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Im getting fed up with my employer. When I first started just under 5 years ago the only person who I had a problem with was the head guy of HR. He was a real piece of work. Thankfully he has retired as of a few years back. I cant say that most of us are sad to see him leave. That guy almost caused me to quit but I figured things would get better when he is gone. Mostly, thats been the case. Benefits are decent here, 401k with 6% 0.50 per dollar matching, medical (I dont use), dental (used once), vision (dont use), sick time (never been used), vacation that accrues over time (rarely used and Im currently past max allowed), sick time buyback over 80hrs (helps my vacation bank), profit sharing. Pay is lacking for my position and field. Im not even to where I was at my last job when I was a maintenance tech. Now in engineering.

My issue is coming to light due to this virus scamdemic. I have respiratory issues that Ive had since I was in middle school. The smoke from the fires almost did me in. I should have gone to the hospital but Im stubborn. I had to wear a P100 respirator (valved) at my desk to not be on the floor coughing up a lung until I got home. We could see the flames from one of the fires over the hill out back and the building was very hazy inside but we kept working. Fast forward to the weaponizing of OSHA and the mask mandate. You guessed it! More respiratory issues! Now I get to go home and lay on the floor and have coughing fits until I feel like throwing up. Yay! My boss came by to make some comments about mask usage (I "comply" with it below my nose since I run out of oxygen otherwise as he is well aware of) when the rest of the department (and all of upper management) was there doing the exact same thing, as he repeatedly took his off and put it back on during the conversation. Now, both of us know its stupid and useless but now we are making a big deal about it I guess. Now Ive been told to take one for the team (I already do a lot on my own time and a lot outside my job description) and suck it up. He is aware of my concerns and issues and has told me that the company come first over my health or personal well being. This is also after being told I could not possibly do any work anywhere else but my desk with a mask on when I asked for options and suggested options. Im honestly more worried about what this is doing to my lungs than I will ever be about getting sick. I am not the only one there with issues like this or even in my department. I work with an asthmatic ex-smoker. Poor guy is probably worse off than me and has fits daily where I think Im going to have to put a lung back in and give him oxygen.

Sorry, shield does not good either. Think of the eye ache and migraine you get when you forget your reading glasses then have to stare at paperwork all day long. Choices are to suffocate, finish off my lungs or not be able to see strait and have sound/movement/light sensitivity migraine. We wont even go into the safety issues in the machine shop with these jokes of PPE. Ive gotten my fair share of face burns and will not wear either one on a machine. Having them melted to your face sucks.

For the most part I enjoy what I do. I get to design and make cool stuff and help people make stuff happen. I do not like being used because of my employment status and I do not like being told that the company that touts all that they do for the employee (this is a smaller family owned company, ~100 employees) doesnt care about the well being of the employees if it causes them (employer) some difficulties. These are two major contributors as to why I left my last job and I still have problems from my time working there. My last job was the type to use you up and throw you away. They went through people like most people change their socks. Turnover was insane!

I worry about how this will end up in the future. What they will demand of us in the future. I also feel that I have no more room to grow there. My coworkers have been in the same seats with the same responsibilities for 20 years, we still have no direct boss after a little more than a year of the old one retiring and the only places for one of us to "grow" to is supervisor/manager which would be pretty much the top and I dont want to give up my hands on position for a desk jockey.

Thanks for putting up with my rant/brain dump.

Any of you folks have any recommendations or words of wisdom to a young whipper snapper?
Have you gone to a doctor about your lung and breathing issues and the issues with a mask?

Get the doctors on your side and then go through the Heath Dept to see what can be done.

You company can't really make the decisions, if you have medical issues, proven by a doctor, and find solutions from the health dept your company has to comply.

There may be some things they can do like put you on worker's comp, or more likely leave of absence.
You won't be able to get them to the negotiating table without an official medical diagnosis. Get that done, then take it from there.

Take it from an old(ish) fart, your health isn't worth any job. Start looking now, don't wait for it to blow up.
Have you gone to a doctor about your lung and breathing issues and the issues with a mask?

