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I worked for the Pentagon for 32 years. Not only are there laws in place during times of war, but there are drones capable of mapping out underground bunkers. Anyone who has a bunker is wasting their time and money. The only thing you can do in an apocalyptic situation is be mobile. That is a fact.
I worked for the Pentagon for 32 years. Not only are there laws in place during times of war, but there are drones capable of mapping out underground bunkers. Anyone who has a bunker is wasting their time and money. The only thing you can do in an apocalyptic situation is be mobile. That is a fact.
I guess I am skeptical...
How about backing up your claim "There are laws in place to automatically hunt down bunkers and hoards of food and ammo all over these United States", with the actual number of that law, a link or something more substantial than your claim that it exists.
I guess I am skeptical...
How about backing up your claim "There are laws in place to automatically hunt down bunkers and hoards of food and ammo all over these United States", with the actual number of that law, a link or something more substantial than your claim that it exists.
He says he only eats powdered food so he's gotta be legit.
Luck has nothing to do with anything. It only exists in the minds of the weak.
You're absolutely wrong. You must have never been in a near fatal vehicle accident where one green or red light could have made the difference 5 minutes down the road.
Example: I Just got on the interstate north when a south bound big rig in the fast lane blew his left front tire, his rig jumped the center divider and landed on the engine bay at the firewall of a '65 Chevy 1/2 ton long bed, crushing the 283 block and threw the camper into the backyard along the hiway. The blown tire splattered on my VW bus bay window. The Chevy was right behind me. The Chevy driver's face was a mess from impacting his windshield but amazingly he only had a broken nose. There were more than a few lucky folks that day. I had 6 in my bus. You worked for or at the Pentagon? If you worked there during the 911 attack YOU"RE lucky you dodged a boolit. PAX
Like the Hendrix song Castles Made Of Sand: "A surprise attack killed him in his sleep that night"
hoarding during a crisis is illegal, that is really old settled law. But, to whom did you brag about your hoard, and why? That's your fault if others know.

And everyone knows "Fortune favors the prepared mind." Louis Pasteur. I believe he is the one of the first of the modern "Preppers." After all isn't a way to make fresh milk safe an amazing skill to have when one is hunkered down on their own?
There's good reason they're called 'flying rats' in big cities. They carry more diseases than rats. Probably the worst meat you could eat. That anyone is selling pigeon meat is suspect.
Any form of Home(bush/wild harvested) meat is considered more dangerous than factory grown meat. Pigeons in the city aren't necessarily dirtier than their wild cousins. Since you can live trap them you could put them in a temporary roost on fresh water and clean foods for a few days and eat them at your leisure. However, any form of non-USDA regulated meat is going to be considered less safe than the stuff in the store. Fish, shellfish (especially), wild harvested venison, wild harvested game birds...

The issues with pigeons are their nests/roosts. Places where massive numbers congregate. In the 1800's guano was harvested from the islands in the Pacific and some rural parts of the central US. Bat, migratory seabirds. etc. anything that had large continuous nesting areas resulted in quantities of guano that were literally fertilizer mines. Many miners died from toxic fume exposure due to guano. Most people who lived in the major cities raised and ate pigeons and did so until they could afford chicken. Few people ever are at risk to illness from pigeon poop.

What makes rats more deadly than birds in cities is the fleas they carry that can jump on us. These fleas can and do carry things like the Plague. Rats bite people who are sleeping, pigeons don't. Rats are omnivores. So are pigeons, plus they're everywhere like rats.
Any form of Home(bush/wild harvested) meat is considered more dangerous than factory grown meat. Pigeons in the city aren't necessarily dirtier than their wild cousins. Since you can live trap them you could put them in a temporary roost on fresh water and clean foods for a few days and eat them at your leisure. However, any form of non-USDA regulated meat is going to be considered less safe than the stuff in the store. Fish, shellfish (especially), wild harvested venison, wild harvested game birds...

The issues with pigeons are their nests/roosts. Places where massive numbers congregate. In the 1800's guano was harvested from the islands in the Pacific and some rural parts of the central US. Bat, migratory seabirds. etc. anything that had large continuous nesting areas resulted in quantities of guano that were literally fertilizer mines. Many miners died from toxic fume exposure due to guano. Most people who lived in the major cities raised and ate pigeons and did so until they could afford chicken. Few people ever are at risk to illness from pigeon poop.

What makes rats more deadly than birds in cities is the fleas they carry that can jump on us. These fleas can and do carry things like the Plague. Rats bite people who are sleeping, pigeons don't. Rats are omnivores. So are pigeons, plus they're everywhere like rats.
Nothing wrong with pigeons. Cooked till well done anything that might harm you is dead.
I guess I am skeptical...
How about backing up your claim "There are laws in place to automatically hunt down bunkers and hoards of food and ammo all over these United States", with the actual number of that law, a link or something more substantial than your claim that it exists.

Updated by Clinton in 1994. But I do not think this means what it was purported to mean. To wit, there are ~800k law enforcement officers in the USA. Add to that the number in the armed forces, ~2.1M (active and reserve), and you've got 3M people trying to uncover random hoards all over the US...a population of ~350M. Methinks this is pie in the sky stuff...they're not coming after my prepping supplies as a "hoard." I liken this more to "eminent domain," meaning if they come across it and want/need, there is a law in place that covers it. But they're not looking for my 400sqft bunker in the middle of the forest. IMO, just not happening in the kind of crisis discussed here.

It should also be known that there are provisions for the feds to protect farm equipment, make claims against the government, etc. So again, just doing the math here...but no one is hunting down "bunkers" of unknown number, size, or stocked status.
It's also illegal to hoard money. So every piggy bank left (if there are any) is an illegal stash. No one is looking for those kinds of stashes, nor personal survival goods. And if/when they do come, it will be long after they've come for everything else.
It's also illegal to hoard money. So every piggy bank left (if there are any) is an illegal stash. No one is looking for those kinds of stashes, nor personal survival goods. And if/when they do come, it will be long after they've come for everything else.
It is not illegal to hoard money
Any form of Home(bush/wild harvested) meat is considered more dangerous than factory grown meat.
Could you please explain this comment....?

I have hunted / fished all my life and eaten what I have killed....if wild game is "considered more dangerous that factory grown meat"...
I must be very lucky indeed.

It would seem to me that "factory grown meat " is more dangerous / less healthy for you than wild game that does not have all the chemical / artificial goodness that can come with "factory grown meat " or processed foods.
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