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That quote is a small snip from a rant about Anita Dunn, NOT Obama.

Obama being Mentioned does not shift the focus of the entire segment onto him. That ENTIRE segment of his show, was about Anita Dunn. NOT Obama.

...And this is what Beck says all based on Dunn's high school graduation speech, a totally trivial matter.
from his show October 18th,

"America, how many radicals is it going to take? How many radicals surrounding our president will it take before you understand that when the president says he wants to transform the country — oh, he wants to transform it, all right.

Progressives don't care what you think. They will drag you to reform if they have to. But we're not just talking about progressives right now. We're talking about revolutionaries that idolize Mao ."

First of all this is a lie even within the scope of Dunn, who is no revolutionary and does not idolize Mao, but the connection to this admin and the president is clear in Becks summation. And since this show the progression is reduced to one of repetition of portraits, where he puts up Dunn and Moa and labels Dunn a Maoist, and then puts up Obamas Pic right next to them.

idolize: 1. To regard with blind admiration or devotion.
2. To worship as an idol.

So you don't agree that this represents a great deception? You can't see the relevance of skipping the details of where this 'important speech of state' was made? You don't see that this triffle is attached to Obama and this admin?

When I said that Beck called Obama a Maoist, that was a distortion too, but there was no attempt on my part to lie about it, this was just a shorthand means to describe this situation, and if you check back you will see that I've done far more detailed posts concerning this issue. The whole point of briging this up is to urge people who idolize Beck to fact check him. The Dunn case is an example that shows the necessity to do this.

In myth, Odin, the Norse God, plucked out his right eye as payment for the right to drink from the well of all knowledge, but Beckians blind themselves to drink from the well of all BS? I don't get it, why do you do this?
Well so many on here have voiced their opinions about measure 66/67 I stumbled across this link that was sent to me and thought I would share it with those who have real claims about how they have been impacted by the new tax laws.

If you want your story heard by those in power tell it!

or drop by our office at
11560 SW 67th Ave, Tigard, OR 97223
or call 503-595-8881
9:00am TO 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)


<broken link removed>

Oregon Voters need to hear about the real consequences of raising taxes on our state's businesses during a recession. The stories of economic hardship and loss caused by the tax and spend policies that are coming out of Salem must be told!

The effects of these tax increases are real. We want to hear from every employee, business, investor, and business group in Oregon.
Will you help?

Will this website also tell the stores of job-killing Bankster actions like cutting small business credit lines, raising interest rates, raising fees, denying loans all the while taking Federal TARP funds? I ask because more jobs have been lost behind those actions than behind modest tax increases, and also because the Oregon Bankers Association contributed so much money to the No on 66-67 campaign.
BECK LIED! BECK LIED! BECK LIED! Can't we all just get along??? Oh wait! I must attack the messenger again! Mao only killed about a bejillion more people than Adolf. Must make more references about his humanitarian planting of flowers to legitimize him!!! Greydog.:s0129: By the way, you can cook a frog by putting him in a cold pot of water then turn up the heat. He won't jump out and is cooked before he knows it. Wake up people!!!
From Bush Derangement Syndrome to Beck Derangement Syndrome in one easy leap.
Way to go Bugeye!!
You thread high-jacker you!!

Is there a treatment for BDS?:s0140:
From Bush Derangement Syndrome to Beck Derangement Syndrome in one easy leap.
Way to go Bugeye!!
You thread high-jacker you!!

Is there a treatment for BDS?:s0140:

The arguments against these measures turned Beckian, and not by me. I can't help it if their set of arguments is so limited you can read the BS artists signature on them.

How about Bugeye Derangement Syndrome, that's the one I'm most worried about, lol.

I put up two, 5 shot group, sub moa, 100 yard 22lr targets today at work, is it a lie if I don't tell them these were the best of about 25 tries? Ahhh ethics.
The arguments against these measures turned Beckian, and not by me. I can't help it if their set of arguments is so limited you can read the BS artists signature on them.

How about Bugeye Derangement Syndrome, that's the one I'm most worried about, lol.

I put up two, 5 shot group, sub moa, 100 yard 22lr targets today at work, is it a lie if I don't tell them these were the best of about 25 tries? Ahhh ethics.

Hey, it is gun related. Wo0t

The whole point of the thread was to get ideas if these measures would have any affect on individuals and businesses. And how it would effect firearms and ammo. Boy, are of course.
Meh... my 10-yr. old daughter did better than that with my M4 using the BUIS a couple weeks ago at Tri-County!! :s0112: :D

Yeah first you torment me with your politics and now this, lol. OK, I'm not such a good shot but I keep trying, both at the range and in these posts.
You gotta love Portland, people were cheering that both 66 and 67 passed. It's pretty pathetic to be happy and cheer when a fellow citizen is getting taxed more. Better yet, on the radio this morning the state is still talking about making cuts to schools and healthcare, I thought that is what the bills were supposed to keep from happening? I'm confused, anyone?

