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this particular device is no longer used by Intel
but it is interesting, so i'll outline it.

This is a Porcelain encapsulated device, black in color , about the size and shape of a large ovoid vitamin pill.

In the old days, these would be dropped into a vehicles Gas tank.
These were transponders for tracking a vehicle.

You could tell if one was in your tank sometimes, because they would cause your gas gauge to read higher, so you would run out of gas when your gauge read that the tank was still a quarter full or so.

I found one of these in my vehicles gas tank back in 1973, had no clue at that time what it was.

By the time i was given the info on it, the device was out-moded and retired out of service.
Griz it is better if i relate where and what i found in myown house

1. spaycam, they removed a screw and enlarged the hole for the fiber lens
this one was in the over head light above my dining table
Vancouver washington summer of 1999

2. lower wall heater, near the floor and in the exterior wall of my home Vancouver Washington 1999, a spycam, feed wire ran up the wall and into the attic where the recorder was found by me by accessing the attic vent from outside the house
I noticed in the grass below the vent two indentations from a ladder, got mine and climbed up to find my attic covered with recording apparatus.

3.Micro Mics, ceiling, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room
a couple were transmit wireless, known as micro-transmitters
a new type came out in the late 1980's used by Intel agents in the field
they are no bigger then a straight pin , glass encased like a sealed capsule
for implant in a persons Teeth,,, i kid you not, my x-rays show it, dentist pulled the tooth, two agents were on site to retrieve it.
They had drugged my beverage in my ice box, brought a dentist in to install it in my molar while i was under, sealed it with dentist putty,,, My micro-wave oven would cause it to somehow create a resonance that reverberated into the bone of my Jaw, reason i went to the dentist, so those at that time, were micro-wave sensitive.

In 1999, i posted a picture of one on a forum with the admonishment for people experiencing co-vert activities to go see their dentist, reports back proved a few had X-rays showing these Micro-transmitters in their teeth.
Ha!, before anyone starts, these are definitely NOT alien implants folks.

4. Motel room, mini-camcoder behind mirror of dresser, directed at the Bed
nice touch, also sick,,, Eugene Oregon, 2002.I was on a job there building the Library. staying in a motel room.
They had scratched a small peep hole in the silver backing of the mirror, and the spy cam was in the wall.

5. Micro-transmitter, behind horn pad of steering wheel, several of my vehicles, over several years, various states.

6. Micro-transmitters in lamps, planters, various other objects within the home, various residences, various states, several years running.

7. This next one is a Harassment tool and is an Intel only device.

Faux Fuel filter, this is a remote operated device that has the appearance
of a normal metallic Fuel Filter.
What it has inside is a Plunger, that when remotely activated in the same manner as your auto-door lock system, the plunger slides forward and cuts off the fuel to the engine.

Took me months to figure that one out, i am also a mechanic, they used it on me while i attempted to pass a slow moving Vehicle on a two lane highway
between Cortez Colorado and the state line with New Mexico, i was almost hit head on, the car following me had closed the gap between me and the truck i was passing and i had to force my way back in between them,,,i recognized the guy in that car,, He had the remote with him.... that incident is what woke me to the device, in the desert of New Mexico I removed it, took a hacksaw, cut it in two, and well,,, heh heh, no more games with that device.

Phone Tap
Take your mouth piece off the phone
two wires to the mic, connect an Ohm meter, push down the disconnect button, with the phone off the hook, you should read current, with the phone
hung up, no current,,, if you have the phone off the hook and you read current on the Ohm Meter, you are tapped, they can listen in even if the phone is hung up,,, that is old school tap.

They no longer need Parabolic or Diabolic Micro-phones to listen in on you.

For several years now they have had what is known as Lazar Mics.

These shoot a lazar beam at your window, Your voice is Harmonic, it will vibrate glass causing resonance. Even a whisper.

The lazar mic turns the glass into a BIG micro-phone and rebounds the sound back to the receiver,,,, these used to be limited to about a mile distance,
However, those that are in use today in Afghanistan can reach for 5 to ten miles depending on conditions.

So, with these , they do not need to enter a house and co-vertly install mini-mics, they just set a vehicle down the street with the Lazar mic directed at a window of your house, and let the device record you all day and all night. These can be wired to send to satellite as well , so they can sit at Langley and listen to you talk live anywhere in the world.


I never knew:huh: Interesting
Federal property is FEDERAL PROPERTY, regulated by FEDERAL LAWS.


Photos of such devices in the hands of a civilian, ain't a smart thing, know what i mean?

FYI: my isp is cookied on this website, so it is not as though my I.D. is a secret.

I am using comcast cable
Mozilla Firefox for my browser
Other little items are viewable to a Mod.

Also, can you imagine if all i state is truth, that i would not still be monitored?

To explain: Once an individual has either been a witness, operative, or in any way aware of situations, events, technology, classified documents, or within the D.O.D.'s or any Gov. agency's operational Projects, they are almost forever under the eye.