Get the doctors on your side and then go through the Heath Dept to see what can be done.

You company can't really make the decisions, if you have medical issues, proven by a doctor, and find solutions from the health dept your company has to comply.

There may be some things they can do like put you on worker's comp, or more likely leave of absence.
It's well documented before I moved to Oregon. I've never been to a doc since I moved to Oregon the first time. I was on meds and such back in middle school and high school for it. I never did like the meds or notice any difference and discontinued their use when I ran out probably at least a decade ago.

When I asked they were not even willing to do a sabbatical or leave of absence.
You won't be able to get them to the negotiating table without an official medical diagnosis. Get that done, then take it from there.

Take it from an old(ish) fart, your health isn't worth any job. Start looking now, don't wait for it to blow up.
I've been avoiding hospitals for the time being. There are folks that need it more than me and I'm not going to be another zombie running in because they have an itch. They are already being swamped by all the idiots that think they have this or that that CNN and webMD says they have.

I'm slowly polishing my books here. I'm organizing my work space at work so anyone can find what they need, and clutter drives me insane, and updating my web presence for jobs. I plan to touch up my resume this weekend but I won't be able to add much as almost everything I have worked on or done in the last ~5 years is under a NDA and proprietary in nature. It's a very cutthroat sector.

I hear ya. My last job screwed me up. Even just the little things like being able to get a restful night of sleep is just out of grasp. 60-70hrs a week of manual labor on graveyard just isn't in the cards. And I wanted to come back to OR so here I am!

Anyone need a grouchy 29 year old engineer with a twisted sense of humor?

It's been a while, I don't even know where to start for the job search anymore.
Start the job search now.
You may want to talk to a professional recruiter who can help navigate the resume difficulty.

The NDA thing is crap.
I do know that NCA in Oregon have very little support in the courts based on a situation I dealt with years ago. So NDA may be similar and may be worthy of hired legal advice to address your concerns.

If you're talented and young pissing away your life at a place over a few bucks ain't worth it.
I'll chime in:

Someone states they have breathing problems, so severe "Now I get to go home and lay on the floor and have coughing fits until I feel like throwing up..."

Individual is considering quitting their job, where they have "medical (I dont use)"...

Not saying the individual is a fool. However, it IS foolish to NOT have a medical issue followed up on.

Sounds a bit stubborn, since your asking.

So yah, change your job. That will fix things.

Or, have your medical condition looked into. Perhaps get better, perhaps not. Then consider changing your job.

Leave your medical issue out of the equation, particularly if you aren't going to do anything about it.

As towards vacation time, not using said and maxing said out? That's truly silly. Its YOUR time, use it. Wisely.
Yeah, I'm 100% stubborn and I don't believe in treating the symptoms and covering up the issues with medications. I'm the kind that doesn't even take aspirin. If taking everything under the sun to keep symptoms at bay is your thing, be my guest. Good luck. Been there, done that. Didn't work.

A major part of not using medical is the current conditions of stupidity. 2 years ago if go get things checked out. My already low confidence in local medical (due to experiences) is now zero.

Give me a reason to use my vacation. I have zero reason or incentive to use my vacation. If I take a day off I spend it pissing away my life on the couch watching Netflix. I do have a week off planned soon but it's to take care of the family ranch as the folks are going on vacation. So, I either go to work and work or I can take vacation time and work. Lotta incentive there. All previous jobs had no vacation cap so I used those as a great retirement fund bumps when leaving. It's worth more later than it is now too. I don't like spending money. I squirm over a big Mac to give you an idea of how I save.

Gun stuff is my weakness. I spend mucho and expect it to outlive me so basically a transfer of wealth I guess.
Well, changing jobs will not do anything to correct a medical condition.

Since you haven't had it looked into, you have no idea if there are any medications to correct said or not. Whether they work, or not.

But sure, do nothing about it. It will just go away. Or it won't.

As towards using vacation time? Again, its your time.

There's far better things to do than work, and Netflix when your not working. Figure out whatever that is for you, and you'll have a far better outlook In general due to a positive work life balance.

