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My Business is a Muslim Free Zone
Email Featured, JMM articles / by Jan Morgan / on September 28, 2014 at 2:02 pm
About the author: Jan is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment Advocate/Speaker/ NRA Certified Firearms Instructor/ Associated Press Award winning investigative journalist/ Owner/Editor, Sr. Editor/Patriot Update/ Independent Constitutional Conservative. She is closely aligned with the Republican/ ... [read Jan Morgan's FULL BIO]
I officially declare my business, The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range, a MUSLIM FREE ZONE.
1) The Koran (which I have read and studied thoroughly and (which all muslims align themselves with), contains 109 verses commanding hate, murder and terror against all human beings who refuse to submit or convert to Islam. Read those verses of violence here.
2) My life has been threatened repeatedly by muslims who are angry that I have studied their koran and have, over the past two years, been exposing the vileness of the Koran and its murderous directives.
3) * The barbaric act of beheading an innocent American in Oklahoma by a muslim
* the Boston bombings(by muslims)
* the Foot Hood mass shooting (by a muslim) that killed 13 people and injured over 30 people
* and the murder of 3000 innocent people (by muslims) on 9/11
This is more than enough loss of life on my home soil at the hands of muslims to substantiate my position that muslims can and will follow the directives in their Koran and kill here at home.
4) Because the nature of my business involves firearms and shooting firearms in an enclosed environment, my patrons are not comfortable being around muslims who align themselves with a religion that clearly commands hate, murder, and violence against all non muslims. Therefore many of my patrons are uncomfortable around Muslims with guns.
(can you blame them?)
5) My range rents and sells guns to my patrons. Why would I want to rent or sell a gun and hand ammunition to someone who aligns himself with a religion that commands him to kill me?
6) * Muslims, who belong to and, or, support ISIS, are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
* Muslims, who belong to or support AL Qaeda, are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
* Muslims who belong to or support HAMAS are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
See a common thread here?
7) I not only have the right to refuse service but a RESPONSIBILITY to provide a safe environment for people to shoot and train on firearms. I can and have turned people away if I sense they are under the influence of alcohol or mind altering drugs. I have a federal firearms licence… The ATF informed us when we received the license that if we feel any reason for concern about selling someone a firearm, even sense that something is not right about an individual, or we are concerned about that persons mental state, even if they pass a background check, we do not have to sell that person a gun.
In other words, a federal agency has given us this kind of discretion for service based on the nature of the business. I can and have turned people away if I sense an issue with their mental state. So… its difficult to imagine how the DOJ could have issues with this when ATF gave us this discretion.
8) I have no way of looking at Islam other than as a theocracy, not a
religion. Islam is undoubtedly the union of political, legal, and
religious ideologies. In other words law, religion and state are forged together to form what Muslims refer to as "The Nation of Islam." Once again it is given the sovereign qualities of a nation with clerics in the governing body and Sharia law all in one. This is a Theocracy, not a religion.
The US Constitution does not protect a theocracy. The 1st Amendment is very specific about protecting the rights of individuals from the government, as it concerns the practice of religions, not theocracies. It clearly differentiates between government and religion. Again protecting the individual's religious beliefs and practices from (the state) government. In Islam religion and state are one.
We are a Nation governed by laws, or the law of the land the U.S. Constitution. We are not a Nation that is governed by religion, politicians or clerics.
How then, can anyone say that, the practice of Islam is protected by the U.S. Constitution?
The muslim brotherhood has a documented plan for the destruction of America from within, discovered by our own government during a raid of MB operatives in America.
In addition, I am very cognizant of the civilization jihad under way in my country by American muslims.
In a number of states Muslims, through our legal system, are trying to force us to accept Sharia Law over Constitutional law.
I do not wish to do business with people who stand against the Constitution and are fighting to replace it.
9) Islam allows Muslims to kill their own children, (honor killing) if the behavior of those children embarrasses or dishonors the family name. ( did you know that dating outside of the faith is justification for murdering their daughters and this has already occurred on American soil?)
Why would I want people (who believe its okay to murder their own children), be in the presence of other children?
My patrons often bring their kids to the range to teach them to shoot.
I am responsible for providing a safe environment for those children to learn gun safety and shooting sports.
10) In the 14 hundred year history of Islam, muslims have murdered over 270 million people.
Not all muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists in the world right now are muslim. Since you can't determine by visual assessment, which ones will kill you and which ones will not, I am going to go with the line of thought that ANY HUMAN BEING who would either knowingly or unknowingly support a "religion" that commands the murder of all people who refuse to submit or convert to that religion, is not someone I want to know or do business with.
I hold adults accountable for the religion they align themselves with.
In summary, I not only have the right, but a responsibility to provide a safe environment for my customers. I do not believe my decision is religious discrimination because I do not classify islam as a religion.. It is a theocracy/terrorist organization that hides behind the mask of religion in order to achieve its mission of world domination.
People who shoot at my range come from all religious backgrounds… some are atheists… I do not care about their religious beliefs.
I care about the safety of my customers who come to shoot here.
The government allows businesses to ban me from entering their business with my gun because the property owner feels uncomfortable or wants to provide a "safe" environment for their patrons which is in clear violation of my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, so… I should be ale to deny service to people on the same premise. Can my government really force me to invite someone who had threatened to kill me, into my home or business?
I will do whatever is necessary to provide a safe environment for my customers, even at the cost of the increased threats and legal problems this decision will likely provoke