There is an adage that William Webster once whispered to a crony of his:

" There are things the American Public do not have a need to Know"

The American Public is pretty much treated like Mushrooms
They are fed S__T and kept in the dark.

In some states, the possession of even a Scanner is Illegal,
Though they can be legally sold.

Technology is regulated as you are already aware, there is a design and purpose behind the motive to regulate these and that should be readily apparent as to why.

Though we should be able to freely discuss any subject, though we have the RIGHT?< to talk freely, it remains that there are LAW's that OUTLAW even that false truth.

If in a free society it is legal for your constitutional rights to be violated via the use of these survailence devices , but you are breaking a law when you
publicly expose that Illegal operation, you can be deemed a criminal for being a victim that exposed what was used to violate your rights.

It is against the law to obey constitutional law and exercise your rights in some cases.

The harassment i have been the target of, in certain situations , can be construed as attempted extortion while under the color of authority, however, when that is directed from a position that reaches close to the top,
there remains little if no accountability .

Your need to know, is adjudicated by those who are supposedly in your employ, transverse of what you are led to believe.

All the conspiracy nuts on this planet could not come close to dreaming up what is really at the hands of Intel as for technology in the surveillance venue.

Granted you are led to believe that if such technology exist, it is for your protection, granted that is far less disturbing to the general public then the thought that it is used on them.

There is a comfort zone in the human psyche, TRUTH, can be discomforting in some avenues, This is a fact that Intel uses to it's advantage, and most Humans maintain that comfort zone via denial of Horrifying truth .
Desired effect through Orchestrated Theatrics, formulated disinformation as well as,,,, well anyway, the point is simple.
I once knew a guy whose job it was to sort mail at CIA headquarters in Langley. He just had to figure out what it was and send it to the right person. There was apparently a lot of crazy stuff that came in. You can just imagine the letters people send to the CIA.

Anyway, one letter was from a guy who claimed the CIA had extracted his personality from his body, scrambled it, and put the entire thing on a microdot, which they then hid somewhere on his body. He was demanding that the CIA tell him where on his body this microdot was hidden.

Don't know what made me think of that story. Just popped into my head.

Explain for us why it is, that every Inbred idiot that can type and get access to
the internet
always seem to use "CRACK PIPE" as a favored term when they attempt
to reach out and attack from the safety of their anonymity?

It interest me to study the personality traits of cowards that ambush others,
while those cowards have such shallow existence and less meaning to their lives
then rock stacking cavemen.

I bet that one of your favorite hobbies is eating the flies you tear the wings off of, correct?

Explain for us why it is, that every Inbred idiot that can type and get access to
the internet
always seem to use "CRACK PIPE" as a favored term when they attempt
to reach out and attack from the safety of their anonymity?

<strike>Unfortunately</strike> Fortunately I'm not able to see things from your perspective.

It interest me to study the personality traits of cowards that ambush others,
while those cowards have such shallow existence and less meaning to their lives
then rock stacking cavemen.

I bet that one of your favorite hobbies is eating the flies you tear the wings off of, correct?

I've met many people here and have never endeavored to be anonymous, nor are my parents related by blood. If you ask around here you will find I am always up to debate a subject. So would you like to debate this? I won't shrink away and hide. :s0155:

You will need more than those schoolyard taunts though.
I'd be very interested in lojacking this thread... seems we've lost track of the poor sap out hunting moles on his property, and I'd be VERY interested in some followup.... has he got his guns back, will he be pressing false arrest and harrassment action against CCSO and the wonky officer in charge? Or getting his lawyer's money back, since he never should have been arrested in the first place? Any disciplinary action against the powertripping officers who arrested him? How about the lady who complained.... is she a resident of Clark County who has failed to get her Washington driving license, as required of ALL residents? If she works here, or has her own place, or drives a car registered in Washington, she is required to have a WA driving license.... WHY is she being so coddled, which is what appears to be the case.....

all this bit about spyware, secret operations, and the like, has little to do with an innocent citizen wrongly charged and imprisoned. Don't think HE had any glass tubes embedded into his teeth..... OR a Bumper Beeper on his car... or shotgun.
I did not ask for your autobiography trlsmn

and tionico,,,. boy, are you guys some crybabies,,, well WAAaaaaa,,

Jesus, give some really decent info on today's technology in the spyware industry,,, and is it not the nature of spoiled little wanna be soldiers of fortune
to jump in and CRY like stuck pigs?

sure is a sad statement of Americans.

Cry, whimper, stamp your feet,, demanding selfish crybabies .

Stop your snivels little one's
There just might be people other then you who are interested in informative

Add something of interest rather then WHINE like your mommy cut you off the Teet too soon for your liking.

I am sure you whimper enough around the home, and there are millions of
Americans running around sniveling, so no one really needs to get on the internet to read MORE of it.

Add something that interest people man.
do SOMETHING good just once with your lives.

Have you noticed that your post have gained no interest out of anyone except those you attempt to lambaste, and they just make fun of you.

