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We all earned this, and we all deserve this. What you accept, you allow. What you allow, you deserve. It's a hard truth.
No, I didn't earn or accept, or allow, nor do I deserve this.
I didn't vote for obama. I railed against Bush and the Patriot Act.
I stood with the TEA party, and have done what I can to stop the dictator in the WH.
Shy of breaking the law, and landing myself in jail, where I would be silenced.
Martyrdom ain't my thing.

I's been my contention since these types of shenanigans started that obama needs to go. This is just one of the many reasons I believe that.
And I have spent considerable time here recently trying to convince people, like you dave, why that is.

Despite the fact that the "pushback" has been considerable, complete with lies about obama's principle opponent, and the candidate that has the best chance of seeing him deposed.
I hear a lot of complaining about our candidates and though I have my favorite I wonder about those that hate both- what are you going to do about it or are you guys just going to keep on complaining? Let me guess - not use your right of voting?

James Ruby
"White" has nothing to do with it.
Alan West could/would fix it in a heartbeat, as would Jindal, or Herman Cain, or,...

But then again, that isn't what this thread is about.
You all have proven once again that there is no defense of obama that stands on it's own.
All you guys can do is point fingers elsewhere, while exclaiming how someone else has done it, or how you believe they will/could/might/should/may do it too.

Show me how obama hasn't done it.
Considering that he bills himself as "a constitutional scholar," makes him an even bigger hypocrite.

Show us how he isn't even more extreme than Bush.

Then you'll have an argument in favor.

Like Romney said in the debate, bashing him isn't a strategy.
But it's one you guys have certainly bought in to!
Like I keep saying, and people keep glossing over.

There are more than just Obama and Romnuts. Vote a third party, you're sure to get railroaded this election, but with enough support a third party will establish.
I hear a lot of complaining about our candidates and though I have my favorite I wonder about those that hate both- what are you going to do about it or are you guys just going to keep on complaining? Let me guess - not use your right of voting?

James Ruby
Great point JG.
"White" has nothing to do with it.
Alan West could/would fix it in a heartbeat, as would Jindal, or Herman Cain, or,...
Jindal's a hack southern politician that should be indicted for fraud.

You all have proven once again that there is no defense of obama that stands on it's own.
If you actually thought I was defending him, you're completely unable to see through the white haze.
"White" has nothing to do with it.
Alan West could/would fix it in a heartbeat, as would Jindal, or Herman Cain, or,...

But then again, that isn't what this thread is about.
You all have proven once again that there is no defense of obama that stands on it's own.
All you guys can do is point fingers elsewhere, while exclaiming how someone else has done it, or how you believe they will/could/might/should/may do it too.

Show me how obama hasn't done it.
Considering that he bills himself as "a constitutional scholar," makes him an even bigger hypocrite.

Show us how he isn't even more extreme than Bush.

Then you'll have an argument in favor.

Like Romney said in the debate, bashing him isn't a strategy.
But it's one you guys have certainly bought in to!

I see no outstasnding reason to support Romney - as you have said about Obama - I feel that Romney has nothing he can stand on and has no merit to positions. He to me is the best flip flopper yet.

James Ruby
I see no outstasnding reason to support Romney - as you have said about Obama - I feel that Romney has nothing he can stand on and has no merit to positions. He to me is the best flip flopper yet.

James Ruby
Basically that is exactly what MA residents have found out the hard way.
you're completely unable to see through the white haze.
There you go again with the racism accusations,... Again!
You and chris matthews are equally ridiculous, with your paranoid diatribes.

Got anything else?

Something remotely accurate maybe?

Something even plausible?

Anything less desperate?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Romney on the NDAA.. Front-runner Mitt Romney said he would have signed the law and insisted it was "appropriate" to detain American members of al-Qaida.

"Yes, I would have," said Romney when asked whether he would have signed the legislation as President Obama did. Members of the crowd -- most likely supporters of Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), who believes the bill is unconstitutional -- booed him.

Romney on the patriot act.. "As part of his 2012 campaign, Governor Romney issued a white paper on foreign policy. In that document, he outlined a vision of the world that had the US under constant assault from all sides, and noted that the military and other tools of the government needed to be adjust to accomodate those threats. He advocated for restructuring the DHS, for focusing on domestic radicalization, and for updating the authorization for the use of force to include new terrorist entities and new countries.

In 2012, Governor Romney stated in a debate that he would have signed the 2012 National Defese Authorization Act. That legislation gave the President the authorization to arrest and indefinitely detain US citizens who are suspected on being allied with al-Qaeda."

On gun control-- there seems to be quite the divide on this, and depends on wich flop you belive from Romney. Im sure he does in fact mean it when he claims no new laws in reguards to Gun control, however that does not leave me all warm and fuzy. I would rather have support for removale of the laws we have!

All view points I guess..