Yes................pathetic is the ideal word.
Yes................pathetic is the ideal word.

Its more than pathetic. Its criminally insane. If it were up to me, most of Portland's progressive population would be stuffed into ovens, its a fate that is less than what they deserve.

So thank the god of your choice that Im not in charge.

I cant wait to go to the first SEIU rally I can find in the near future. Im going to actually walk up to these people and spit in their face until my mouth is dry.
If it were up to me, most of Portland's progressive population would be stuffed into ovens, its a fate that is less than what they deserve.

Woah I thought it was the liberals who were supposed to be like Nazis. So lets see, everyone who doesn't agree with you should be exterminated like Hitler did to the Jews?
Its more than pathetic. Its criminally insane. If it were up to me, most of Portland's progressive population would be stuffed into ovens, its a fate that is less than what they deserve.

So thank the god of your choice that Im not in charge.

I cant wait to go to the first SEIU rally I can find in the near future. Im going to actually walk up to these people and spit in their face until my mouth is dry.

"Stuffed into ovens"? - nice talk. People need to think carefully about how far to the brink they want to walk
Its more than pathetic. Its criminally insane. If it were up to me, most of Portland's progressive population would be stuffed into ovens, its a fate that is less than what they deserve.

So thank the god of your choice that Im not in charge.

I cant wait to go to the first SEIU rally I can find in the near future. Im going to actually walk up to these people and spit in their face until my mouth is dry.

Hey man...I know how you feel.
I know the insanity that comes from institutionalized progressive (read socialist/communist) policy. It is never enough. There is no upper limit of control, no upper boundary for these mutts, until they can guide your every waking moment and punish you instantly if you don't agree...let alone conform!

What I want you to consider is this:
The pressure conservatives are applying is working. It's having an effect and the dam is beginning to crack in progreesive idealism. (read socialism/communism). All we need to do is keep the pressure on without letup...keep writing, keep calling, keep standing up. Don't be quiet...get in their face with coherent reasoning at every opportunity.
We can drive these dirtbags back under the rocks they crawled out from under.
BUT, I think there's a danger that conservatives need to make themselves aware of: we're so starved for someone who makes sense, someone who can look you in the eye and say the word "Constitutional" without smug condescension. Someone who is not out to "spread it arooound a little" when speaking of our private property or our rights.
We have to be wary we're ripe for a savior who says all the right things but who does NOT hold the Constitution or traditional America vales of private property, a strong work ethic, and a color blind justice system.
We need to be on the lookout for a conservative counterpart to Obama (pitooey) and trust in our Founding documents and principles.
I cant wait to go to the first SEIU rally I can find in the near future. Im going to actually walk up to these people and spit in their face until my mouth is dry.

I always fantasized about paintballs with some really oderiferous filling, like skunk, and shoot the rotten liberal scum with them when they gather. But it was one of their own who said "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger". (Nietzsche) It would be so very fun though.
Nice. Gun owners who want to stuff people they don't agree with in ovens, or shoot them (even though it's paintballs).

More fodder for the anti-gunners...
Its more than pathetic. Its criminally insane. If it were up to me, most of Portland's progressive population would be stuffed into ovens, its a fate that is less than what they deserve.

So thank the god of your choice that Im not in charge.

I cant wait to go to the first SEIU rally I can find in the near future. Im going to actually walk up to these people and spit in their face until my mouth is dry.

Note to Rupert Murdock and the ubbers, your plan to brainwash the brainless into blameing the progressives for everything will backfire on you, as not even your money will save you from the Nazi mindset you create. The future pundits who will hijack their tiny minds will not be in your employ, as these dogs will gravitate to anyone with a message that is even more nuts then the claptrap you dare to air.
LOL... just like Rosey O'Donnel saying anyone who owns guns should be thrown in jail... remember THAT drivel a while back? Voicing one's emotional feelings in said manner is immature and short-sighted, and us "mind-numbed ditto-head robots" wouldn't stand with that sort of extremism...


Although I despise the thuggery in the SEIU, the AFL-CIO, etc., remember we of conservative mind outnumber THEM, we surround THEM, WE just have to get organized (the Progessives WORST nightmare) and educate folks to another perspective beyond what they are taught and bombarded with on a daily basis, and BEAT THEIR ARSES at the ballot box. Rants like the ones you have been doing (whether you REALLY mean them in a literal sense or not) are SERIOUSLY counter-productive and negate ANY credibility to yourself, and only further ensconce "leftys" into their dogma that the "average joe" isn't smart enough to manage his own affairs w/o "goobermint" intervention at various levels... you can't argue against, and cure insanity with insane statements and comments.

Save the declarations of war and mayhem for the thugs who attempt to break-in your door to confiscate your firearms illegally if/when that happens, until then consider your words and actions, one thought (and post) at a time. For the time being, this is a war of ideas and principles (that CAN be won, or lost) by what people say (and do)... we all count for one, consider the impact of what you say on others and keep it productive. Dismissed!! :D

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