Saving for retirement is outstanding! Something well overlooked by a lot of folks (both young & old), however reconsider your work / life balance, as well when doing so. Be it socializing, hobbies, whatever or combinations of such, long as you enjoy such whatever it/they may be.

Time is finite. Use it wisely.
You may not like to hear this, but get a life. You're 29? You sound like you're 69... Find a hobby, you like guns so much, so go volunteer at a range or something, take day and go do a tactical class or a survival course, research your medical condition and find different doctors. Crap, as it reads now, your stubborn attitude is killing you physically and mentally.

And to the advice that NDAs are crap and you should ignore. Proceed with caution. Non-competes are hard to enforce because you need to show actual damages, but NDAs often have liquidated damages and attorney fees written into them because they cover IP. If you break one, it often costs very little for the other party to take you to court and make it hurt if they want to.

Yeah, I'm 100% stubborn and I don't believe in treating the symptoms and covering up the issues with medications. I'm the kind that doesn't even take aspirin. If taking everything under the sun to keep symptoms at bay is your thing, be my guest. Good luck. Been there, done that. Didn't work.

A major part of not using medical is the current conditions of stupidity. 2 years ago if go get things checked out. My already low confidence in local medical (due to experiences) is now zero.

Give me a reason to use my vacation. I have zero reason or incentive to use my vacation. If I take a day off I spend it pissing away my life on the couch watching Netflix. I do have a week off planned soon but it's to take care of the family ranch as the folks are going on vacation. So, I either go to work and work or I can take vacation time and work. Lotta incentive there. All previous jobs had no vacation cap so I used those as a great retirement fund bumps when leaving. It's worth more later than it is now too. I don't like spending money. I squirm over a big Mac to give you an idea of how I save.

Gun stuff is my weakness. I spend mucho and expect it to outlive me so basically a transfer of wealth I guess.
I'm not sure this is what you want to hear, but you might be the problem.

Take charge of your health issues, especially at work. I've never heard of a HR department, especially in today's PC environment, that won't work with someone for their health. No boss or employer is going to take care of that for you, you have to. They may be aware, but if it's not documented or made known BY YOU, than they can't do anything.

Not using company benefits is STUPID, complain all you want about pay and such, yet YOU are the one not using what they PAY you. Yes. Benefits ARE payments. So are vacation and anything else provided outside of salary. If this isn't something you want, find a job that pays more that doesn't provide these things. These things are highly desirable and maybe you don't see this now, but by the sound of your health issues, I'm surprised you don't?!?:confused:

Hearing folks are working there for 20+ years, means that company is clearly doing something most don't. Taking care of their employees. Why else would they stay. You may see it as a bunch of folks going nowhere, but maybe they see it as the exact place they need to be.

Again, I'm getting the feeling, you are the problem here. If you don't see how good it is and want to leave over something you are too stubborn to address, than that's your decision, your life.

Best of luck dude!
Nut up.

Quit and get a better job.

Find a doc you trust and get your health under control.

Find a reason to take vacation. Spend the time volunteering maybe, build a house for the poor.

Find a purpose. There's more to life than living.

Good god, man, make a freaking change.
I've been avoiding hospitals for the time being. There are folks that need it more than me and I'm not going to be another zombie running in because they have an itch. They are already being swamped by all the idiots that think they have this or that that CNN and webMD says they have.

I'm slowly polishing my books here. I'm organizing my work space at work so anyone can find what they need, and clutter drives me insane, and updating my web presence for jobs. I plan to touch up my resume this weekend but I won't be able to add much as almost everything I have worked on or done in the last ~5 years is under a NDA and proprietary in nature. It's a very cutthroat sector.

I hear ya. My last job screwed me up. Even just the little things like being able to get a restful night of sleep is just out of grasp. 60-70hrs a week of manual labor on graveyard just isn't in the cards. And I wanted to come back to OR so here I am!

Anyone need a grouchy 29 year old engineer with a twisted sense of humor?

