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The question I have about the Yankee Marshall is does he ever show vids. of him shooting the guns he has and has an opinion about. Just to show the pros and cons.
I'm not interested in his shooting abilities, just prove his observations.
He seems to do a lot of opinionating at home.
I don't watch him except when he comes up randomly on u-tube
Seems to me he like to do a lot of cursing and uses sexually obscene language.
Or is it me being to critical
The question I have about the Yankee Marshall is does he ever show vids. of him shooting the guns he has and has an opinion about. Just to show the pros and cons.
I'm not interested in his shooting abilities, just prove his observations.
I don't watch him except when he comes up randomly on u-tube
Seems to me he like to do a lot of cursing and uses sexually obscene language.
Or is it me being to critical

He's not like that in real life, at least when I met him.

Kruejl tagged him so maybe he will respond.

And yes, I have seen multiple vids of him shooting at the English pit. They are focused on the gun and not his skill with them.
Can't say I've seen all of his videos, but about the only thing I've ever seen him shoot.... his mouth off.;)
Not sayin' he doesn't make more than his fair share of sense though. Just that he seems to like talking.
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He also has a membership at SafeFire, and is there regularly. He just posted a vid of him shooting some Fort Scott stuff. If you've seen his videos, then you know what he thinks of shooting videos and why he doesn't make them regularly
It doesn't matter because we have the great tactical god nutfancy to painstakingly handhold us through everything from A-Z to the 12th power. and it's "free"!.. just don't tell your soul
When I watch videos about guns, I want to see them in action, hear a concise and clear review, and be in and out of it in under 15 minutes.
I have watched a lot of the Yankee when had nothing going on at work. Often find him funny. Often find him with strong opinions that "I" think are bunk. Does not make me feel any different about him. He is putting on a show that makes him money. Youtube is full of people doing this. Some are fun to watch, some are almost painful. I do like Hickok much more but that's a personal preference. I often look up some gun I want to see on Youtube. Often find myself skipping ahead when someone drones on forever before they get to what I want to see. This is what makes that forum so nice. It's free, no one has to watch any of it, and if there is something you want to watch you can skip over parts you don't want to see.
If you want to see guns function.... Watch Hickok45..
If you want to be entertained with firearms related content.... Watch Yankee Marshal
If you want to puke a bit in your mouth.... Watch James Yeager
I don't watch this guy , so I went looking for some of his vids.
Now I can call him clown.
I find him offensive because of his language and his badmouthing of others on u-tube.
Does anybody remember Don Rickells
Also he goes from likes to dislikes of a same product in 4 vids. Example the Kimber revolver, an atta boy in one vid, then an ah sh&t in another, then again an atta boy, then another ah sh&t.

IMHO this guy just likes to hear himself talk

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