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I am no zoologist but the reality is most newly discovered species' on a yearly basis are small creatures, insignificant and are usually confined to a small area. Conversely an inordinate number of 'large' animals that were thought to not exist, have been discovered in the ocean, which comprises a much larger area than dry land and offers many more opportunities for something to hide than on land, and much greater difficulty to locate. If you look at the posted dateline for species' discovered on land the two most significant were the mountain gorilla and the giant panda - and both of those were discovered over a 100 years ago. Therefore with the advances in travel and land covering ability since then, electronic surveillance devices and the general increase in number of people in the woods the probability of finding something the size of Bigfoot would have most likely already happened - but it hasn't. Couple that with the literally 1000's of sightings with virtually no plausible photo evidence (no - the Patterson footage is not) I am going to have to rest my case - until a body or living specimen is brought it.
Why then are dino's so ostracized by the average supposed, educated christian teachers?

Dinosaurs are ostacized by the average Christian? Maybe in Fred Phelps neck of the woods but not around here. Our natural history does nothing to disprove Christianity. It only reinforces what is written in the Bible from Genesis on up. Even the most staunch believer in the big ol' bang theory list the chain of events as described in Genesis in the same order followed by some monster floods, parting of the Red Sea, etc. I'm a Christian and my children have been taught about dinosaurs. Someday I will tell them about my run in with a Bigfoot also.

Here's a little reading for kicks and giggles
<broken link removed>
Do I believe in Bigfoot? I can only answer that with this one statement. There are things in this world that can't be explained with science. And that really ticks off the science based folks. Some things are better understood up in heaven.
This is a great thread, some interesting comments. Not all Christians put the nix on dynosaurs... There are literally Hundreds of Christian Scientists, who know their archeology, and their Bible, and sleep well at night!

Me, a Christian, circa 1968, visiting my Christian girlfriends Ranch. She: native American, has at age 17, seen much life.... That day, a bit "pale" un-natural look for her, and I sense, ~bothered~ So, I ask her what is wrong.

She asks me to Drop the Subject, nix. Verboten.

Does not respond to continued requests, "I can tell something is bothering you"... Drop it!!!!

Me, I don't drop much, when it concerns those I love... (I still Love her).

OK. But if you laugh at me, I'll knock your block off!!!! (I failed to mention, she and I are unloading 7 tons of just bought Hay, she is matching me Bale to Bale)....

"I saw something run accross the Skyway...." I drag it out of her... What she saw was a young Satsquach. Yep, I laughed. NEVER LAUGH at a Female, Native American, who matches tossing Bales of Hay... Lived on a Ranch all her life.... Ow!!!!

OK, So, I finally stopped hurting. We looked in the Papers, for "lost primates, from Zoo's..." Etc.

I return home,downthe Skyway... Dinner that night, get up,ride my 650 Triumph UP the Skyway.
............ And I see this 4 1/2 foot tall hairy critter run accross the road, longer arms than human. Stride, Way Different than Human, like no monkey I ever seen (Multiple trips to SF CA ZOO)... It was just before the Water Tower that sits on the edge of the canyon of Butte Creek.....

So, I get to my GF ranch... Casually say, you are right...... And then say, "I saw him too..." She smacksme Again, "Don't You Even Dare try to Tease me about this....."

I defend myself, she ready to deck me... Then I say... "I really did, it was right by the Water Tank, and....."

And she goes pale.
............. "I Never Told You WHERE I SAW IT"!!!!!!!

Yep. She saw it at the same place !!!!

You nay sayers, can think what YOU want. I will ~grant your right~ to accept, not accept, durn near anything. I know, ain't that just Grand of me, to provide that courtesy to YOU?????

Just grant that same courtesy, to me. I have seen one. I saw it where my GF saw it,and no she Did Not mention where... But that location.... Is rural (circa 1968, and still, to this day.... Just no way you plant houses in that area of California.... A birds eye view: Five major canyons, ridge top to ridge top in some areas... Check HWY 32, HWY 70, etc.

Oh, and if that doesn't float your boat....

The Last kWild Indian of California "Ishi" was found in this general area I speak of....
I rest my case.... But with a single last note: I have also Heard them, and if YOU ever hear one,the short Hairs, on the back of your neck, will Stand Up,and Salute, the danger!!!!!!!

