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Just a heads up, beware who you send money to using f/f, if they rip you off, you have no recourse. Sadly, some folks on this site are thieves. There's no need to comment, it's just a warning.
There's a negative feedback option. That would most definitely be a reason to post a very direct statement regarding a persons lack of character.
That's BS!!! Please use the feedback system. In the case of thievery, they need to be called out. This thread is as good as place as any in your case. IIRC it is a banning offense too.

And yes you are correct about FF paypal and the fact that thieves are in every community. Sorry hear you got taken.
I read your feedback; question: you say he shipped the item and you never received it, is there a tracking number or receipt showing he shipped a box to your addres?

If his side is "I shipped it" but there is no tracking number or proof something was shipped to you I'm all for your feedback.

But if his side is "hey, I shipped you the scope on xx date at xx time and here is the receipt with the tracking number showing I shipped it to your address" and it never showed up then I would think calling someone a thief is way out of line.
I paid for a scope and didn't get it. It's his duty to make me whole and file a claim. He knows I didn't get it and refuses to refund my money. In court he'd lose 100% of the time. Im sorry that you're wrong.
Yes, but doesn't matter. I have no money or scope, he has my money and the ability to file a claim, which he said he was doing.
I paid for a scope and didn't get it. It's his duty to make me whole and file a claim. He knows I didn't get it and refuses to refund my money. In court he'd lose 100% of the time. Im sorry that you're wrong.

Well this is FAR different that calling the seller a thief. If seller used tracking, which they sure should have, then what does it show? Did some carrier screw it up and lose it? Here is where insurance comes in. If it was me? I would put insurance on as part of the sale, if I was selling. If I was buying from a private party? I would again want insurance unless the cost was so little I really did not care if they lost it. Now when buying online from retail? You are correct, it is up to the seller to make sure you get what you pay for. This is why I only use a Credit card for this kind of buying. Many here promote the deals available on the auctions if you send a Postal Money Order. I have long warned against this for just this reason. As for a transaction between 2 people here? Sorry but no. If you chose to give him money trusting some common carrier or the USPS with no insurance? Well you took a risk and this time lost. Some common sense needs to be used when trusting either the common carriers or the USPS. They are far from perfect. Assuming the carrier did lose this, you really want some guy to just take the hit since you decided you did not want insurance?
I get it bud, I do. I was mostly "laughing" at the "sorry you're wrong" comment, sounds like something I would say.

Obviously I don't know all the details, but I would just hope that both parties did everything they could to get it settled. If there is a claim to be filed then I would hope somebody would take care of that if they needed to. On the other hand, I only know one side of the story so who knows if there's a reason he doesn't want to file a claim.

Either way it sucks being out money or stuff, I feel ya there, good luck.
Well this is FAR different that calling the seller a thief. If seller used tracking, which they sure should have, then what does it show? Did some carrier screw it up and lose it? Here is where insurance comes in. If it was me? I would put insurance on as part of the sale, if I was selling. If I was buying from a private party? I would again want insurance unless the cost was so little I really did not care if they lost it. Now when buying online from retail? You are correct, it is up to the seller to make sure you get what you pay for. This is why I only use a Credit card for this kind of buying. Many here promote the deals available on the auctions if you send a Postal Money Order. I have long warned against this for just this reason. As for a transaction between 2 people here? Sorry but no. If you chose to give him money trusting some common carrier or the USPS with no insurance? Well you took a risk and this time lost. Some common sense needs to be used when trusting either the common carriers or the USPS. They are far from perfect. Assuming the carrier did lose this, you really want some guy to just take the hit since you decided you did not want insurance?
You couldn't be more wrong. He changed carriers on his own. Like I said, he said he was filing a claim. If he did, he has my money, Fed Ex money, and I have no money and no scope. That's a thief.
You couldn't be more wrong. He changed carriers on his own. Like I said, he said he was filing a claim. If he did, he has my money, Fed Ex money, and I have no money and no scope. That's a thief.

OK, I'm done with this, you clearly do not want to hear anything. I know I would be sure to never do a deal with you here. Hopefully if he did file a claim he (seller) will get paid, and then can refund your money. Don't know how long it takes for a claim to go through the hoops. Doubt it is anything like just doing a charge back on a credit card.
This is the reason I ship USPS flat rate with insurance and tracking. I also snap a picture of the label that shows tracking number and address.
Also one thing I've learned with PayPal, they side with the seller almost 100% of the time if they have a tracking number showing it was in fact shipped and delivered.
OK, I'm done with this, you clearly do not want to hear anything. I know I would be sure to never do a deal with you here. Hopefully if he did file a claim he (seller) will get paid, and then can refund your money. Don't know how long it takes for a claim to go through the hoops. Doubt it is anything like just doing a charge back on a credit card.
Holster your ignorance. You're playing expert when you haven't a clue. This incident happened in February, and he hasn't responded in months. Go on knowing nothing but acting like you do. He's been given every opportunity. He should have refunded me, and gone after the Shipper. That's how it works. His issue is with the Shipper.
Also one thing I've learned with PayPal, they side with the seller almost 100% of the time if they have a tracking number showing it was in fact shipped and delivered.
They said it's friends/family so they won't do anything, and to never use that option for goods/services.
They said it's friends/family so they won't do anything, and to never use that option for goods/services.
True, but most folks these days require it for online forum sales to avoid the fees.

I hate to see scammers hit NWFA, but it happens.

Hope you get something if anything out of it, and if you don't, be thankful you didn't get boned for a few thousand like I did once.
Let's keep it civil.

It's ok to have a thread that gives reason why not to ship Friends/Family but let's not start bashing one another.

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