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Equipment, knowledge, and an important third component:

Physical ability and stamina. Definitely an elder consideration.
No offense to folks who devote alot of time to knowledge on the survival subject, but I don't think that's what matters most for of the real bad scenarios we think about.

Basic evolution will keep you alive, or not. Your ability to stay healthy, fast, strong, reproductive viable, your ability to build/make things, your ability to be a member of a group/pack with an understanding of how groups of humans operate best (not just dudes either), mental toughness and emotional composure, and sometimes being intelligent will keep you alive.

The rest is chance in my opinion. Historically, the folks who truely live off the land, or survived bad scenarios, had high proficiency in the above items. All the knowledge in the world in your head is useless unless it can be applied. Being Intelligent, in my opinion, incorporates a high proficiency for getting stuff done the fly, with what and whom you have around you, all in a fast and efficient manner.

Instead of reading a survival book, know your neighbors by name. Know their pets names, know their neighbors names. Know all their phone numbers. Write it down and put it somewhere where you can practice memorizing it. Take accountability for your space, and when possible, those neighbors too. Most folks respond well to folks who treat them with gratitude, respect, and have shown the ability to work as a team member. We are not far removed from the tribal ways that our ancestors operated, and it behooves us to take this into consideration on a daily basis.
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interesting and thought provoking form of discussion, continues to entertain as hoped.

Yes of course IF and WHEN and TO WHAT LEVEL the SHTF are of course a debatable issue. I love the fact that many people really believe that because we have electricity and the internet that we could no longer find ourselves in a situation like total governmental collapse and having to survive on your own with no hope for real medical, or any other civilized services. And that it could be longer than you would expect.

Plus as a hobby, the mental masturbation is always fun. But no one should ever kid themselves about survival of the end.

It's not about what you're willing to do to survive, It's about what you are NOT willing to do to survive. What is your hard line is very blurry to someone else.
It's not about what you're willing to do to survive, It's about what you are NOT willing to do to survive. What is your hard line is very blurry to someone else.
Hard lines get pretty soft when you haven't eaten for a week and you're cold
Came across this article today.
However, what escapes much of the thinking/writing on the whole prepper scenario is if/when a truly big shtf situation occurs there will undoubtedly be martial law imposed.
That will change many ideas about travel/transportation, and the concept of "bugging out".
"Bugging out"? to where? for how long? what will you accomplish? what do you hope to gain?
Will you just have to go back whence you came when the beans are gone? what's to say that everything you had to leave won't all be gone when, (or if,) you ever get back?
PS, notice item #23, a bible, don't forget that. ;)
Came across this article today.
However, what escapes much of the thinking/writing on the whole prepper scenario is if/when a truly big shtf situation occurs there will undoubtedly be martial law imposed.
That will change many ideas about travel/transportation, and the concept of "bugging out".
"Bugging out"? to where? for how long? what will you accomplish? what do you hope to gain?
Will you just have to go back whence you came when the beans are gone? what's to say that everything you had to leave won't all be gone when, (or if,) you ever get back?
PS, notice item #23, a bible, don't forget that. ;)
All you gotta do is live off the land.

The deer will be gone in 3 weeks. What then?

Made from chocolate people?
Mint people :)

Yeah man, just like the chocolate milk comes from the brown cows. Didn;t your Grandpa teach you anything?
No, actually they both died of chronic, debilitating disease before I was born. But Grandma made sure to teach me what they used to call Brazil nuts 🤷‍♂️.

Made from chocolate people?
It's all I eat...Soylent. Have so for 2.5 years. I use the powder as it's less expensive. I can't imagine going back to eating "normal" food. What an absolute waste of time, preparing food and cleaning up afterwards. I'm done with all that. I add strawberries and yogurt to mine once in a while. Sometimes just peanut butter. Other times, nothing. It's great to take the powder on the road...All I need is one powder bag and my Grayl water bottle and I'm good. For any occasion or reason. I can hike all day and not have to take water with me. If you want one of the greatest inventions ever; Grayl water bottle.
While I do have honey, rice, beans and a few boxes of Peak meals...all I have in my cupboard is Soylent. Second best invention behind the Grayl water bottle. : )
All I do is order it...shows up...Nary a time I need to go to the grocery store. I also buy one 72hr box of Peak survival meals once a month. I have around 30 of them right now. So I'm good for 90 days not including my Soylent. And while Peak is not legally allowed to say they'll last 25yrs on the shelf...they can. And it's the best survival food you'll ever eat.
Don't even try and tell me other survival (long shelf life) foods are better...they aren't. I've been hiking and camping on month long jaunts with others, dozens of times and the only thing all of us carry with us is Peak. I also take my Soylent because it's so easy to deal with and I get the protein I need.
I work for REI trying out different products. Been doing it for 30 years.
I ran into someone the other day, and for whatever reason the claim was made about homeless people eating the Canada geese in his neighborhood. And I kinda shrugged as a big so what have you ever tried to clean up goose crap??? But then I got to thinking.

why not pigeon meat? I contacted the state regarding hunting them and they said with a general hunting license, just don't fire a gun where you're not supposed to.

Squab sells online for $13/lb for legs only, 4 whole no head/feet $65 not including shipping.
I ran into someone the other day, and for whatever reason the claim was made about homeless people eating the Canada geese in his neighborhood. And I kinda shrugged as a big so what have you ever tried to clean up goose crap??? But then I got to thinking.

why not pigeon meat? I contacted the state regarding hunting them and they said with a general hunting license, just don't fire a gun where you're not supposed to.

Squab sells online for $13/lb for legs only, 4 whole no head/feet $65 not including shipping.
A guy that used to work for me married a Vietnamese girl mail order sort of thing. He was a solid 400 lbs and she was maybe 80. Didnt last long. In any case she would set up pigeon traps all over town and harvest a few a day. She'd make up pigeon skewers . They were great but he got grossed out by it.
A guy that used to work for me married a Vietnamese girl mail order sort of thing. He was a solid 400 lbs and she was maybe 80. Didnt last long. In any case she would set up pigeon traps all over town and harvest a few a day. She'd make up pigeon skewers . They were great but he got grossed out by it.
I ran into someone the other day, and for whatever reason the claim was made about homeless people eating the Canada geese in his neighborhood. And I kinda shrugged as a big so what have you ever tried to clean up goose crap??? But then I got to thinking.

why not pigeon meat? I contacted the state regarding hunting them and they said with a general hunting license, just don't fire a gun where you're not supposed to.

Squab sells online for $13/lb for legs only, 4 whole no head/feet $65 not including shipping.
There's good reason they're called 'flying rats' in big cities. They carry more diseases than rats. Probably the worst meat you could eat. That anyone is selling pigeon meat is suspect.

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