I will however continue to "I railed against Bush and the Patriot Act.." and all that agree with such things. I myself will stand with Liberty and will vote for liberty! If more people would stand there ground and vote for someone they actually like we wouldnt be in this mess to begine with.
I think that's part of the problem, your thinker is broke. You think anything other than ******* Romney is wrong, and a lie.
So far the AWB lies haven't worked.
The racism accusations haven't worked.
So now, for the second time you insist on getting downright nasty and pornographic.

Your failure of ideas seems to be exceeded only by your failure to interact with other members in a civil manner.

The eighth grade must be challenging for you.
So far the AWB lies haven't worked.
The racism accusations haven't worked.
So now, for the second time you insist on getting downright nasty and p0rn0graphic.

Your failure of ideas seems to be exceeded only by your failure to interact with other members in a civil manner.

The eighth grade must be challenging for you.

Keep ostriching. You only see the whole election in black and white. That's a failed way to look at it.

Also, get a thicker skin, I'm not going to break out the kid gloves just for you. Not until I respect your opinions, or you.
I hear a lot of complaining about our candidates and though I have my favorite I wonder about those that hate both- what are you going to do about it or are you guys just going to keep on complaining? Let me guess - not use your right of voting?

James Ruby

I have already voted! I have never missed a vote since I was old enough to do so..

There are other options, there are more than the two parties.. So if I don't vote for one of the two then I am not voting?? Is that what you are implying with this? I have researched every candidates on the ballot, from Pres. down to the local offices and all the judges.. All the measures and initiatives.. I voted on every single on just like I always do..
So, what you're saying that if I don't vote for one of " the two" I am not voting?

That Sir. is very presumptuous of you, and wrong. I assume of course you are happy with the "two" party system and lack of choices that it gives us.

I do not like the top two choices. I lot of people do not like the top two choices. A lot of people will still vote for the top two, even if they don't like them.. That is the saddest part of all this.

Dont assume.. makes you look bad

And I am not just hiding behind this computer with it..
I am an active PCO. I do my door knocking and I work a lot for what I belive in. Doesnt mean I have to support or like Romney... I could go on with what I do out side of this internet chatter, I vote and more!
Last Edited:
My hope would be 100% voter turn out - not that I am requesting that anyone votes for one candidate or another. I find it hard to appreciate ones complaints if they cant even vote. The person you choose is up to you and I really dont care who that candidate is - like I stated I have my own favorite which I support. Voting is a right and rights must eb excercised. For you to assume that I was specificially pointing you out is rather presumptuous. I could reply back with the "assume" postion but in this case it ought be self evident.

James Ruby
Also, get a thicker skin, I'm not going to break out the kid gloves just for you. Not until I respect your opinions, or you.
Respect for me isn't the issue, at my age, my skin is plenty thick.
I care not for the respect of someone that can't debate on the merits, and insists on personal attacks and lies.
Respect for the rules of the forum on the other hand, is apparently something you have no use for, or had trouble understanding.
So here ya go:
2. Inappropriate language, images, and conversation have no place on this website.

This community is open to all ages and every member is responsible for helping us maintain a family-friendly image. This includes swear words, innuendos, etc. whether they're spelled outright or designed to avoid the inappropriate language filter (such as d$#@!). Every thing posted on this website that would be considered negative reflects back on each an every one of us as gun owners of the Northwest. We will not tolerate racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, or otherwise objectionable content.

Clear enough?
My hope would be 100% voter turn out - not that I am requesting that anyone votes for one candidate or another. I find it hard to appreciate ones complaints if they cant even vote. The person you choose is up to you and I really dont care who that candidate is - like I stated I have my own favorite which I support. Voting is a right and rights must eb excercised. For you to assume that I was specificially pointing you out is rather presumptuous. I could reply back with the "assume" postion but in this case it ought be self evident.

James Ruby

%100 would be Awesome!!

And no, I didnt think it was directed at me.. rather at those in general not liking the top two..
You were wondering about those that hate both..
And what they would do about it.. then you questioned "are you guys just going to keep on complaining? Let me guess - not use your right of voting?"
Not really much room there to work with.
If I missed your intent, I apologize, but I still don't see it..

Not looking to stir the pot, I just happen to know A LOT of people that do not like the top two choices, will not vote for the top two, and they are doing far more than just complaining, far more than just voting..
I agree, I do not fully accept other peoples complaints if they don't even vote. As broken as the system seems to be, it is the only option we have short of a revolution to correct it.
Unfortunate as it may be, to effectively change policy you must first get elected. To accomplish that goal you are required to get more votes than that next closest idiot. As bad as this will sound to many people, third party candidates, to date, have only diluted the current constituency pool of existing voters. For a third part to work we need a wildly popular and effective candidate to unseat the status quo. The closest anybody ever came was H Ross Perot and as the poster in my office used to say "44% (the amount of votes Bill Clinton received) of 46% (the percentage of eligible voters that actually voted) has never constituted a majority"

I'm not saying it is impossible for a 3rd party candidate to get elected President it just isn't feasible in this particular election cycle. If only John Wayne were running for office (and not dead).... We know he was pro-gun.

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