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Very much so.

Something tells me there is a story here. 🤭

Not much of a story. I decided I needed some assistance to break my compulsive spending habit. The wife obliged. So far it's going pretty well. I have been able to make a few trades and some small purchases. New guns won't be in my tiny budget unless I can trade for them or sell off stuff to pay for them.
I've switched to scopes. Got all the guns I need (wink) and moved on to better optics. So unless they plan a 115 anti scope Bill, I'm good.
In a serious tone, though, I have added more revolvers in the last two years than I purchased in the rest of my life combined. I got the bug.
I'm the opposite I started out with single action revolvers then got a couple double actions and a 1911. Now it's about even revolvers and semi-autos.
Mods- sorry if this is in the wrong place, please feel free to move or delete if there are similar threads going . . .

Ever since Measure 114 started in the works and passed, every month I have been putting aside funds and buying up what I can.

With a potential decision looming this month on Measure 114, an upcoming critical election, and then school shooting today, I am glad I have been preparing as much as I can. I see a rough ride ahead of us, and the potential for a huge run on guns/mags/ammo again. I hope I am wrong.

I have several more guns that I was hoping to acquire before this month, but an unforeseen well water main burst set me back. So have been buying 'standard capacity' mags for guns I dont yet own, with the hope/plan that down the road I can hopefully still buy those last few guns and not be held back buying 10 rd mags. . .

How prepared are you for what may be coming?
Worth noting that "prepared" is subjective, and should not be limited to buying guns. Some things to consider:
  • Are your guns functional and reliable?
  • Have you sighted them in?
  • Can you operate them with a high degree of competence?
  • Do you have a sufficient number of mags?
  • Do you have spare parts in case of breaks / wear / damage?
  • Do you have an emergency food supply?
  • Do you have means of capturing and/or purifying water?
  • Do you have means of communicating with others should cell phones / internet become inoperable?
  • Do you have means of heating your home should power or gas be shut off?
  • Do you have means of securing the perimeter of your home?
  • Do you have supplies staged to facilitate a rapid evacuation from your home should that become necessary?
  • Do you have an alternate safe location to evacuate to, and will it be accessible in a crisis situation?
  • Do you have a clear plan of what you will do when bad things happen, and what specific conditions will trigger those plans being executed?
I've switched to scopes. Got all the guns I need (wink) and moved on to better optics. So unless they plan a 115 anti scope Bill, I'm good.
The "Laser" ban will be making its way West.

No more Glock with a beam

I was gearing up for a big purchase this month....and then my check engine light came on last week, and my lot rent went up $45/month. So I don't know what I'm going to do. Could not have happened at a worse time.

Right now, my plans have switched from buying a $2,000 AR, to buying a stripped lower on the cheap, along with a Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk, and then seeing what my car needs. I don't know if it's a sensor, or a failing engine. I REALLY didn't want to build a rifle, but at least I'll have something.

Sigh. I saved for a year and sold two guns for that damn thing.
Stockpiling is good. We should all be focused on manufacturing capability, though. Let them ban it; who cares? If we can make our own stuff, we don't have to worry.
Stockpiling is good. We should all be focused on manufacturing capability, though. Let them ban it; who cares? If we can make our own stuff, we don't have to worry.
Legal possession is different than illegal possession. I care if they ban them. IMO anyone who cares about 2A should care about them banning guns. I want to legally own and enjoy guns and don't want to say "let them do whatever they want and ban our guns" like you are saying. IMO that is wrong, illegal, and unconstitutional for them to do that and people who say "who cares" just makes it easier for them to take our guns.
Doesn't this all come down on the 25th?

I am ordering one more handgun on Tuesday, and I just ordered ten high caps for three pistols. That will leave me with six to 8 for each of those guns. I'd like to have 10 mags for each pistol, but am running out of money. I

I'm also getting into revolvers these days. And I have a few mags for an AR and for pistol caliber Carbine, just in case I want them down the road.
Doesn't this all come down on the 25th?

I am ordering one more handgun on Tuesday, and I just ordered ten high caps for three pistols. That will leave me with six to 8 for each of those guns. I'd like to have 10 mags for each pistol, but am running out of money. I

I'm also getting into revolvers these days. And I have a few mags for an AR and for pistol caliber Carbine, just in case I want them down the road.
I was under the impression that we had a decision on the 29th of October?

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