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it is a misnomer that "Liberals" don't like guns, they love guns and use them in almost all their social justice campaigns.
What Liberals HATE is freemen with guns
History has proven me right many times
I have read articles from decades ago that claim that liberalism is a form of Co-Dependence! The only one I could quote (if I wanted to spend hours searching, I don't) was from Survival Guide, so take it or leave it!
You can be DAMND sure that it would have been blasted ALL OVER the networks had any of those mass shooters been registered Republicans... Look to the extent they went to to call George Zimmerman white, then settled for calling him a white-Latino.
I'm pretty sure most non-police/non-self defense killings are by non-conservatives. Yet I don't think they should be denied firearms ownership. Rather I think the rest of us should be armed against them.
What's really wrong is that people have fallen for this 1984 newspeak redefining of language that they call people who aren't even remotely liberal "liberals".

The word is derived from liberty and the real meaning is people who want personal liberty and freedom from intrusive and controlling government and private organizations.
Does that definition fit these people in any way?
That is the best thing I've seen for a while. "Liberalism is a mental disease"... Knowing some of the socialists here in King County registered as Democrats, I guess I would laugh if it weren't so gawd-awful true...
What's really wrong is that people have fallen for this 1984 newspeak redefining of language that they call people who aren't even remotely liberal "liberals".

The word is derived from liberty and the real meaning is people who want personal liberty and freedom from intrusive and controlling government and private organizations.
Does that definition fit these people in any way?

Nope, not a bit. What were originally thought of as liberals are now called Libertarians. Institutional liberals are about the right of the group/government. Libertarians and Conservatives, as were the Founding Fathers were for the rights and liberties of the individual.

Was liberal, is now libertarian
Was progressive, is now liberal
Was conservative, is now conservative
The Fabian Society (Liberals)

In modern literature and journalism the reader will often find a mention of the Fabians. It is as well to know exactly to what this name refers.
The Fabian Society was a movement of mainly middle and upper class intellectuals, established in 1884 to spread socialist ideas among what they called, perhaps patronisingly, ‘the educated classes'. Some may think it odd that a purely socialist movement should eradicate the working classes from its audience. Their aim, they said, was to work out the application of socialist principles to intelligent Britain.

Among early Fabians were the playwright and journalist George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950), and Sidney and Beatrice Webb (1859 – 1947, 1858 – 1943). Soon after the outbreak of the Russian Bolshevik revolution, and especially after news came that the Leninists had elimated the entire Russian royal family at Ekaterinburg, the Fabians publicly rejected revolutionary Marxism. They believed that socialism must triumph in the end, as a natural sequel to universal suffrage. In the case of many European countries they were right, though countries that early chose socialism, such as Sweden and Britain, were soon to learn that socialist ideology and democracy are an unwise and rather thorny mix. The Fabians also believed that socialism must come to all states, even though the process might require a lengthy process of political evolution. They were right about the long process, but wrong about socialism coming inevitably to all states. Some have managed to struggle through the twentieth century and the first ten years of the twenty-first without any socialism at all, though the list is few. Cynics might suggest that each country needs a strong dose of socialism in order to evaluate its benefits.

The Fabians invented the lost Athenian art of never saying what one actually means, and wrapping truths or untruths up in a mass of verbal diarrhoea. Sidney Webb, for instance, described the long process of political evolution as ‘the inevitability of gradualness', a phrase worthy of Tony Blair himself.

The Fabians devised schemes for municipal socialism, and for the improvement of working conditions, the latter being an excellent idea in post-industrial revolution England. The Society won acclaim in 1889 with the publication of Fabian Essays, and was one of the constituent elements of the ‘Labour Representation Committee' (later re-named the Labour Party in 1900. Later it tended to act as a ‘specialised research agency' for the Labour Party. Conspiracy fans have always liked that adjective ‘specialised', because it might indicate a great deal . . . or nothing at all, which is the classic socialist game of chess.

If you are asked where the name ‘Fabian' came from you can say it was derived from Quintus Fabius Maximus, a Roman general involved in the 2nd Punic War (218 – 201 BC), who tried to avoid full scale battles with the Carthaginians, preferring to weaken them by harassing operations. In Spain, minister Rubalcaba has used the same Fabian tactics since (and before) the eleventh of March, 2004. If the Fabian Society existed today, Alfredo de Rubalcaba would be a prominent member.
This entry was posted in English History, Russian history and tagged ollowing WW2Fabian Society on January 27, 2011 by Dean Swift.

Fabians LOVED eugenics but following WW2 and the Socialist Hitler Holocaust they dumped the name adopted "Liberal" As usual they have a heavy presance in Chicago politics and Schools
Clinton/Ayers were both raised as "Fabian Progressives" (Socialists). They realize that America must be destroyed for Progressive Eugenics to eliminate all none suitable sub-humans (Rednecks) and to do so they must take our guns
The left likes to use words to mean their opposites. Communist dictatorships like to call themselves "democratic" republics. It's a cynical tease, because it shows that they know democracy is better than dictatorship.

A cynical lefty euphemism much in use in America is "diversity". It should mean "variety", but what it has come to mean in practice is its opposite - "orthodoxy": a strict doctrinal uniformity of opinion.

The doctrine has achieved enormous success in the universities, which are no longer open to new ideas, no longer allow free debate, no longer question fixed assumptions. That's what they once existed for. Now they are temples of political correctness, safes for the secure locking up of leftist doctrine.They want a pointless mix of ethnicities and of as many genders as semantic ingenuity can invent, but not of ideas.

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