In the Boondocks, fairly certain none are around here.... But I KNOW they EXIST.
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This! ^^

Some coworkers and I thought about doing something similar on NF-90 in Skamania County. The plan was for me to dress up in a gorilla suit, hide in the vegetation, and my coworkers would chirp me on the Nextel work phone when a vehicle was approaching. That would be my cue to run across the road in hopes of getting a reaction out of the driver and/or the passengers. If it made the news, we all could have an even bigger laugh.

Its not funny... What if YOUR PRANK caused the driver to panic, cause a wreck????

Just because YOU have not seen one, does not mean it does Not exist.

For instance:

Ever seen Borneo, been there? But you know it exists?
Ever seen a Giant Squid? But you know they exist?

Now, picture this thougt:

Your whole life, you have lived in the Amazon. Deep, away from any one else, Oh, you know the neighboring tribe... Killed one once, the two tribes have had a battle for as long as your chiefs father's father can remember.

They tell a story, around the fire... Of a tribe, far far away... But No One Has Ever SEEN THEM.

You think the story is funny, because the tribe has no color in their skin.

The story teller says they are like your seeing part (eye ball)

That Color is Their Skin!!!!

This, you think, can not be. All Tribes you have seen, are Brown.

Then, the White Men come visit.

True story.


In the Boon Docks
I thought everyone knew that the squatch/bigfoot/yeti, etc... are legends perpetrated by the media to help shield their true masters, the chupacabra - more specifically the leftist sect of the masonic chupas...
It is possible that they exist. The only logical possibility is that if they do exist they were one of the creatures engineered by the advanced species that also added our DNA (our as in Neanderthals, we all have Neanderthal DNA) approx 125-160k years ago to the indigenous life here they found on Earth. In other words, Darwinism + Intervention is the one scientific explanation that fits. The missing link as to why humans "leaped' forward in evolution almost overnight. Of course TPTB have to much to lose by allowing the Intervention theory to be seen as a possibility, their control grid via all the false BS would crumble.

Our brains grew three fold overnight, our bones were no longer solid, etc, etc. Millions of years of slow change and then POW.

Why is it so far fetched that a higher level of life did that to us when we are doing it to humans and animals now? (see video below)

Art/fossil records say that humanoids were often blending with other animals in experimentation. Bird head, man body, lion head, man body, that sort of thing. That wasn't just ART.

Is is possible that there is a creature like a Bigfoot out there - yes. Simply some sort of DNA splicing that went wrong.

It could also have the ability to travel through dimensions, which would explain no capture. Early human records via the Sumerians and other cultures say that our creators/engineers had that ability, to move dimensionally and shift time.

It would say a narrow margin of possibility, but still a possibility.

Have seen very credible up close witnesses. I mean, hell, a third of this planet doesn't believe life exists off of the Earth. To any rational person that is the height of delusion, vanity and false programming. To believe that in this vast universe we are it - come on - that is insanity beyond compare. Notice that all the world's religions ignore the existence of aliens? - there is a reason for that.

We are already doing today what the ancient god-kings (our engineers) of Egypt were doing 5000 years ago. For those that cannot process information on this level, or feel uncomfortable with it, there is always the boob tube and Jay Leno.

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Actually, the fossil record of a 7'+ bipedal ape does exist, Gigantopithicus, but their range was limited to the cane forests of Asia. They occupied the same niche as the Giant Panda.

OK, they could exist, but only if there is still an unsearched island in the Galapagos.

Believers like to cite the Celeocanth(pardon the misspelling). The ocean gives you a lot of room to hide. What no one wants to address is the hundreds(thousands?) of people that claim to have seen it right outside Portland, Seattle or any other city. The idea that an animal that large lives that close to that many people is absurd. That it lives there is not absurd, but that not so much as A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE can prove it.

The sightings are not isolated to the Canadian North or Alaska. They happen all over the continental USA. This thing lives in the mountains and in the Everglades. I don't think so.
I thought everyone knew that the squatch/bigfoot/yeti, etc... are legends perpetrated by the media to help shield their true masters, the chupacabra - more specifically the leftist sect of the masonic chupas...

Pssssshhhhhh, whatever, man! The Chupacabra does have a boss, y'know! It answers to MANBEARPIG! It's real because Al Gore says so!

