the roof!
I'm not a member of Costco but I went there with my daughter the other day and was surprised to see that had the house brand (Kirkland) honey for $13 for a 5 lb. bottle. Great deal!
I bought the following at Safeway yesterday.

Nearly 12 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast.
1 gallon of milk
2 quarts of non dairy coffee creamer
1 loaf of sourdough bread
Three 20ct packs of Mission brand tortillas.
4.5lb boneless pork loin
Two 16oz containers of sour cream.

Total price $40.20

I felt like I got screwed out of a $5 savings on the chicken but the checkout gal manually gave me the $10 off a $50 purchase, even though I had fluid dairy products in my cart. Evidently those don't count towards the $50 target to get the discount. There was also a $4 cart discount, I wasn't expecting so I felt good about the overall price.
Freddy's has great deal on boneless pork loin. .99 a lb. It's hard to find protein that cheap during these times. I picked up my limit of 5 packs.
I own a Vacuum packing machine and will often buy a large pork loin. I can get a 2# center roast and (last time) I also got 14 thick loin chops out of one. Occasionally Costco will put them on special and take extra off at the register. Paid $4 for one once. I put a freezer out in my garage and work sales to add to it. Date mark everything.

Canned goods (beans, corn and tomatoes, soups (for cold weather meals), red beans and split peas for meals. Cereals, oatmeal, rices, raisins, cranberries and blue berries(freeze then vac pack).

Plus I have a commercial 5 gal bucket of emergency food packages for the serious times.
Fred Meyer has good deals on meat in their short floor refrigerators that are placed at the ends of the long floor refrigerator section (not the horizontal shelves), something different every day. I've bought cheaper steaks frequently such as tri-tip or sirloin or strip for maybe $6 per pound as I recall, and pork shoulders sometimes for $2 per pound, and chuck roasts two for price of one. Sometimes ribeyes when they were about half price.

They were selling boneless skinless chicken breasts for $2.75 per pound for a long time in the long refrigerator, every day, but now they're at $2.99 per pound. About six breasts per package, and big. l think those are about $8 per pound at the other store I go to.

I find I can get some non-perishable items cheaper on Amazon, Walmart, or sometimes even eBay. For example, a package of six sticks of deodorant or a dozen bottles of bbq sauce.

I always buy bacon from the meat counter, not the packaged bacon on the shelves. I think it's cheaper and definitely better. Back when I was buying packaged bacon I always bought Hempler.
I used to buy Ahi tuna at Fred Meyers when I lived up there. When it goes on sale ask the 'butcher' to get you some (still frozen) out of the back. The Ahi cam pre-frozen in smaller chucks and vacuum packed so I could gallon bag them and go right into my freezer. Perfect size for 1 or 2 people. I never bought them out of the front window bc you cannot re-freeze them. At the time $10 would buy a bunch of them.

The other big item I would buy would be their holiday roasts at T-Day and Christmas. Usually 2-3 bone roasts. Would roast and then vac pack leftovers, freeze and could pull them out and toss them on the BBQ for future meals.
Agreed, Fred Meyer meat counter bacon is the best flavor and price.

We set aside a cash only budget for weekly grocery purchases.

The real money savings comes from restaurant spending, we went from a couple of times a week to maybe once a month, sometimes less. Prices are stupid.
Agreed, Fred Meyer meat counter bacon is the best flavor and price.

We set aside a cash only budget for weekly grocery purchases.

The real money savings comes from restaurant spending, we went from a couple of times a week to maybe once a month, sometimes less. Prices are stupid.
Me also. I only go out to eat about 1x month. Seems kinda silly to not just eat at home

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