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I'm sure "they were good kids and didn't deserve this" because it wasn't fair!

I'm sure "they were good kids and didn't deserve this" because it wasn't fair!

Grandpa wrong.

Teens did wrong.

Female leader did wrong. Good that she's charged with first degree murder as an accomplice.

Good on the homeowner's kid with AR-15. I hope my kids will have the same strength of will to defend the same way
Yeah Leroy, I'd just like to say bubblegum You bubblegum! I've read this story before. Three against one, with brass knuckles and knives. Well, your grandson certainly did deserve to die.

I'm sure the shooter tried to stop the threat, and the little worthless bubblegumer's death was just a side effect of that. Leroy should move to California if he wants someone to sympathize with his stupid position. If the shooter had used a handgun, he's still be bubblegumen about it. "Oh my God, the shooter had six rounds in his revolver, that isn't fair."

Here's the lesson to be learned in this FAFO situation. If you don;t want to risk your life, don't commit crimes like this.

Where was Leroy when his precious grandson's life was going down the bubblegumter and making the wrong decisions? What did he do to help him? Probably not a lot.
Too bad for the wayward kids. I disagree with charging Rodriguez with murder when she didn't kill anyone.

Charge people for crimes they commit, not something another did.
Damn! That link has a lot of commercials! I refuse to try to read an article on the internet that is like playing a game of dodgeball with so many commercials.
Too bad for the wayward kids. I disagree with charging Rodriguez with murder when she didn't kill anyone.

Charge people for crimes they commit, not something another did.
She set it up. She got them to do crime. She wanted them to bring her things to fence I'm guessing. Throw the book at her because if she was the planner, and the getaway driver then she is every bit as guilty as those three criminals.

If she didn't get charged with the murder of her accomplices, then it would send the message that people can use other people and not be responsible for their actions that lead to those people's deaths.
I'm sure Leroy is just as ignorant today as he was in 2017, and the young redfern is just as dead. To be fair to the little hoodlum though, with genetics like that, he started out behind the 🎱!
Let's see....3 people break into a house....
Yeah , i'd say that is unfair....for the home owner / those who live in the house.
You know...the people who ain't committing a crime....yeah...unfair to them.

As stated before ....
If you don't want to get shot or shot at....don't go and break into people's homes.
Let's see....3 people break into a house....
Yeah , i'd say that is unfair....for the home owner / those who live in the house.
You know...the people who ain't committing a crime....yeah...unfair to them.

As stated before ....
If you don't want to get shot or shot at....don't go and break into people's homes.

She set it up. She got them to do crime. She wanted them to bring her things to fence I'm guessing. Throw the book at her because if she was the planner, and the getaway driver then she is every bit as guilty as those three criminals.

If she didn't get charged with the murder of her accomplices, then it would send the message that people can use other people and not be responsible for their actions that lead to those people's deaths.
You are out with your wife. Some loudmouth a-hole insults you and your wife. You lose your cool and punch him 3 times. He pulls a pistol and shoots and kills your wife and then himself. You are charged for 1st degree murder of your wife and the a-hole, because you started it.

If you didn't get charged with the murder of your wife and the a-hole, then it would send the message that people can hit other people and not be responsible for their responses that lead to people's deaths.

Because sending a message of convicting people for actions they did NOT do makes complete sense.

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