Yep it's amazing what a few domestic beheadings can do to the population. However do not expect Obama's minions to let this go unpunished
You're exposing yourself to some serious liability, but you have my full support. Good to see someone stand up and display some polished brass business balls.
For someone who claims to support individual rights, this lady sure seems to miss the concept of what the Constitution is actually about.
For someone who claims to support individual rights, this lady sure seems to miss the concept of what the Constitution is actually about.

Do you think a person's individual right to be a Muslim trumps an individual's right to not allow anyone he/she wants on their property? Can I carry my religious and free expression rights past your property line without your consent?

I didn't see anything in the above that called for the abolition of Islam. This person just said you can't do it on his/her property.
My Business is a Muslim Free Zone
Email Featured, JMM articles / by Jan Morgan / on September 28, 2014 at 2:02 pm
View attachment 105699
About the author: Jan is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment Advocate/Speaker/ NRA Certified Firearms Instructor/ Associated Press Award winning investigative journalist/ Owner/Editor, Sr. Editor/Patriot Update/ Independent Constitutional Conservative. She is closely aligned with the Republican/ ... [read Jan Morgan's FULL BIO]
View attachment 105700
I officially declare my business, The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range, a MUSLIM FREE ZONE.
1) The Koran (which I have read and studied thoroughly and (which all muslims align themselves with), contains 109 verses commanding hate, murder and terror against all human beings who refuse to submit or convert to Islam. Read those verses of violence here.
2) My life has been threatened repeatedly by muslims who are angry that I have studied their koran and have, over the past two years, been exposing the vileness of the Koran and its murderous directives.
3) * The barbaric act of beheading an innocent American in Oklahoma by a muslim
* the Boston bombings(by muslims)
* the Foot Hood mass shooting (by a muslim) that killed 13 people and injured over 30 people
* and the murder of 3000 innocent people (by muslims) on 9/11
This is more than enough loss of life on my home soil at the hands of muslims to substantiate my position that muslims can and will follow the directives in their Koran and kill here at home.
4) Because the nature of my business involves firearms and shooting firearms in an enclosed environment, my patrons are not comfortable being around muslims who align themselves with a religion that clearly commands hate, murder, and violence against all non muslims. Therefore many of my patrons are uncomfortable around Muslims with guns.
(can you blame them?)
5) My range rents and sells guns to my patrons. Why would I want to rent or sell a gun and hand ammunition to someone who aligns himself with a religion that commands him to kill me?
6) * Muslims, who belong to and, or, support ISIS, are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
* Muslims, who belong to or support AL Qaeda, are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
* Muslims who belong to or support HAMAS are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
See a common thread here?
7) I not only have the right to refuse service but a RESPONSIBILITY to provide a safe environment for people to shoot and train on firearms. I can and have turned people away if I sense they are under the influence of alcohol or mind altering drugs. I have a federal firearms licence… The ATF informed us when we received the license that if we feel any reason for concern about selling someone a firearm, even sense that something is not right about an individual, or we are concerned about that persons mental state, even if they pass a background check, we do not have to sell that person a gun.
In other words, a federal agency has given us this kind of discretion for service based on the nature of the business. I can and have turned people away if I sense an issue with their mental state. So… its difficult to imagine how the DOJ could have issues with this when ATF gave us this discretion.
8) I have no way of looking at Islam other than as a theocracy, not a
religion. Islam is undoubtedly the union of political, legal, and