It's been a while, I don't even know where to start for the job search anymore.

what kind of engineer? Mechanical, civil, electrical? I'll keep my ears open.
Can your desk be moved to a different location so you don't have to wear a mask while you are there? Camper trailer in the parking lot maybe? How about a small office on the shop floor? Blow air through a fan-powered HEPA filter from the shop into your office, let it squeak out under the door - sit at your desk with no mask. Something like this - lots on the internet, or build it yourself over the weekend: (Check codes - don't build a fire hazard!)

Is your face shield curved? Would a face shield with a flat section in front help? Does such a thing exist? If not, invent one, patent it, and get rich. ;)

Is there some kind of job you can do at home doing some other kind of work?

As others have said, go to the doctor and see if they can help, use some vacation, and go to the dentist or your teeth are going to rot out, perhaps causing you other, more serious, health issues - like heart problems!

Will you be OK if everyone is eventually vaccinated and masks are no longer required? If not, may need to find other work.

Do you design machine parts or something? Using CAD? If so, could some of your work be done at home?

Big Mac's are high on the hog eatin'. Burger King hamburgers/cheeseburgers are only $1.19 last I checked. I quit buying them when the price went up from $1. :D
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OR, build a frame around your desk with a plexiglass top (so you get light inside). Install a fan powered HEPA filter in the top, and have strip curtains for sides. You sit inside with no mask. Everyone else is jealous. :cool:
(Check codes - don't build a fire hazard!)

Fan powered HEPA filter:

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Well, changing jobs will not do anything to correct a medical condition.

Since you haven't had it looked into, you have no idea if there are any medications to correct said or not. Whether they work, or not.

But sure, do nothing about it. It will just go away. Or it won't.

As towards using vacation time? Again, its your time.

There's far better things to do than work, and Netflix when your not working. Figure out whatever that is for you, and you'll have a far better outlook In general due to a positive work life balance.

Saving for retirement is outstanding! Something well overlooked by a lot of folks (both young & old), however reconsider your work / life balance, as well when doing so. Be it socializing, hobbies, whatever or combinations of such, long as you enjoy such whatever it/they may be.

Time is finite. Use it wisely.

My job doesn't cause medical issues. It's pretty mellow. It's the bullbubblegum put on us by the gov that does and the fact my employer doesn't care about the wellbeing of the employees apparently. I thought they were better than that. Otherwise I would never had started here. well, as long as I don't short the toxic dust my job doesn't cause medical issues. I was born with this one. Current practices are making it highly aggitvated.

If the weather is nice I'll go out and bike though nobody wants to ride. Bunch of lazy bums. Lotta good trails in the PNW.

I hope to one day retire. I pinch pennies now hoping I can retire earlier. Had a time in my life where a $20 bill was a huge thing which has set a lot of my spending habits. If I don't need it (and it's not fun stuff) I don't buy it. Anything to save a buck.

I don't really socialize. My social group is pretty small outside work. Again, formed by past experiences when I worked 20 days on and 1 off 60-70hrs a week on graveyard. My co-workers were my family on that schedule 2600 miles from home. Spent my days off sleeping.
You may not like to hear this, but get a life. You're 29? You sound like you're 69... Find a hobby, you like guns so much, so go volunteer at a range or something, take day and go do a tactical class or a survival course, research your medical condition and find different doctors. Crap, as it reads now, your stubborn attitude is killing you physically and mentally.

And to the advice that NDAs are crap and you should ignore. Proceed with caution. Non-competes are hard to enforce because you need to show actual damages, but NDAs often have liquidated damages and attorney fees written into them because they cover IP. If you break one, it often costs very little for the other party to take you to court and make it hurt if they want to.
I'm gonna be super agreeable when I'm 80! I'm sure of it!

I used to do a lot of volunteer work as an RSO at a local range though the range politics have driven me and the guys I regularly shoot and train with away. All 5 of us. Huge social circle. Very tight group.
what kind of engineer? Mechanical, civil, electrical? I'll keep my ears open.
I'm mechanical by education and currently working in electronics. Studied computer software, electrical and mech but only finished mech. Learning more electrical and software on the job.

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