It is possible that they exist. The only logical possibility is that if they do exist they were one of the creatures engineered by the advanced species that also added our DNA (our as in Neanderthals, we all have Neanderthal DNA) approx 125-160k years ago to the indigenous life here they found on Earth. In other words, Darwinism + Intervention is the one scientific explanation that fits. The missing link as to why humans "leaped' forward in evolution almost overnight. Of course TPTB have to much to lose by allowing the Intervention theory to be seen as a possibility, their control grid via all the false BS would crumble.

Our brains grew three fold overnight, our bones were no longer solid, etc, etc. Millions of years of slow change and then POW.

Why is it so far fetched that a higher level of life did that to us when we are doing it to humans and animals now? (see video below)

Art/fossil records say that humanoids were often blending with other animals in experimentation. Bird head, man body, lion head, man body, that sort of thing. That wasn't just ART.

Is is possible that there is a creature like a Bigfoot out there - yes. Simply some sort of DNA splicing that went wrong.

It could also have the ability to travel through dimensions, which would explain no capture. Early human records via the Sumerians and other cultures say that our creators/engineers had that ability, to move dimensionally and shift time.

It would say a narrow margin of possibility, but still a possibility.

Have seen very credible up close witnesses. I mean, hell, a third of this planet doesn't believe life exists off of the Earth. To any rational person that is the height of delusion, vanity and false programming. To believe that in this vast universe we are it - come on - that is insanity beyond compare. Notice that all the world's religions ignore the existence of aliens? - there is a reason for that.

We are already doing today what the ancient god-kings (our engineers) of Egypt were doing 5000 years ago. For those that cannot process information on this level, or feel uncomfortable with it, there is always the boob tube and Jay Leno.

I have to disagree. I would say that believing in something that has no evidence of being true is vanity and arrogance. Of course there could be life on other planets. There could be a planet full of beings that all look like The Hamburglar. This whole, "you haven't seen it so it isn't true" thing is ridiculous. I have never seen an island full of beautiful, large breasted women that all want nothing more than to feed me grapes and fan me on the white sand beach, so there must be one out there waiting for me.

I wouldn't even compare the possible(probable, even) existence of aliens. In fact, there are a lot of things on this Earth that is in their favor. The airstrips shaped like spacemen in South America, the addition of a cylindrical flying object in cave paintings and 600 year old oil paintings. The fact that we really did just appear. That missing link means to me that either there are aliens that brought us here, or there simply is a God.

None of that has anything to do with bigfoot. Even just one video that wasn't so easy to debunk would help. People zoomed in on 9/11 jumpers from across Manhattan Island. Yet a bigfoot that is 1-200 yards away is always the most incredibly grainy footage and when it is cleared up, it always shows a dude in a monkey or ghillie suit.

But, this is like telling Obama supporters that their savior is garbage. Even if they know it is true, the pride involved in holding onto the lie for so long won't allow them to face reality.
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Love reading the sighting reports out on the BFRO website. There are a ton of stories from the area we all live and play in. I do not know if Bigfoot exists or not but find the reports to be very interesting.

Most are very similar; smells, rock throwing, unbelievably fast and agile, stealthy. The stories span different cultures, long time spans, etc. Entertaining if nothing else.

I have spent a lot of time in the woods, across a few different states, including the Bigfoot Capitol that is the PNW. The scariest thing I have come across in the back country is other human beings.
Its not funny... What if YOUR PRANK caused the driver to panic, cause a wreck????

Just because YOU have not seen one, does not mean it does Not exist.

For instance:

Ever seen Borneo, been there? But you know it exists?
Ever seen a Giant Squid? But you know they exist?

Now, picture this thougt:

Your whole life, you have lived in the Amazon. Deep, away from any one else, Oh, you know the neighboring tribe... Killed one once, the two tribes have had a battle for as long as your chiefs father's father can remember.

They tell a story, around the fire... Of a tribe, far far away... But No One Has Ever SEEN THEM.

You think the story is funny, because the tribe has no color in their skin.

The story teller says they are like your seeing part (eye ball)

That Color is Their Skin!!!!

This, you think, can not be. All Tribes you have seen, are Brown.

Then, the White Men come visit.

True story.


In the Boon Docks

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.................

Y'know what? Your rant that lacks any signs of humor has made the final decision for my coworkers and I. We're totally going to do it, and it's in honor of you!

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