I understand where your coming from man
I also understand you have lived a boring existence

I also understand that people who read forums seek stimulus and Information

If you would understand that there is no interest in your crying and baiting

that there is no interest in your Sophomoric snide remarks that any child can make,,,
Then perhaps you would lead more interesting lives by changing from a child to an adult.

It may be too late for you to actually grow up,,, but at the least,,, give it a try.
You really will not get sympathy here. You can CRY, but no one's earsight will hear you.

Lay it to rest kiddies, go watch wrestling .

Explain for us why it is, that every Inbred idiot that can type and get access to
the internet
always seem to use "CRACK PIPE" as a favored term when they attempt
to reach out and attack from the safety of their anonymity?

It interest me to study the personality traits of cowards that ambush others,
while those cowards have such shallow existence and less meaning to their lives
then rock stacking cavemen.

I bet that one of your favorite hobbies is eating the flies you tear the wings off of, correct?

I did not ask for your autobiography trlsmn

and tionico,,,. boy, are you guys some crybabies,,, well WAAaaaaa,,

Jesus, give some really decent info on today's technology in the spyware industry,,, and is it not the nature of spoiled little wanna be soldiers of fortune
to jump in and CRY like stuck pigs?

sure is a sad statement of Americans.

Cry, whimper, stamp your feet,, demanding selfish crybabies .

Stop your snivels little one's
There just might be people other then you who are interested in informative

Add something of interest rather then WHINE like your mommy cut you off the Teet too soon for your liking.

I am sure you whimper enough around the home, and there are millions of
Americans running around sniveling, so no one really needs to get on the internet to read MORE of it.

Add something that interest people man.
do SOMETHING good just once with your lives.

Have you noticed that your post have gained no interest out of anyone except those you attempt to lambaste, and they just make fun of you.

I understand where your coming from man
I also understand you have lived a boring existence

I also understand that people who read forums seek stimulus and Information

If you would understand that there is no interest in your crying and baiting

that there is no interest in your Sophomoric snide remarks that any child can make,,,
Then perhaps you would lead more interesting lives by changing from a child to an adult.

It may be too late for you to actually grow up,,, but at the least,,, give it a try.
You really will not get sympathy here. You can CRY, but no one's earsight will hear you.

Lay it to rest kiddies, go watch wrestling .


Cocaine is a **** of a drug, thoughts?
Slide said this:

and is it not the nature of spoiled little wanna be soldiers of fortune
to jump in and CRY like stuck pigs?

speaking of pigs, you know, a pig's left ear is perfectly placed, functional, and rather handy for the pig. However, take it off the pig, try and make it into a purse, and ask a Lady to carry it, and no matter how you try, what else she is wearing, where she takes it, it never fits... its still a pig's ear. Which was fine, as long as it remained on the pig.

I am not whining about your information. My post was based on the fact that it is out of place in THIS thread. Which started out with a sad tale of a man badly mistreated by local LE. HOW does your life story in spyland relate to that> Maybe I missed the sign at the offramp.

That's all I'm saying. Perhaps a different thread on various means and tools of espionage and intrigue would be of interest. In a DIFFERENT thread.

(soapbox dismounted)
I did not ask for your autobiography trlsmn

and tionico,,,. boy, are you guys some crybabies,,, well WAAaaaaa,,

Jesus, give some really decent info on today's technology in the spyware industry,,, and is it not the nature of spoiled little wanna be soldiers of fortune
to jump in and CRY like stuck pigs?

sure is a sad statement of Americans.

Cry, whimper, stamp your feet,, demanding selfish crybabies .

Stop your snivels little one's
There just might be people other then you who are interested in informative

Add something of interest rather then WHINE like your mommy cut you off the Teet too soon for your liking.

I am sure you whimper enough around the home, and there are millions of
Americans running around sniveling, so no one really needs to get on the internet to read MORE of it.

Add something that interest people man.
do SOMETHING good just once with your lives.

Have you noticed that your post have gained no interest out of anyone except those you attempt to lambaste, and they just make fun of you.

I understand where your coming from man
I also understand you have lived a boring existence

I also understand that people who read forums seek stimulus and Information

If you would understand that there is no interest in your crying and baiting

that there is no interest in your Sophomoric snide remarks that any child can make,,,
Then perhaps you would lead more interesting lives by changing from a child to an adult.

It may be too late for you to actually grow up,,, but at the least,,, give it a try.
You really will not get sympathy here. You can CRY, but no one's earsight will hear you.

Lay it to rest kiddies, go watch wrestling .

So no debate then? I would be happy to start a new thread. My personal feelings after reading these posts:

After reading those I have come to the conclusion that you are possibly paranoid schizophrenic and I should have just said that instead of of the crack remark.

Honestly after reading those two posts I personally would have a hard time selling a gun to the author because of the laws against gun sales to mentally ill people. That's more what I meant to say, not that those posts are on crack.

If you would like to debate this I would be happy to start another thread or do it in PM
Trlsmn- +1. Slide, you have issues. Having dealt with mentally/emotionally impaired people, you show some signs of the same. You should seek help. Regardless, this isn't the thread for you. The original topic was about one incident.

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