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I saw this on some of the financial news sources I follow (e.g., Forbes, etc.). I remember back in the day, being a rural kiddo, that, on rare occasion, would visit the establishment with great interest. More recently, the Mrs bought equipment and supplies from their subsidiary, Babies Я Us.

Here is one such article on their present meltdown. I'm glad we are not invested in their stock, though it is sad to see another American brick'n'mortar, possibly, bite the dust.
Retail stores are dying. That's just the evolution of technology and business.
Toy's R Us, Sears, JC Penny, and all the others are going away. Brick and mortar stores can not compete with the on line stores. This is why Walmart and Target are pushing their on line shopping so much. But Target is struggling also. The saddest part of this is all of the jobs that will be lost. The folks are working in these stores for minimum wage as they don't have any other skills. This is why I support the no pump your own gas in OR. The folks working there probably can't get a job anywhere else. But at least they are working. I feel for them. Something is wrong with our society when someone works a full time job and still can not support themselves.
Retail stores are dying. That's just the evolution of technology and business.

Pulled into my sons driveway outside Sisters on Wednesday and before I could open the door to let the dog out, I had to move 5 Amazon packages inside. There are two 30 something young men living there and they a buy a lot of things online. They said they do not go to stores when they can basically get everything online and delivered to the door.

They have a data connection only, and stream their music on Pandora or other online service. Brick and mortar stores are dying off, radio stations are done for, and cable TV is done for as well. The millennials define how goods and services are to be delivered in the future.
This is why I support the no pump your own gas in OR. The folks working there probably can't get a job anywhere else. But at least they are working. I feel for them.

There are reasons they cannot get a job. I pulled into the Chevron station at the Mainline Market in Sisters Saturday night about 7:30 pm. Needed some diesel. Now I guess you can pump your own diesel in Oregon although the last time I did the attendant had a sh*t fit. So there are 4 other cars there and nobody pumping anything.

This gal asked me if anybody was around. I walk in the store and asked the girl at the counter if anybody is pumping gas. There is supposed to be, OMG. Well there is not. I walk back out and around the corner there are two gas pump dudes smoking a bowl. I said as you as you guys are done smoking that fing bowl we need some gas pumped. One starts giving me some attitude, and I just say whatever, just pump my fing fuel so I can go on my way. He starts giving me the lecture about pumping my own diesel, I tell him I don't give a f and don't need him to tell me that. He finishes and starts to walk away. I ask him for a receipt :eek:, he about blows a cork and rips it off and practically throws it at me.

Chances are neither one of those POS will be working there next month when I go back. I don't feel for them, they are working at the level they deserve and nothing more. When they can be motivated enough to work a shift , without sitting on their azz and smoking a few bowls and treating customers like sh*t, then they can expect a better job. Until that time pump my gas and shut the f up.

Self serve gas cannot come to Oregon fast enough. The pump jockeys can find another job to screw up.

That being said, the locals who pump gas where I get it, wash windows and have a good attitude and have been there a couple years. They get a tip every time I get gas.
I'd be more sympathetic to Toys R Us if they weren't such Anti-Second Amendment Bigots. Ditto Target re their Social Justice Jihadi-ism, even though the manager at mine when they were making so much noise about "we request you not carry" told me in so many words that "that's just a little smoke-and-noise show for the kiddos, our main concern is those who make everywhere an Open Carry Activist Spoiling For Fight but y'all who are discreet about it are golden."

Granted, I was also *very* well known to management at that store because of always stopping at the front desk to check in with them while having to drag the Suitcase Monster Field Office...
I'm going to open a new retail store called GunzRUs store


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