religious ideologies. In other words law, religion and state are forged together to form what Muslims refer to as "The Nation of Islam." Once again it is given the sovereign qualities of a nation with clerics in the governing body and Sharia law all in one. This is a Theocracy, not a religion.
The US Constitution does not protect a theocracy. The 1st Amendment is very specific about protecting the rights of individuals from the government, as it concerns the practice of religions, not theocracies. It clearly differentiates between government and religion. Again protecting the individual's religious beliefs and practices from (the state) government. In Islam religion and state are one.
We are a Nation governed by laws, or the law of the land the U.S. Constitution. We are not a Nation that is governed by religion, politicians or clerics.
How then, can anyone say that, the practice of Islam is protected by the U.S. Constitution?
The muslim brotherhood has a documented plan for the destruction of America from within, discovered by our own government during a raid of MB operatives in America.
In addition, I am very cognizant of the civilization jihad under way in my country by American muslims.
In a number of states Muslims, through our legal system, are trying to force us to accept Sharia Law over Constitutional law.
I do not wish to do business with people who stand against the Constitution and are fighting to replace it.
9) Islam allows Muslims to kill their own children, (honor killing) if the behavior of those children embarrasses or dishonors the family name. ( did you know that dating outside of the faith is justification for murdering their daughters and this has already occurred on American soil?)
Why would I want people (who believe its okay to murder their own children), be in the presence of other children?
My patrons often bring their kids to the range to teach them to shoot.
I am responsible for providing a safe environment for those children to learn gun safety and shooting sports.
10) In the 14 hundred year history of Islam, muslims have murdered over 270 million people.
Not all muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists in the world right now are muslim. Since you can't determine by visual assessment, which ones will kill you and which ones will not, I am going to go with the line of thought that ANY HUMAN BEING who would either knowingly or unknowingly support a "religion" that commands the murder of all people who refuse to submit or convert to that religion, is not someone I want to know or do business with.
I hold adults accountable for the religion they align themselves with.
In summary, I not only have the right, but a responsibility to provide a safe environment for my customers. I do not believe my decision is religious discrimination because I do not classify islam as a religion.. It is a theocracy/terrorist organization that hides behind the mask of religion in order to achieve its mission of world domination.
People who shoot at my range come from all religious backgrounds… some are atheists… I do not care about their religious beliefs.
I care about the safety of my customers who come to shoot here.
The government allows businesses to ban me from entering their business with my gun because the property owner feels uncomfortable or wants to provide a "safe" environment for their patrons which is in clear violation of my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, so… I should be ale to deny service to people on the same premise. Can my government really force me to invite someone who had threatened to kill me, into my home or business?
I will do whatever is necessary to provide a safe environment for my customers, even at the cost of the increased threats and legal problems this decision will likely provoke


HOO RAHHH !!!!! :D
I'm personally a staunch supporter of ALL constitutional rights. I am in 100% support of Muslims being Muslims, even if I think their religion is a complete pile of bubblegum (and I do). But your rights end at my property line. Don't like that? Don't step across.
Sooo, that's all well and good, but how's she going to enforce that, is she hoping that only brownish, enbearded chaps brandishing the Koran will try to use her range ?
Sooo, that's all well and good, but how's she going to enforce that, is she hoping that only brownish, enbearded chaps brandishing the Koran will try to use her range ?

Obviously you can't know for certain there are no Muslims using your facility if they're willing to trade you their money for your services despite obvious bigotry against them (I wouldn't think this would be a problem). I think it's much more of a statement of values than anything else. This country is so MC (media correct) and terrified of discrimination that nobody will ever say what's on the majority of peoples' minds: Islam is some seriously bubblegumed up bullbubblegum in the world, and pretending it isn't is just contributing to the problem. So we opt out.

They'll probably be sued out of existence anyway.

Let the floodgates of discrimination open!
That isn't a jab at her.. Rather the best thing that could happen.
Her stance (which I agree with) is oddly the same defense used against us firearm owners constantly.
The greatest thing we can do now is sit back and take notes on their (Muslims and "freedom of expression folks) reasons for discrimination against the Gun Cave.

Odds are if they win a case against her, we can use their very lawsuit against ANY who ban firearms and folks who carry them.
"Defensive Lifestyles"

Now.. If only we could get this "defensive lifestyle" ball rolling as a legally protected group to avoid all this above mentioned trouble.
To me this sounds a lot like a "gun free zone" full of waiting victims. Now when the suicide bomber goes in he will know that the only people he will be killing are infidels.

When I first read the title I thought it was an ad for a pig slaughterhouse, however after reading a little bit of it, I was convinced it was something else that was looking to drum up support and business with this cynical ploy.

Frankly, any business that is willing to crap on someone for the sake of advertising is not someone I'm anxious to do business with. The same thing could be said of Levi's, Costco or any number of other businesses that cynically pick out gun owners as a group worthy of discrimination.

More cynically still, how many muslims go into shooting ranges in hot springs arkansas? I'm sure in the storied history of this place there was probably a muslim that showed up once, paid his money, shot his rented gun and then left and no one was the wiser.

Personally, I would be less critical if they just had "our complimentary ham and bacon bar" but I guess that would cost them more money and garner less attention than just 'banning them islams from commin here'.

Seriously, it's bubblegum like this that makes gun people look like bubbleguming idiots.
The Koran encourages bigotry, extortion, torture and slavery, kaffirs in the ME are being enslaved and slaughtered at this moment, all because of ISLAM. This is true world wide, 100% of the rapes in Oslo are committed by muslims.
The Protected Person Status granted to the PC elite must change, the pendulum must swing the other way or the West will fall and liberty will vanish from the globe.
Small steps now can avoid ill considered leaps at a later date
The Koran encourages bigotry, extortion, torture and slavery, kaffirs in the ME are being enslaved and slaughtered at this moment, all because of ISLAM. This is true world wide, 100% of the rapes in Oslo are committed by muslims.
The Protected Person Status granted to the PC elite must change, the pendulum must swing the other way or the West will fall and liberty will vanish from the globe.
Small steps now can avoid ill considered leaps at a later date

Protected status works both ways... Tolerating it in any form just makes you look like a hypocrite.
Protected status works both ways... Tolerating it in any form just makes you look like a hypocrite.
In the 1940's we fought the evil creation behind the "master race"; in 2014 we are fighting the evil creation behind the "master faith".
Imagine if America had offered the Nazis the same open door that Obama is offering to Muslims
...... Snip.... This is true world wide, 100% of the rapes in Oslo are committed by muslims.

Wow !!! That's an astonishing number.
The first "reports" said only 45 out of 48 rapes were by Muslims, guess they did a recount.

I think the funniest thing about that fact, is that it clearly isn't...

But maybe it adds some gravitas to your post

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